X WEDNESDAY, MAY tO, 1969 ifllanrli^Btpr EtKttfng ifpralb Scribner explained that other, W ^ membart who plan t y at­ inatructlon to be held at the Slate | Uioee attending will be John Um' vrogram jvUl lacluda tha new Lane Inspections NotVy Total l^ S -I s Yopt^ar Safe? 8th District Plant AAiturv In W'llltmantic, May 22; Goads. 90, who 1# active in Bible oolor l?!m "Dfvtae Will Interne- larger asaembUaa will be held i i tend tha atata ,rally In Torrtngtrtn eummer,In, Providence andl nth r ________ _^________________________ I___ ____ ^______________________ ZI j___ _t ^ _________■ ' '_____ _________ ___ :____ .J______' ................... Tuebday* are fiequested to notify through 24. educational work. tional Aaaembly Of Jehovah’a Wltf ’ "Growth to Qhrietian ..meturlty; "Be a Teacher of the XJood neeeea,” which will he ahown for key citiM lit Ihe lTh4i^ State# and Mrs. C^lore Whlla by Fridsy. R ^orted Efficient Clanada. TheiA are deatgnad f ' wm^vt 3St. and to aid people of goodwill world i-Newa” le the theme of Friday eve- the flrat Ume to e New Rnglend wide, la tha dedicated atm of J«-j ning'a program Of mlniaterial tn- audience. The film wee pjrqdttced Um purpose of reviving their mli’ - Avaraga Daily Net Preaf Run The H ither am . lMMl!t br<MU. W Ooodwin S t. Plans ara -undena ay for a Va­ The 8th Dtatrict Hewer Depart­ leterial activity and.for epoclaHcc-l Paraeaat of 0 .j|. cation Church School at Emanuel hovah'a Witneases.*" aeid Reginald; atniction, Scribner aeld. A -Baptia- by the Wetchtower Bllwe^''an* For tlw Waek Ikidea X O taaO m * tTMtaMOi at Uta UflSraMlty of ment hae rweetywl a pat on the Tract Society of New York and training in varioua featuree of May lath. l$n OoitMcticut. DaportinM of Arta Lutheran Church to be held joint­ 'tkribner. preaiding mintater . of 1 mal aervice will be conducted Sat- back from the State Department the local coiigregalioit- Amongiurday at 1:30 p.m. At 6:45 p.m. wad releaaed on May 2, Bible i^iicatlon, ThondenhoWMa, Half, And ackwen . aabinitted tha win- ly with Concordia Lutheran of Health. humid tonight. Li$w ta fttnir oompoatutm far. -tba Uiemr Church again thta year Dales Chief, Shriltary Bngfha^ Warren 12,924 'warm, hnmld Friday, chdrua, 'Til Stand Kw Chriit." at have been act for June 22 to July Scott told 8th .Dtatrict oNtaUle the Meoiber af the Audit 4, V- r- ■h'bwcire lata la day. fll| tlia, cBoferanea of Yount Paople’a 3. 9 to 11:4S a.m. Diatricl gewer aystem la effidbnUy X M m t Dtacomfort hWlex 78. RoYeaB « f CtroolatliHi Ootteeil of tha Salvation Army, llin, end the buMdInga and varimia Mmichs»ter*— A City of Village Charm wh^ch he mtandod. togaUiar i^-ith The R o a a r y Society of St. Bridget's Church will meet tomor­ oneratlons at the Hilliard St. filter othor local yognt Salvationlita and plant are ‘•apick and apan." Major I.«mia. ronf«rcnce was row at 7.;30 p.m. The bualnsas aea- I HALE’S STORE HOURS: WdrAi HhI huju from MALI’S FABRIC DEFT. aton will be followpd by a talk on Dlalrtcl President .David J, (TWBNTY-POUR PAG^Sr-TWO SECTIONT I O ^ MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1959 (ClaaaUlad AdvarttalRf M Faga M l PRICE FIVE CENTS held last weekend at Williams Col* ^ Marka~sald this Is a tcatimonial to VOL. L3CXVIII, NO. 197 lege WiiliamsloaTi. Mass. Belgium by Michael Diiabana. who OPEN MONDAY ALL DAY . MORE AND MORE OF CrPIOXI and COMBED COTTON —..ii-------- spent a ye’ar-lft that country. the work of Calvin Taggart, aewer aiiperlntendrnl, who >has held the FINEST QUAIJTY REG. 81.49 The MATES will meet tonight at Manchester .Shntlerbuga will; position for about seven years. 9:D0 A M. to S:30 P.M. SHANTUNG T-SO at the home of the treasurer. meet tonight al 8 o’clock at the Marks said Scott made his re-, tal Ready Winslow McLoughlin. 437 Summit CHINO CLOTH R. K Butlerworth studio on Main • port as the reault of a periodic In Tl'KRDAT___ • A.M. to 5i80,P,M. iS" WldeT Yard ^ S t Members are reminded to bring . S I. after which Rutlerworth will apection by State Health officials. '-4 Dinner eolor slides. Inasmuch as' the H'EDNKISDAV . R A-M. to 5:80 P.M. ; aaaut the group In photographing : llili Open Type birthdays of two of the members ( a model. j Washes beautifully, drip-dfy. Idedi occur this week, calo.rte^lesa re- jrjiRo Photo t h i.'Ir r d a y ,. 9 A.M.v|« 9:00 P.M. •42" and 45' width*. One of our fa*t- for sportawear, crulaewaar. dreaa- Indicts Officers’ Buffet fraahmanta sill ba served after the Members of the Eklgar and M is-, E n g a g e d waar. kiddie* drease*, aklrta, dra- Heart Surgery bustaaea-aeasion. ' FRIDAY . t AJW. ta »:sn P..M. Mt oelling fabric*. Chooae from 1» pah Circles of the WSCS of the Planned hv Elks color*.' perie*. etc. South Methodist Church will hold SATURDAY .9 a :m . to 3:80 P.M. Labeled Vil Ail members of Daughters of The engagement of Miaa Mau­ Hartford, May 21,, (/P)-^ , a rummage sale tomorrow morn- reen Ann Dwyer to Charles Pick- Ubarty Nos. 17 and 125: Washing­ j Ing al 9 ociorj{ -in Wesley hall. Hartford Hoapital. ton No. 117, and Star of the Bast . ral la announced by her parents, Mancheater- I>od|e of Elkji will ha've an Officers’ Riiffet Dartce . X. Creneva, Ma, 21 lA V -.’Thet®'**!® dousTw” *■ h) ^ promote] any today that ft is besltlhing Itoi'al Black PrOeeptory. t^lll meet J — Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dwyer, - - secret dlpkMitacy. Memorial Lodge, Knlghla of Olenhrook. ■ |Sstui-day.at the dike Home. Weat 4oday bfaisted Russia’s “ open heart” surge^v on at the South MethOdlst Church Pythia.'i. will hold a meeting in ■ Officials of all three western man patients, the first time' Sunday. May 24. to attend the Her fjanre la the son of Mr.; Thia la the Oral aocial event tince proposal ftir a confederation delegations .conceded that it waa To Apalachin celebration of Its 58lh anniversary and Mrs. Clvde Ptckrsl, ,35 Locust | the insUIlatlon of the new officera. ■r . , such operations have been fartwell service of the Rev. Charles ; tonight at S o'clock In Its Castle of West German and Commu­ llte i^ y impossible to predict Reynolda Sf. Co-chairmen are Mike Qulsh and Ahead o( time what would happen done in Greater Hartford. > hall on (iolway St. Members of Miss llivyer. a gradtiale of Dari­ Janies Gleason. They announce a nist t East Germany with a . .Memorial Temple, Pythian .Sta­ because Soviet Foreign Minister St. Francis- Hospital had a hand en High .School, Is employed at tha ; aocial hour-from 8 to 9. with danc­ declarati m it is impoosible to Andrei A. Gromyko might create in the hUtorj' • raaking step, ac­ 2 ters. are Invited. Refreshments Southern New England Telephone ing following to the mualc of the “confederate a system of free­ an opening or make a move which Vill he served. j j Lou Joy band. The buffet will ba cording - to' Dr. T. Stewart Hamil­ Nose Cone .Co, Her fiance, a graduate of dom s System of bond- th ^ cannot anticipate. ton, Hartfor' Hospital admln|a- Accu,sed of Blocking i . ! Manchester High School, la em -; aerved at 11:30. Gromyko is already beginning to Conrad D. Strielelnieler. E ast; Qufsh and Gleason have ticketa, . age.”' - >•.- trator, who made the announce­ DON'S ployed at the. Ksman Aircraft Co,, i prod the three western ministers ment. He hailed thia as a "tint Hartford, teacher at Manchester i Bloomfield. 'which may also be secured at the Ambassador Wilhelm Grewe into letting them know w ^ t thejr example of inter-4iospital coopera- R ecovered High School, will attend the Scl- An October wedding la being j club. of West GepRiany, carrying terms are for agreement tm a sum­ TOYLAND ence Institute of Wesleyan lJnl--| planned. , | forward the Allied assault on mit conference. Herter, Britain’s Probes into Meeting ; verslty'a graduate aiimmer school ! team headed by Dr. Thomas the Soviet plan ftw a peace Selwyn Lloyd and Maurice Oouve lovan at Hartford Hoapital At the Blinker Ught for teachers during July and Au- de Murville or France are reported In Atlantic and Mrs. Joseph Hammond, co-1 Confah Delejgales Mttlement with each side Of haa been “training" for the dra­ guat. I trea.siirera; Mrs, George Hiuiaey, playing hard to get. chiefly be­ matic, life saving surgical pro­ diridejl Germany, told the cause France and West Germany New York, May 21 (/P)— The power of the. federal govern­ ANDOVER ^ welfare; Mrs. ' Ronald .Morrison To See INew Film cedure for about a year. Cape Canaveral, Fla., May ment today wa.8 turned upon the notorious 1957 underworld The All Saints Mothers thrcle and Mrs. Benedict Zollo, represent­ Big Four conference the con­ —meaning President CSiarles de hat elected th^ following officers Gaulle and -Chancellor Konrad A heart-lung ./ machine, vital W ottr Skis— 200/^ Off atives; Mrs. Hamntnn, control federation project was de- equipment 'or tmj team, was pro­ 21 (A*)—The Air Force hurl^ convention at Apalachin, N. Y., with 27 delegatee indicted on' for the year 1959-80; Mrs. Agnes Final preparation haa been com­ Adenauer--having insisted this is a tiny nose cone of the future charges of conspiring to baik probes of it.
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