Seventeenth Australasian Weeds Conference Response of two Chrysolina species to different Hypericum hosts Ronny Groenteman', Simon V. Fowler' and Jon J. Sullivan2 ' Landcare Research, Gerald Street, PO Box 40, Lincoln, New Zealand 2Bio-Protection Research Centre, PO Box 84, Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand Corresponding author: [email protected] SummaryChrysolina hyperici and C. quadrigemina introduced in 1963 but, for many years was thought (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) were introduced to to have failed to establish (reviewed by Hancox et al. New Zealand for biological control of St John's wort 1986). Chrysolina quadrigemina was rediscovered in (SJW), Hypericum perforatum, following successful the late 1980s (Fraser and Emberson 1987). It is now biological control in Australia. In other parts of the abundant in mixed populations with C. hyperici (R. invaded range of SJW worldwide C. quadrigemina is Groenteman personal observations). generally accepted as the more significant contributor St John's wort beetles are not strictly restricted to to SJW successful biocontrol. Their ability to feed and H. perforatum, and are known to be able to develop on develop on indigenous Hypericum species was not other Hypericum species (some examples are reviewed tested. Chrysolina hyperici established well while C. by Harris 1988). New Zealand hosts 10 naturalised quadrigemina was initially thought to have failed to es- (Healy 1972) and four indigenous (Heenan 2008) tablish in New Zealand, although it is now widespread. Hypericum species. Little is known about the suit- Thus, identifying differences between Chrysolina spe- ability and impacts of either Chrysolina species on cies in host preference and performance would have these Hypericum species. important implications for assessing the potential risks We examined the difference in response by the to indigenous Hypericum species. We compared the two Chrysolina species to various Hypericum hosts. performance in the lab of the two Chrysolina species Larval feeding and adult female oviposition response on SJW to that on four other Hypericum hosts. More C. to St Johns wort were compared to the response to hyperici larvae successfully completed development three indigenous Hypericum species, as well as to the on the indigenous H. gramineum than on H. perfo- exotic H. androsaemum (tutsan), which is a weed in ratum, but fewer eggs were deposited on the former New Zealand and in parts of Australia. by C. hyperici females. In contrast, C. quadrigemina females deposited more eggs on H. gramineum than MATERIALS AND METHODS on H. perforatum and larvae of this species developed Insects and plantsGravid Chrysolina species similarly on both hosts. There was no difference in the females were collected in autumn (March-May) two species' response to the other three hosts. 2009 from a mixed population in North Canterbury KeywordsClassical weed biocontrol, Chrys- (42°51'S, 172°46'E). olina hyperici, C. quadrigemina, Hypericum perfo- Hypericum perforatum, H. androsaemum and H. ratum, H. gramineum, H. pusillum, H. rubicundulum, gramineum plants were grown from field-collected H. androsaemum. seeds, and H. pusillum, H. rubicundulum and some H. gramineum were grown from cuttings. INTRODUCTION St John's wort, Hypericum perforatum (L.), is a peren- Chrysolina species identificationFemales were nial herb of European, west Asian and north African held individually and identified to species morpho- origin which, by the early 1940s had become a serious logically (by size, following Fraser and Emberson weed in New Zealand (Miller 1944). Following the 1987), and confirmed with DNA bar-coding of eggs successful control of St John's wort in Australia, New using partial sequence from COI gene with prim- Zealand imported biological control agents from its ers LC01490 [5' -GGTCA ACAAATCATAAAGA neighbour. The lesser St John's wort beetle, Chrysolina TATTGG] and HCO2198 [5 '-TAAACTTCAGGGT hyperici (Forst.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), which GACCAAAAAATCA] (Folmar et al. 1994). PCR was introduced in 1943, established immediately conditions were: 95°C for 4 min (x1); 94°C for 45 and was distributed widely throughout the country sec, 50°C for 45 sec, 72°C for 1 min (x38); 72°C for (Hancox et al. 1986). The greater St John's wort 10 min (x1); 10°C). Eggs deposited by the individual beetle, C. quadrigemina (Suffrian), which is gener- females were collected and held separately so newly ally considered the more successful of the two, was hatched larvae could be identified. 227 Seventeenth Australasian Weeds Conference Larval developmentTwenty-five newly hatched Larval developmentLarvae of both Chrysolina larvae were placed five per dish in five Petri dishes species were able to complete development on H. (90 mm2), lined with moist filter paper and containing perforatum, H. gramineum and H. pusillum (Figure a small branch (a leaf in the case of the much larger 1). None survived on H. rubicundulum and H. andro- H. androsaemum) of one of the five host species, and saemum. There was no difference between Chrysolina left at 12:12 h light:dark and 20:10°C. The experiment species in the time it took to complete development on was replicated five times on different dates for each the different hosts. It took both species significantly Chrysolina species to a total of 250 larvae (25 larvae longer to develop on H. pusillum (Figure 1; z162 per host species x five host species x two Chrysolina 4.26, P <0.001). species). Survival was recorded initially once every There was a significant interaction between 24 h and later at intervals of up to 72 h. Food was Chrysolina species and host species in the probability replenished and filter paper moistened and replaced of individuals completing development (Figure lb): as necessary. When surviving larvae reached full size (indicated by change of colour and feeding cessation) they were considered to have successfully completed development. Effects of host species, Chrysolina spp. 50 - a) C. hyperici and their interaction on duration of larval development C. quadrigemina were tested in a mixed effects model in R (R Develop- 40 - ment Core Team 2008) with a Poisson distribution. The chance of a larva to complete development was tested in a mixed effects model with the same explanatory 30 - variables but with a binomial distribution (develop- ment either completed or not). 20 - Female oviposition choiceGravid field-collected females were introduced individually into one 10 - of five ventilated Perspex cages (50:75:50 cm width:length:height), each containing five potted plants - one of each host species. Orientation of 0 the plants within each cage was randomised. The H. perforatum H.gramineum H. pusillum females were left for 24 h under 10:14 h light:dark b) and 20:10°C, after which the host they were found 4 - on was recorded, eggs were counted, and each female was introduced into a new cage. This process was repeated at least once more for each female to a total 3- of 15 females per Chrysolina species and 117 'female nights'. The effects of host species, Chrysolina sp. and 2 their interaction on the proportion of instances in which each host was selected for oviposition were tested in a generalised linear model with a binomial 1 - distribution (the proportion of instances each host was selected for oviposition). In addition, the effects of host species, Chrysolina sp. and their interaction 0 on mean number of eggs per plant per 'female night' H. perforatum H. gramineum H. pusillum was analysed in a mixed effects model with a Pois- son distribution; female and cage were the random Figure 1.(a) Duration (days ±SEM) of larval grouping factors. development to completion of life cycle and (b) the mean number (±SEM) of C. hyperici (dark bars) and RESULTS C. quadrigemina (light bars) larvae per replicate that Chrysolina species identification DNA bar-coding successfully completed development on three Hyperi- confirmed that morphological identification was cor- cum hosts. No successful development occurred on rect in all cases but one. H. androsaemum and H. rubicundulum. 228 Seventeenth Australasian Weeds Conference C. quadrigemina larvae had a higher chance 50 - P = 0.034 C. hyperici than C. hyperici larvae to complete devel- C. quadrigemina opment on H. perforatum (z123, = 2.23, P = 40 - 0.026), but C. hyperici larvae had a higher chance than C. quadrigemina larvae to P = 0.002 complete development on H. gramineum 30 - (z1238 2.40, P = 0.016). There was no P <0.001 difference between the two Chrysolina 20 - species in likelihood of completing devel- opment on H. pusillum (z123, = -0.31, P = 10 - 0.76). Chrysolina hyperici individuals had a higher chance of developing successfully 0 - on H. gramineum than on H. perforatum H. perforatum H. pusillum H. androsaemum (z1238 1.96, P = 0.050) or on H. pusillum H. gramineum H. rubicundulum None (z1238 2.15, P= 0.032). Chrysolina quad- rigemina larvae had a similar chance of Figure 2.Percentage (±95% CI) of instances each host spe- completing development on H. perforatum cies was selected for oviposition in choice arenas by C. hyperici and on H. gramineum but a lower chance (dark bars) and C. quadrigemina (light bars). P values represent to complete development on H. pusillum percentages of preference significantly different than would be (z1238 2.99, P = 0.003). expected at random. The category 'none' represents instances where no host was selected. Female oviposition choiceThere was no significant interaction between Chrysolina species and host species and there was no Table 1. ANOVA table for the generalised linear model testing significant difference between Chrysolina the proportion of instances each host was selected for oviposition. species in the proportion of instances each host was selected (Table 1; Figure 2). Ovi- dfDeviance Residual deviance P( >Chi) position was avoided altogether in 24% NULL 38.33 of instances by C. hyperici and in 33% of Chrysolina sp. 1 0.01 6.36 0.922 instances by C.
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