Constantino Manuel Torres, PhD David B. Repke, BSc Anadenanthera Visionary Plant of Ancient South America Pre-publication REVIEWS, COMMENTARIES, EVALUATIONS ... HThis extensively researched, thor- clearly document, there was a continu- oughly documented, and delight- ing association of these snuffs with the fully illustrated book has a focus on Andean cultures. The strongest case yet psychoactive preparations made from has perhaps been made that the alka- the Anadenanthera genus and their role loid bufotenine, which occurs in rela- in pre-Columbian art and culture. The tively high concentrations in Anaden- importance of Anadenanthera snuffs has anthera species, is psychoactive, a subject probably been grossly underemphasized that has been of considerable contro- by many pre-Columbian anthropologists, versy among scientists for many years. and this book does a good job of correct- Although the focus of this book is ing that oversight. It provides an effective Anadenanthera as a psychoactive plant, integration of anthropology, archaeol- the authors do present some informa- ogy, and ethnobotany that will fascinate tion on the economic value of Anaden- those seeking to understand the role anthera as a renewable resource. In addi- that psychoactive plants played in the de- tion, one chapter provides an overview velopment of New World societies as of the chemistry and pharmacology of well as those with a general interest in bufotenine, related tryptamines, and how the pre-Columbian period. they relate to the class of what would Numerous artifacts, particularly in the be called hallucinogenic drugs." form of snuffing equipment and smok- ing pipes, clearly illustrate the impor- David E. Nichols, PhD tance of snuffs made from Anadenan- Department of Medicinal Chemistry thera seeds, especially in Peru, Chile, and Molecular Pharmacology, Bolivia, and Argentina. As the authors Purdue University More pre-publication REVIEWS, COMMENTARIES, EVALUATIONS ... JlAnadenanthera: Visionary Plant of logue of N,N-dimethyltryptamine or DMT. Ancient South America is an en- According to the field and laboratory re- cyclopedic gem of a book that draws search conducted by the authors, the al- from the fields of the humanities, the kaloids from the seeds of the same trees social sciences, and the natural sciences can change according to seasonal and to offer the first comprehensive study environmental factors. The pharmacol- on this fascinating shamanic plant. Writ- ogy of bufotenine is exhaustively exam- ten by art historian Constantino Manuel ined in terms of laboratory animal re- Torres and chemist David Repke, this search, basic pharmacology including in-depth examination of Anadenanthera receptor interactions, and human stud- covers the taxonomy, ethnobotany, ar- ies including behavioral pharmacology. chaeology, and chemistry of those spe- In the concluding chapter several bio- cies of Anadenanthera with seeds that, assay studies are presented in which re- when ingested, invoke other-worldly searchers themselves, including one of ecstatic experiences. the authors, ingested ground Anaden- Constantino Torres traces the evi- anthera seeds and later described their dence of smoking and snuffing in the experiences. One account details the vi- archaeological record and in the early sual effects, drawing parallels to icono- writings of Spanish chroniclers, includ- graphic elements found in pre-Colum- ing Christopher Columbus (Cristobal bian art from cultures that revered this Colon), who describes its presence among shamanic inebriant. the Taino Indians of Hispafiola (Cuba). As the authors aptly state in closing, He documents early use in Columbia, we may never know the intricacies of Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, and Ven- the complex relations that have existed ezuela as well. The highlight of Torres' between South American cultures and contribution is the exquisitely detailed the Anadenanthera plant nor whether study on the iconography of Anaden- ancient trade in the seeds of this plant anthera-related themes found on monu- were intentionally designed to sow new ments, ceramics, and snuffing parapher- religious ideology and worldviews. What nalia. Torres masterfully weaves together we do know is that there is still much the shamanic imagery born from the for us to uncover regarding the intri- commonality in this altered state of con- cate workings of our brains, and that sciousness as evidence of the relations psychoactive plants, those deemed sa- that existed between the Tiwanaku em- cred by these indigenous cultures, can pire of Bolivia and the dwellers of the provide keys for us to unlock this mys- northern Chile desert oasis of San Pedro terious part of our being, our minds, de Atacama. and our existence. This solid, scholarly David Repke provides a rigorous re- work is destined to be a classic, and view of the chemical constituents that will surely grace the bookshelves of a have been described for this plant and diverse reading audience." presents primary data on the chemical profile of Anadenanthera seeds. Repke Stacy Schaefer, PhD reveals the chemical secret behind the Associate Professor of Anthropology, allure of the seeds from this tree, point- Co-Director,Museum of Anthropology, ing to bufotenine, which is a close ana- California State University, Chico More pre-publication REVIEWS, COMMENTARIES, EVALUATIONS ... "Anadenathera: Visionary Plant of "When the Western world finally Ancient South America is the re- found the Andean world, their sult of an extraordinary multidiscipli- food-stuff discoveries were readily uti- nary investigation. Seldom (if ever?) has lized, with potatoes and corn rapidly a member of the plant kingdom been becoming part of accepted agricultural examined in so comprehensive a man- science. But the mind-stuff discoveries ner. With the publication of this book, of the Andean world have had a very Torres and Repke have set a new stan- different reception, with their mind- dard for investigations into native phar- altering materials receiving little scien- macology, indigenous mythologies, and tific attention. When this attitude be- ancient art. Not only have they clearly gins to change, Anadenanthera will be documented that this remarkable tree considered a landmark. has been-and continues to be-an in- Certainly the beliefs and mythologies tegral part of South American Indian of the Andean world were profoundly shamanic culture over a period of at affected by their mind-stuffs, parallel- least 4,000 years, they show us why. ing the relation between the founding Chemists, botanists, anthropologists, mythology of the Greeks and their mush- art historians, as well as specialists from rooms. Anadenanthera prepares a foun- several other disciplines will find this dation for studies of the relation be- new book well worth adding to their li- tween Andean mythology and Andean braries and then carefully reading. It is mind-altering materials, thus provid- a model of thorough scientific, investi- ing the basis for profound comparative gative research, coupled with lucid, de- studies of the Andean and the Western scriptive writing." world." Alana Cordy-Collins, PhD William J. Conklin Professor of Anthropology, MARCH, Harvard University, University of San Diego Research Associate, Field Museum The Haworth Herbal Press® An Imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc. New York • London • Oxford NOTES FOR PROFESSIONAL LIBRARIANS AND LIBRARY USERS This is an original book title published by The Haworth Herbal Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc. Unless otherwise noted in spe- cific chapters with attribution, materials in this book have not been previously published elsewhere in any format or language. CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION NOTES All books published by The Haworth Press, Inc., and its imprints are printed on certified pH neutral, acid-free book grade paper. This pa- per meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Material, ANSI Z39.48-1984. Anadenanthera Visionary Plant of Ancient South America THE HAWORTH HERBAL PRESS® Titles of Related Interest Concise Handbook of Psychoactive Herbs: Medicinal Herbsfor Treating Psychological and Neurological Problems by Marcello Spinella Herbal Medicine: Chaos in the Marketplace by Rowena K. Richter Botanical Medicines: The Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements, Second Edition by Dennis J. McKenna, Kenneth Jones, and Kerry Hughes Tyler's Tips: The Shopper's Guide for Herbal Remedies by George H. 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Repke, BSc The Haworth Herbal Press® An Imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc. New York> London>
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