nO DAT,llAX«Ri,lM » AattrliMlnr Enm lnii‘RmbQi Avarsgu M ly CtrcalstiMf For the Month o f PUbcuary, 1*4# Town Ctark •anraal 3. IW d n g- A t Um Lratoa laatltuto luadajr Daughtara oT Ubarty»-No. ISS, _juilaa Orange lioyal Inatltutlon, ton today warned that all etttemw la lT o w n eiraiar at T o'clock at Orator "win bold aFood n la tomorrow 0t local corporations should get 6,355 Oeneeally toir toalght and Swi' cbuKb. Roger McOomack wUi morning at • o'clock In Hale'a their annual reports In his office at the Audit before March gO, the day on wWeh dnyt little ebuge to toad and rloUn muaie wfll bo (uto atore. They will offer tor aale the ad q raulatlona ntobed by Hanrey WoodruB, toko records have to bs rabmlttod to Hits! _ .rtKM Owtar, No. 41, usual line o f cakes, plea and other Easter t t tti BiiiiMiig at It wOl be remembered, conducted Itema, alao baked beans and aoda the Secretary <d tha State. AS ancHe$ter^A City o f Village Charm ■Ma RMrwttoB Orator a courao la Buate appreciation at bread. The committee In charge ports due on January 1 should M complete by the eUd of this month. .. ... ................ r ---------- IW at • (/olodL An Intor* tlM cburra oarlier thta eoaion. Tbo Includes lily DimUg*. Ruby Haaen, Advatlialag ea Page IS) MANiDHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. MARCH 9. 1940 (POIIKI'EEN PAGES) PRICE THREE I IM walcoma to attrad gueot opeaker will be lOaa Har> Mary Turklngton, Mary Pratt and VOL. U X., NO. 186 about Um OM A«a Pra- riet Chue td China, who wtH apeak Jennie McCraedy. They r e q i ^ Although a penalty oif one dollar on that war-torn country. mambera. to see that their contri­ la now being cbarg^ on old age butions /id food are at the Hale taxM overtftMe numbera o f thiot atore ^ an early hour, fees sUU are being paid. Tha do> N e w Spring Detroit Probe linquency, however, la smaU la to­ , Karl Richter requeeta chll- tal. .* ^ Farmers Watching Russians May Abate ^ taking part In the Easter Brings Death dgram at Concordia Lutheran SUITS ,u r^ to meet at the church to- Tour suR la a *teiust” Item for Eaator Fine Modern Home orrow aftamoon at 3 o'clock for and the Spring daya to follow — snuutly Senate Committee To Jury Aide boaniaL U p p e r s fitted modela In sttmrt fabrics at these mtak aUaehed.garage budget prices . Peace Demands, AsM Among the 10 that rallated In Special Attorney Buck* the United Statee Army at the of­ Vote on Increase fice in Hartford yesterday, was ingham Dies o f Stroke CUfford T. Waddell of 100 Hilliard !o k e street, who wlU be.assigned to 6 $10.98 to $16.75 Subcommittee Jolts Con-1 Induced by Overwork the air corps In Itonama. Woman Escapes as Auto On the Graft Scandal. ' Only Part of Isthmil p n iD N grrssional Economy | Hangs Over 50-Foot Bank , The regular meeting of Mlanto- 6 1 2 .7 5 CASH nomoh Tribe No. 68, Improved Or- .Drive by Raising Ap­ Evergreen, Colo., Msrch 9.— Detroit. March 9.—(F)—Special Might Take Naval B< ^der of Red Men, will be held Mon­ propriation to $958.-j (fl>)—Anyone wondering how It Prosecutor William C. Bucking­ Ribbentrop’s [ Skunk New Harbinger^ i day evening In their lodge moms L. T. Wood Co. feels to find two wheels of his ham of the graft-gambling grand I O f Spring in Bay State I At Mouth o f In the Sports Center on Wells II BisseS Straat IM . MSS 000,000; Leaders Pre­ automobile hanging over a 50-' Jury, a victim of what his physi­ . Drop Claim on VUj street. foot embankment, the machine cian called "strain and overw;ork" Visit W ill Not Medfleld, Mass.,' March 9.— | dict Approval Today. | teetering precariously, might Ooate *Mlek" again this Castort Dla- during the months of Investigation (F - - You’ve heard about the i Hanko and Arctic; Itnetlvs eoatq In draasmsker atylea, sltt> ask Mrs. Bernice Haught, 23, first robin as a harbinger of | i Washington. March 9.— of Evergreen. from which sprang sensational Draw Italy In 1 spring? Thi.*) Is the tale of the ! gotiations Shift to 1 gla and double-bresstod rrafera, mill- She. found out last night. charges of official corruption, died first skunk, heralding the same i ta iy sffscts. boxy swaggers In dress and (A P )—The nation’s farmers, ' " I edged out of the right side early today after a stroke. sraarm. i cow, with Riga “ sport stylas. told by President Roosevelt of the car,” she told Mountain ; Buckingham, 42, a chief figure Rome Will <A>ntiiiiie to "Jimmie,** a youthful skunk | hie Scene o f Peace Pj Parks Patrolman Herman of impeccable habUa, has been last night that they had not Ernest. " It seemed to me that i in the gathering and presentation hibernating in an overstuffed The horns fflnsM tsd aboTO is Be Non • Belligerent, ley If One Is H yet reached the goal o f eco­ If I breathed heavily It would of evidence In the case which has chair in Patrolman Fred wtufis 5 unbalance the car and send it rocked Wayne county with indict­ Suys Inforined Souree; Spear's home, but he got up! PL 6*U(t rspreflestativs /of the hones Stockholm, Mairch nomic and social justice, plimglng to the rocka below." ment after Indictment, collapsed at Expeet Coul Settlement yesterday and thus far has I L 1 ftea* * available to /any responsible $10.98 to $29.75 watched the Senate Appro­ The wheels went over When his Dearborn home last night. He made no move toward return- i (A P )— Neffotiations Mrs. Haught attempted to pass Ing to lied. ■ —J wage-earner /M the F H A plan. died at 13:25 a. m. in a Detroit A Russian-Finnish peaot priations Committee today to a slow-moving machine in Bear hospital. The Russian Marshal Vassily Blucher, (left) adio was rraorted' Rome. March —(F)—An in­ Neither has he made any One o f ita h4st points, aside for gee whether it would approve Creek canyon. Passing motor­ The death of the vigorous attor­ in Stockholm, Sweden, and the former prc.tident of Finland, Per formed Italian source said today move toward leaving the Spear peared today to havo ahi 1 MfiCd ists Bteadied the machine until Evind Svlnhufvud. (right) who reached Copenhagen. Denmark, fig-- [ tW.tr a propqsed multi-million dol­ ney, a right hand man to Prosecu­ llkly probably will retain her pol­ home, to which he waa brought its ail-aroi^d livability, is the at- Patrolman Ernest towed It tor Cheater P. O'Hara In develop­ ur^ importantly In mimrroua reports that negotiations were under for n visit last fall by “Stub.” to Moscou^ with S' lar increase in the annual back to the roadway. ing charges of wrong doing against way to end the undeclared Russo-Finnish war. Sweden was report­ icy ^of non-belligerency (riter the IS-year-oId young man of the role in t ^ matter m< ached garage which makes it nn- farm appropriation. Late yes­ i. ed working feverishly for peace, fearing that if the conflict con­ visit krre of German Foreign Min­ house. "Jimmie" haa developed Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea and less flnished. Attentii terday, a subcommittee jolted others, came at a moment when tinued the day was not far off when Scandinavia would be drawn ister Joachim Von RIbbentrop. a romantic feeling for "Julia," necessa^ to step outside in incle­ Thia Intermant said the vlelt, the congressional economy the case had reached even another In. the family cat. centered on the wh< ment la t h e r . In size, it will ae- climax—the suspension of McCrea while "Important,'' la not regard­ Patrolman Spear is proceed­ drive by raising the appropri­ ‘‘ShaU Sleep by Governor Dickinson and prom­ ed by Italics aa an occaalon for ing with caution. o f Dr. Juhu Justi comn^ate a family of four to ation to 6958,000,000— some ise of a fight over It from the for­ alarm. \ - r Finnish negotiator who 3 6211.000,000 more than the| mer. Adolf Hitlei^\ waa believed in reported to have loft i siz persons. It is modem Well,” Woman Shortly before midnight, Buck­ Italian circlea Co have taken (he amount voted by the House— i Great Viipuri Battle holm and was belie' throughout. ingham suffered an apopl^tic initiative In tending Von RIbben­ and by providing that an ad-! Killer Avers stroke, and his wife, Marjorie, trop, and diplomat sourcea sus­ Allied Army ready in Berlin, or en ditional 61^.000,000 o f agri-1 called Dearborn police for aid. A | pected that he miMt be seeking Moscow. Paasikivi led cultural outlays should be fi­ son. William, Jr., one of the, Yet Rages Intensely Italy's aid in case ofN^ar In Rcan- innisb delegation wl Tbis is just one Example o f the hundreds couple's three children, had found! dlnavla aa a result Of Britl|h- To Help Finns nanced by loans. Army Officer's Divorced hla father unconscious. French help to Finland. \ succeaafuUy n ^ tia ^ o f splendid small hpme plans now available. Leaders of a bi-parUaan bloc Cerebral Hemorrhage Vatican authorities, mhsmwhile ! doflcow befor* the COLLAR MAGIC from the farm states predicted Wife Kills Rival Who An ambulance took Buckingham If Peace Fails that this program would be ap­ I announced Pope Plus XIl\'.would gan but Nov.
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