WK.ATHER itnTi *. 'Kit D1 TO DAI I Mit l«l MO»:l!0 . t .-.(. r.l .-I' ..'!¦¦ liigi,, ri i«.«>. SI. îDtorfc ffiribxine . r« ,'«.-' "" ''.«* ¡\fero «.*¦.. i«*«-*«*- ' "> »'"' H«*ek#«, < «i ..f rorl -»ewerl ,...,,. |. i»M»iM- . » PRICE ONE » EN I m-ihiiiki \ |l .....rltl't 1011 MUST 26, 1914. IV 24,733. n. 11.« 11 Iboaa t««". latían 1 \K\\ VORK, WEDNESDAY, French Forces Quit Muelhausen, Concentrating for Pivotal Battle; Fate ol France in the Balance NAMUR FORTS AUSTRIAN AMBASSADOR TURKS PLAN HAVOC WROUGHT BY FRENCH QUIT ALSACE FOUR RECALLED FROM TOKIO AT NIGHT Loadon, Inf. '«... \ Unit rr ili«- ZEPPELIN TO CONCENTRATE FOR HOLDING OUT AFTER patch from Vi«mM h\ »a\ «il \rn MASSACRE C sterdaia fires the officiai announce« Struck, nirnt tliiil llir \ii»tri;in ejn\ rrnment Scores Killed in Antwerp.Nine Hundred Houses n Tucxdav handed Iiím BATTLE pa'-SHirl« ( ounts DESPERATE GERMANS TAKE FIVE .<> the Ibpaaett \niba«.«a<l«r. I lie CHRISTIA1 Sixty Nearly Destroyed.Corresponden! \n«rtrian \nih;i*«ador at Tokio, il Bombs in «is Streets. la alan an noun, <.«). haa been rf«allrd. Ten «Many Tennessee and ,N< London " ig Ï6.-.The -orre The Daib Chro« "On Fight Now in Progress Hangs the Fate Invader? Declare Fall of Remaining Strong¬ Antwrrp -ay« WOUNDED BELGIANS Carolina Be Se "I F tha Official holds Imminent.London Admits .May lu-1 rough the of France," Says Report ESTIMATED AT 50,000 lo Bosporus. "I ">r ihe rir*-: time in history ?¦ greal commui Issued in Pans. Blow to Allied Armies. the iky in the larkne! Just » Bagne, Aug 25 «ria London -ni-' /rpr..-' th« ailed the g A B« catnji for interned ...*¦ lif< He well there ar« llol- AMBASSADOR WARN of thr century, ha perl greal to! 'hi.ii, it : ,'V being STATE ÜEPARTME may tic pr. m.í of his i ment. He h AT GIVET HOLD GERMANS 2.000 .. BRITISH PLACED AT . LOSSES - BRITISH i here thai the Bcl- ¡gère men,« men ^tv! el re has thrown b.mib«- "ti hos- pital tel ¦¦ Bel| has si ¦. Sultan Promises Mr. M Defeat to House of Com¬ ¦.¦ lea Muelhausen Evacuated General Joffre's Troops Premier Asquith Announces ¦....-..> Again by nlac«* Only to Do B< he f.frT , enera! Leman i to That genthau ¦*'¦. .'<.'. in Order That lull Strength Resist Invader« mon«».Paris Still Clings Report to Protect Americans /. i* ould tv May fitive . .n t'-r f« r" to Donon. Big Fortress Is Safe. them Along Line from Maubeuge ender the e been as g< the reverses 12:10 a. m..The War Office has issued the 25..Official confirmation of .¦ ' Paris, Aug. 26, Washington, Aug. ADVANTAGE TO BE ..... thr ,-,rt of striking the De¬ " following an.iouncement: of the allies* forces and the fall of Namur was received by TAKEN OF THE W. e placed themselves <.le who ¡ii.vr made 'hoi:- «.,;. to I« "The commander in chief, all available forces on of State to-day. but administration officials decline to the la "lu. .g requiring partment fror Malin« the Meuse, has ordered the abandonment of occupied \ had il il e .¦. hundred feel it the town. progressive make public any official information they receive. Mahometans Feel Sure Pom Zeppelin prhted Muelhausen has been evacuated. | rent out int« the streel For eleven hours from 01 :* territory. again GERMANY CALLS Ho I'nable to Take ( Would '.... "A new battle is in progress between Maubeuge Department Berlin, Aug. 25 ( bv Wireless to The Associated Press, by aftei idnighl until nooi have arcelj the ene ol tasti ON BOYS OF ¡6 Punitive Measures. of the Nord) and Donon (Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle ). way of Nauen, Germany and Sayville, Long Island)..An official "I hare expl« red e« ir I 1 «I« --"¦.-,.. T"l .*« i of France. in Alsace the Namur «'. und ten ''«. bt in ten diffei enl treets. It i On it hangs the fate Operations along of - the * i announcement, made public here to-day, says city Washington, \«i-_- 25 Gra I would take which .ration bee» «. Rhine away troops upon might depend victory. and five of its forts have been captured by the Germans. The bom¬ .'r bj the admi ii that all withdraw from Alsace in '- * nias-i« "In calcula) there i t be t nine house It is necessary they temporarily fall seems im¬ «,f the prosp» general mj Ired of the four other forts continues, and their . bardment ' the «lancet .. a '. A.]] I)«" n Turkey, ed and about yed. rhe number of vie« order to insure its final deliverance. It is matter of hard necessity. »mi ¦.'.*'l to minent. » unknown "West of the as a result of orders issued on e. i'1 Meuse, Sunday by of Btat by "In a h« use I four < room «¦a- a chambei tratet« "-iriKlc found dead. Ine the commander in chief, the troops which are to remain on the London, the bare statement that Namur au, Ambassador to rurkay the remains of mangled bodies being scattered ¡n every Aug. 25..Beyond the matter d_rrcC0T*.| line to take up the defensive are massed as follows: The bureau has issued nothmff *»n MorgenthaU ha« tr.ken m e opposite a husband and wi e only son hud just died in i coverirTg has fallen the official war information l'or».' and with BELGIAN OFFICER g iblin« «battle, were kille . oui French and British troops occupy a front passing near Givet, which the It is not yet known definitely here whether the fall according to f wiped subject. Sultan hlmeelf, but, Thr Place «1«. Poids Pnbli«, where thr tragedy happened, surpasses they gained by hard fighting. They are holding their adversaries or to MADE FULL GENERAL to the only refers to the town or the forts, both. tdricei hit covonirient. .n h< rr« >r [ ever saw. I v» ith nif and been able to obtain 1 anything brought the King'« secretary and sharply checking their attacks. from Paris surar.ce be hai . A to the Exchange TelegTaph Company * '" . him to have sp.-.-ial taken. dispatch \ tn official an« .. o ill »In all photographs .¦. si the Sultan "East of the Meuse our troops have regained their original it is denied at the French capital that Namur has been taken forth "It t rignificant that the Zeppelin bom ai medal public wyi '>. i.r.,*f et Ami tlir* roads out of the forest Ar¬ that Lieu- » at barn t at the positions commanding great of .¦ inforn ati« building!, government ipe Royal by the Germans. «.. and 1 Accordii | to the I .. I ««,h dennes. The fortifications of Namur and Liege formed the finest I general a or hia quired by 'be American AmbaSSad< Riven by the is.it;«'- secretary two I El on engineer, the enemy. ihometana m Turkey are deu had Vrn found a few yards from the FRENCH PURSUIT STOPPED. of the work of the famous Belgian military . of the dl examples . i titea "In order that .«II governments ol ur< p« ind \merica should be was world-wide. hnd t "To the right we assumed tffe offensive, driving back the General Henri Alexis Brialmont, whose reputation GERMANS DISAPPEAR turhed eon,lit ion«« in K.'irnpe, t'TinrH from cm nlar evidence about tin- gi i mi md in order are .n|;aK a but General Joffre are not so as those of '.r* that «Vie great powers that thr «a' ( .« tins' enemy by vigorous onslaught, stopped pursuit The defensive works of Namur strong conflict nhi corps might issue joint protest against FROM DUTCH BORDER in h terribli iitttr..Rr ", thi law of nati« i. I on the I I »mpany so as to re-establish his front along the line decided upon but tb<- of the city is much better for military pur¬ th.« adoption of t! | ring Sunday. Liege, position would preclude me «-.hich under i.orni through the lown In this attack our troops showed admirable dash. The Sixth Corps tterdai \ .- ;> London, poses. punitive mai« "Undei oí Ml i*on Der Eist thr !' are in. recorred I follón inch a Secretar] Foreign inflicted on the close to Virton. The forts are nine in number. The four most important Report-- ould notably punishment enemy '. ere 1 that the 'heir wrath on all < hn N'iinri«., rlu Russian Minister, Prince Minist täte Van« the forts mas.pd in "In Lorraine the two armies have begun a combined attack, Si Heribert, Audoye, Suarlee and Cognelee; connecting d been lure« n Turl «v. both Turk« dervelde, fiymani and Count G diel B Mvi« la, th< ¡ retary. ruml« th« ei have one Marchevolette and g in Ama. A' TI wrrc all terror ¦;..«. so that he starting from Grande Couronne de Nancy and the other from of less strength are Dave, Maizeret, Malonne, - .iil isai .on of m Europa and Turkey ey stricken.. Prince P I..vas h«irrified 'he Dutch . Morgenthan, no "unb» ¡c;'t*e,\ to follow me into the chamber ol horrors. «outh of Luneville. Th** engagement which bes*an yesterday ( Mon¬ tmines. ' th. n. ued il er" will I««« permrttted to eaen| i "The population is in gloom. Th« eppelin ti «les for th« day ) continues at the time of writing. The sound of NAMURS GUNS POWERFUL. iseei lain. ahomi tarn hat e their v. a-,. cannonading to the nr-rer as was The Sultan, in response « on V i.« not heard at Nancy, it yesterday. arc hardened steel domes, generally eight of of the American Arr onllnnrH page S. rolunin All protected by 800 representation! h dis¬ AMERICANS, dor, I i promised to do what "The 15th Corps, which suffered heavily in the last fight, had of modern heavy, * «hem in each fort.
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