Iran J Parasitol: Vol. 10, No. 2, Apr -Jun 2015, pp.146-156 Iranian J Parasitol Tehran University of Medical Open access Journal at Iranian Society of Parasitology Sciences Public a tion http:// ijpa.tums.ac.i r http:// isp.tums.ac.ir http:// tums.ac.ir Review Article An Annotated Checklist of the Human and Animal Entamoeba (Amoebida: Endamoebidae) Species- A Review Article *Hossein HOOSHYAR 1, Parvin ROSTAMKHANI 1, Mostafa REZAEIAN 2, 3 1. Dept. of Parasitology, School of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran 2. Dept. of Medical Parasitology and Mycology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3. Center for Research of Endemic Parasite of Iran (CREPI), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Received 10 Dec 2014 Abstract Accepted 23 Feb 2015 Background: The number of valid of pathogen and non-pathogen species of Entamoeba has continuously increased in human and animals. This review is per- formed to provide an update list and some summarized information on Entamoeba Keywords: species, which were identified up to the 2014. Amoebida, Methods: We evaluated the Entamoeba genus with a broad systematic review of Entamoeba, the literature, books and electronic databases until February 2014. The synonyms, Checklist, hosts, pathogenicity and geographical distribution of valid species were considered Species and recorded. Repeated and unrelated cases were excluded. Results: Totally 51 defined species of Entamoeba were found and arranged by the number of nuclei in mature cyst according to Levin's grouping. Seven of these spe- cies within the 4 nucleate mature cysts group and 1 species with one nucleate ma- *Correspondence ture cyst are pathogen. E. histolytica, E. invadence, E. rananrum and E. anatis causes Email: lethal infection in human, reptiles, amphibians and brides respectively, four species [email protected] causes non-lethal mild dysentery. The other species were non-pathogen and are important to differential diagnosis of amoebiasis. Conclusion: There are some unknown true species of Entamoeba that available information on the morphology, hosts, pathogenicity and distribution of them are still very limited and more considerable investigation will be needed in order to clarify the status of them. 146 Available at: http://ijpa.tums.ac.ir Hooshyar et al.:An Annotated Checklist of the Human and Animal Entamoeba … Introduction he family Endamoebidae was originally Species of the genus Entamoeba have been established by Calkins (1926). The all divided to five groups based on the number of T member of Endamoebidae family (or- nuclei willing in mature cyst by Levin (3).this der: Amoebida) including: Endamoeba, Enta- groups are as follows: moeba , Iodamoeba and Endolimax are obligate A: species without cyst or E. gingivalis –like symbiotic forms exception a species of Enta- group. moeba, namely E. moshkovski found in sewage B: species with one nucleate mature cyst or as free living amoeba but occasionally hosted E. bovis –like group. by man (1, 2). C: species with four nucleate mature cyst or The term of Entamoeba was applied by Casa- E. histolytica –like group. grandi and Barbagallo (1895), for Entamoeba D: species with eight nucleate mature cyst or coli and Entamoeba histolytica in human that E. coli- like group. known formerly as Endamoeba coli. Endamoeba E: inadequately known species. is a genus of Endamoebidae amoebas that in- The validity of this category was confirmed fecting invertebrates. The genus of Entamoeba by using riboprinting method by Clark and (Casagrandi & Barbagallo, 1895) has adapted Diamond in 1997 (5). to live as parasite or commensal in digestive This review is performed to provide an up- tract of human and other mammals, amphib- date list and some summarized information on ian, brides, fishes, reptiles, and some inverte- Entamoeba species, which was identified by brate animals (3, 4). The genus of Entamoeba Levin's grouping. has applied and stable by the International The aim of this review article is introduction Commission on Zoological Nomenclature in of Entamoeba species to medical and veterinary the late 1950s. parasitologists. Only some species of Entamoeba are known to be potential pathogen and harmful, for ex- ample: E. histolytica (Schaudinn, 1903) some- Methods times invade the tissue of man and cause about 50 million cases of infections up to Electronic and manual searches in interna- 100000 deaths per year worldwide (5, 6). tional electronic databases and journals were The correct identification of Entamoeba from conducted to find the related data reporting other genus of Endamoebidae family includ- on human and animal Entamoeba species. The ing; Endamoeba, Iodamoeba and Endolimax, is on search covered the articles published up to the the basis of nuclear structure of trophozoite 2014. Electronic searching was performed in and cyst. Species of Entamoeba possess a vesic- the international databases covering: ISI Web ular nucleus that has a small or large accu- of Science, PubMed, Scirus, EMBASE, Sco- mulated endosome (karyosome) at or near the pus, Science Direct and Google Scholar. center. The rest space of nucleus appears The following key words: "Entamoeba" and empty. Chromatin granules are arranged regu- "Endamoebidae" were used as a panel of key lar or irregular around internal membrane of words. For more accuracy, the references of nucleus. Exception E. gingivalis like group, al- selected articles were checked. most the all member of Entamoeba, have pro- The manual search was carried out in articles duce cyst. The cysts contain of one to eight published in scientific journals, abstracts of and rarely more nuclei, a few of chromatoidal scientific articles related to this topic pre- bar are visible in cyst of some species by light sented at scientific congresses as well as two microscopy. textbooks: "Amoebas" (7) and "Veterinary Available at: http://ijpa.tums.ac.ir 147 Iran J Parasitol: Vol. 10, No. 2, Apr -Jun 2015, pp.146-156 Protozoology" (3).The search restricted to 2-Entamoeba barreti (Taliaferro &Holmes, 1924) English and Persian languages, repeated and Synonyms: None unrelated cases were excluded. Taxonomy Hosts: Snapping turtle study, phylogeny data and new reports articles Habitat: Colon about Entamoeba were inclusion to study. Data Pathogenicity: None were recorded and arranged based on the ma- Distribution: Unknown ture cyst morphology as the Levine grouping Ref : ( 9, 10) (3). The hosts, geographical distribution, habi- 3- Entamoeba gedoelsti (Husing, 1930) tat, pathogenicity of the all species and syno- Synonyms: Entamoeba intestinalis nyms for some species were recorded. Hosts: Horse Habitat: Colon and caecum, large intestine Results Pathogenicity: None Distribution: Unknown Ref: (3, 7, 9) There are 5 valid species within the group of 4- Entamoeba caprae (Fantham, 1923) Entamoeba without cyst, 12 valid species within Synonyms: None the group of one nucleated cyst producing Hosts: Goat Entamoeba, 19 valid species within the 4 nucle- Habitat: Large intestine ate mature cyst or E. histolytica –like group and Pathogenicity: None 15 valid species were found within the group Distribution: Unknown of 8 nucleated cyst producing Entamoeba. The Ref : 1, 11, 12) others were invalid species or synonyms of ) accepted and reliable species exception 8 inad- 5- Entamoeba molae (Noble E &Noble G, 1966) equately known species. Synonyms: None Totally 51 defined species of Entamoeba were Hosts: Fish (Ocean sunfish) found and recorded by the Levine grouping as Habitat: Hindgut the following list: Pathogenicity: None Distribution: Southern California A: species without cyst or E. gingivalis – Ref : ( 7, 13) like group. 1- Entamoeba gingivalis (Gros, 1849) B: species with one nucleate mature cyst orr E. Synonyms: Amoeba buccalis (Steinberg, 1862), bovis –like group. Amoeba dentalis (Grassi, 1879), 1- Entamoeba polecki (Von Prowazek, 1912) Amoeba kartulis (Doflein, 1901), Entamoeba buc- Synonyms: Entamoeba debliecki calis (Prowazek, 1904), Entamoeba maxillaris Hosts: Pig, Human, Monkey. (Kartulis, 1906), Amoeba pyogenes (Verdun & Habitat: Colon and caecum, large intestine Bruyant, 1907), Endamoeba gingivalis (Smith & Pathogenicity: None Barrett, 1915), Endamoeba buccalis (Bass & Distribution: southeast Asian, France, United Johns, 1915), Entamoeba canibuccalis (Smitch, state, Venezuela, Guinea, Iran 1938), Endamoeba confuse (Craig, 1916), Enta- Ref: (3, 14, 15) moeba equibuccalis (Simitch, 1938), Entamoeba 2- Entamoeba chattoni (Swellengrebel, 1914) suigingivalis (Tumka, 1959). Synonyms: None Hosts: Human, Dog, Horse, Pig, Cat, Monkey. Hosts: Monkey, Human Habitat: Oral cavity Habitat: Colon and caecum, large intestine Pathogenicity: None Pathogenicity: None Distribution: Worldwide Distribution: Africa Ref: (7, 8, 9) Ref: (9, 16, 17) 148 Available at: http://ijpa.tums.ac.ir Hooshyar et al.:An Annotated Checklist of the Human and Animal Entamoeba … 3- Entamoeba bovis (Liebetanz, 1905) Hosts: Buffalo Synonyms: None Habitat: Large intestine Hosts: Cattle, Buffalo Pathogenicity: None Habitat: Large intestine Distribution: Philippines Pathogenicity: None Ref: (1, 5, 7) Distribution: Africa 10- Entamoeba paulista (Carini, 1933) Ref: (3, 7, 18) Synonyms: Brumptina paulista 4- Entamoeba antilocapra (Noble, 1953) Hosts: Opalinata Synonyms: None Habitat: Cytoplasm of Opalinata Hosts: Antelope Pathogenicity: None Habitat: Large intestine Distribution: United State, Africa, Chili, Uruguay Pathogenicity: Pathogen, Intestinal lesion, Ref:
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