Bronx 1,400 Lots in Growing Secti<>ns Served by New Transit Lines To Be Offered to Public at Season's Largest Realty Auction Sale ,4 *° bo the most What is expected >. .'-. interesting auction of recent years 1b innonnced by Joseph P. Day, -who, on head of East Chester Road, -Vickie. and Wednes¬ Kingsland. SchierTeiin and Crawford Tuesday, September 30, avenues. There aro also several lots ¡n day, October 1. will sell 1,400 lota in Paulding Avenue, between 226th and .he Borough of The Bronx, located be- 22Vth streets, on block west of I a und Polham conia Avenue, and another plot in 230th .*-*en tho Bronx 1'arkway Street, between Paulding und Bronx- a*d toe city line at 243d Street along wood avenues. .he routes of and between the White Many Scattered Plots Plains Avenue subway and elevated An interesting plot to be sold is I©-« otansioni of the Interborough Rapid cajed at the northwest corner of Kastt Transit, the Webst«:! Avenue etxension 23.^d Street and Byron Avenue, on« elevated railroad block east of the 233d Street station of of the Third Avenue the White Plains Avenue Extension. md tho New York, Westchester «ft Or' the remaining lots located off tan» Boston RailroaA The area of which direct line of White Plains Avenue, there are lots are a part extends several plot.- on Furman and .jese 1,400 Byron avenues, near th« 23Sth Streea torth and Bouth from three to five station; also on Carpenter Avenue, gilts, east ar.d west one to three miles. 212,1 and 243d street.» an,! adjacent The sâ!o is for the account of the thereto f'-om one to two blocks north kin of twenty of the former mem- of the terminal station at 241st Street; hrs of the * nd Realty Co., which Parkway, Allerton Avenue., Burke Ave¬ ! also on Last 2221 Street, running of holders, Pearsall, Throop, Bouck and Wilson Parkway on the south, and Gunhill both sides of Bronxwood through to 233d Street, between Wh'*-» .riginally consisted thirty nue, G-inhiil Rond, or 210th Street, aven ties, pnd r#>out between the Read on Avenue, in¬ I the Gunhill Road station, on the White sides of salo will bo held in the Real 219th 225th midway the north, tho Now York, cluding twelve corner plots, four of Boston Road and on the north Plains Road and Carpenter Ave. u Àe Street, Street, 233d Street, Bronx and Pelhnm Parkway and Adee Westchester and Boston on Plains Avenue Subway and Elevated side of Gunhill ïuate at 14-16 238th or Railroad which are on Gunhill Road and Bronx- Exl ;-nsion. Road and in front of also on the Bronx Boulevard, ai tho Salesroom, Vesey Street, Nereid Avenue, ana Avenue, or Gunhill Road station, on the east and Boston Road on the west. 211th, 213th it Sheet 241st Street, the latter the the New wood Avenue, there are LOI lots to be Still another block of 212th, and 21 h streets, foot of 221st Street; also «>n Britton, to be about being York, Weatchester & Bos- Also six plots will be sold located sold; also another block of be large lots to Pearsall, llouck, Wilson and Givan Street, between Barker and Olinvilla Of the 1,400 lots sold, terminal station. One of the largest t( ): Railroad. This tract, as a south of the sixty-four sold by the Sound Realty Company avenues. are catee! at or blocks whole, Pelhnm Parkway and ac- lots, located on Bronxwood are avenues, near the Allerton Avenue sub« -re-half directly of lots to bo fold is located consisting of about 725 lots, extends cesnible to tin« Pelham sia- .Tilden Avenue, located further to east and within On Lnconia Avenue, north of Cunhill station. n« to the various sta¬ nior < the lines <»f .¦.*-- Parkway Street, Ki\rA 212th and E. 213th about four or nvo way closely adjac Williamsbridge almost to Boston Road and practically and fro'-tin-r on streets and on blocks from the Road anil about four biooks e:i~t of the tions on the White Plains Avenue ex- Road, Mace, Aller!on, controls the futuro Lydig, Neill,' Rauhling Avenue, within Adee Avenue or Gunhill Road station* Along the direct line of White 1 ¿ ». i :* Rome, Lutfting, development of Yates and Hering avenues. In the two and three blocks from on White Plains Avenue Extension, five Avenue there are about three dozen tension at the Bronx and sPelham Laconia, Yate:-,, Hering, Tenbroeck, the section between tho Pelham Gunhill the New York, Westchester «& Bos- blocks of lot3 to lying Ouiiiull Koad section and frontín:;: on Road and about three blocks east of 1 ton Roairoad. These be sold are located plots, of various dimensions, to be soldi lots lie on both between 222d and 227th streets, at the in separate lots. 25 per cent to 50 per cent of linen, silk, woollen, cotton, shoes, clothing, CITY TROPERTY FOR SALE 53-Year-Old Claflin Estate To Go food or shirts, the same coin can be put to more profitable use in the pur¬ Auction Sale to Mark End oí chase of real estate, 'at -r'0 cents on tiie Great dollar,' which is just about the pro¬ On Auction Block Next portion established at many of the To Tuesday public sales of recent nato. Settle Estate ¡Van Cortlandt Estate in West Bronx Prices Very Low The The public Ruction market is ac¬ «drained, directly south of the Jcromi» 1-1-1 «S P. 7 Story 5; Basement Yesey Street, by Joseph Day, '"For some reason or and as, and tho true Park Reservoir and within one block auctioneer. other, it is Tho last large tract of Colonial real tifully wooded and dotted with -from the cepted probably is, of the Jerome elevated extension of the difficult to understand why, with rents MODERN FIREPROOF pretty Dutch crown supplemented bsroaeter of realty conditions, and it "As tiiis property has -been held in- estate remaining in New York City lawns and garden 5, but every class of by purchases from the Indians. At* Lexington Avenue subway and Sixth soaring and the supply of land con- OFFICE about to is] dwelling and every of im¬ that time it. is in the r« al ostata room and "on tho and Ninth Avenue elevated railroads. tact as acreage all during the lust stantly being vacant lots BUILDING, be dispersed. It is the Van' description contained most of the ter- Mr. said | diminishd, provement is to be found upon it. ri'.ory which is now the o£ that one finds the Mr. Claflin was as snrewd in the se¬ fifty-three years," Day yes¬ continue to 'drag bottom.' For this Cort'.andt estate, comprising a whole There is Borough premises" savings terday, "it is impossible, of course, to a prosperous hotel, a num¬ i The Bronx and tha City of Yonkers. ir; the wealth of the lection of this homestead site as he reason vacant property is practically 30-32 E. 20th St., müo of Broadway frontage, and it will ber of thriving stores and no less than This last section of great buying comparo tho pre-war and post-war the a man can to¬ the estate has been invested with a free was in the purchase of merchandise. the Civil only commodity buy bo disposed of at auction without re- twenty-five pretty dwellings, each in in the 6ince the public being Bronx at time was a of prices of War and the world day and feel sure that he is his Size 40x92, family beginning. and never so in build¬ The that paît war getting serve to the highest hid«]i-r by J. Oar-: its own gardon plot. All these will be Van the first and hand, rally, the "distant and accessible periods, but it is evident from the money's with assurance of in tho Stephen Cortlandt, ing suca purchased for improvement scene," only decision of the worth, every ia ottered lor sale enco Davics in the Real Estate Sales- included auction on October 14. only lord of tr.e manor, who n.i« on tin» coach of earlier or the Claflin heirs to sell 'at a substantial on his or It is ;" with for *o live. by days by the sons making profit room on Üctohor 14. Tho Bale is essentially investment property. twenty-one years ok! when the places people New York Central Railroad. markcj:' that tho of tho late her investment. by It has not to wait either for transit English direction of .. Not all the buyors at auction, how- II. B. Claflin aro continuing hi3 policy "All of to $150,000, Augustus Van Cortlandt, occupation of New York to« placo ¦« «-,«¦, have with the In fact the Claflin estate section which leads the conclusion who inherited tho some facilities or for street, improvements. lot*', became the first Ameri¬ purchased purpose of treating real estate as merchandise. real as of $25,000 cask property years native In .':... f build hornea for th'.'ir during the Civil Wí¡r period and for that estate, old, is still the afro. This part of tho estate has re- At the subway terminal, where it be¬ can the rit\ from g "Doubtless nfter the Claflin salo basis of all ever must Mayor, administering own occupancy. Others there are, and many years thereafter was more in¬ security and be Rental $21,000, mained practically intact since pre- gins, two traffic policemen, in summer 1667 to his death. From 1710 to L719 tales of will be heard, as while men land for their and can even their i a na is legion, se purpose in accessible from the heart of Manhat¬ quick profit require homes, Revolutionary days, so that this will winter, have all they do, Jacobus Van Cortlandt was Mayor of ¡a tan than are to-day many of the resi¬ in the case of other sales held recently for farming, for industrial enterprises which C3n be increased 25 %.
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