Weather Disfrib'ution' Variable cloudiness warm and BEDBANK bumld today and tonight. High Today near 90. Low, 60s. Fair tomor- row; high, 70s. See weather 15,450 and tides page 2. MONDAY THROUGH rXIDAY-BST. Wt 35o PER WEEK VOLUME 82, NO. 273 Isiued Dilly, Monday through Friday, mtered n Second Class Matter 7c PER COPY at the Post OHlc« at Red Bank, N. J.. under tha Act ol March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1960 BY CAERIER PAGE ONE Wants Shark Fence Assemblyman Bite Victim's Kailroad Strike Strands Seeks Help Condition Of State Good FREEHOLD—Monmouth Coun- ty Assemblyman Clifton T. Bark- OCEAN CITY (AP) - "God is Shore Area Commuters alow has proposed a study of the always with me:" use of off-shore fences to com- That was Richard P. Chung's bat the shark threat along the first comment yesterday after Jersey coast. doctors told him he would com- Buses, Mr. Barkalow has asked for pletely recover from a shark a meeting of all legislators from bite on his right leg. resort counties Monday, Sept. 12, The 23-ycar-old Korean medi- at 9:30 a.m. in the Assembly cal student was attacked while CarsPick minority meeting room. swimming off this shore resort He will also solicit the aid of Tuesday. He was taken to Shore the state Department of Conser- Memorial Hospital in nearby So- vation and Economic Develop- mers Point, where doctors des- Up Slack ment. cribed his condition as complete- ly satisfactory. Vital Problem Clifton T. Barkalow Describing the shark threat as John Brodeur, a 24-year-old NEW YORK—The Jer- "the most serious and vital prob- Jersey City accountant, had' his lem to the entire state of New right leg amputated after a shark sey Central Railroad today . Jersey, particularly the resort bit him just 25 yards off Sea ".nnounced suspension of counties," Mr, Barkalow plans Lodge Due Girt Aug. 21. tn investigate a method used in. Chung is a native of Seoul, ts Shore line operations Australia of fence enclosures in In State Korea, and studies at Taylor Hos- for the duration of the bathing areas. pital, Ridley Park, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad The assemblyman pointed out TRENTON (AP) — Henry Ca- He was plainly showing the ef- the recent serious injuries suf- bot Lodge, Republican vice pres- fects of his ordeal, but smiled strike. fered by bathers when attacked idential nominee will make a as he gave an account of the The action left thousands of by sharks and he said the prob- campaign trip across south and shark attack. Shore commuters seeking other lem requires the co-operation of central New Jersey Sept. 19. Noticed Shark means of transportation to their Bernard M. Shanley, co-direc- federal, state, county an& mu- "I entered the water and swam jobs. nicipal authorities. tor of the GOP state campaign, The line uses PRR tracks from said yesterday Lodge will start out about a mile and a quarter Careful Method • when I noticed this 10-foot Bay Head to Long Branch. Jer- He noted that plans would the day by attending a GOP sey Central employees refused breakfast in Atlantic City and shark following me. have to be made to work out a "I thrashed in the water to try :o operate trains past a strikers' "feasible and careful" method wind up at night with a major picket line at Bay Head, a Jer- speech at a Monmouth County to scare him and headed for for allocating the areas to be shore. I think he made two pass sey Central spokesman said. fenced. rally in Asbury Park. v In between, he will make a es at me, but I felt no pain. The Shore line normally car- As bases for determinig where I did realize that I could not ries 2,200 commuters to Jersey and to what extent areas would motorcade through south and cen- tral Jersey counties. keep up the thrashing and make TAKING UP THE SLACK—Buses line up on Monmouth St. in Red Bank to carry commuters to New York. Train City and then by ferry to New be fenced, Mr. Barkalow sug- any time. York. gested that consideration be giv- Details of the tour are still to riders were stranded when Jersey Central Railroad trains refused to cross picket lines of Pennsylvania Railroad be worked out, "Then I realized that the shark It had planned to put extra en to the population of shore had gone away. It seemed like workers at Bay Head, leaving estimated 6,600 commuters waiting at station. Bus in foreground is between Pearl communities, the size of their Lodge's visit will follow a Sept. cars on its Shore commuter 15 speech in Atlantic City by an hour had passed but I sup- and West Sts. trains to carry some of the PRR beach area and the number of pose it only took 10 minutes. I summer visitors to each resort Vice President Richard M. Nix- shore line's 4,400 commuters. on, the GOP presidential candl felt myself weakening, but I still The Jersey Central's main line municipality. tried to make it. "It will be impossible to start date. operations were not affected. "I saw the lifeguards and the Beacon Hill the program this season," Mr. A republican spokesman said Buying Tickets next thing I knew I was hauled Barkalow said. Nixon will appear only at the na> At the Red Bank terminal of into their boat. I owe a great Award Building Pacts But he added that plans should tional conventnion of the Repub- Hit Again the Asbury Park and New York lican Women's Federation and obligation and a debt I can not Transit Corp. at 174 Monmouth be started as soon as possible repay to those lifeguards and the MIDDLETOWN-Thieves broke to prepare for next summer's will not tour other points in New M1DDLET0WN - The Town- was awarded the general con- will do the heating and ventilat- St., commuters were lined up Jersey Sept. 15. other people who helped me." into the Beacon Hill Country ship Committee at an adjourned struction work for $85,300. ing work for $15,225. buying bus tickets to New York. safety. Chung was brought ashore in Club, Leonardo, early 'Jits morn- session yesterday awarded $126,- R a y n o r Machine and Iron Electrical work went to Red Two commuters standing at the a boat manned by lifeguards ing, but didn't find nuch, police 249.46 in contracts for the con- Works, Shrewsbury, will do the Bank Electric for $13,148. Larry Stedem, 20, of Ocean City, bus stop at Monmouth St, and reported. struction of a new township hall. steel work for $6,990. The building will provide office Broad St. in Red Bank were and Richard Cl»ne, 22, of Phila- Patrolman Harry Sage, who in- space for the business adminis . Two Piers delphia, who had been alerted Construction of the 8,000 square Henry Pulsch received the asked by a fellow commuter if vcstignted, said $15 to $20 in trator, clerk, assessor, tax col- a bus to New York stopped by a boardwalk patrolman. One coins was taken out of two vend- foot building is expected to start plumbing pact for $5,586.46. next week. Worrell Bros., Asbury Park, ing inspectors, and storage space. there. Harbor Plans Being Drafted of the lifeguards stripped off the ing machines. Of colonial design, it will be The contracts were awarded on "We hope so," answered one. top portion of his two-piece bath- A porch screen was ripped built adjacent to the existing ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - boats of the 25-foot or less varie- ing suit and used it as a tour- i the basis of low bids received on Hundreds of train riders stood open and a door jimmied, to building. at the Red Bank railroad sta- Councilman William F.X. Connell, ty. " (See VICTIM, Pg. 2) the project, minus certain alter- gain entry. Seeks Land tion trying to decide which would chairman of the Harbor Commis- nates. Mr. Connell also reported that be the best way to travel into sion, reported that the group is dredging of the harbor should Actual low bids totaled $129,836. Mother Held the city. All faced the prospect considering the construction of be started by Oct. 1. Gooseneck Point By omitting certain items, offi To File Suit of huge tieups and delays at tha two 300-foot floating piers be- The state Division of Conser- cials were able to lower the cost approaches to New York City. tween piers two and three and vation and Economic Develop- William Miller, representing On Charge Of three and four. Bernard Kellenyi, architect, has Bus companies put on extra ment will ask bids on the pro- As Taxpayer buses and manpower to handle He said a committee is in the ject and award contracts, Bridge Situation estimated actual construction costs at $126,000. KEANSBURG - Councilman the crush of train-less commuter* process of drafting preliminary The state is paying $30,000 of Beating Son going to Newark and New York plans for the project. The township has authorized the Louis Collichio said yesterday he the cost with the other half com will re-institute a damage suit POINT PLEASANT BEACH—A City. The plans will be submitted at ing from the borough. expenditure of $148,000. This fig 36,000 Stranded Brings Inspection ure covers the building cost plus against Frank Maines, East seven-year-old boy was in fair the September meeting of the An estimated 36,000 commuterj The harbor will be dredged architect's fee, furniture and mis Keansburg garbage, collector, as condition in a hospital and his commission, he said.
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