‘^CHEMEyuBftAW WEDNESDAY, XABCH 81, IM S rXcifixTEPi* m anrh^ettpr Ettrttitto If^ralli tau Ray Dwyer has called a meet­ Tha Woman's Missionary Baala time win foOew tha ■aary E Holdridgs of tha Mr. sad Mra. baerga W. Otbaon ty of Emanuel Lutheran ohurah and family have morad from I ing tMtatat at 7:10 at tbs "Y ” ObRad Air Unas win give an ill­ A b o u t T o w n for an tSoM tatacastad In forming wlU meat at tha church at S oTolaaR by tha fbOow. ustrated Ihik on the ^History of 9 A9 9 Warran atraat to 178 Chartar Oak tomorrow afternoon. A aooad flm atraat. a camera club. Much Interest has tag hoalassasi Mra nmmas TRr* Air Trsaaportatlon,’* at the sup- been shown'lately In the formation on "Lutheran WorM Acrion” arfD asr, M n . Ederard MUItt, Mm. Oari par«maettag ot tbs Marry Wads Cl jfliM A, O K • « o« J*'* Tlta TouUi Fellowahlp of the of such a club and It Is hoped there be shown. Pastor Carl E Olaoa Tbotsn. MrA Ctarsnco <X this evening at 8:30 at the Bseond Manchester id City of FUlaga Charm 4 m Mra. A)’#n R. Cm o( Bonldw Rood will have charge of devoUonx. A aad Mra Chaites TonBorchara OcngrsgaUcnal church. la a rarmbot o t tlw oMt, and of South Methodist church wUl be will ha a large attendance at this th^ maita>up aad pabUclty com- hosts to tha Youth FoUowshlps of open meeting. \r 8 t Mary's Episcopal and the AUTO BODY MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, APRIL 1, IfM (81XTBIN PAGES) ir.;ttta of T t n . Fatal and YOL. LXYIL, NO. tU a . 9 t m >«) Piatari'a" produeUoa of "Dark of North Methodist church, at a Past Matrons of Temple Chap­ D tlEErr BROTHBBS M l M l CMARTER IM E Et. tha Moon,** opantac Friday at party Friday evening at T:SO. ter. No. 5S, O. B. B., will meet EXPERT PAINTINa AND VUUMI MJBNttCNtt u u w p ix r a r e f in m n i n u Tafia OoOafa. tomorrow evening at cilglit o’clock Anderaon-Shea V. F. W. Post In the John Matner room of the AR War. UuaruataaSt ‘ -----iTiili Ewvtaat and Auxiliary members are re­ Masonic Temple. Mrs. Frank B. AB lypaa m Wracte OampMaty Raaalrrf Uha Newt WaMkml Mob Wredts Red Leader’a Home Fear Truman quested to meet this evening at Crocker aad Mrs. Evelyn Swords WEETRER aSRVNM - thcUEHlONB B-ISSi United States Uses 7:30 at Main and Bigelow streets, will be hoatssass. Members unsbie (Fbr Nlgbl Wiaehar narvtaa CM SMSl 'Wallace Is Called May Change R tih f at I aiU to enter the Holmes Funeral home, to attend are asked to notify either Tfcf nyreW iM C Q M where they will pay final respecU one of the hoatasses. M A N C N W r a * COUHti for Many to Richard Orimlcy, who was a member of the post, and the father M tmibers l of the local Marine T. ‘Russian-Firster’ Plan to Run Aithma Sufferers of Comrade Richard Outxmer, ‘Corph DetachmentE and Auxiliary Airplanes to Supply Frederick Outsmer. who daalra to attaad the spring dance of the State Marine Aux­ Some Repnblicana Begiii TenUtive programs for the iliary, Saturday. April E from 9 By Legion’s Head SANSON'S meetings during April and May to J, at the Ifotel Oarde, New irs NEWS! Worrying Openly on were drawn up at a meeting of Haven, may make reaervationa ASTHMA officers, committee chairmen and with Mra. Lee Darting a t 8 Church HOUSEWARES Poaaibility Truman Americans in Berlin counselors of Brown-UaOace- etrcet. NO MOM im illKIIH our OP O’Neil Urges Support May Yet Step Aside REMEDY Staum circle, Columbian Squires, Stand Against The Sacred Heart Mothera Circle Which has Riven relief at the KnlghU of Columbus home O f Uni venal Military last night. Members of the circle will meet tomorrow evening at SIXl POft VOUR'NANB-KNITt Oiicago, April 1.— —Some I Soviet Move to Cdatrol from the symptoms of will go bowling tonight, meeting 8:15 at the heme of Mra. Charles Tirainiiig; Asserts Op- Russia Looms Republicans began worrylag open­ SPECIALS ' Ground Entry Results asthma to a Rreat major­ A. Paquette of 180 High street. Agree to Remove Aid at Murphy's alleys at 7:30. positioB Strongest ly today about the poaatMkty that ity of thoM for whom it the Democrats may talk Fraaldant In Shutting CMI MUk has been prescribed, From Those With Sel­ Chile’s Foreign Mini­ Truman into giving way tn’aaoth- taiy Train TndBe of s • s Prices Slashed! fish Interests to Posh ster Calls ,for Action ar prealdeattal nomtaae. For Franco Provision I Britiab and Anaericaii SANSON’S At Conference Session An aaaertlon by Rep. A. X. Mil­ Washington. April —(fl*) ler (R.. Neb.I, that balking Dem- Forces from Zones to ocrau are actiag "like a p«Mdc of Compromise Committee ASTHMA REMEDY ^H enry A. Wallace was eaU Bogota. Colombia, April 1—(F) marauding lackals in nttomptlng Found Slain German Capital; Pro> U Now AeaUable To AH Acts fTithin Hour AfU Astaam Safferera At Tka «1 a **Russlan-flrster~ today —AnU-Communist feeling among to tear down the candidacy of Harry B. Truman" wdk P ^ e d up i tests Made on Order Follawtag Drag Morea METAL by Jamas F. O'NeU, national the n Fan American eonfaranea er Announcement Tru­ commander of, the American quickly here by Warren Wright. QVIMN’II PHARMACT end nations seemed today to ba de- Wright, unofflctal manager of a man Opposed to Move Barlin. April The TaLftSS Legion. O’Neil critidxed Wal­ valoping Into a demand for a firm campaign aimed at tatahag the U. lace while urging support of O. P. presidential nomtaatlon for Unitad States tamed to thh MORTH BND PRARMACT UWNRAKE stand against Russia. nnivsTsel militwy training. Gen. Douglas MacAitiur. toM a \Va*hington. April 1.—(/P) air today in a politleal battle TrL«545 Chile’s foreign minister, Juvenal reporter he wooM rather see tho He appeiursd before the Sen IXcrnandec, called for ]uat that —Senators and House mem­ for Berlin launched by tha CENTER PHARMACY eU iirmad Sarvloae oommlttaa general run against Pr sal dent Tru­ bers working out a compro­ Russiana with a drive to coB* vwtMtSaya man than any otbar available Trt. 4SU BMr Iraad’s T ivn d m zed t Reg. |I.8t ■tudytag naad fo r Umltad dm ft Hamandas said Chile has aligned mise foreign aid sgTMd Democrat, He aald he had talked trol ground entry into' th4$ •Bd tner tawa to atraiwtbea the haraelf with naUons which defend L_, today to strike Spain from MANCaSSTER DRDO CO. Haie SUs Sreilweer—Moles Hrod \\ NOW mtUtAry forcea. with MlUer about this. capital from the west. Tha TfH. SSM democracy nnd liberty. TfWBNN CoolMt ta B$at the list of nations eligible to lUn Utorally " com oHvo" $1.3$ $331 ANTI-fHRINK • ANTI-MATTINa YARNS O'NeU AAld eoma oppoMota o f "That should be the attitude of FaUee mamlan the wrericed faraitore hi tlw haaw ef Freak naak- Soviet move resulted in shut­ tJMT *taiur ba antiraly ataoon'' in nmll, 38. exDCNrtlve secretary of the FraakOa Oauaty Communlat Par­ Wright was vofHng a view that share in the aid. They acted ting off military train t r a ^ Free OaUvary Haw aseeilsa Cresai—MofleaSr all nations of America," ha told has been passed around qulcUy in their a t ^ Ha anM tha ■trongeet delegatee, who burst Into applause. ty, to Oataaabaa, Oi A gaag of youths wrecked the house while Haab- within less than an hour a f^ of British aad Americaa lUgoas whisks owey dirt and stolo powdor $13$ $130 oppMUon enma fro m . thoaa maD waa out wttb Ms wife aad cbild.—(NBA tolepbeto). the camps ot other G.O.P. hope­ from their seace to th* «*»r**f*, Intafine knitting Iwby things (yes, and locks and Ne TtaM to DaUy fuls such aa Senator Robert A. er the White House an­ Haw Ralo laSoa— apted by aalflah interasta or He told them there la no time to AuthortUtlve sources saw it as a Wmdow „ "either knowingly or Inno- Taft of Ohio and Gov. Thomas E nounced that President Truman m Tho porlnct powder base $13$ $33$ ■weatert. too) that will permancnily stay true to tixe, dally: Dewey of New York. They frank- "utterly opposed" to this pcwi Soviet step to tty to sqnuBe the Btly, nra prompted aiid tnaplred "TTila Is the time for decision. westoni allies out of the city. BE PREPARED Uaia $pe«ial NMe Creaai— aoft Mid fluffy, no matter how often you wash them. by tba grentaat anemy of our ly think Mr. Truman will be easier, *lon. The Americans, Britteh and Vmtilators There la no place for a third po- Foreign Experts Work to beat than some Democrat who The House put this “Welooine Helps keep your skin soh end smooth $13$ $330 $330 country anA the pence of the wocM French protested. A report oa tlta FOR SPRING Wonderixed is tha revolutionary new proeeoa that slUon." could unify bla pbrty., Franco” provUlan late Ita MU. aipheSBi todny—Cbmmuntam. Hemandex, representing a coun­ The Senate had rejected the Idem. crista was rualMd to B ritts. prevents prsdoua hand-knits from shrinking out of Reg. $1.59. NOW baat cxampla tbta latter These Republicans privately fig­ sign Secretaiy B iait Berta I. ••nie try which recently severed Its re­ ure, however, that the only way site, eliminatss matting and preserves the original group," .
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