§ 141.84 19 CFR Ch. I (4–1–11 Edition) (3)–(4) [Reserved] the first entry, covering the quantity (5) Merchandise returned to the to be entered under another entry, may United States after having been ex- be used in connection with the subse- ported for repairs or alteration under quent entry of any portion of the mer- subheadings 9802.00.40 and 9802.00.60, chandise not cleared under the first Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the entry. United States (19 U.S.C. 1202). (b) Entries from foreign-trade zone at (6) Merchandise shipped abroad, not one port. A photocopy of the invoice delivered to the consignee, and re- filed with the first entry for consump- turned to the United States. tion from a foreign-trade zone of a por- (7) Merchandise exported from con- tion of the merchandise shown on the tinuous Customs custody within 6 invoice will not be required for any months after the date of entry. subsequent entry for consumption from (8) Merchandise consigned to, or en- that zone at the same port of a portion tered in the name of, any agency of the of any merchandise covered by such in- U.S. Government. voice, if a pro forma invoice is filed and (9) Merchandise for which an ap- identifies the entry first made and the praisement entry is accepted. invoice then filed. (10) Merchandise entered temporarily (c) Entries at different ports. When por- into the Customs territory of the tions of a single shipment requiring a United States under bond or for perma- commercial invoice are entered at dif- nent exhibition under bond. ferent ports, the importer may submit (11) Merchandise provided for in sec- to the port director where the original tion 466, Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. invoice or latest photocopy of the 1466), which pertain to certain equip- original invoice is on file, two photo- ment, repair parts, and supplies for copies of the latest of such invoices to vessels. be certified as to merchandise pre- (12) Merchandise imported as sup- viously received, and the official seal plies, stores, and equipment of the im- affixed thereto. porting carrier and subsequently made (d) Pro forma invoice. In a case in subject to entry pursuant to section which a portion of the shipment is en- 446, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 tered at the first port on a pro forma U.S.C. 1446). invoice, an entry at a subsequent port (13) Ballast (not including cargo used may be made by means of a new pro for ballast) landed from a vessel and forma invoice which may cover only delivered for consumption. the merchandise then entered. (14) Merchandise, whether privileged (e) Photocopy to satisfy bond for in- or nonprivileged, resulting from ma- voice. A properly certified photocopy of nipulation or manufacture in a foreign a commercial invoice presented within trade zone. 6 months after the date of entry may (15) Screenings contained in bulk im- be accepted to cancel the charges portations of grain or seeds. against the bond given for the produc- tion of the commercial invoice. [T.D. 73–175, 38 FR 17447, July 2, 1973] [T.D. 73–175, 38 FR 17447, July 2, 1973, as EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- tations affecting § 141.83, see the List of CFR amended by T.D. 84–213, 49 FR 41184, Oct. 19, Sections Affected, which appears in the 1984; T.D. 85–39, 50 FR 9612, Mar. 11, 1985] Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov. § 141.85 Pro forma invoice. A pro forma invoice submitted in ac- § 141.84 Photocopies of invoice for sep- cordance with any provision of this arate entries of same shipment. chapter shall be in substantially the (a) Entries at one port. If by reason of following form: accident or short shipment a portion of PRO FORMA INVOICE the quantity covered by one invoice fails to arrive, or if for any other rea- IMPORTERS STATEMENT OF VALUE OR THE son only a portion of the quantity cov- PRICE PAID IN THE FORM OF AN INVOICE ered by one invoice is entered under Not being in possession of a commercial one entry, a photocopy of the commer- seller’s or shipper’s invoice I request that cial invoice used in connection with you accept the statement of value or the 30 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:22 May 24, 2011 Jkt 223060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223060.XXX 223060 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR U.S. Customs and Border Protection, DHS; Treasury § 141.86 price paid in the form of an invoice sub- lief, and are based upon: (Check basis with mitted below: an ‘‘X’’) Name of shipper —————————————— (a) The price paid or agreed to be paid (l) address llllllllllll as per order dated llllll. Name of seller ——————————————— (b) Advices from exporter by letter (—) by address llllllllllll;. cable (l) dated llllll. Name of consignee ———————————— (c) Comparative values of shipments pre- address llllllllllll. viously received (l) dated llllll. Name of purchaser ———————————— (d) Knowledge of the market in the coun- address llllllllllll. try of exportation (l) llllll. The merchandise (has) (has not) been pur- (e) Knowledge of the market in the United chased or agreed to be purchased by me. States (if U.S. Value) (l) llllll. The prices, or in the case of consigned (f) Advices of the Port Director (l) goods the values, given below are true and llllll. correct to the best of my knowledge and be- (g) Other (l) llllll. B—Manufacturer’s C—Quantities D—Unit pur- E—Total pur- G—Total A—Case marks item No. symbol or and full descrip- chase price chase price F—Unit for- foreign numbers brand tion (currency) (currency) eign value value ................................ ........................... ........................... ........................... .................... .................... ................................ ........................... ........................... ........................... .................... .................... Check which of the charges below are, and which are not included in the prices listed in columns ‘‘D’’ and ‘‘E’’: the time when and the person to whom Amount Included Not in- cluded and the person by whom it is shipped; Packing .............................................. ................ ................ (3) A detailed description of the mer- Cartage .............................................. ................ ................ chandise, including the name by which Inlandfreight ....................................... ................ ................ each item is known, the grade or qual- Wharfage and loading abroad ........... ................ ................ ity, and the marks, numbers, and sym- Lighterage .......................................... ................ ................ bols under which sold by the seller or Ocean freight ..................................... ................ ................ U.S. duties ......................................... ................ ................ manufacturer to the trade in the coun- Other charges (identify by name and try of exportation, together with the amount) .......................................... ................ ................ marks and numbers of the packages in Total ........................................ ................ ................ which the merchandise is packed; (4) The quantities in the weights and Country of origin llllllllllll. measures of the country or place from If any other invoice is received, I will im- mediately file it with the Port Director. which the merchandise is shipped, or in ———————————— the weights and measures of the United (Signature of person States; making invoice) (5) The purchase price of each item in ———————————— the currency of the purchase, if the (Title and firm name) merchandise is shipped in pursuance of a purchase or an agreement to pur- Date ———————————————————— chase; [T.D. 73–175, 38 FR 17447, July 2, 1973, as (6) If the merchandise is shipped oth- amended by T.D. 85–39, 50 FR 9612, Mar. 11, erwise than in pursuance of a purchase 1985] or an agreement to purchase, the value for each item, in the currency in which § 141.86 Contents of invoices and gen- eral requirements. the transactions are usually made, or, in the absence of such value, the price (a) General information required on the in such currency that the manufac- invoice. Each invoice of imported mer- turer, seller, shipper, or owner would chandise, must set forth the following have received, or was willing to re- information: ceive, for such merchandise if sold in (1) The port of entry to which the the ordinary course of trade and in the merchandise is destined; usual wholesale quantities in the coun- (2) The time when, the place where, try of exportation; and the person by whom and the person (7) The kind of currency, whether to whom the merchandise is sold or gold, silver, or paper; agreed to be sold, or if to be imported (8) All charges upon the merchandise otherwise than in pursuance of a pur- itemized by name and amount, includ- chase, the place from which shipped, ing freight, insurance, commission, 31 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:22 May 24, 2011 Jkt 223060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223060.XXX 223060 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR.
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