WWW.THELEAVEN.COM | NEWSPAPER OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF KANSAS CITY IN KANSAS | VOL. 31, NO. 6 SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching and Health Care Reform A Joint Pastoral Statement of ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH F. NAUMANN and BISHOP ROBERT W. FINN Health care reform joint pastoral statement: summary points Health care reform is needed and President Obama is to be applauded for making this a major priority for the nation. Despite the many flaws with the status quo, change itself does not guarantee improve- ment. The state of health care in our nation could worsen if we diminish the current protec- tions for the sanctity of human life; coerce Americans to fund abortion; negate or weaken protection of conscience rights for doctors, nurses, hospitals and health care systems; create a scenario where health care will be rationed based on some arbitrary assessment of the quality of life. Catholics, in evaluating vari- ous health care reform propos- als, should apply four principles of the Catholic social teaching: 1) Subsidiarity: respect for the inherent dignity and freedom of the individual by never doing for others what they can do for themselves, and thus enabling ear Faithful of the to hire part-time rather than full- individuals to have the most pos- Archdiocese of Kansas time employees. sible discretion in the affairs of City in Kansas and of the • Similarly, the much higher their lives. Diocese of Kansas City- cost to employers for family health 2) Sanctity of human life: re- DSt. Joseph, coverage, as compared to individu- spect for the sacredness of every To his credit, President Barack al coverage, places job candidates human life and the dignity of the Obama has made it a major priority with many dependents at a disad- human person — no matter stage for his administration to address vantage in a competitive market. of development, age, or physical the current flaws in our nation’s • Individuals with pre-existing or mental condition. health care policies. In fairness, conditions who most need medical • The right of every individu- members of both political parties Bishop Robert Archbishop Joseph care are often denied the means to al to have access to health care for some time have recognized W. Finn F. Naumann acquire it. as well as the other necessities significant problems in the current There are also perceived for sustaining and caring for polices are: methods of providing health care. strengths of our current system: human life. • There are many people — typi- As Catholics, we are proud of • Most Americans like the medi- • The responsibility of each cally cited as 47 million — without the Church’s health care contribu- cal care services available to them. individual to take proper care of medical insurance. tion to the world. Indeed, the hos- Our country, in some ways, is the his or her health and a duty to • The cost of health insurance pital was originally an innovation envy of people from countries with exercise virtue (e.g., diligence, continues to rise, with medical of the Catholic faithful responding socialized systems of medical care. prudence, etc.) in acquiring spending in the United States at to our Lord’s call to care for the • It is important to remember health care for oneself and one’s $2.2 trillion in 2007, constituting family. sick, “For I was . ill and you cared that 85 percent of citizens in the 17 percent of the gross domestic 3) Promotion of the common for me” (Mt 25: 35-36). This tradi- United States do have insurance. product, and predicted to double good: an obligation to be con- tion continues today in America, Forty percent of the uninsured are within 10 years. (Source: Office cerned not just about our own where currently one in four hos- between 19-34 years old. (Source: of Public Affairs, 2008: http:// welfare and the welfare of our pitals is run by a Catholic agency. Current Population Survey 2008 www.cms.hhs.gov/NationalHealth family, but the welfare of each We have listened to current debate Annual Social and Economic ExpendData/downloads/proj2008. and every member of society. with great attention and write now Supplement). A 2007 study by pdf). 4) Solidarity: the special to contribute our part to ensure the Kaiser Commission on Med- • The Medicare Trust Fund is claim the poor and vulnerable that this reform be an authentic icaid and Uninsured found that predicted to be insolvent by 2019. have on our concern, desiring for reform taking full consideration of 11 million of those without insur- • Mandated health insurance them the same access to quality the dignity of the human person. ance were eligible for Medicaid or health care as we want for our benefits for full-time workers have Some symptoms of the inad- own families. created an incentive for companies Turn to CHURCH on page 4 equacy of our present health care “ ” 2 LOCAL NEWS THE LEAVEN • SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 THE LEAVEN • SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 SECOND FRONT PAGE 3 Bill and Rosalee Richmond, mem- Linda (Wehmeier) and John Mc- bers of Church Grath, members of the Nativ- of Holy Trinity ity in Leawood, Parish, Lenexa, celebrated their will celebrate pope’s ambassador encourages christians to visit the holy land 50th wedding an- their 50th wed- By STEVE JOHNSON niversary on Sept. ding anniversary Special to The Leaven 5 with a special on Sept. 12 with a dinner with their dinner and dance TCHISON — He has family. The couple hosted by their traveled the world was married on children. The cou- for the past 40 years as a member of the ANNIVERSARIES Sept. 5, 1959, at ple was married St. Francis Xavier on Sept. 19, 1959, at St. Dominic Church in diplomatic corps Church in Kansas City, Mo. Their children Holton. Their children and their spouses of the Holy See. He are: Debbie, Carolyn, Janette, Loretta, are: Greg and Anne-Mary McGrath; Steve could have spoken Mary and Bill. They also have 14 grand- and Tracy McGrath; Jennifer and Phil on a myriad of subjects, but Archbish- Aop Pietro Sambi, the pope’s personal children and two great-grandchildren. Vlasity; and Andrea and Jeff Onnen. They also have six grandchildren. representative to the United States, Cletus and Ann (Lierz) Haverkamp, was compelled to speak about the members of St. Holy Land. Patrick Parish, “While the Holy Land remains a Corning, will ANNIVERSARY POLICY region of conflict — there where God celebrate their The Leaven only prints 50, 60, 65 revealed his love for humanity — it and 70th anniversary notices. An- Father Francis Hund, pastor at Church of the Nativity in Leawood, and concelebrant Father will be difficult to have peace around 60th wedding an- nouncements are due by 5 p.m. eight niversary on Sept. Gilbert Aranha, visiting from India, welcomed the students and faculty back to the parish the world,” he said. days (Thursday) before the desired The archbishop delivered the key- 20 with a 10 a.m. publication date. Announcements school during the first all-school Mass of the new academic year. During the special out- note address at the academic convo- Mass of thanksgiv- must be typed. They are for parish- door Mass, held on the school grounds, the students were reminded of the theme for the ing at the church. ioners of Catholic parishes in the school year: “Discovering and Sharing Our Gifts.” Above, Nativity fourth-grader Thomas cation held on the campus of Bene- A family dinner Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Gates assists Father Hund (right) and Father Aranha during the homily as Nativity stu- dictine College in Atchison on Sept. will follow at the Please include the following Informa- dents were encouraged to spend time during the coming school year to discover and share 1. Prior to the convocation, he concel- tion: the gifts that God has given them. ebrated the opening all-school Mass Corning Community Center and an open • The couple’s names; their parish; house for all their relatives and friends with Archbishop Joseph Naumann in the date they were married; church St. Benedict’s Abbey Church. Arch- will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. The couple and city where they were married; was married at Annunciation Church what they are doing to celebrate; bishop Naumann also joined him date of the celebration; names of First ‘Music in the Liturgy’ workshop a success on the convocation dais, along with in Frankfort on Sept. 20, 1949. Their Photo by Laura Wadle children and their spouses are: Danny and children (if desired); number of Conception, Mo. — More than 30 Schoen; and seminary professor of lit- Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City- grandchildren and great-grandchil- Archbishop Pietro Sambi (with crosier), the apostolic nuncio to the United States, is joined by abbots, bishops and archbishops in giving the final Connie Haverkamp, and Monica and Mike participants from eight dioceses trav- urgy, Father Daniel Merz. St. Joseph, Archbishop George Lu- dren; photo. eled to Conception Abbey here in order Many topics were examined, includ- cas of Omaha, Bishop Michael Owen blessing at an all-school Mass on the campus of Benedictine College in Atchison on Sept. 1. Shaughnessy, all of Silver Lake; Mary Ann Send notices to: The Leaven, and Harold Brokamp, Dorothy and Harry to take part in the first “Music in the Lit- ing the new Conception Abbey Psalter Jackels of Wichita, Auxiliary Bishop “I have not found another place 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS urgy” workshop from Aug. 10-13. (the translation of the psalms that will Denis Madden of Baltimore, Bishop Taylor, Cleta Haverkamp, Gary and Diane 66109, attn: anniversaries; or send in the world where I felt God was so Haverkamp, Vernon and Sue Haverkamp, an e-mail to: [email protected].
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