------~--------.. Friday, AprilS, 1994 • Vol. XXVI No.ll9 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Holtz: belief brings success Vanier to receive ND By ANALISE TAYLOR News Writer humanitarian award Believing in yourself is a ma­ Special to The ObseiVer 1950. He studied philosophy jor key for success, according and theology in France for the to football coach Lou Holtz. Jean Vanier, founder of the next ten years, obtained a doc­ "You can't let anything in this international l'Arche communi­ toral degree in philosophy from world get you down," Holtz told ties for the mentally handi­ the Institut Catholique in Paris, an audience of faculty, stu­ capped, will 'receive the third ·and joined the faculty of St. dents, and parents. "You can't annual Notre Dame Award for Michael's University in Toronto. wallow in self-pity." international humanitarian ser­ In August 1964 he invited two Holtz emphasized seven vice in a ceremony at 7 p.m. mentally handicapped men to things that people can do to April 18 in Stepan Center. live with him in a small house help them attain goals. The award ceremony, to he had purchased in Trosly­ "Decide what you want to do, which the public Is welcome, Brueil, about 15 miles n_orth of put a time limit on it, determine will include an ecumenical Paris. Their home became the the people you're going to work prayer service featuring the first l'Arche community. with, determine the odds you're music of Notre Dame's Folk "Obviously Raphael and going to have to overcome, Choir; the presentation of the Phillipe (his housemates) need­ identify the skills and informa­ award by University President ed me," Vanier said later, "and tion needed to accomplish the Edward Malloy; and a lecture very quickly I saw that I needed goals, have a plan, and then by Vanier. A reception will fol­ them. They called forth some­ determine what's in it for me," low. thing inside of me that my stu­ he said. The Notre Dame Award was dents had not. In the Navy, I Holtz, a nationally-renowned established in 1992, in had been taught to be very ef­ inspirational speaker, de­ celebration of the University's ficient. In the realm of philoso­ scribed himself as "not a Sesquicentennial, to honor per­ phy, I had been taught to be leader, a non-athlete, a C and D sons "within and without the very understanding and to be student, and someone who had Catholic Church, citizens of ev­ intelligent. But Raphael and never had a date or kissed a ery nation, whose religious Phillipe were teaching me girl in high school.' faith has quickened learning, something else. About personal People must set high stan­ whose learning has endangered relationships, about mutual dards for themselves, he said. deeds, and whose deeds give trust, about love. Very quickly, "No one should have a higher witness to God's kingdom I found that I was changing standard for you than you among us." It has been given under their guidance." should have for yourself," he previously to Mother Teresa of Since those days, Vanier, who said. "You have to have the Calcutta and former President still lives in Trosly-Brueil, has feeling that you want to do Jimmy Carter and his wife, written more than twenty something with your life. Don't Rosalynn. books, conducted numerous let your self-image and self-es­ Vanier was born September retreats and conferences, and teem plummet." 10, 1928, in Geneva, lecture-d to a variety of interna­ People must also meet the Switzerland. The son of a for­ tional audiences on community needs of other people for com­ mer Canadian governor gen­ with mentally handicapped plete self-fulfillment, according eral, he entered Dartmouth people. L'Arche (French for to Holtz. Naval College in England when "the Ark," a biblical symbol of he was 13 years old. In 1945 deliverance and refuge) com­ "You control your destiny by The Observer/Colleen Moore the choices you make," he said. he joined the British navy, munities have now been estab­ Football coach Lou Holtz shared his beliefs on "How to achieve suc­ transferring three years to the lished in more than 16 nations cess" with the Notre Dame community last night, the most important of Canadian navy, from which he see HOLTZ I page 4 which was believing in one's self. resigned his commission in see AWARD I page 4 Acting premier killed after suspicious crash By PAULINE JELINEK Brent Beardsley, a U.N. peace­ by members of Rwanda's presi­ Associated Press keeper there, was quoted as dential guard along with three saying by Canadian Press. He Cabinet ministers. There were NAIROBI, Kenya said U.N. peacekeepers had unconfirmed reports of other Rampaging troops reportedly been shot at twice and returned U.N. personnel missing, Sills killed Rwanda's acting premier fire. said. and as many as 11 U.N. soldiers There were conflicting re­ Gueye said, however, the Thursday during fierce fighting ports on the casualties among three Belgian military advisers touched off by the deaths of the the 2,500 U.N. peacekeepers in who were kidnapped and ear­ presidents of Rwanda and the Central African country. lier reported dead were safe. Burundi in a suspicious plane Gueye said 11 Belgian U.N. U.N. sources said they were crash. soldiers were found killed among 13 members of the Reports from Rwanda's capi­ Thursday after they were kid­ Belgian military batallion who tal. Kigali, were sketchy and it napped Wednesday by elements were taken to a military camp was not clear who was involved of the presidential guard. The in Kigali. The whereabouts of RWANDA in the clashes or who was in 11 were trying to make their the other 10 were not known, control of the capital. Amid the way to the site of the plane and there was no definite word OKigali violence, three Cabinet minis­ crash to try to determine its on who abducted them. ters were reported abducted cause, he said. Two Ghanaian soldiers also and 17 Jesuit Rwandan priests He said it was not clear if the were reported missing, U.N. were also reported killed. presidential guards who kid­ sources in New York said. The capital in neighboring napped the Cabinet ministers The violence in Rwanda Burundi was reported quiet. and U.N. soldiers were acting broke out after President In tense gunfire and explo­ under orders from some au­ Juvenal Habyarimana of sions echoed across Kigali, U.N. thority or were rogue elements. Rwanda and President Cyprian spokesman Moctar Gueye re­ The presidential guards are Ntaryamira of Burundi died late ported by telephone early in the dominated by hard-liners from Wednesday when their plane day. He said that there were the majority Hutu ethnic group, crashed while landing at reports of house-to-house which has been fighting minor­ Kigali's airport. The Rwandan killings and that the city's ity Tutsis in both Rwanda and government said the plane was streets were empty except for Burundi for decades. shot down, but U.N. monitors small groups of youths armed Rwanda also has been torn by said they could not confirm with machetes and clubs. divisions among Hutus over a that. "So far as we can see, it peace accord that In Washington, President seems that there are a lot of Habyarimana's government Clinton said Rwanda's acting guns in a lot of hands and we signed with Tutsi rebels last prime minister, Agathe don't really know who is giving year. Uwilingiyamana, "was sought orders to shoot at who and for In New York, U.N. spokesman out and murdered" by , Eileen what reason," Gueye said. Joe Sills said earlier that three Rwandan security forces. He from her home, apparently by Human Rights Watch in Kigali "just fell apart," with Belgian U.N. soldiers were also expressed shock at the presidential guards who are Washington said the acting widespread gunfire and looting reported slain in the capital. deaths of the presidents. dominated by hard-line Hutus, prime minister had been the on Thursday, Canadian Maj. They were apparently abducted Uwilingiyamana was taken U.N. sources in New York said. subject of threats. page2 The Observer • INSIDE Friday, AprilS, 1994 INSIDE COLUMN WORLD AT A GLANCE If you go, Most in Poll Agree Economy Sound Despite Market Fall short-term interest rates to NEW YORK prevent the sort of economic Most Americans agree with overheating that causes infla­ take a President Clinton's assurance Confidence in U.S. economy tion. after the stock market's tumble The poll indicates it's not l Is the nation's economy getting better, getting worse, that the economy remains sound, I or staying the same? just investors who are fretting according to an Associated Press Q. over inflation: 51 percent said jacket The same question asked poll. in November 1991 they were very concerned More people in the poll said they about prices going up, and 35 Things were not good. I were affected by the job situation percent said they were some­ had a really bad week, in the country (53 percent) than what concerned. and was sick as a dog. by the stock market (9 percent) or Concern about inflation was Things got worse. That's by the rising interest rates that highest among those who were apparently spooked Wall Street No GeHing No GeHing young adults during the raging when the voice started. beHer answer Saturday, I was out on (31 percent).
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