ROTA NEWS November 24, 2016 Club Officers & Directors District 7030 - Club # 6798 Chartered March 07, 1962 President Lisa Cummins DISTRICT OFFICERS President Elect District Governor Paul Ashby Roger Bose Vice President District Governor Elect Brenda Pope Waddy Sowma Secretary Bobby Morris District Governor Nominee R.I Theme 2016-17 Dominique Venere Treasurer Joel Brathwaite Assistant Governor R.I. OFFICERS Peter Downes Club Service Director President Diana Douglin John F. Germ District Secretary Anne Marie Rogers President Elect Vocational Service Director Ian Riseley Winston Warren District Treasurer Steve Ramlakhan Community Service Director Council of Governors Chair and Anne Bertrand Immediate Past DG - Milton Inniss International Service Director PP Elvin Sealy ARRFC and Zone member of the Zone Executive Committee - Youth Service Director Neal Griffith PDG David Edwards Zone Sub-Committee Immediate Past President PDG Tony Watkins Jedder Robinson Sergeant–At–Arms Kim Tudor THE FOUR WAY TEST Weekly meetings on Thursdays at Of the things we think, Hilton Barbados say or do: Needham’s Point, Aquatic Gap, St. Michael 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? at 12 p.m. 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER P.O. Box 148B, Brittons Hill, FRIENDSHIPS ? St. Michael, Barbados 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? www.clubrunner.ca/barbados THE ROTAR8 C9U: OF :AR:A5OS WE9COMES A99 VISITIN2 ROTARIANS AN5 2UESTS IN REQUIEM: Mar 07 - Club Charter Date - 1962 - Club # 6798 We remember with thanks the service of Hon. Rotarian RI THEME: ROTAR8 SERVIN2 HUMANIT8 Horace King whose funeral service was held at St. Ste- RECA1 MEETIN2 ON NOVEM:ER 17 phen’s Anglican Church on Wednesday Nov. 23, 2016. Hon Rotarian Horace’s life was one dedicated to service INTRO5UCTION OF THE NEW HUN2ER 1ROJECT : Rotarian above self and his life can only be an example to all Ro- Mark Wheeler presented this project to the Club. Full details tarians of the living of our Mo0o. May he rest in 1eace will be provided in the subsequent bullen and Rise in 2 ory. In a subse3uent bu e4n we wi pub- ish a summary of his ife in service. CDRISTMAS IS COMING E CLA8 2O3R DANDS FF DERE ARE IM8ORTANT DE CEM/ER DATES TO REMEM/ERF SAT3RDA2 DEC 4 SENIOR CITIGENS4 TEA 8ART2 S3NDA2 DEC 11 CAROLS /2 CANDLELIGDT AN5 ON A HA11IER NOTE: HA118 IN5E1EN5ENCE TO A99 ROTARIANS AS WE CE9E:RATE 50 8EARS OF IN5E- 1EN5ENCE ROTAR8 FOUN5ATION NEWS@@@ ON NO.EM/ER 101 ROTAR2 FO3NDATION WAS NAMED WORLD4S O3TSTANDING FO3NDATION FOR 2016 The Associaon of Fund aising 8 ofessionals ecogni9ed The Rota y Foundaon with its annual Awa d fo Outstanding Foundaon. The awa d hono s o gani9aons that show phil- anth opic commitment and leade ship th ough =nancial sup- po t1 innovaon1 encou agement of othe s1 and involvement in public a>ai s. The Rota y Foundaon T ustee Chai Kalyan /ane )ee stat- ed: “The connued st ong suppo t of Rota y membe s will help us keep ou p omise of a polio-f ee wo ld fo all chil- d en and enable the Foundaon to ca y out its mission of advancing wo ld taking acon to make communies beAe a ound the wo ld.B MEETING DETAILS— Nov. 17 Cusn Lee of the AF8 had this to day: “While almost everyone is familiar with Rotary, not everyone may The full details will be in the bullen fo Dec. 1 realize just how much of an impact Rotary and The Rotary Founda- which will include the details fo Nov 17 and on have had on countless people and communies across the Nov 24. glo e.... “On ehalf of the enre charita le sector and people around the world, all of us at AFP are honored to e a le to recog- nize The Rotary Foundaon as our 2016 Outstanding Foundaon. NOV 2A, 201.: Fe owship Mee4ng “SER.ICE A/O.E SELFB TO5A8 WE WE9COME : MISS AKE9A JONES AS F8I THE FACE OF OUR ROTARACT AN5 INTERACT NEWS BEACH ONE CANC 8LEASE SEE /ELOW TDE TIMES AND DATES FOR TDESE CL3/S. TDE ROSTER IS ALSO /ELOW: 1ROJECT. The Cod ington School Eve y Monday: WE9COME MS. AKE- 12:30—1:00pm The School e,ui es to be advised as to aAendees1 please the e- 9A JONES AN5 fo e advise Di ecto Neal if you a e aAending. THANK 8OU FOR St. Michael4s School Eve y F iday: 2:10pm HE91IN2@ (commencing Sep. 16L Rota act Club of /a bados The Calenda of events will /y way of int oducon1 Ms. be fo wa ded by sepa ate Akela Cones who is well email known to all of us as one and of whom we a e ve y ROSTER FOR NO.EM/ER NO. 28 CDS I88 Cedde Robinson p oud. We at the RCO/ NO. 2N SMS 88 Tony Williams applaud he ecent successes and wish he connued suc- cess. Today she will sha e with us some of he own expe i- DEC 0 CDS RTN. Donna 8ie e ences ch onicling he childhood in Ste ling Child enIs home DEC 0. SMS DIRECTOR Neal G iOth and how she has managed to ove come signi=cant t ials in he life to now be a young woman who is loved and followed “As you each emembe to help ou Cunio by many /a badians having ove come signi=cant challeng- Clubs /E REMINDED TDAT “a leade is one who es . She has excelled in athlecs and has ep esented /a - knows the way1 goes the way and shows the bados at the 2016 Olympics and is the holde of /a bad os4 wayB - Cohn Maxwell eco ds in the womenIs heptathlon1 pentathlon1 long )ump and high )ump. She won gold in the long )ump at the 2014 MEET OUR 2REETERS: Wo ld Cunio Championships. We thank he fo ag eeing to be RCO/4s face of ou “EACD ONE CAN 8ROCECTB and fo 11. Vic Fernandes exp essing he inte est in spending some me with the chil- 1ast 1resident Victor Fernandes, 8DF d en in the homes . We a e de=nitely ve y pleased to have )oined the Club on Canua y 021 1N86. Dis he as a pa t of this Rota y 8 o)ect and a e fully con=dent Classi=caon is / oadcasng. In his 8 esi- that he inspi aonal sto y will inspi e many of those that denal 2ea of 2000-011 his focus was on the Envi onment. De int oduced Ea th we a e t ying to each with the message that IEach One CanFI Machines (composte sL fo ecycling1 envi onmental and g eening p o)ects. 88 .ic was awa ded The SIL.ER CROWN OF MERIT in the Naonal Donou s fo 2014 fo me ito ious se - vice to /a bados Rtn. 5onna 1ierre .was inducted into the Rota y Club of /a bados on Decembe 111 2014. De Classi=ca-on is Disaste Manage- ment. She was p oposed by 8DG David. Fo - me ly she was a membe of Rota y Club of St Augusne West1 T inidad whe e she was in- ducted in May 2010 and while in Guyana t ained at 8ETS as Sec eta y Fo he cont ibu- ons to the club she was awa ded Rota ian of the 2ea fo 2011-12 and has also eceived the awa d fo Commu- nity Se vice. Announcements U1 -COMING EVENTS Wedding Anniversary Mar 07 - Club Charter Date - 1962 None this week DECEMBER DISEASE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT MONTH :irthday - Rotarians 88 8e Dibbe Nov. 21 Dec. 1 Greeters: PP Grenville Phillips and Di ecto Neal G iOth Nov. 27 Rtn. Trevor Fields Birthday - Partners in Service Erica Wheeler— Partner in Service of Dec 1: FELLOWSDI8 MEETINGP Elecons: Rtn. Mark Wheeler Nov 29 Dec. 8 G eete s: 88. Steven / athwaite Join Date Anniversary and Rtn. Robin the /a on Fo de 88 Tony Williams 13 yea s Nov. 271 2003 Dec. 8 /usiness Meeng DA882 INDE8ENDENCE TO TDE ROTAR2 CL3/ OF /AR/ADOS FAMIL2 ROTAR2 INTERNATIONAL CON.ENTION Cune 10—14 2017 IMPORTANT REGISTRATION DEADLINES December 15, 2016 Last day for early registra- 4on FUS5 G3A0.00 Rotarians/ G70.00 Rotarac- torsI March 31, 2017 9ast day for pre registra- 4on discount F US5 GA15.00 Rotarians/ G100.00 RotaractorsI OBJECT OF ROTARY June 1A 2017 ast day for on ine registra4on The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a FUS5 GAD0.00 Rotarians/ G130.00 RotaractorsI basis of worthy enterprise and in particular to encourage and foster: FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity of service; SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition and the worthiness of all useful occu pations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupa tion as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotari an's personal, business and community life; and FOURTH: The advancement of the international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world of fellowship of ROTARY GRACE business and professional persons united in the O Lord and giver of all things good ideal of service. We thank Thee for our daily food May Rotary friends and Rotary ways Help us to serve Thee all our days. Bulletin Editor: Rtn. Fiona J. Hinds .
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