VOL. XXV MERCY COLLEGE OF DETROIT, 8200 W. OUTER DRIVE, MARCH 31, 1966 No.9 City Acclaims Sr. M. Lucille By Francine Tenaglia Sister Mary Lucille's interest A week of exciting events was in cultural enrichment brought enjoyed by Sister Mary Lucille, the Artist Series to Mercy. Now President of Mercy College of in its 10th year, it has provided Detroit, as she was honored as enjoyment in all artistic areas, one of Detroit's Top Ten Work­ not only for MCD students, but ing Women in the Eleventh An­ for the e n t ire D e t r 0 i t nual Salute to Women Who community. Work Week, March 13-19. The first Jewish-Catholic Dia­ Opening event of the week logue ever held in Michigan was was a brunch at the Statler Hil­ the result of her interest in inter­ ton, hosted by the hotel's gen­ faith relations. Highly acclaimed, eral manager. That evening Sis­ it was repeated in 1965. ter Mary Lucille appeared on Among her other achieve­ "Mary Morgan Presents" along ments, Sister Mary Lucille has with the other honored women. served on the Detroit Round Table of Christians and J ews, is Monday the ten were present­ a member of the Association of ed keys to the city by Mayor Higher Education, the National Jerome Cavanagh at a reception Society of College Teachers of in his office. Education and served as secre­ The Salute Banquet was held tary-treasurer of the association at Cobo Hall Tuesday evening of Catholic Colleges. with Pauline Frederick, NBC United Nations Correspondent, addressing a crowd of 2,000. Mayor Cavanagh made the offi­ Seniors Set cial presentation of the Top Ten Awards to those women who served as a symbol of all work­ ing women in the Detroit area. Talent Show The second member of a reli­ A production of excerpts from gious order ever to be so hon­ American, Europan, and Orient­ SISTER MARY LUCILLE, Mercy College of Detroit President, is shown with the Silver Anniversary ored, Sister Mary Lucille was al poetry, song and dance is the Medallion she received for her outstanding contributions. This was the first of twenty-five medallions selected for her outstanding theme of the senior talent festi­ to be awarded throughout the year as part of the 25th Anniversary. Mr. Robert Theobald, guest work in education. Mother Mary val to be held at 8:15 p.m., April lecturer on campus March 15, received the second medallion. Justine, Mother Provincial of the 16 in McAuley Auditorium. Religious Sisters of Mercy of the Cathy Laughlin, senior art Detroit Province, received the major and creator and director honor in 1964. In the 14 years of "A Night of Celebration" said Optimism Tempers Theobald's that Sr. Mary Lucille has served the 15 acts comprising 45-50 as president of MCD, it has de­ students in "an artistic presen­ veloPEld from a small women's tation in unification sharing in college into an ever-growing co­ thought and delight. It is a Play View of Cybernetic Threat educational institution with an of Variety which will atempt to enrollment of more than 1,000. display individual talent." By Edith LaCroix implications of the machine age a mechanism surgically im­ It was under her direction that Musical arrangements are by If the hectic pace of Robert and takes practical steps to planted beneath the abdominal the pre-college program for stu­ Margaret Yen ny, senior music Theobald's activities during his adapt to it. wall to control the heartbeat dents considered poor college major, and Joy Lilly, senior in brief visit to MCD is indicative His obvious optimism and which is presently being "worn" risks was instituted. It has been speech and drama is director of of his way of life (and, after in­ faith in the goodness of the by many people. "But," Dr. highly successful in proving that choreography. Publicity is being terviewing him, we are con­ human race, despite the mess it Shepard said, "how far do we high school grades alone cannot handled by Jann Olsavsky and vinced that it is), this man must has made for itself, forms the dare go? I don't want anyone pre d i c t accomplishment in Donna McHugh. There will be have the strength and stamina basis of all Mr. Theobald's (Continued on Page 2) college. no admission fee. of a professional athlete. theories. He spoke of the threat FROM the time his plane of nuclear war and stressed the landed at Metropolitan Airport fact that the only means of at­ Dinner-Dance Highlights Activities at 4:37 Tuesday, March 15, until taining world peace is for indi­ he left for Lansing on Wednes­ vidual c 0 u n t r i e s to forsake day he scarcely paused. nationalism and to unite in one Of First Annual Pa.ren.ts' Week-end After a dinner in the Student world power. Center and a brief informal TO THOSE who view his ideas A dinner-dance Saturday eve­ pecially for out-of-town guests, d e p 0 s it e d in age n era I gathering in the faculty lounge, with skepticism he says, "I be­ ning will highlight Parents' buses will leave the campus at scholarship fund. Mr. Theobald and a distinguished lieve that people will do what is Week-end, Friday through Sun­ 3:30 to tour Detroit. Students have challenged their reaction panel presented a pro­ right. I wouldn't be spending my day, April 22-24. Another first Evening Mass in the chapel instructors to a softball game gram that was deliberately pro­ life traveling and speaking to of the twenty-fifth anniversary at six-thirty will open the fes­ 1 p.m., Sunday. voking and st~mulating . everyone I can reach, if I were year, the week-end initiates a tivities of dinner at eight and S h i r ley Verrett, mezzo-so­ not optimistic about this." planned annual event. dancing till one to the music of prano of the Metropolitan Opera, FOLLOWING a competent in­ A coordinated activity of the troduction by Sr. Mary Vita, the Owen Moran Band. All par­ will climax the week-end with The panel members added a Fathers' Club and the Mercy ents, alumnae, students and her Artist Series concert at 8 director of the medical records great deal to the discussion. Dr. League, the week -end marks curriculum, who represented the friends are invited to attend the p.m., Sunday in M c A u ley Robert S. Shepard, physiologist the first time the groups have event. Tickets are priced at $10 auditorium. sponsoring science departments, from Wayne State University, 'Horked together on an all-col­ Mr. Theobald spoke on the dan­ per couple and may be pur­ Invitations have been sent to told of many instances where lege activity. Allan J. Powers, chased from the alumnae office. parents of students, sister stu­ gers and pitfalls awaiting hu­ machines have taken over bodily vice-president for public rela­ manity in the cybernetic age Individual tickets may also be dents, faculty and alumnae, and functions in humans. He specific­ tions and development, and purchased for $5. All proceeds to alumnae and friends of the unless mankind recognizes the ally mentioned the pacemaker, Senior Marlene Gyurina, Stu­ from the evening event will be college. dent Council member, also are planning the activities for Council Sets Election Date; students, alumnae parents, fac­ ulty and friends of the college. Selective Service Test An open-rehearsal of "She Nominations Due April 12 Loves Me," the college musical scheduled for May 5-8, will kick­ May Affect MCD Men Election of new Student Coun­ p.m. in the Student Center off events Friday in McAuley cil officers will be held in April. lounge. Auditorium. Registration in the Selective . S e r vic e College students with the best potential Letters of nomination may be Voting will take place April Student Center will begin Fri­ Qualification Tests will be given for further education will be submitted to the president of the 27 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Absen­ day evening and con tin u e in Michigan during May and deferred for 1966-67, while those Student Council, Anne Fleming, tee ballots will be available Saturday. June. The test may be taken on whose records measure up less Box 641, between Friday, April during campaign week. Faculty members will open a voluntary basis by men en­ well will be considered eligible 1 and Tuesday, April 12. They All candidates for office must their offices to parents and stu­ rolled in institutions of higher for military service. must include name of candidate, have been registered at Mercy dents Saturday morning. In the learning who intend to request Each student has the right to office sought and class standing. College of Detroit for at least Home Economics department occupational deferment as college determine whether his records Final slate of candidates will one year and have a 2.5 cumula­ student hostesses will model students. should be sent to his local board. tive academic average. The pres­ Failure to do so will, however, be posted Wednesday, April 13. their own creations. According to the Commission ident and vice-president are to jeopardize his chances for defer­ Candidates pictures must be sub­ A student talent show in Mc­ on Federal Relations, it is as­ mitted to Outer Echoes by Tues­ be elected from the incoming Auley auditorium follows lunch ment. At the request of each senior or junior classes.
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