SEE YOU AT CONGRATULATIONS, THE RIVIERA CAlllfJRNIA TECH DAVE Ctlliffunitl Instltutl of TecnnolDIY Volume LII _________________~ Posodeno, Californio, Thursday, March 1, 1951 ______________________________ No.19 ~Jump for Joy' Y~;~1~fj~~~~f.r Hanna Captures Presidency At ASCIT Dance Riviera Country Club Destination of Techmen Sat.; inVi~:;I::: ' ~:~: ~Ci."l~ In 1951 A.S.C.I. T. Elections Keith Williams Band, 'Best on Coast: to Play This term's ASCIT dance will be held at the Riviera Country Club on Saturday night, March 3rd. Dancing will 'be from 9 to I , • Callaghan is V.P., La Tourette Secretary; with the bar and kitchen of the club open durng this time. Sharp Speaks The me Gee Wins Run-off for Treasurer "Jump for Joy" will be the theme for this dance, which, with Last Thursday's "lections climaxed a spirited campaign its decorations of 800 various colored helium fi lled balloons, prom­ which is reminiscent of the "old" college days. Many ol the ises to be one of the greatest dances ever held by Tech, said Art Tomorrow at races were close and hot. Dave Hanna edged oul Stan Groner by 73 votes for the office of ASClT Presiden t. Mike Callaghan won the post of Vice-President by the narrow margin of 21 TBPI Banquet votes over John McCourt. John Gee became treasurer and Bruce \\\ ~ Dr. Robert P. Sharp of the Watkins second rep at the run-off elections Tuesday. Geology Di vision will be the The proposed amendment to ,,".. 0( J .,,\ '" guest speaker tomorl"Ow night, Sec. 3 of Article V. ASCIT by­ ........ ~ '0). '~, v (,. ... when undergraduate, graduate, laws, passed by the overwhelm­ , I \ ' and faculty members from Cal- . i ng vote of 362 to 31. tech, and alumni members from I Results are tabulated below. Ramona Carr, (catul'cd as a a ll over the Los Angeles area, I Uocu'd 8 wol"11 in Tonight vocalist with Keith \Vil­ gather at Pierre's for the second i The new Board of Directors Hams' Band at the ASCIT Tau Beta Pi initiation banquet with the exception of the treas· dance SatUl'day uti 't. of the year. urer, will be sworn in tonight at Pledge Period Over their first meeting. The new APf'~"'. 30 "OL" The banquet is the climax treasurer, business manager of CIT Orchestra the two week pledge period, dur­ the Tech, and editor and busi­ ing which the nearly 20 ini­ Cuse, first rep. .-------------. ness managers of the Big T wlll AT' tiates to the national engineering assume office next September. The Riviera Country CslUubnseiSt ; Prof. Sorensen tomorrow s honora ry SOciety have put the All other winners will take of­ located at the end of finishing touches on their small, fice next term. Blvd., near the beach. It was H 11 00 Assembly bronze "bents," replicas of the President ................ Dave Hanna the site recently of the Los An· Receives onor: . official insignia of the organiza· geles Open Golf Tournament, The Assembly m Culbertson Vice-President.. Mike CalJagh an tion, have written e1ssays, and DAVE HANNA Secl·etary ........ Jim La Toul"ctte and has been the site of earlier Dr. Royal W .. Sorensen~ Pro~es - tomorrow pro m i s e s to be performed other pledge duties. Tech dances. Just last fall the sor of E lectrIcal Engmeermg one of the finest orchestral as­ New ASCIT President Tl'casurel' .................... John Gee Essay Contest the entire club, although of re- (Emeritus) at Caltech has 'been semblies that Techmen have --- ------ -----. Athletic l\Ianager.... Babe Kara.. cent construction, was renovated elected as an honorary member seen in a very long time, accord­ The prize·winning essay will salVa at a cost of $50,000, and now is of the Institute of Electrical En- ing to Frank Ludwig, rally com- be awarded the local prize of fi ve Chemist Takes Publicity Manager.... John Bop.. one of the finest country clubs gineers of Japan. missioner. dollars, then sent to national Tau part FLrst Re lu·esentattve..m.. Large on the Pacific Coast. One Other Living Member Cal tech's orchestra this year is Beta Pi headquarters to repre· sE'nt Cal tech in the nationwide Yale Position ..... GiI Kitching l\Jusic by Keith Williams The only other living honor- under the direction of Mr. Will- Music will be by Keith Wi!- ary member of the organization iam Kline. contest, for which a prize of 50 J ohn Gamble Kirkwood, Ar­ Second Re preselltuti'l'c-at-Large Iiams and his 10 piece orchestra is Dr. Irving Langmuir, former Among some of the better dollars is offered. This term the thur A. Noyes Professor of .. ... ...Bruce 'Vatkins with vocals by Dotty Irwin. Wi!- director of the General Electric known pieces to be played will local chapter has asked the Chemistry at Caltech, has been Rally Commissioller...... .. .. John Billings Iiams' crew is composed of hard Company Research Laboratory. be "Polka" and "Furiant" from ple-dges to write on the question named Sterling Professor of driving imaginative young mu- Other previous electees were the "Bartered Bride" and "Slav­ "How could the United States Chemistry and Chairman of the Yell Leadel·........ Leon Vickman Editoo' of t he CALIFORNIA sicians who put out a brand of Thomas A. Edison, Frank B. onic Dance NO.8" by Anton best utilize its college level en­ Department of Chemistry at TECH.......... Chuck Benjamin music very similar to that of Jewett, Elmer A .. Sperry and Dvorak. The program is: gineers and scientists during a Yale. national emergency." The win­ Provost Edgar S. Furniss, in Business l\Ianager of t.he CALI­ the old Artie Shaw band. Wi!- A. E. Kennelly. Sheep May Safely neI' of the local contest will be announcing the apPOintment, FORNIA TECH.... Richard White Hams l)imself has played with . His of membership Graze ... .. ... .. .. ........ Bnch certif~ cate I announced at the banquet. said Dr. Kirkwood will assume Editor of the BIG T ........ Budd Bobby Sherwood and Charley · IS to be delIvered by Dr. Matsu· Violin Duet (Doug Calley and the professorship July 1 as part Le Tom'Dean B8rnet, while ,his sidemen have jiro Oyama, Dean of the Dan Brown) ................ Bartok (Continued on Page 4) i Fa~ulty : of a Yale program to strengthen Business l\ImIager of the BIG been associated with Ziggy EI- o! Engineering, :o~yo Umver· "Polka" and "FuJiant" hom i her science faculties. T ...... .. Marv Hyman and Dick man, Jimmy Dorsey, Harry I Stty, and past plesldent of the "Bartered B .. ide" ...... 8mctuna DuBI'idge Announces Tracy James, Benny Goodman, and I IEEJ. ,Flute Solo (Vic Van Plaque Named Frankie Carle. I Visited Japan in 47 lAnt) ......................... .. Rameau Caltech President Lee A. Du· Jrnmy Higson, noted arranger . He v.isite~ J apan in, 1947 .as Suite from Dal·danus .... Rameau In Bio Library Bridge in announcing Professor and conductor of the Hoagy Car- the eng t~ ee~lI:g me~bel of a S IX- Violin Solo (Dick Taylor) Kirkwood's resignation said: ASCE Speakers michael NBC Show, ' Bob Graet- man. sClentlftc advIs.ory group Slavonic Dance No.8.... Dvorak A memorial plaque honoring "The Faculty and Administra­ tinger arranger for the Great appomted by the NatIOnal Acad· the late Thomas Hunt Morgan, tion of the California Institute of In Finals Monday Stan Kenton orchestra, and Dick I emy of Sciences at the requ~ s t . world-renowned genetiCist, was Technology join in congratulat· Nex t Monday the finals be­ Allen, winner of the Carl san-I of the Federal government. The New Clothes Dryers dedicated last Friday in the Ii­ ing Professor Kirkwood most tween three top CEose niors from burg award for serio~s compo. group evaluated plans submItted braJ'Y of Kerckhoff. sincerely upon his appointm.ent Professors McCrery and Mc­ silion have orchestrated Keith by the Japanese and made. ~ec · In Student Houses Dr. Morgan, who established to the Sterling Professorship at Kee's CE14 class and a junior ·II· ,. ommendatIol1s for democratlzmg the Caltech Division of Biology, Yale, one of the top scientific in CE will consist of talks to the W 1 lams musIc. d hi· I their SCIentific an tec no oglca In place of smog-dried clothes was an outstanding exponent of positions of the country. We ASCE meeting. The talks, which Last year Keith Williams' or- research, education and indus­ Student House members may the experimental approach in also congratulate Yale Univer­ are part of the ASCE contest. chestra was voted the fa vorite now use automatic clothes dry­ will be on current topics in civil of Southern California Colleges _t...:ry:...._ _____ ___ ___ biological studies. His research sity on securing the ~serv ice s of ers to dry their laundry. The with fruit flies (Drosophila) laid one of the nation's top chemists. engineering. Judges will be Dr. as a dance band, while Steve student body as taken in the 50- new machines were installed last the groundwork for the chromo­ "It is with sincere regret that Lindva ll, Professor Schutz and Allen and Gene Norman have cial poll, the dance will be party week in the ' Blacker-Dabney some theory of heredity, a basis the Institute has accepted Pro· Mr. McCormick. called the band "Without a type, that is, suits or sport court, and for a dime they will of modern genetics. For it he reo fessor Kirkwood's resignation in Finals ~lt Yosemite doubt, the best band on the cur- coats for the fellows, and party !'pin the clothes dry. ceived the 1933 Nobel Prize in order to accept this distin­ The winner of this contest will rent west coast scene." dresses for the girls.
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