«KAZENERGY» NEWSLETTER KAZENERGY INSIDE # 05 JUNE 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Roundtable on the draft Code “On subsoil and subsoil use” Meetings of Oil Industry Committee of Atameken NCE Presidium KAZENERGY Association has be- come a partner of “Skolkovo” in Ka- zakhstan The meeting of the third Industrial Council. On the current situation in the field Х KAZENERGY Eurasian Forum THE EXPERTS DISCUSSED THE IMPACT OF “NEW SILK 18TH MEETING OF THE WAY” ON THE ENERGY SECTOR OF KAZAKHSTAN ASSOCIATION COUNCIL KAZENERGY Association held regular meet- political reasons. ing of the Strategic Expert club on “New Silk Thus, in April this year, China became the Way” and its impact on the energy sector of largest world oil importer surpassing the the Republic of Kazakhstan. United States on this indicator for the first The club’s meeting was attended by the rep- time. The average volume of crude oil pur- resentatives of KAZENERGY Association, chased by China reached 7,4 million barrels IHS Energy, Wood Mackenzie research com- per day. Within this, over 58% of the coun- On June 13, 2015, 18th Meeting of the panies, “KazMunaiGas” National Company try's oil demand is covered by imports. Ac- Council of Legal Entities Association and other oil and gas companies (BG Ka- cording to the experts, by 2020 the oil de- “KAZENERGY” Kazakhstan Association of zakhstan, PSA etc.). mand in China will continue to grow in aver- oil and gas and energy sector organiza- Matthew J. Sagers, Managing Director of IHS age by 3,4% per year. tions” was held. Energy – one of the leading world experts in During the meeting, draft National Energy Caspian energy – was a speaker. See details at : http://kazenergy.com/en/ Report of “KAZENERGY” Association for During his speech, M.Sagers presented his press-center/2011-04-18-15-52-18/13684- 2015, work on the anniversary X KAZEN- vision of the prospects of “New Silk Way” experts-discussed-influence-of-great-silk- ERGY Eurasian Forum were considered initiative in the context of further expansion of road-on-energy-sector-of-kazakhstan.html economic links, transport infrastructure devel- and key directions of “KAZENERGY” As- opment, increase of the investments flow in sociation activities for 5 months of 2015 Eurasia. Particularly, he marked the high were presented. The work of the Associa- potential for oil and gas structure develop- tion in three directions was supported by ment taking into account economic and geo- all its members and will be continued in future. KAZENERGYINSIDE • JUNE 2015 THE MEETING OF THE THIRD ON THE CURRENT SITUATION IN THE FIELD INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL General Director of KAZENERGY Associa- tion paused since 2011 was greatly facilitat- tion addressed Mazhilis deputies during the ed by several largest fields. While maintain- Parliament hearings on “Problems and pro- ing the current regulatory system, the in- spects of development of oil and gas sector crease of the country’s dependence on the in Kazakhstan” and presented the vision of “big three” (Kashagan, Tengiz, Karachaga- KAZENERGY for the current situation in the nak) and further stagnation of the rest enter- industry. prises in the field is expected. Within this, According to the opinion of the Association, in by 2029 the reserves may be reduced by current situation we need to solve the two three times of the proven” – said Magauov tasks in order to provide further sustainable in his report. On June 10, 2015 the meeting of the third In- development of oil and gas industry: geologi- See more: http://kazenergy.com/en/press- dustrial Council on the basis of APEC Pe- cal exploration development and further facili- center/2011-04-18-15-52-18/13700-general- trotechnic was held in Atyrau. The main aim of tation and reduction of administrative proce- director-of-kazenergy-association- the Industrial Council of APEC Petrotechnic is dures. addressed-mazhilis-deputies-during-the- interaction of the academic process with the “In the part of geological exploration, we can parliament-hearings-on-problems-and- real production, support of the relevance of observe the decreasing trend in reserves, i.e. prospects-of-development-of-oil-and-gas- educational programs in accordance with the we cannot ensure compliance with the rules sector-in-kazakhstan-and-presented-the- demands of oil companies. of advancing growth of reserves over the vision-of-kazenergy-for-the-current-situation Within the dialogue platform of the Council, the production volume. The increase of produc- -in-the-indu.html relevance and compliance of the current edu- cational programs with the demands of the labor market in the part of defining the required ON CONDUCTING INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL specialties and qualifications, opportunity to provide practice and employment as well as MONITORING AND BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL the further action plan were discussed. Akh- STUDIES murzina Lyazzat Zheksenbayevna, director of the department for human resource develop- tee, Committee for the Fishing Industry, ment of “KAZENERGY” Association was the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the moderator during the meeting. The members of Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of the Industrial Council of APEC Petrotechnic – Kazakhstan, Committee of Transport of representatives of North Caspian Operating the Ministry of Investments and Develop- Company N.V., “Mangistaumunaigas” JSC, ment of the Republic of Kazakhstan and “Atyrau refinery” LLP, “Tengischevroil” LLP, other Ministries, scientific-research organi- “KazMunaiGas – Drilling” SDP LLP, zations, interested associations and sub- “Embamunaigas”, Schlumberger logelco inc., soil users. The purpose of the working Golder Associates, “RTG Tilmash Kazakhstan” On 12.06.2015, the Ministry of Energy of group is a comprehensive study of the LLP, Swagelok Kazakhstan, “Tesla Tan” LLP, RK held the working meeting under the issues of industrial environmental monitor- representatives of “Kasipkor” Holding” NJSC chairmanship of Karabalin U.S. on discuss- ing and environmental baseline studies in and administration of “APEC Petrotechnic” ing problematic issues of operational envi- KSCS and making recommendations for attended the meeting. ronmental monitoring and baseline environ- amendments to the current legislation, mental studies in Kazakhstan sector of taking into account: Caspian Sea with participation of the au- research feasibility; thorized state bodies, scientific organiza- reduction of the heavy load on the tions and subsoil users. By the results of the environmentally sensitive nature of the working meeting, the Environmental Regu- Caspian Sea; lation, Control and State Inspection Com- biological features of hydrobionts; mittee in oil and gas sector of the Ministry safety in ice conditions. was instructed to create the working group of representatives of the Ministry, Commit- KAZENERGYINSIDE • JUNE 2015 ON ESTABLISHMENT OF “FUTURE OF THE FUEL ADDITIVES” TRAINING AND EXPERI- INTERNATIONAL FORUM MENTAL SITE On June 11, 2015, Moscow held “Future of changes in Technical Regulations of Cus- the fuel additives” International Forum, orga- toms Union 013/2011 “On the require- It should be noted that on May 22 during the nized by “InfoTECH” Oil and gas magazine in ments to the motor and aviation gasoline, meeting with representatives of “KazMunaiGas” cooperation with the Committee of Chamber diesel and marine fuels, jet fuel and petro- NC JSC and “Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant” of Commerce and Industry of Russian Feder- leum resides”. JSC (hereinafter – “ChTPZ” JSC), “ChTPZ” ation on Energy Strategy and Development. The main subjects of the Forum: reported on its professional and industrial inter- During the Forum, KAZENERGY Association - adjustment of the refineries moderniza- est in this project. In June this year, a group of provided information on the association plat- tion program and amounts of motor fuels specialists of “ChTPZ” JSC will visit Kulsary field form for discussion of the relevant issues of production till 2020, to conduct assessment works on several wells. the industry. - demand and supply balance for the fuel Currently, the works on the group formation, The Forum is devoted to the problems con- additives, preparation of the terms of reference for wells nected with the change of the fuel additives - antimonopoly regulation of the fuel addi- evaluation, and other pre-qualification works are market in the context of different moderniza- tives market, being conducted in this direction. tion scenarios for refineries of RF within the - proposals on changes in TR CU On June 2, 2015, the meeting with Berdibek terms and conditions of sectorial sanctions 013/2011. Saparbayev, Deputy Prime-Minister, attended by and economic crisis and the estimated the representatives of the Ministries of Invest- ments and Development, Health and Social Development, Energy, Culture and Sport, Jus- “BULK PLANTS AND OIL TERMINALS: FROM tice, National Economy and KAZENERGY Asso- MODERN DESIGN TO EFFECTIVE OPERATION” ciation and Atameken National Chamber of En- trepreneurs was held. INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE During the meeting, the proposal of creating training and experimental site in the village of Kulsary in Atyrau region for the purpose to pro- vide oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan with highly qualified specialists, as well as testing of systems on petroleum bulks and oil termi- new technologies of worldwide service compa- nals; nies and their implementation at the existing low - Modern methods of design, con- -profit fields was considered. During the meet- struction and
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