• r , t f DAILS OntcmjAlOM to r tka Bbmtk ol 5,402 Miwihw Of tka Audit Balk tUa eUpeefae tomclit; Wei o f ' ooldar tonli^t. (a a aatked Advartlaliik on Fafo Id.), VOL. XnL, NO. 150. MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, BIARCH 27, 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE OBNfUt TO ASK FOR BIDS i Casting 20-Ton Telescopic Mirror For Coast 1 ALLOWANCES FOR FLYING MAIL VETOED BY PRESIDENT Prosideiit Orders That Ag- ARBITRATE STRIKE -<S. tioB Be Taken at 0n(^ to Tom s Thinnb$ Do¥m’ ^ THURSDAY, PLAN Market Prices Recover Return Job to Private Money BS— Democntic Lilies Conference Today. miiard Delegation to Meet After Flurry of Selling House Leaders Dedde State Board; To Sommon New York, March 27.—(AP)—^ Wheat, ELfter losing more than 2 Waahlagton, March 27.—(AP)— Last Moment to Vote 0 i Selling slEmkened and. prices recov­ cents a bushel at CbicEigo, regained PraaidaBt Roosevelt Intends to per­ ered moderately to the Stock and about half its loss. Cotton at New mit immediate bidding by private Owner. York slid down about 50 cents a Oyerriding Veto Later m W heat m arkets Effter a sharp sell­ lines for air mail service and to turn bEile, and most other speculative ing fliury to the early deEiliags to­ airmail transportation over to them commodities were moderately low­ tte Day. Operations continued at the E. E. day. er. as soon as possible. Hilliard mills here today with a X^icee dropped $1 to $4 a share In shares, U. S. Steel recovered He called in officials of the Post skeleton force of 23 foremen, boiler- in many issjes to the New York to above $49, where it weub off little Qfflee Department today to arrange Stock ^ Loangb to the heaviest more thEin $2, after an extreme loss Washington, March 27.—(A P)-- for bids to serve during a temporary tenders and repairmen out of a selling experienced to weeks during of $3. U. S. Smelting, after drop­ Presldent Roosevelt today vetoed period before permanent legislation total of 166 reporting for work as the first half hour, but by mid lay ping $4.50 to $116, came back to the strike of Local 2127, United the independent offices appropriatien is enacted. prices had regained $1 or so ir some above $117. American Telephone, Textile Workers, entered into the bill because it carried increased atv Methods of restoring the air mail issues, and tie ding was duU after declining $2.25 to $117.50, re­ second day without a sign of dis­ service to private lines were with­ Wall stTjet was disttoctlv disap­ covered to $118. New York Cen­ lowances for weu: veterEois and go4k order. held pending a conference called for The first step in what is called man’s most ambitious scheme to fathom the mysteries of the universe was pointed by ihfc overnight news of tral, after touching $34, off $2.37, ernment workers exceeding bis bud­ later today. Picket lines were established at witnessed by 6,000 persons at the Coming (N. Y.) Glass Works when workmen poured 20 tons of trinit.>n President lUraevelt’s declann that get by $228,(X)0,000. -t 6:30 o’clock this morning, relays of came back close to $35. Allied Mr. Roosevelt arranged for this glass Into a mold which it is expected will produce :Jie world’s largest telescopic mirror. The mirror, which the Fletcher-Rayburn bill met the ‘T am compelled to tfdce note o f 12 strikers being replaced every two Chemical dropped $3.50, Emd fEdled action on the eve of his departure will be fitted into a telescope In California, will be 201 mches in diameter, cost $6,OOO,0OO and take pictures minimum requirements for regula­ the fact,” he sEiid to a message id hours. There are 143 members of to recover appreciably. Chrysler from the capital for a ten-day va­ of nebulae 1,300,000,000 light years away. Here workmen are seen removing from the furnace the first tion, for brokers had been hopeful dropped about $3 to $50.75, then Congress, “that to creating ex­ Local 2127 out for a general wage ladleful of molten glass. cation In southern waters. of further modification. rallied to above $51. cess the Congress has failed at the Oppote Sheppard m i increase of 25 per cent, which would same time to provide a sura Meaavmile, opposition to the Shep­ bring the scale of pay to a level by additionEd taxation. pard bill to subsidize civil aviation slightly lower than the scale in ef­ “Moreover, to the extent that tte training and equipment development fect at the mills in Broad Brook, amoimt of money appropriated by was expressed b^ore the Senate Somersville and Rockville, according EXCHANGE SEATS T E I 5 VIVID TALE ‘BOOTLEG SURPLUS' the Congress is to excess of commerce committee by the War to union leaders. NAVAL B m IS SIGNED; budget estim ates, sind to the a b s e n t ahd Navy Departments, while the Meeting Thursday of provision for additional revenu^ Commerce E^partment coimtered Announcement was made today OF OCEAN SLAYING MILK INTO STATE thOre must be a decrease to thO with endorsement of its purpose. by Joseph Sylvia, union organizer, HAVE PRICE DROP funds available for essential relief The bill would authorize the ap­ that'a meeting would be held at 11 CALLS FOR MORE SHIPS w ork.” propriation of $1,500,000 annually o’clock Thursday morning in the to pay K per cent of the cost of in­ Hartford offices of the Board of struction at private fields and a to­ Mediation and Arbitration of the Low Price Today Off $29,- Prosecutor Describes to Fed­ Vast Quantities Coming in Washington, MEUOh 27.— (AP)— tal of $1,000,000 to be expended in state labor department in an effort Brings Navy Up to Existing PRESIDENT FAVORS President Roosevelt turned tbumllii encouraging new aircraft design. to bring about a settlement of the down today on the mor^y bill tbiit Of No Value strike. Mr. Sylvia will head the Treaty Strength Bot Presi­ 000 from Previoas Sale; eral Jury How Murder from Otter States at Low would have liberalized allowaacffi Aircraft prodtu.ed would be of del^ution of strikers going to EECnO N CHANGES for veterans. *‘praetieally no value'* for National Hartford Thursday. Others in the Followed Dispute on Ship. A veto message, the first witi9 defense, the Navy Department said del^fation are: President Bernard dent Hopes for Farther Reason for tte Slump. Prices. which be has killed major legislfe in a letter to the cominlttee. P. Halpin, Raymond Walker, Wil­ tion, WEIS Edi ready to be sent toae Hiram W. Bingham, former liam Leone, Eldmund Duplaise, mediately to Congress. It was ex­ UJjlted States Senator and now Frank Obrimski and Edward limitations Approves Amendment That New York, March 27.—(AP)— New York, March 27—(AP) — H artford, M arch 27— (A P ) — Re­ pected to hit at tte legialatiOB, preMdent of the National Aero­ which over-rode the ec<uioray blU o f Strauss. According to Mr. Sylvia, a New York Stock Elxcbange seat How liquor and religion led to alleg­ ports that vast quantities of low- nautical Association, urged favor­ notice will be served on E. E. Hil­ a year '\go and to bear down most able action on the bill, saying his or- WooU Do Away Witt the prices slumped today as Wall street ed murder on the high seas was out­ priced surplus milk Eme being “boot­ liard to be present also. Washington, March 27.— (AP)— heavily against the veterans ganlzatlcm was in “hearty synf- Meanwhile, a list of TruLTimiim learned of President Roosevelt’s de­ lined in vivid detail to a Federal legged” into Connecticut from other amendment. President Roosevelt today proposed pathy” with it and minimum wages desired by the Present Electoral College. mand for a stock trading r^fulation Jury today by United States Dis­ states, to the detriment of IoceU MeEuiwhile, House DenxicraUn further reductions in naval limita­ striking emidoyees will be drawn hlU “ w ith teeth.” trict Attorney Msu-tin Gonboy, who farmers, are the basis for a current leaders decided to postpooe until BEBIDDING SHAM” up for presentation at the merting. morrow a vote on overridin|; tibsi tions Ih the 1985 disarmament par- ’Three mee*geshipa sold «t the is prosecuting Andrew Donaldson investigation by the Farmers’ Na­ New York, March 27—(AP) — Blirta E. Hilliard, presldent-tresk- Washington, March 27.— (AP) — tional association, George H. veto o f the independent n1T)nsfi^ siiRi ^ ^ y h» s^ned th« MU »uthorining .Kirwsn, 93-year-old spo of the cele- Colqoel Eddie RleKenbacker. vice urer «f firm, this mMoiag of- Presideiit Roosevje)t’s of ^ market’s opening. «t $100,e0fi^$85,*; Robertson of Coventry, president of ply bill, which contains tiie vntwK^ preeldckf North A msHcan Avla- eopstruction of the An^sricaa ^lilrctLd Mme. Jean Nash Dubonnet. flciaaj^iiiSQfled PoHce Chief uel propbfied constitutionar amendmeql 006f. «n d m j m ." the low price'was' the organization,. SEiid today.. It ana and pay-cut ^^ropciations. parent company for Tranacoa- up io-ezlatiBg tretkW etzeagth. - Rlrwsn is accused of inflicting a changing the method of electing a off $29,000 from the previous sale, was indicated that tha^'total might *T am not going to recognise any­ and WestCT Air, Inc., *Tt has been and'wfll 1>e the pol­ Presldoit was ifiaced today before fatEj ltij$n, WWbd OQ Gilliam Ses- (Onsttimed on Page Sx.^) icy of the AdmlnlRtratloB,** said reported 3resterday, and'down more run into millions of quarts a year, one today to submit a motion to and Eastern Air Transport Inc., tx>- the House rules committee.
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