Eindhoven University of Technology MASTER Undergroundscraper from ant nests to architecture Liu, M. Award date: 2015 Link to publication Disclaimer This document contains a student thesis (bachelor's or master's), as authored by a student at Eindhoven University of Technology. Student theses are made available in the TU/e repository upon obtaining the required degree. The grade received is not published on the document as presented in the repository. The required complexity or quality of research of student theses may vary by program, and the required minimum study period may vary in duration. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain UNDERGROUNDSCRAPER from ant nests to architecture Mo Liu Undergroundscraper Graduation project Digital Architecture January 2015 Student: M. (Mo) Liu 0827301 ([email protected]) Tutor: prof.dr.ir. B. (Bauke) de Vries ir. M. (Maarten) H.P.M. Willems drs. J. (Johan) G.A. van Zoest Eindhoven University of Technology The Department of the Built Environment Architecture Design & Decision support systems UNDERGROUNDSCRAPER b ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report is the result of the graduation pro- ey Heijkens, Guido le Pair, Marius Lazauskas, ject, Digital Architecture, in the Department of Arjan Kalfsbeek, Sebastiaan van Alebeek, Tom the Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Steegh and Maaike Bron. They were concerned Technology in 2014. It is not possible to finish about my design, gave me many comments and this report without the help and support of a num- helped me to finish my report. ber of people to whom I would like to express my sincere gratitude for a variety reasons. Furthermore, I want to thank several profes- sionals. Steven Ma, Bao An Nguyen Phuoc and Firstly, I would like to express the appreciation Chris Thackrey who are the tutors of Studio of to my graduation project tutors, Professor Bauke Xuberance taught me about MAYA. Mateusz de Vries and Maarten H.P.M. Willems. Their Zwierzychi and Michael Pryor are the tutors of enthusiasm, professional guidance, encourage- workshop named Iterative interpretations in Ber- ments, patience and faith from the start of my lin which taught me about the Anemone which graduation project are highly appreciated. Also, I is a plugin in Grasshopper. Giuliana Scuderi, a want to thank my third tutor, Johan G.A. van Zo- doctor in the Unit of structure in Tue, help me to est. He accepted my request to become my third solve the problems of structure. tutor without any complaint and gave me advises and feedback on the field of biology. Special thanks go to some friends. Heyi Li, al- ways taught me how to use MAYA. Xiaoru Hua Secondly, I am grateful to all the members of gave me many suggestions on my design. the graduation project Digital Architecture. They Chengxi Li and Guichen Yu cared about my pro- are Zuzka Basandova, Wouter Coebergh, Mick- cess and encouraged me during the past one iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS year. Nina Liu, my roommate, endured my short- comings in the daily life and cooked for me for several weeks because I was busy with my pro- ject. In particular, I enjoyed playing soccer with the members of my team, which was often con- sidered a welcome ‘distraction’ from the heavy workload. At last, also the most important, I want to express my gratitude to my father and mother. They al- ways give me the greatest love, support, under- standing, encouragements, patience and help, even in my time of suffering. Mo Liu January 2015 UNDERGROUNDSCRAPER iv SUMMARY This report focuses on the theory of under- will provide a new thinking for future. groundscrapers and how to use parametric way to design an undergroundscraper by simulating Seven chapters constitute the main content of the ant nest. my research, i.e. general introduction, concept of undergroundscraper, theory, ants and nests, Undergroundscraper is a new concept which is computational design, architectural design and from skyscraper, referring to the ‘high’ rise build- conclusion. ings underground. This new kind of buildings may solve problems such as population explo- sion, the shortages of earth and housing and ur- ban canyon effect which is caused by skyscrap- ers. The new design used the parametric tools to simulate the movements of ants and ant nests to get the basic form of the building. Emergence is the theoretical foundation of this design. It is used in many areas including human beings, urban, buildings, ant nests and computers. Biomimicry is the method of this design. It finds the design solutions by mimicking nature’s time tested strat- egies. Ant and their nest are the inspiration and origin of this design. The building is in a canyon with a depth of 100 meter with multi-functions. It v SUMMARY CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii SUMMARY v CONTENT vi 0. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 I. CONCEPT OF UNDERGOURNDSCRAPER 14 II. THEORY 28 III. ANTS AND NEST 49 IV COMPOUTATIONAL DESIGN 54 V. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 59 VI. CONCLUSION 86 APPENENDICES 88 UNDERGROUNDSCRAPER vi 0.GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 0.1 Theme The theme of this graduation project, ‘Digital Ar- puter system to assist in the creation, modifica- chitecture’, has been developing rapidly during tion, analysis, or optimization of a design.[1] CAD the past decade. It is generally considered that software is used to increase the productivity of Digital architecture, which is a broad concept, the designer, improve the quality of design, im- refers to aspects of architecture that features prove communications through documentation, digital technologies, using computer modeling, and to create a database for manufacturing.[2] programming, simulation and imaging to create Today, CAD software is used in all aspects in ar- both virtual forms and physical structures. It con- chitectural design. Some only can create two-di- tains many new theories of digital techniques mensional drawings, while others are capable of including Computer-Aided Design (CAD)/ Com- highly sophisticated three-dimensional models, puter-Aided Manufacture (CAM), Building In- renderings and animations. formation Modelling (BIM), and parametric and generative design. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process involving the generation and management of Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of com- digital representations of physical and functional Fig. 1 Vienna University of Ap- plied Arts, Masterclass Hadid, Parametric Semiology: Se- mio-field. Project authors: Magda Smolinska, Marius Cernica, and Monir Karimi. UNDERGROUNDSCRAPER 2 Fig. 2 Parametric Semiology: Se- mio-field, differentiation of public vs. private as parametric range. Fig. 3 Parametric Semiology: Se- mio-field, master-plan with pro- gram distribution. 3 GENERAL INTRODUCTION characteristics of places.[3] BIM covers the whole ital architecture, especially fabrication and Pro- process of a project life-cycle from planning to totyping. Laser-cutting and three-dimensional building. It is not only used for designers and printer are the common tools to translate digital planners but also supporting cost management, models to physical objects. These machines constructing management, project management make a more fluid process than traditional ap- and facility operation. proaches. Parametric design is a new term of the logic of digital design thinking which focuses on a log- ic of associative and dependency relationships between objects and their parts-and-whole re- lationships.[4] It expresses the parameters and rules that together, define, encode and clarify the relationship between design intent and design response. The word ‘Parametric’ is from mathe- matics and refers to the use of certain parame- ters or variables that can be edited to manipulate or alter the end result of an equation or system. Parametric design is not a new concept and has always formed a part of architecture and design. The consideration of changing forces such as climate, setting, culture, and use has always formed part of the design process.[5] Digital tools and machines are also used for dig- UNDERGROUNDSCRAPER 4 Fig. 4 Laser-cutting in TU/e Fig. 5 Full-size model printed by D-Shape printer 5 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 0.2 Background With the development of society, human beings of new urban infrastructure may either coexist face increasingly more problems. From the end or conflict with improvement of the urban envi- of 19th century, the population explosion be- ronment. Architects are seeking new methods to came one of the most serious problems. Increas- solve these problems. Therefore, underground ing population and the developing needs and as- buildings get into the field of vision. Underground pirations of humankind for our living environment space is available almost everywhere, which may require increasing provision of space of all kinds. provide the site for activities or infrastructure that The world’s population is becoming more urban- are difficult or impossible to install above ground ized at an unprecedented pace. There were 21 or whose presence aboveground is unaccept- mega cities with the populations of more than able or undesirable. Underground buildings may 10 million people by the year 2000, as predict- either be developed by open excavation in soft ed earlier. The shortages of earth and housing strata or soil, the top of which is subsequently make many governments feel overwhelmed. covered to get the space below, or created by At the end of 19th century, high rise buildings excavation in hard strata or rock. Despite under- were widely built and they were considered as ground buildings face big challenges such as the best way to solve these troublesome issues.
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