Penny Pritzker 2013

Penny Pritzker 2013

0GE Form278 (Rev. 12/201]) Form ApirDved: 5 C.F.R. Part 2634 Executive Branch Personnel PUBLIC FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT OMB No.3209-000L U.S. 0ffice of Uoyerni11cnt E1hicM Date of Appointment, Candidncy. Election. Reporting Sta(Us 1nuumbent Caledar Year New Entrant, TemiinatIon Termination DMe fy»pii- Fee for Late FIling or Nomination (Uon#4 I.188 Yer) (Clieck AppripliMle Covered by Repott Nominee,or F-1 Filer cable) (Morith. Day, Year) Any individua! who is required lo file DOXeS) Candidate June 26,2013 2013 1his rcport and doeg5O niore thun 30 days afIer the dale the reoort is required Last Name FirsL Nome and MicklIc Inkial to be filed. or, if an extersion is Reporting Individual's Name Pritzker Penny S. granted, more 1hon 30 days after the 1aslday of the filing exlensIon period, TitIc of I'osition DepmtItient or Agency (/fApp/icub/c) shal[ be subiect to a $200 fcc. Position for Which Filing Reporiing Periods Secretary of Commerce IDepartment of Commerce Ineumbentg: TI11 reporting perIod is Addr4ss (Ntimicr, SIreel, Clry,·Scate, and ZIP Code) Tc\tphone No. (lItClude Irea Code) theprecedinR calendar year except Part Location 0fPresent 0ffice II of ScheduIe C Hnd Palt I of Schedule (or forwarding addres3) 1401 ConstitutionAve.,NW,Washington,D.C. 20230 202-482-2000 D where you must nIso include thc fiiinR vea[ up Lothedate you fi[e. Partl] of Position{s) 11eld with lhe Fede[1 Title of Position(s) and Date(s) Held Schedule D is not applicable. Govcmment During 1he Preccding President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness - 2011 to 02/2013 12 MoI111,9 mNot,%mie as Above) Termination Filers: The repotting PresidenTs Economic Recovery AdvIsory Board - 2009 to 2013 Deriod beRins & thc end ofthe Deriod covercd byyour previou fi[ing and ends Namc or Congrcssional ComInittee Considering Nomination Pre5identia[ Numiti e es S ubje d to Sert ate 12!.You InIenty CIeate a Qualified Diversificd Trust? atthedateortermination. Part U Confirmnlion of Schedule D is not applicable. [ No Nominees. New Entrants and CertifitiOn 5ignaturc of Repo[li118 Individual Da££,Wont/L Do),, Ye,?,9 CRn(]1dates for President and I CERTiFY tIiat tlie statements I havc VicePre5ident: made on lhi3 form elid 811 allached schedules are (rue, complete and corrcct May 14, 2014 Schedule A--The reporting period to tlic best of my knowledge. for income rBLOCK C) is the Dreccdi:iR cH]endar year Rnd the currenl cL1cndar S1ju*11iKe of 011,Er ReviewEr 0ther RevIew Dak (Month. Day. Year) yem up lothe date offilIng. Valuc 45ets 15 afam, date yOU C110051 that is (1fde5ired by within 31 dAys ofthe date offiling. agelIC}') =-gS* 9-9-/4 4 1 s' 1 (f Schedule B-Notapplicable. A,tency Ethic5 0ffirliI]'s 0pInion St,Inature of Designated ARcncy E1hics 0mcia]/Reviewing Official DeLe (Motith, Day, Year) On (he ba3ii oiIn1brmzition con[ained Sel,edule C, Par[ I (1.iabilities)- in this repoL I concludo that lIic filer is · in compliance with applicablo laws and The reDorling ,criod is the precedine 6-9-/4 c8Ietida]· vear and 11,e curIAn( c8[endaI regula1ions (subiect 10 any oumments 5616-J- in 2111 1)0,r belowl. pwar UD to E1nV dale you choose that i3 vvithin 31 davs of the date offiline Signature Date (Motith, Da', }'cu,9 0 ffice of Government Ethics Sche{lule C, Part lI (ABleeiNetits or Use 0nly ArranRC113ent91--ShOW Bily HRreetnetils tS G- G·r< 11)1 (,7 or arranRements M of lIte date of filing. Coniments of Reviewing Officials /6fuddi#oii;ii sPlibe /.r ,·equ/red, lis, 1II<*i,rJ0 3td0 i/11'3 .he10 Schedule D-The repotng period is (he Drcccding two c81endar vears 11nd (Check box ifJ1!ing extension granted & indIcate nlimber ofdays tIle current calondarycar up 10 the date offilinK Ae¢t1cv U30 0nly MAY 1 4 2014 0GE U5c 01Iy (Clieck box if commenis ¢irc continued on ,he rever3e 3Ide)"--\ Supersedes 1'[lor FLlitions, / 00PForn 278 (Rcv 12/2011) 5CPRPmt 2634 U S Oftice of0oBernnInt FIhIc, Repomg 1,id,y,dual'iNnine Pege Number Penny S PrIt.ker SCHEDULE A 1 AsRets andIncome Valuation of Assets 1ncome typcandainounL If"None(or less than $201)"1schecked, at close of reportIng penod no other entry is needed in Block C forthat item BI OCK A BLOCK B BLOCK C I or you, your spouqe, and depcndelit ch i 1dreii, *9 Amount . ,:7 1 ' §TA Type repoil ea11 as9et held for irivestment 01 lhe $ 5 t,1 .4 production ofIncomc w11tch had a fair n1arkct 38,4. .. J% tNj4 .. alueeMecdIng $1,000ot theclose of thercport 9 3 <XX m12 penod or which generated more than $200 , {4 *b: 311 0lher Dale ( P *8L83*·F· ThS X> if' .kt Incomc 6Wo Dav within income9uch 1ncome durIng thc reporting perlod, logther ,*: 97>. 1.„- A g [9pecify 1r} TVDe& ror ) ours(lf, als o reporl the source and actual td Adual 0nlv,f Ainount} Honorona reporlur====1 (he source bul nol the 0mount f.1 oi camed * 81* 1, 5 3 8 3 i i J a .1 *, / *f -m *' n. 2iI mcome o f more than $1,000 (exccpt 1 eport the - R §A * actual oLount of any honormria ovcr $200 of 0DIS- I00 your spou40 el - In O Over S 8%4{ Nono IB :& .' > r » CentIal Airimes Common >::' V*>' I - ,'34 ,#,-% 1811{ , h<. 'X >*% L.wP.inIth Lxanples Doe loi1cs & StnIil„ Hometown, Stale '3 > J2 . Au I- W=rnpILJq.0L__ ._____- kS< > ., Kempstone EquIty 1-und 4. C n :*. <. *X > k. $< V JRA lIeartland 500 1ndek Fund .. » = ,' . fl, ,ih, 1,1,11 W. .. I w % 1) 1 1901 0rchard Property, L LC (See Note 1- *"3 5., I 'P, 1-« Ik ,if»4] .1,'{ P k X : P. 4 &I >. >. >11' 2 564 Randolph Investors, LLC (See Note 1 5tS X .. : 4,2 2) b 3 '.. 3„ { . .$: kil 3 P *X. ,. 6,:r AN P GamIng Corporation (See Note 1 3} 1,i S ,1, ' * 0rdInary Income -- X , 11- ,,.' r v.. $1,224 4 4 .. b V* 6.1 X.' X> 3. 3 2% ANP Investors,LLC (See Note 1-4) X RS X > f it L =r: 31 1,4 '&. >> 5 A b Intentionally not used P 19 n S' :L: ST :21 pr e . p ,.a .k G *nf *5+: / rf Sif S5 Intentionally not used +, t- i ,4 2,#-4 df ';i, 5; .43 f . :. : 16jS 1 *4 ' Thicategory applies on[y i f tIte asset/incomels solely tlioto2the 1 1[er5 spouse ordepcndent children I f the aq9et/3n(oit,e 1, cither Lhitofthe flIcror lointly held 1 by the filer with the spouso or dependent childrin maik theother hIgher cateRorics o f value, as al)proD*mle 0OFForm 778 (Rc. 12/2{]11) 5 C P k pa,t 2634 U S Offia „f Go.¢rnmentEt11163 Reporting Indiv1dual s Kame SCHEDULE A continued PageNumber Penny S Pr]1zker (U90 Only lf needed) 2 Assets and Income Valuation ofAssets Ineome typeand ,1mount lf"None(or less lhan $201)' 1schecked, at close of reporting perlod noother entry is needed In Block C for that 1tcm BLOCk A BLOCK B BLOCK L ryPe A,nount .§t %7 k3. - 3, Y.<1 'p' ,,f * 3 Y rXS ,L, > 85 ' L ill / v ..' 454 4% ff, 31< h 0lher Date 'k< 2GS 4 *4 i r4 .g 1ncome (Mo Dav 9%: :; 1{1 (6pec16 YIN 04 8 2%r 1 ype & U g 'f Actual 0nlvif **e 000'0 M :p Amount) 1 1onorar,a g g* *13 = 41 001 - $500,0QO W g F S B V.'/S:¤ !8 5;4* 210 -El*j!iEs1.31,19*2 ::. : :S1,001 - $15 000 8 2 - 2 S50,001-5100,0 sur f :di, .$14041- *> @ 54 6 :$11 gi *:' o .; *t ¤* 6 u. z j i tI, t. 8 '44 j 1 0001 000 SS JiA0 S >.. 1 >P .> t < Y i TW 0 .1 11„4 1 ,3 fQ * >v - &k <>t< Intentionally not used '§t X+/f ,' jU U p <7$ . 5 :1 r 3P S 7Vt 2 5 2 K >X> Abrains CapItal Partners 11, L P X »rk A x IX f 44 t ty> t x> p:, <5 .k .44 i7 3 :.J r = > E Intentonally not used > k 3 *V 4+' r 3 3<.: '. ' :..: 4 ' 11 t. r* ' .' = CM ,:i Ni Alden Global DIstressed OpportunItIes pS. %X 2 >) « = .XX Fund, L P . X .. i. 4: 5% ;4 I , , it :4 , .2 k 5 I .6 1 5, f :..A . 3« : F X 1 AIden GlobalValueRecovery Fund,LP k·i 19 X ,X i... ' M„1 0 A .1 1:U i AVEF VIl Investor, LLC (See Note 26) ': 'C, ,0 9 > 1::1 1 ik x »* 2 ,2, X' <b X-> 7 EV K' <2>. 6 B 4,>t 't AREP 1nvestors LLC (See Note 27) I X ,- „1; ,k x ,X , 1« K ,. .'. 9 ;>rili 8 14,6 ,/1 4 62; AREOF V1 Investor, LLC (See Note 2-8) b1 ' Vi :16 I .> k 4:= 61 ,„„ $> 19 " - ,*36, Ansatg AfricE Consumer Fund limited 'V 3V 'YV, 5 5 r * 111ts category appItes onIv [f tIle 859el/1,1oome ls sO1cly th lt oftlic ii|er's spouse or dependent c611dren, 11 the asset/11)comc ts e,ther that of dic hler orJointly 6eld 1 by thc filer with thespouse ordcpclidentcht]dren,mark theother h1Eher caLegories of valuc as appropriate 0C16ien„ 278(Re< 12/70ll) 5 Lr R Psit 2634 Us 0[fice of Go,emmeit El!,ic Rcpotlng lildividual's Name Page Numbor SCIIEDULE A continued Penny S PrItzker 3 (U9e on[y [t nccded) Assets anil Income Vallation 0fAssets Inconie tvpe andamount if None(or jess than $201)' 19 checked, at clusi of 1epoMIng pC1Iod no other entry ,3 nadcd m Block C lor that Item 13LOCk A BL0Lk B BLOCK C .1 2 Amount > 5 type .

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