^ V . s r r . - r V f ' S . M «fc: THURSDAY, MAY ; IW J PAOB TWENTT-FOUB 4 Average OaRy Nat Prcee Run inmtrlrrsEtrr Ett^nitts i$m U i F o r iho WoOk IM o 8 The Waither /• Marah IL 1961 Foroeut of V. K WottiW OI«w tonight, front . About Town 13,317 notmnlly eoMor areas. Law Mamber of Um Audit Sntmday sonny, but :k Chapman Churtr^OMar oC Ama­ Bamuo of Oiraalutton eibndy during uftorUoan. ranth, win inM tomorrow nt T:45 Mancheiter—^A City oflYiUage Charm aed mild. High M 89s. pjn. nt the-XMonki Temple. Cnn- dldatae . wtU be imtlated. Ofllcem wlU 'itrienr ndtlte gosma. Mra. VOL. LXXX, NO. 183 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) ^leoige Strlmaltis wtU be In MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1961 (Claaalflod Advortlsing on Pago 88) charge of refreshments. r<lil TRADE? PRICE FIVE CBNIB The Mea'e Chib of North Meth­ Wi^ The World^s Largest General Electric Dealers odist caiurch wtn bold n supper meetingMonday at 6 p.m., follow­ ed by Installatloa of omeern. ‘Wbnt’e Tour M. L Q.T" wlU be the program topic. 3 DAYS ONtY-^ Dr. Harold 8. Barrett of Man- cheater, deputy state health com- U.S. mtmioner, was re-elected a tUreo- tor-at-large of Uio Connecticut Tu- berculoBls and Health Association Buy a huge 1961 GE Washer at the agency's meeting today in Berlin. 12 Mias Sandra Doutt, 746 Center •BlgUPotnidLood For Only St„ is a patient at the New Eng­ land Deaconess Hospital In Bos­ * bdushra 6C FMar>Fto Shepard^ Capsule Go Miles ton, Mnsa.' 115 5^000 Miles an H o u r VvfiipivTviy MWiwfimiG Reaervatlons for the mystery ride sponsored by the Army end « Fm FIhsIi Agoinsf tb* Navy Auxiliary wlU close tomor­ Done with Full Puhlicity - row. .Reservations may be made Wol (BuRMnLooli) State News by calling Mrs. John Glenney, 70 Bigelow at., or Mrs. Charles Turk- ‘Boy, What a Ride,’ shot, SB Russell St. Roundup • • Check For Worldwide Reaction The Manchester Square Dance Club will hold a dance Saturday at- 8 - p;m." at- tho -Waddell- Schools Your Trade-In , Astronaut Declares Earl Johnston will be caller. Re­ laeeman Crash Kills magic freshments will be served. i s ♦ ■ Price • ' ■ Aboard the Lake Champlain, May 5 (A')—Astronaut Alan Kevin W. ^Carson, fireman a p -1 Bride-to-Be B. Shepard was reported in “excellent physical condition’* Delivered—Installed (By THE ASMICIATED PBE8S)t>Honor—the nation's highest prentice, USN, eon of Mrs. | award. and in “fine spirits” less than an hour after he retunu^ to of friendship Jory Lonole, 117 West St., is serv­ Serviced—Demonstrated President Kennedy saluted New Fairfield, May 5 {IP)— Earth from his space flight. ing with the Texas Group Of the With 'The Trade-In Of Your the successful flight today of Virginia Beach, Va., May 5 (/P) A bride-to-be was- fatally in­ Atlantic Reserve fleet at Orange Y ean Old Pay Only* America’s first astronaut and —Mra. Alan Shepard, who watch­ Texas. One Year Old Waahec. jured last night when her car By HOWARD BENEMOT Reraember the Drst time you shopped store. Shoppinir here was like a visit 2 Y ean at the same time urged re­ ed on television her husband's crashed into a boulder after doubled efforts to push Amer­ flight Into' space, emerged today Cape Canaveral, Fla., May 5 (^V-Steel-nerved Alan B. with good friends. 'iTie Loyal Cirde of King's I 1 2 9 ° ° from the privacy of her curtained plunging down an embank­ Shepard Jr. rode a rocket into Space today, exclaimed "V ^at bur friendly store? Remember how you Daughters will meet Monday a^ I ica’s vital space program. ment off Route 29/ AS LOW AS The Chief Executive also talked honae triumphant and happy. a beautiful sight” as he looked down on the Earth, and then walked in feeling—well, quite imper­ We hope you’ll always feel that way. 7:45 p.m. In the F'ederation Room 3 Y ean Although ahe had not spoken Mrs. Evelyn Murphy Dunlap, a dropped to a safe landing in the Atlantic Ocean. We promise you shopping that’s really at Center Congregational Church. 1 4 9 ^ by telephone imd radio with Cmdr. with her astronaut husband, she divorcee, was to have been remar­ sonal about it all? Then as you looked I Weekly Or Alan B. Shepard Jr., who aoared To the wiry, 37-year-old Navy commander, the historie pleasant, really satisfying—with cour­ NO M ONEY ried Saturday. She died of a adventure obviously was no more frightening than many ear­ around, you caught a frendiy smile, you teous, friendly help . shining fresh­ 4 Y ean 116 miles into space and aafely (Continaed on Page Fifteen) skull fracture in Danbury Hospi­ ‘ -.-■w back to a landing at aea. ♦ ■; <1 *>■t'SrT lier flights he had made in hot experimental aircraft. heard a cheery srreetinfir from one of ness everywhere . clean, uncluttered Hospital Notes 1 6 9 ° ° M onthly tal two hours after the accident. “It’s a beautiful day,” he told Marines on the helicopter Kennedy voiced his personal Her 2-year-old aon, Scott, was aisles . the widest possible choice 5 Y ean DOWN congratulations, received assur­ that plucked his space capsule out of the water after a soar­ our staff fkmily—a warm' and welcom­ of quality foods at lowest prices. Do VMOng hours, are 6 to 8 pjn. Royal Laotians with her in the car. He suffered for all areas except matonilty and Older.... 1 8 9 ° ° With Yoar Old Washer On Our Own Budget Plan ances from Shepard that "every­ facial bruises and was reported in ing flight 115 miles above the Earth and 802 miles southeast ing: “Hello”—and, suddenly, it was your stop in often. thing worked Just about perfect­ good condition at the hospital. from the Cape Canaveral launching pad. where they are X to 4:60 and 6:80 ly," and said he was looking for­ to 8 pJn.; and private rooms where ward to seeing the Navy com­ Balk at Rebel Police are investigating to find Then his nonchalance fave,.way to excitement as he de­ they are 10 a.m. to 8 pjn. Visitors 1 YEAR FACTORY mander here in Washington. the cause of the accident. clared : am requested not to sinoko in pa- DEUYERYI In addition to the boy, Mrs. “Boy, what a ride!” HEAVY CORN-FED STEER BEEF tlenta’ rooms. No mom than two| SERVICE ON ALL PARTS The White House Said the meet­ Political Talks Dtmlap, a New Fairfield resident visltom at one time, per patient. ANYWHERI ing probably will be at the Execu­ Only 18 minutes after the Redstone rocket booster blasted ondLASOR tive Mansion Monday morning. - leaves her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. off at 10:34 a.m. (EDT), Shepard climbed out the escape FREE FREE Kennedy issued a statement nln Heup, Laos, May. 6 iJPi — John Murphy, also of New Fair- FaUelto Today M4 praising the accomplishment and The Royal Laotian government field. hatch of the space craft and was picked up, to be tran sferr^ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: I She was an employe of Sperry to the deck of the aircraft carrier Lake Champlain. PIVEHURST BONELESS William Graezyk, 10 Morrison S t, promising to share with the world brushed aside Communist-backed Products Co.. Danbury. Rockville; Mrs. Mary Cutronl, An­ Boys This 1961 G^E the scientific material obtain^ Prince Souvanna Phouma's call for "I don’t think there’s much you’ll have to ^ to me. Doc,” dover; Mrs. Evelyn Steele, 40 Fox- i from the flight political negotiations today and America’s first spaceman remarked to one of the psysicians croft. Dr.: Robert Plnney, Broad . He watched most of the history- sent an all-mllltary delegation to 65 to 77 waiting anxiously to determine if Shepard suffered physical Brook; Mrs. ..Helen Gienty, 67 making flight on televtsion and this rivarsida village to negotiate Hartford, May 6 UPf —The-Stdte or psychological harm in his flight out of the atmosphord. Dougherty St.; Ronald Cambra, 26 30-Inch Electric Range was in touch, aecond-by-second, with representatives of the pro- Motor Vehicle Departmenfa dally CHUCK ROAS'TS with its progress through a direct Conununlst rebels. record of automobile accidente as Shepard had radioed from the weightless void of Space Knighton St.; Bernard Bentley, 18 Note; These roaata are cut from the Bame choice quality, corn-fed beef, as our finest Canterberry St.; Mrs. Dorothy With The ’Trade Of Your'One telephone line to Cape Canaveral. The''deIegftion from the western- of iMt midnight and the totals on that he could see, through his periscope, the entire East Coast steaks. With all these tender, waste free boneless cuts except the eye, on sale at 69o Manfggl'a, Andover; Mrs. Arlene Year Old Range He also asked the Navy to try supported »gim « In Vientiane was the same date last year: of the United States. lb., you get a lot of 'meat for little money. Eyes on sale, too, at 69c lb. Rochj^ 709 Main S t; Mra. Doro­ to set up communications so he headed by Brig. Gen. Sing Rat- 1969 1961 President Kennedy telephoned his congratulations to Shep­ thy Wheelock, 19 Spring S t, Rock­ cpuld speak directly to Shepard tanasamy, inspector-general of the Accidents ..14,860 13,820 (E st) ard on the carrier and said he was looking forward to the ville; \ Mrs. Bella Rogowakl, 362 | e 23-Inch aboard the aircraft carrier Cham­ Royal Armed forces.
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