General Committee 2019-2020 DINYAR MUCADUM PRESIDENT BITTY ALEXANDER SANJIB BARBORA VICE PRESIDENT HONY TREASURER HIRAK DASGUPTA AMITAVA DATTA SANAYA MEHTA VYAS VIKRAM JAIRATH SURENDRAN MENON MEMBER - BAR MEMBER - HOUSE MEMBER - ENTERTAINMENT MEMBER - CATERING MEMBER - RELATIONS & COMMUNICATIONS GAURAB GHOSH GUNEET S GREWAL PARITOSH SINHA SAURAV CHATTERJEE ARUN DHARIWAL MEMBER - GYM, CFC, SWIMMING MEMBER -GROUND MEMBER - LEGAL SPORTS COORDINATOR MEMBER - SPONSORSHIP POOL & SPECIAL PROJECTS TILL DEC 2019 COL. SHIBASHIS BANERJEE (RETD) SECRETARY Contents Seventeenth Annual Report 2019-2020 General / Balloting Committee, Section Captains 5 Notice 6-7 Note for Remote E-Voting 8-10 Report of the General Committee 11-17 Independent Auditor’s Report 18-19 Balance Sheet 20 Statement of Income & Expenditure 21 Cash Flow Statement 22 Notes to the Financial Statement 23-35 Membership Strength 36 Club Members represented the Country in various major sports 37 Members / Dependants who have excelled in various sporting disciplines 37 Total Income - Graph 38 Total Expenditure - Graph 38 Total Investment - Graph 39 Income from Investment - Graph 39 Life Members 40 President Captains of the Season Mr. Dinyar Mucadum Cricket Mr. Wasim Aziz Vice - President Football Mr. Bitty Alexander Mr. Jeh Williamson Honorary Treasurer Hockey Mr. Cyril Bruce Lindsay Mr. Sanjib Barbora Rugby General Committee Mr. Rohit Jacob Mr.Amitava Datta Tennis Mr. Hirak Dasgupta Mr. Shantanu Tewary Cycle Polo Mr. Vikram Jairath Mr. Deepak Lal Ms. Sanaya Mehta Vyas Swimming Mr. Saurav Chatterjee Mr. Suhel Niyogi Mr. Guneet S Grewal Gym Mr. Surendran Menon Ms. Ayushi Agarwal Mr. Gaurab Ghosh Bridge Mr. A. K. Bose Mr. Paritosh Sinha Squash Mr. Arun Kr. Dhariwal Mr. Tanweer Ahmed Balloting Committee Golf Dr. Pronab Dasgupta Mr. Savindar Singh Badminton Capt. Arnab Sen Mr. Chittapriyo Bose Mr. Arabinda Bose Table Tennis Mr. Shekhar Niyogi Mr. Shekhar Niyogi Mr. Subrata Das Darts Mr. Deepankar Nandi Mr. Kaushik Padhi Bankers : Registered Office : Auditors : Yes Bank CALCUTTA CRICKET & FOOTBALL CLUB P. C. Boral & Co. State Bank of India Chartered Accountants HDFC Bank 19/1, Gurusaday Road, Ballygunge, Kolkata - 700 019 Bandhan Bank CIN No. U92412WB2003GAP096325 Firm Reg No : 304080E Syndicate Bank Axis Bank Annual Report 2019-2020 05 Calcua Cricket & Football Club CIN : U92412WB2003GAP096325 19/1, Gurusaday Road, Kolkata - 700 019 Phone : 2461-5060 / 5204, Fax : 2461-5058 E-mail : [email protected] NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Seventeenth Annual General Meeting of the Members of The Calcutta Cricket & Football Club will be held on Monday 28th December, 2020 at 5.00 pm, through Video Conferencing (VC) / Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) to transact the following business: As Ordinary Business: 1. To consider and adopt the Report and Audited Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020. 2. To appoint an Auditor to hold Office until the next Annual General Meeting and to fix their remuneration. 3. To elect a President. 4. To elect a Vice- President. 5. To elect nine members for the General Committee. 6. To elect six members for the Balloting Committee. 19/1, Gurusaday Road, By order of the General Committee Kolkata - 700 019 Col. Shibashis Banerjee (Retd) 21st November, 2020. Secretary Annual General Meeting THE GENERAL COMMITTEE WOULD BE OBLIGED IF ANY MEMBER DESIROUS OF SEEKING ANY CLARIFICATION ON THE REPORT AND ACCOUNTS, COULD PLEASE INFORM THE SECRETARY IN WRITING AT LEAST 7 DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. 06 Annual Report 2019-2020 Calcua Cricket & Football Club CIN : U92412WB2003GAP096325 19/1, Gurusaday Road, Kolkata - 700 019 Phone : 2461-5060 / 5204, Fax : 2461-5058 E-mail : [email protected] NOTES a) In view of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (''MCA'') has vide its General Circular No.20/2020 dated 5th May, 2020 read with General Circular No.14/2020 dated 8th April, 2020 and General Circular No.17/2020 dated 13th April, 2020 (collectively referred to as ''MCA Circulars'') permitted the holding of the Annual General Meeting (''AGM'') through Video Conferencing (''VC'')/Other Audio Visual Means (“OAVM''), without the physical presence of the Members at a common venue. In compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (''Act”) and MCA Circulars, the AGM of the Club is being held through VC/OAVM. The procedure for participating in the meeting through VC/OAVM is explained in the subsequent pages for the information of members. The venue of the meeting shall be deemed to be the Registered office of the Club at 19/1, Gurusaday Road, Kolkata - 700019. b) In compliance with the aforesaid MCA Circulars, the Notice and the Annual Report is being sent only through electronic mode to all Members whose email address are registered with the Club. The email address to which the monthly bills of the Members are being sent, have been considered as the registered email address. c) Members attending the AGM through VC/OAVM shall be counted for the purpose of reckoning the quorum under Section 103 of the Act. Annual Report 2019-2020 07 NOTE FOR REMOTE E-VOTING 1. E-Voting will be eligible to only members who cast by the Member by e-voting, he/she shall not have Registered their E-mail IDs with the Club. be allowed to change it subsequently. The facility The Club requests members who have not for voting shall also be made available during the registered their E-mail IDs to do so at the earliest. AGM through Video Conferencing (VC) or Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) and Members 2. Nomination for the post of President, Vice- participating in the meeting who have not cast President and the Committee Members shall be their vote by remote e-voting prior to the meeting received by 12th Dec 2020 till 5.00 PM. The last shall be able to exercise their right to e-vote at the date for withdrawal of the nomination shall be on meeting. The members who have cast their vote 19th Dec 2020 by 5.00 PM. Final list of the by remote e-voting prior to the meeting may also candidates offering themselves to each of the attend the meeting but shall not be entitled to cast above posts shall be displayed on the Notice their vote again. Members who have not received Board of the Club on 21st December 2020. the Annual Report may either download it from our e-voting service provider's website 3. Members are required to cast their electronic vote www.evotingindia.com. Or from the Club personally. Members who have paid the Club website. In case of any queries/grievances bills till the month of Oct 2020 only shall be pertaining to e-voting, please visit Help & FAQs eligible to cast their vote on the business stated in s e c t i o n a v a i l a b l e a t C D S L ' s w e b s i t e this notice. The last date for effecting payment is www.evotingindia.com or send an email to fixed at 5 pm 19th December 2020 by cash/credit [email protected]. card at the office, to enable the Club to draw list of members eligible to vote and send data to CDSL Instructions for e-voting: for uploading in their E-voting system. Payment by cheque to be made by 17th of December 2020. 1. Members are requested to log on to the e-voting Vote cast by a Member who fails to effect website www.evotingindia.com. payment by the said date will be rejected. 2. Please click on Shareholders / Members 4. In compliance with Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies 3. Please enter your user ID provided by CDSL (Management and Administration) Rules 2014, the Club is pleased to provide Members with the 4. Please enter the image verification (Captcha) as facility to cast their votes through remote e- displayed and click on Log-in voting with services provided by Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL). 5. Please enter the “Sequence Number-1” in the “PAN” field 5. The business may be transacted through such voting on all resolutions set forth in the Notice of 6. Please enter the “Sequence Number-2” again in the “Bank Details” field the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The e- voting period shall commence on Friday, 25th 7. Please click on the “Submit” tab to get to the Club December 2020 at 9.00 a.m. (IST) and end on selection screen Sunday, 27th December 2020 at 5.00 p.m. (IST) after which e-voting shall not be allowed. The e- 8. Please click on the EVSN (Electronic Voting voting module will be disabled by CDSL for Sequence Number) of Calcutta Cricket and voting thereafter. Once the vote on a resolution is Football Club on which you choose to vote. There 08 Annual Report 2019-2020 NOTE FOR REMOTE E-VOTING (Contd...) will be a separate EVSN for every post viz : 16. The results of the voting along with the President, Vice President, Committee Members Scrutinizer's Report shall be uploaded on the and Balloting members. CDSL's website www.evotingindia.com and also placed on the Notice Board of the Club. 9. On the voting page, you will see “RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION” and against the same, the INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS ATTENDING option “YES / NO” for voting. Please select the THE AGM THROUGH VC/OAVM ARE AS UNDER: option YES or No as desired. The option YES implies that you assent the Resolution and 1. Members will be provided with a facility to option NO implies that you dissent to the attend the AGM through VC/OAVM through Resolution. the CDSL e-Voting system.
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