The Cochkrn Chapel netSaturday's Movie The speaker in Chapel next - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Themovie in G W. H. next unday Wcill be the Rev. Mark- 3resimlf Mlto Saturday be "The White reietdmyMitnMascuet.will play before the presentation. t yet ~~~~~he sevylce will ,~~~~~~~~~eginat 11:00. Ichosen.. Doors open at 7:15,7:5, showhow atDoost 7:30.7-30 zo. Ryan IlLHA to come~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Established 1878 ol lowing 1.LXIX, No. 5 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, AN DOVER, MASS., OCTOBER 1-8, 1944 Price Ten Cents ie Coin- 4 adoldovsky To Present Phillipian Notice 8 Trustees MIm~AIL~~Jm )y Presi- ~ ~~~~~Therewill be no PHILLPI4,N lM rsu . Ir**n a A l k a n )~~~~ Presi- ~~~~~~~~~~~meeting tonight as scheduled. d Fields Is r r s n ~tedd, all heelers and board ecture- Recital Friday, anembers i-Pa wst itbe presentp e at ri an AePeetTAt M eetinge ieL cueH r ~wed to 'Well-Known Pinit illA pe ri Thursday night at 7:00.BugtsAprvd Also, it Budget Is______Approved,___Subject of Her Speech To Be: Alsoeir Second Fall-Term Entertainment Of ficerm Reelected, GtigT nwRsi-Bte onetheir Performing on the piano keyboard, Mr. Boris Goldovsky, H istory Prize AtednNew ePlanstAgeednti Gpeting Teo Kntow 4iRussa ofetternWa heP.A. ed musician, will appear on the stage of George Washing- hs- pe-Mtenigthrirtme.ig rin eon dtoer 2in betuea of3usia Waron _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yearof the Board of Trustees, were Relief, Ir.Im lkadrwl etr athi 8:15a Friday night in the second of the entertainments To Es ay O eight out of the thirteen members, the bet"etn To Know Our Al usa"8:0rs. m.ekon hisat- eduled for te Fall term. Mr. Goldovsky, under the manage-. a They re-elected the present officers 'a d rusinwf fa nt of Aai'on Richmond, will pre- C onstitutionanthexctvcomte.Ty drA rinassoknhou ot -a lecture-recital at this time. - xecommended the appointment of a the country on the relationship be- ~cretary e1l-known especially in Boston, -Ha ymond Prize Will permanent alumni secretary and set tweentheUniteStatesand____ Goldovsky enjoys outstanding Be Awarded Again t~he date for the next meeting. FN sia. lityo hijs brillianigB wddAan Because of wartime conditions, > ularity forpianiT his brilliant Those students who atteiided or History Paper only Mr. Murphy, Mr. Reed, Mr. .Mn..Mgdf' rlin n .LI ~ hniijue as well as for his en-Mie Madofsbrlan ad hag sense of humor. Born in -- The Haymond Prize, founded two 13race, Mr. 'Stevens, Mr. Bradford, moving lecture last year and heard scow in 1908, he- first studied- years ago by Judge Haymond, is sir. Stevenson, Mr. Gould and Dr. siahespak onif hef theandt Rus - ~hhis uncle, Pierre Luboshutz, awarded for the best essay ondthe- L~uess were present. Colonel Stim- -At dnine Nemenoff. he made his ~~~~~~~~Constitution, its origins, interpreta- soii, who was expected to attendatrmnosuce.Thsyr t concert appearance. He con tion, development, or some other the meeting, was unable to, come mn et ilb e sd o h ersiphud is tud o th pinowith phase of its history. Any under- because of the fog which grounded unhoe thaates unl sand will bhe :Ation f thur Schna.bel, then graduated- graduate may enter, provided he is his plane. The first action the hoeta-r.Aesne ilb hise the Liszt Academy, corn.- a member of a History 4 division, trustees ook was to re-elect the getdb ag uine Theise Ing still further studies at Buda- and compete for the fifty dollar present officers. Col. Stimson will The re~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uhro IrAtho Th dr unnwasTh bonng ie in mubiniy t welag iof thendstinguishe prize. The final essay must be hand- remain president, while Dr. Fuess elag~~!distinguished of the ~ed in on February 15, although a and rn Alkadrwsboni many0~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ruh rf sdesotl eoestoso Mr. Gouldcekadtesrr will retain the p-e Leningradaet mrcand livedi 91there untilne sheh mspapers, roughnksi-ating du beforth eme spetively ofl. anti s urwilcon c eame of rica ina41 sherwrthe stige. H r. -oldovsky came to AmericaThksiigadbfrthexmsetvl.ClStmo wilcnpnaeofInaK iasewoe d forex 1930 o oin the staff of the Cur- period. The judge, this year will be tinue to be chairman of the ex-shrstienvlsay ad Lgs Stu Institute in Philadlha. While some federal judge. ectiecomitendD_ pshor an h a vntkna ~gina re hemetan mriethso Undergraduates 'who -plan to will remain acting chair-man. I RAAESNE active part in screen writing. Many eerdye, gamoe o Ceand a enter the contest should consult 'A new committee on Memorials N AESADRof -- her works have achieved numbers~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~a their ory teachers about a topic, was formed with Dr. Fuess chair- tion in Europe and America.recogni- Prob- ren'tthe invitation f Arthur Rodzinski, The story Department has made man. The other two members were al e raetltrr rup ren't th list -of suggested ~~~~~~subjects'Mr. Gould and Mr. Bartlett ayes. u c r was when in 1941 her novel, "The ingand ny-Orchestra. n the summer of _______________ which may be found at the end f The trustees referred a proposal for Ruiining Tide~' was,--published in 'PsAcad-1, Dr. Serge Koussevitsky in- this article; but no one will be pre- the student-union to the committee K ewYrk Ee touhitiscase cnb d him to the newly-formed A vented from writing on any feasible on Buildings and Grounds, which N otJoin . asnAfcini s'as Iaan sic TaglewodCnterat i the . C r elm a topic that is interesting im. e plans o aeit eor nh glowing novel of heroism and idmaster ssachilsetts. Berkshires. Since essay should be- between two thou- January meeting. They voted their I lolanthe struggle." t describes the period deid the favorite of. Bostosic loes.ee vW sand and four thousand words; but thanks to the faculty and to the di- pirt hswradteoprui riteof Bstonmusi lovrs. ns C am era t athisdtowarenandctrtheSuomrportuni-Mr lemy ~th ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tsoldntb lowdt xedretro ume esoM Glee Club Practices tiesprulorotto Russia at that time provided country udolfe Elie of the Boston Herald* beyond five thousand words. Blackmer,. for efficient service.foitpel.Mayfth cn o-te of, his work: "Always hi LbayT aeRfrne Reports were presented from the For First Concert at foitpel.Mayfth "cn nical assranceat he piames Isham Infirmary, the Addison Gal- Rogers Hall Dec. 2nd erature are not found in "The plete. In his playing Mr. Gol- Wvalter Prt, a e Mrs. Richiardson will have a lery, and the Andover Inn. The Pnhr aewr atwe Running Tide" because it deals pri- )-Lebenthal kyrvashstustt Take 2nd, special shell in the library devoted treasurer's report of the- year end- that it would be unable to join with mny wt on are interpretive artist. .. his playing 3rd Places Monday to books on the Constitution for the ing June 30, 1944, was -presenrted teP .Ge lbt ieteGl woman, who had the sane and real- a -means to dn end, and not actlon use of the competitors. The mem- andl approved. The present budgetthP.AGleCutogvteGi-siculoknlfehacertc I The snapshot contest ~ ~~~and~~~~~~~~~~~~ber-t Sullivan operetta, "o- isticnoutlookanslf. hratrsi ti-ola - x-itself.- This unique musical Txhebitsnapsho thedsnrentlyon bei-s of the History Department will for 1944 and 1945 wich was dis-late.HwvrD.Pfti ers iln-onality has won praise, always ehbto InheAdon rtl assist them with biographical ad- cussed in great was finally late.Hwvr r fteche fMany- Ruessanrs. Osre h dck m- er .riics th rhu thero u man ent apnsd the r Clupas vice and will associate their essays approved. The rportalumni proceeding with plans to resent it Ms lkadrhsosre h ate.ee fr iis exceptional accopih concluded last Monday. The, three wAith their woik in the library. committee, establishing an alumni whlRooigfountergopsfcnina struegge f sviar. ,ate. See ~~~~~~prints chosen by popular ballot as It is suggested that the essay council, was read. The recommend- thatl oghelpr. fall eihoerl stated RSsi he nde the laesitywar [oue. ns. hemos&iterstnglnaphosewreshold stjnitittfve athra hanaton ortheappinmeniooa erftht ogh-s alpipLweltmghenSheundrsand teencesitto r. Goldovsky is the fiist of two Pole Vaults, by Bill Creelmnan; pi-ofound. Good writing and clarity manent aluinni secretary was- ap-i be willing to do it. asti-ong fiuniesi beteeR suchan sic entertainers with perform- Mountain Scene, by Walt Pratt; have been mentioned as important proved. The final action was to au- Tmyouts for principal parts were teUie tts n h esta es scheduled for the Fall term, and a football action picture by factors. Repeating the work done thorize a committee of trustees to held in the choir room last Satur- thitedStamus an moe aboutht Wednesday, November 22, JaePeeta.Al he fteei the classi-oom is regarded as meet with representatives of the day. However, everything is still in- Atheicalis ins orearntorbe bt - ris~tDoree, af sornowilsre are being taken to the Museum of wvasted effort; the main object is alumni council to arrange details. definite. Trials for chorus parts wiall friends with them. Throughout the t a ofconcert songs. Art in New York, one of which will to add to the work accomplished.. It was decided that the next meet- Piobably e held soon. The chorus Ing should be held on Saturday, has from 20 to 25 members, past twenty yars there have been be blown up to three by five feet. ContnueonPag_4__anury 0- wo sides to the Russin experi- I EN CE CLU B As previously mentioned n The-CotneonPg4Jaur20- Rogers Hail Concert ence: "There is the simultaneous PHILLIPIAN, the winning picture* In the meanwhlile, however, re-f necessity tbifld-and to defend, OES NEW WORK ishow witbthetaveliL Pehilnton hearsals ae undei way for the first when either calls for a lifetime of e SieneCub whch e s thowbesnPnht tetaeigilipia-n To Ce eb at 6JI6tI concer-t-dance which will be held at energy." Since this has been true he inte iichouris The Camera Club has begun a** Rogers all on Saturday, December he United States' relations with Ided into two sections, Section busy year.
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