Nations and Nationalism in a Cosmopolitanized World Some Lessons from Ulrich Beck's Work Ander Errasti Lopez TESI DOCTORAL UPF / ANY 2017 DIRECTORS DE LA TESI Dra. Sonia Arribas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Dr. Daniel Innerarity (Universidad del País Vasco – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) DEPARTAMENT D’HUMANITATS ii A ti, si quieres, y siempre que quieras. Como no podía ser de otra manera. iii Eskerrak / Agraïments / Agradecimientos / Gratitudes Eskerrikasko Julen, bidai luze hau Iruñara egin genituen bidaietako hainbat eta hainbat elkarrizketatan hasi zelako, eta zure alboan inoiz amaituko ez delako. Eskerrikasko Bego elur, ekaitz hala dena delakoak datozenak datozela zure babesa izango dudala erakusteaz gain, inoiz kemena eta nigan konfidantza gal ez dezadan erakusteagatik Eskerrikasko Mikel munduan inork inoiz ez nauelako era hain zuzenean estimatuko. Espero ez sekula zalantzarik edukitzea aldebiko sentimendua dela. Eskerrikasko hiruoi, tesian teorikoki diodan zerbait – familia tradizionalez hitz egiteak dagoeneko zentzu askorik ez duela, alegia – mundura etorri nintzanez gero egunero­ egunero erakusteagatik: eta hala bedi, inon ez baitnaiz zuekin bezain maitatua sentitu. Eskerrikasko, nola ez, Lourdes: gaur naizena, onerako denean behintzat, neurri handi batean zuri esker baitda. Hori bai ez dudala inoiz ahaztuko. Eskerrikasko Tina eta José, queridos aitona y amona, por enseñarme que ser Euskaldun va mucho más allá de cualquier estereotipo. Eskerrikasko Julian eta Mariateresa, amama eta aitona maiteok, munduan egote honi paisaia, sustraia, nortasuna eta, nola ez, hizkuntza emateagatik. Laurok beti izango zaituztet bizi­bizi gogoan. Eta eskerrikasko baita ere Iñaki, Jesus Mari, Yolanda, Maritere, Jesus, Amaia, Jon, Asier eta Nora hainbeste bizipen eta oroitzapen goxoengatik. Y cómo no, a la familia en Iruña: Chelo, Enrique, Gonzalo y Adriana, gracias por todo. Gracias, como no podía ser de otra manera, a Sonia: saber que siempre ha habido, pese a todas las dificultades, alguien que ha creído no solo en mi trabajo, sino en mi como persona, ha sido un aliento constante. Y gracias por hacerme ver que la normalidad está sobrevalorada. Eskerrikasko, nola ez, Daniel: nunca pensé que alguien tan sabio, pudiera a su vez ser tan cercano y humilde. Empezaste siendo un maestro y has acabado siendo un amigo. Espero que ambas cosas duren por muchos años. Moltes gràcies a tots/es els companys/es de GISME, amb els que considero que durant aquests anys he après tant com fent la propia tesi, especialment a SIforAGE i CCentre. Pero, muy especialmente, gracias a ti Javier por enseñarme tanto a cambio de tan poco. Eskerrikasko ere Globernance­en urte hauetan lagundu didazuen guztiori, bereziki Juanjo eta Mikel, ekimen guztietan hainbeste ilusio eta gogo jartzeaz gain elkarlanerako prestutasuna ez inoiz galtzeagatik. Cómo no, gracias a Lourdes Arana por hacer posible toda esta aventura: seguiré intentando estar a la altura. Moltes gràcies Mercè per posar música a tot això. Gracias por supuesto a tant@s compañer@s que me han acompañado en este trayecto, especialmente Nacho, Juan, Ane, Maria, Oscar, Ricardo, Jurdan, Josep, Javi, Anabel, Sandy, Mikel, Xabier(s) y Lau. Cada un@ a su manera, habéis contribuido a que este proyecto fuera posible. Y lo que nos queda. Ta Donostitik babesa erakutsi didazuen kuadrila eta lagunoi, eskerrikasko beti hor egon izanagatik. Mila esker/moltes gràcies/mil gracias! Thank you very much / merçi beaucoup to all the colleagues that have teach me so much during the last seven years. I would love to keep learning from you. A ti, Cris, qué te voy a decir que no me esfuerce en demostrarte desde que me despierto cada mañana: eskerrikasko por dar sentido a todo esto y al mismo tiempo forzarme a buscarle un nuevo sentido cada día. Porque podamos seguir viajando y aprendiendo juntos, por renovar la ilusión cada día. Ikaragarri maite zaitut. v vi Abstract This thesis consists of a thorough analysis and subsequent critical review of Ulrich Beck's cosmopolitan proposal. I basically challenge his three main normative assumptions: national secularism, community of risk and cosmopolitan empire. I do so by critically addressing his understanding of nations and nationalism from the perspective of the literature on minority nations. My approach offers a nuanced moral, political and legal understanding of Beck's cosmopolitan view. That is to say, the analytical review aims to highlight both the aspects of his proposal which I consider valuable as well as the aspects that need to be nuanced or criticised in order to strengthen his cosmopolitan account. The contribution of the thesis is to merge the normative cosmopolitan debates with the more accurate understanding of nations and nationalism offered by the literature on minority nations. In addition, it strengthens key aspects of Ulrich Beck’s proposal. The thesis addresses the interaction between the European Court of Human Rights and the United Kingdom as a case study to prove the extent to which Beck's cosmopolitan proposal offers a valid theoretical frame to address transnational challenges such as Human Rights protection. Laburpena Doctoretza tesi honetan Ulrich Beck pentsalariaren proposamen kosmopolitaren analisi sakon eta horri dagokion azterketa kritikoa jorratu ditut. Laburbilduz, bere hiru oinarri normatiboak eztabaidatzen ditut: sekularismo nazionala, arrisku komunitatea eta inperio kosmopolita hain zuzen ere. Horretarako estatu gabeko nazioen inguruko literaturan oinarrituz bere lanean agerian geratzen den nazio eta nazionalismoaren ulerpena zalantzan jartzen ditut. Nire gerturapen kritikoak, hala, bere proposamen kosmopolitari ñabardura moral, politiko eta legalak egiten dizkio. Hau da, tesian egindako errepaso analitikoak bere azalpen kosmopolitan agerikoak diren bertuteak azpimarratzeaz gain, hura sendotze arren kritikoki argitu naiz zehaztu beharko liratekeen gabeziak nabarmentzen ditu. Tesiaren ekarpen garrantzitsuena eztabaida kosmopolita nagusiak estatu gabeko nazioen inguruko literaturak nazio eta nazionalismoaren inguruan eskaintzen dituen irakurketa sakonak bateratzea litzateke. Hortaz gain, Ulrich Beck­en proposameneko elementu zentralak sendotzea du helburu. Azkenik, tesiak Giza Eskubideen Europako Auzitegia eta Erresuma Batuaren arteko interakzioa naiz tentsioak aztertuko ditu, hain zuzen ere Beck­en proposamen kosmopolitak Giza Eskubideen babesa bezalako erronka transnazionalak bideratzeko balio ote duen frogatzeko. vii INTRODUCTION: A REFLEXIVE TRIBUTE TO ULRICH BECK On January 1st, 2015, Ulrich Beck passed away after one of the most prolific and influential intellectual careers of the late twentieth and early twenty­first centuries. Born in Slupsk, Pomeranian, Poland in 1944, his father died fighting in WWII. This event marked his life and work doubly: (1) it gave him a personal understanding of the brutality into which humankind can fall and (2) it gave him a strong consciousness of being a world citizen. Nevertheless, his family moved to Hannover when he was still a child, granting him a personal sense of malleable­belonging. However, before this feature was first reflected in his work and much before becoming a crucial element, he was focused on a much more metaphysical question that marked his career: the inquiry on reality. It was during his early Legal Theory studies when he suddenly realized that reality as such was incomprehensible. Instead, he thought, reality was something that could be accessed from the subjective experience of the self. These conundrums made him leave his studies in Law and begin his philosophical career. However, even though he maintained a strong philosophical background throughout his work, he believed that philosophy was still too far from reality. Instead of continuing his research, under the continuous guidance of Immanuel Kant’s work about access to reality, Beck thought that it made much more sense to analyze the reality of his time. That is why he ended up studying Sociology and focusing his academic career on that field. However, the three knowledge strands ­ Legal Theory, Philosophy and Sociology ­ remain omnipresent in his work. The other major event that influenced his work was the 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. This event made him realize ­ or confirm ­ that his era was facing risks that were not territorially defined (at least not in accordance with the current political rift between nation­states). He realized that although that catastrophic nuclear accident took place in this small region at the north of Ukraine (a member state of the Soviet Union at that time), its negative consequences had an impact on a much broader geographic area. That is to say, he realized that the radioactive cloud that emanated from the nuclear plant would not stop on the nation­state’s borders. From this basic empirical confirmation, he unfolded a herculean attempt to explain the need for engaging global issues in their global dimension since a Ukrainian citizen would potentially suffer the consequences of the accident in a similar way than a Swedish, German or Greek citizen. In that sense, the us/them dichotomies – which ruled the socio­political reality throughout the modern period and which he considered false ­ appeared to have no relevance in this new scenario. That is why Beck believed that, in a sense that will be developed throughout this thesis, he was member of a broader Us than the one defined by the closed national attachments of early modernity. As Professor Daniel Innerarity, one of Beck’s colleagues and one of
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