(Ennnrrttrut Ha Hit. Campus "Serving Storrs Since\\l896' Vol. XI.II Storrs, Connecticut, Thursday, September 22, 1955 No. 5 NCAC Plans Shades of Shakespeare, Pied Piper Warns Freshmen For Annual To Relieve NCAC Tension Ye olden court jester lives again, To Attend Parade, Yale Rally at least as part of the North Cam- Cindy Ball pus Area council. At the group's meeting Tuesday by Arthur Coleman night in -Baldwin hall lounge, The Cinderella ball held the spot- President James McGuire, Fair- CCC Funds Dread Trio light at the school year's first field hall, followed a tradition and North Campus Area council meet- appointed Ronald Pivnick, Hurley ing Tuesday night in Baldwin hall hall, as president's jester. Benefit 14 Will Attend lounge, presided over by James Pivnick, whose duty will be to McGuire, McConoughy hall, presi- relieve tension during heated par- by Robert Sokel dent. liamentary confusion, is an in- Organizations Sponsored yearly by the NCAC, cumbent, having served as jester by Iri Karixt Freshmen beware! Your day of the ball will be held as part of and assistant jester in previous reckoning is near. The Blue and Homecoming weekend in the HUB semesters. Fourteen organizations have White committee has designated ballroom and will feature the benefited by the annual Community tomorrow as the date for the an- crowning of a Cinderella. Chest Carnival conducted last May nual Pied Piper Parade and Yale Preliminary judging of contest- SAM Group by the students of the University pep rally. At this time, tradition ants will be conducted in women's of Connecticut, according to Don- rules, it is mandatory for all fresh- residences, according to Ronald ald Germaine, Tau Epsilon Phi, men to take an active part in the Pivnick, Hurley hall, Cinderella Meets Tonight central treasurer for the Associ- procession as well as the candle- chairman. Each unit will select one ated Student government, and light ceremony which will follow. contestant, who will meet the jud- Election of officers and executive George Coates, Windham hall, The parade will be led by the ges at a coffee in early October in board members will be conducted chairman of the carnival. Student Senate president, Merritt the HUB Recreation lounge. From at the year's first meeting of the ' Checks totalling $3,000 have O'Brien, who will portray the'Pied the group six finalists will be Society for the Advancement of j been forwarded to the organiza- Piper of Hamlin. Starting time chosen, with Cinderella being chos- Management tonight at 8 p.m. in ■ tions. Funds were raised through has been set for 7:15 p.m. with en from these. Her identity will be HUB 103. individual contributions on campus the parade commencing at Project a secret until the night of the Two candidates for the presi- I including a record request mara- E, West Campus, and continuing crowning. dency, nominated by the board of 'thon conducted by WHUS, the on to South Campus, past the in- Committee chairmen for the ev- directors, Leonard Seal, Lamb- ' student radio station, a dance, a dependent girl's and agriculture ent are as follows: James McGuire, da Chi Alpha, and John Gullen, j student variety show and a carni- dorms on Route 195, on to North Fairfield hall, general chairman; Alpha Zeta Omega, as well as val in which residence units oper- Campus and concluding at the field Francis Kryswick, Fairfield hall, nominations from the floor, will ated booths along a midway, offer- house. arrangements; Ronald Grele, Mc- be considered. ing games •£ skill and side shows. The dreaded Black Triumvirate George Coates stated that in University Photo Conaughy hall, tickets; Pivnick, A discussion of field trips and will follow the weirdly attired Cinderella; Alexander Lutsky, order to further expand the carni- Pied Piper and will in turn be the year's program will be held. val and improve on the record- Windham hall, publicity, and re- Prospective members will be in- folowed by the cheerleaders, Hus- breaking income of the 1954 event, kie mascot, Jonathan IV, and the freshments, unappointed. terviewed by Edward Boardinelli This is Earl Capuano, past pres- the 1955 Carnival was run two 115-piece University Marching Grele, reporting for the Consti- at the SAM office in Storrs hall tution committee, recommended nights. ident of the Senate, who led the band under the direction of Lewis from 3-5 p.m. on Monday and He further explained that the that Article .'i, section 3a of the Wednesday. Registration for a freshmen in the Pied Piper parade L. Anderson, newly appointed di- constitution be amended. At pres- first night, May 4, was very suc- rector of University bands. speedreading course will be ac- cessful. The parade held prior to around campus last fall. As tra- ent the section calls for a vote by Together with their student cepted at Storrs 123 from 9 a.m. the opening of the midway in- secret ballot of individual dorm- dition has it ,the Pied Piper, played counselors, all freshmen are urged to 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday. spired more than 2,000 students to itory boards for NCAC represen- to be outside and prepared to join A $3.00 registration fee will be attend the opening night. Th<> each year by the Senate president, tatives. the parade as the procession pass- levied for the classes, which will second night, however, thunder, leads the freshmen in a "tour" of If Grele's suggestion were adop- es by their respective dorms. begin next Monday. One hundred lightning and heavy rains kept the ted representatives could also be the campus. Men students will be Required Dress openings are avaiable. visitors away and ruined the chosen by secret balloting of the Also, the society will sponsor a chances of breaking the record cf dressed in pajamas and women in The only dress satisfactory to dormitory members as a whole. picnic at Mashamoquet State Park the previous year. shortened skirts for the march the committee will be short skirts The amendment was tabled for a next Tuesday at a cost of $1.25 worn no longer than four inches The benefitting organizations, this Friday night. week, as were appointments to per person. Transportation will be (Cont'd, p. 4, Col. 4) above the knee and a good size rib- the Judiciary committee and the provided from Reach parking lot bon for the girls will also be car- selection of a new secretary to at 3:30 p.m. Tickets are available rying either a stuffed doll or replace Robert Babbit of Windham from society members or at the To Match Wits Oct. 26 animal. Boys will be attired in hall, who will commute this sem- office in Storrs 123. pajamas and each will carry' towel ester. over his shoulder. Needless to Mrs. Una Bolton, resident educa- UC-Cambridge To Debate say, beanies and name tags will be tional counselor of Baldwin and Convocation worn but will be discarded at the McConaughy hall, was approved as by Robert I'latt disclose the nature of the formal conclusion of the Field house cere- advisor to the group. Students and faculty members at debate, the form which most col- monies. It was announced by McGuire Convocation Today the University will get a heretofore legiate meets take. Four ten-minute Dr. David Phillips, of the speech that installation of new judges to rare opportunity to watch an in- arguments will be given by the and drama department, as master the North Campus Judiciary board Will Commence ternational debating team in oper- affirmative side, to be followed by of ceremonies, will begin the acti- will be conducted at next week's ation when the home forensic so- four five-minute rebuttals. The vities with the 'Beat Yale' pep meeting. At 9:30-End 11 a. m. ciety plays host to students from arguments are judged on a basis rally. At this time, Coach Bob Cambridge university, Cambridge, of evidence, reasoning, originality Ingalls and Captain Buddy Amen- England, on Oct. 26 in the HUB and delivery. Dean W. Harrison dola will address the freshmen. ballroom. Carter of the College of Arts and The cheereaders will concudo Faculty Houses Ready Dec. 1, The event, the first of its kind to Sciences is scheduled to moderate the rally by performing nveral take place at Storrs, will high- the Cambridge meet. routines in order to familiarize the Rainbow Alley To Be Razed light the debating team's 1955-56 Mr. Ellingsworth stated that in-' freshmen with the school's cheers. season, as outlined by Mr. Huber terest in debating has declined | (Cont'd, p. 4, Col. 1) Northwood Apartments, a new Ellingsworth, instructor of speech considerably in past years, from a faculty housing project off North sity building projects so that funds and drama.who is helping prepare point where it once held student . Eagleville road, is expected to be work. the group for its forthcoming sea- interest on a level comparable to American Finance Group completed by Dec. 1, Col. Wallace Housing a total of 96 families, son. present day basketball. The Un- A. Moyle, director of plant main- the buildings are of brick veneer The debators will meet Trinity iversity team is in reality a fun- j Initiates Fall Plans tenance, said yesterday. in garden-style arrangement, and college in a pre-season meet on ction of the speech and drama de- j The units, some of which are al- feature large picture windows. Oct. 3, which will not be open to partment, which has taken over At Tonight's 1st Meeting ready occupied, were not affected The four room and bath apart- the public since it is not a reg- organization and administration in The American Finance Associa- by Gov.
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