Tuesday, March 26, 1996 • Vol. XXVII No. 111 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S SMC class of '97 Hollywood lauds Prejean's story ticket violates Sarandon wins Oscar, election policy nun continues crusade against death penalty 1\y CAROLINE BLUM s.,in• M.~ry\ Editor By KRISTI KOLSKI Assistant News Editor i\et~ording to Board ~ ,-... SAINT MARY'S of Covnrnanee \..J\_; ELECTIONS The movie "Dead Man Walking" l·:lnc:tions Committee, may have garnered Susan Sarandon tlw .I ol it> l'o k or ny the best actress award at the Oscars ( l'rnsidnnl), Laura Today: last night, but aft"er the paparazzi l.oh (Viw-l'msidnnt), 7:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. and ticket sales diminish, there will 1\aryn Connolly in the Dining Hall still be the woman who inspired the (Snernlary), and film. Katie 1-:llsworth 4:30p.m. -7:00p.m. Sister Helen Prejean has made a ('l'rtHtsurnr) tic:ket in the Dining Hall lasting impression through her work Photo courtesy ot Gramercy Pictures running for senior I with death row inmates in In the Tim Robbins film "Dead Man Walking," Sister Helen Prejean (Susan class oflkn rwxt year Unofficial results will be Louisiana's Angola State Prison and Sarandon) lays a compassionate hand on the shoulder of death row inmate has violatnd an nlll<:­ posted at 9:30 p.m. has unwittingly found herself in the Matthew Poncelet (Sean Penn). tion policy. spotlight as a spokesperson against of the Center for Pastoral Liturgy at tims, to find forgiveness. In addition Whil11 campaigning, the Pokorny ticket passed capital punishment. Notre Dame and a friend of Prejean, to her work with death row inmates, out their H 1/2" x II" platforms to the entire Appearing on Oprah and featured believes that the movie is a serious Prejean offered assistance to the campus. a violation of Election Postllr Policy No. in journals across the nation, Prejean issue for contemporary society. families of victims to help them find (, that stat11s, "Any additional handouts must be has become a bit of a star herself. As "Sister Prejean never says that a some sense of peace. smalltH' than tlw H 112" x ll" llynr." the author of the 1993 autobiography sin is okay. She shows that we can "Through her work you gain an "W11 rwml to Lake into aeeount how many pen­ with the same title as the movie, condemn the sin but forgive and offer appreciation of what compassion, pin tlwir l'lynrs alTBett\d," Elections Commis­ Prejean exposed more than the crim­ mercy to the sinner," Bernstein said. justice, mercy and patience means," siolll'r l·:mily HuiTner said. "The flyers could inal. She also exposed the human "The real struggle for human bt\ing is said Brother Bonaventure Scully, rec­ being behind the violence and the to do the kind act, to confront the tor of Keenan II all. sinner and be compassionate." Scully has followed Prejean's see ELECTION/ page 4 families of victims who must struggle with issues of forgiveness. The movie expressed the difficulty, efforts since she visitt\d Notre Dame Sister Eleanor Bernstein, director especially for the parents of the vic- in the spring of 1994 as part of a pnl­ sentation sponsored by Keenan in Herro trial reset conjunction with several other dorms. At that time the movie was a fledg­ for later date ling idea but it emerged into an hon­ est representation of the issues in By BRAD PRENDERGAST Prejean's book surrounding the New' F.ditur death penalty. "The movie does not tell you what Tlw trial against Notrn Dame Professor Mark to think about capital punishment IIPrro. aerusnd of molnsting a 14-yPar-uld hoy, but it does challenge you to face the has hnPn nlsdwduiPd for .July H. question," Scully said. llnrro's trial had hnnn set to start March 21, Hacial, socio-economic and politi­ hut was postporwd at the cal factors in addition to issues of fiHiunsl of his lawyer, Catholicism all emerge in the por­ Charlns J\slwr. trayal of Prejean's life. Hnasons for rns11tting tlw The movie highlighted the fact that trial datil wPre not availahltl, most people on death row are either and phon11 calls to i\slwr and a minority or unable to alTord better St. .Josnph County l'rosneutor lawyers. Miduwl Barnes Wlll'll not re­ "It reflects everything about our lli/'IH'd ynswrday. Herro judicial system," Scully said. This is the SllCond time Photo courtesy of Gramercy Pictures Sister Prejean (center) consults with Sarandon and director Tim Robbins on the set of the film. see PREJEAN/ page 4 see HERRO/ page 4 University raises record sum • GRADUATE STUDENT UNION Spnialro rhe Observer Annual award honors Cash Contributions to Notre Dame Tlw Uniwrsity of NotrP Damn raisnd a rnc:ord $70.2 million in Fiscal Year 1995 cash contributions in fiscal year five student teachers 1 'J'Jfl, aec:ording lo thn annual Corporate Contributions By MATTHEW LOUGHRAN cize the quality of graduate report of tho University's De­ $18.1 million News Writer student teaching," said Ed partnwnt of l>ovPiopnwnt. .iii Wingenbach, the head of the Tlw total. whieh dons not take Sorin Society For the second year in a row, awards committee. into account pledges of future $7 million Foundation Contribution the Graduate Student Union The independent instructors gifts, tlXI;IHlded by more than $fl million {GSU) will honor graduate stu­ are judged by Teacher-Course million the rec:ord established dents with the GSU Awards for Evaluations (TCEs), creativity in I'JIJ4. Matching Gilts Outstanding Teaching by a and innovation in the creation "Notl'll Dame is fortunate­ $2.7 million Graduate Student. of syllabi, and outside refer­ hlllSsnd. r·nally-to rnetlive such The awards are given for an ences, such as letters from de­ phnnomnnal support from vari­ outstanding teaching perfor­ partment heads. otrs eonstitunncies," said Daniel Annual Fund mance by a graduate student "The teaching assistants are Hnagan. director of devolop­ $14.3 million as a teaching assistant (TA) or harder to grade, bm~ause there mont. "Tiwrn c:an be no ques­ an independent instructor. are no syllabi or TCEs for most tion that the progress Notre Teaching assistants help pro­ of them," Wingenbach said. Dame makes is duo in large fessors by grading and occa­ Teaching assistants are judged llHHtsurn to the generosity of sionally giving lectures. Inde­ by letters from the professors our hmwfadors. We are more quests, trusts, insurance and $170 million. pendent instructors have com­ and, in some cases, letters than gratnful." other estate gifts-amounted to In its 52 nd year. the Notre plete responsibility for their from undergraduates that have Heeord-setting totals in the $11 million. equal to the record Dame Annual Fund raised a classes. They are the main in­ taken the class. planrwd giving program, the established last year. The record $14.3 million, a four structors of the class. The committee that decides Notre Danw Annual Fund, and Badin Guild, established for percent increase over the pre­ Winners receive one-hundred the awards is made up of four corporate support played a benefactors who include Notre vious record established in dollars and a place on a plaque graduate students from each larg11 role in establishing the Dame in their estates, numbers 1994. The fund's matching in the GSU office. "The major division of the University's overall record for eash contri­ 491 members whose antici­ gifts program raised a record- reason that we started these Graduate School. Science, En- butions. pated gifts total more than awards last year was to publi- Planned gifts-including be- see MONEY/ page 4 see GSU I page 4 ------ --~-- - - page 2 The Observer· INSIDE Tuesday, March 26, 1996 • INsmE Cm.11Mw • WOBUl AT A GLANCE Details 'Braveheart' wins five Oscars, including best picture LOS ANGELES The English actress told of visiting "Braveheart," the epic about a 13th- author Austen's grave at Winchester worth century Scottish patriot, won five Oscars Cathedral "to pay my respects and tell Monday night, including best picture and 1•b'lllli~.1ii1M'l her about the grosses." best director for its star Mel Gibson. She concluded by dedicating her remembering Like Gibson, Emma Thompson also award to Ang Lee, who directed the film won an Oscar in another area of her but was overlooked for an Oscar nomi- I was speaking to a very -;~~~~~~:­ craft. adapting the Jane Austen novel nation though the film was up for best nice woman the other day "Sense and Sensibility" for the screen. picture. and she happened to men­ Susan Sarandon, who played a nun Supporting actor awards went to tion that I "generally pay no trying to redeem a condemned killer in Kevin Spacey, the verbal con man in attention to details." I was "Dead Man Walking," took best actress "The Usual Suspects," and Mira outraged. Me, a sensitive, honors and Nicolas Cage was named "Braveheart" Sorvino, who played a hooker in caring man, not pay atten­ best actor for his role as a suicidal alco- "Mighty Aphrodite," won the Academy tion to details. holic in "Leaving Las Vegas." Awards for supporting actor and actress Sure, I can't tell you what Gibson, a plaid vest flashing from Monday night. I wore yesterday (unless Thomas Roland between the lapels of his tuxedo, Spacey thanked his mother for driving I woke up late in which Managing Ediror thanked writer Randall Wallace and pro- ~l~~~1n~ r:~~egas" him to acting classes when he was 16: case it's the same thing I ducer Alan Ladd Jr.
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