Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 12/16/11 IDENTIFYING EXOPLANETS WITH DEEP LEARNING II: TWO NEW SUPER-EARTHS UNCOVERED BY A NEURAL NETWORK IN K2 DATA Anne Dattilo1,y, Andrew Vanderburg1,?, Christopher J. Shallue2, Andrew W. Mayo3,z, Perry Berlind4, Allyson Bieryla4, Michael L. Calkins4, Gilbert A. Esquerdo4, Mark E. Everett5, Steve B. Howell6, David W. Latham4, Nicholas J. Scott6, Liang Yu7 ABSTRACT For years, scientists have used data from NASA's Kepler Space Telescope to look for and discover thousands of transiting exoplanets. In its extended K2 mission, Kepler observed stars in various regions of sky all across the ecliptic plane, and therefore in different galactic environments. Astronomers want to learn how the population of exoplanets are different in these different environments. However, this requires an automatic and unbiased way to identify the exoplanets in these regions and rule out false positive signals that mimic transiting planet signals. We present a method for classifying these exoplanet signals using deep learning, a class of machine learning algorithms that have become popular in fields ranging from medical science to linguistics. We modified a neural network previously used to identify exoplanets in the Kepler field to be able to identify exoplanets in different K2 campaigns, which range in galactic environments. We train a convolutional neural network, called AstroNet-K2, to predict whether a given possible exoplanet signal is really caused by an exoplanet or a false positive. AstroNet-K2 is highly successful at classifying exoplanets and false positives, with accuracy of 98% on our test set. It is especially efficient at identifying and culling false positives, but for now, still needs human supervision to create a complete and reliable planet candidate sample. We use AstroNet-K2 to identify and validate two previously unknown exoplanets. Our method is a step towards automatically identifying new exoplanets in K2 data and learning how exoplanet populations depend on their galactic birthplace. Subject headings: planetary systems, planets and satellites: detection 1. INTRODUCTION niques were developed to remove the large systematic In 2013, NASA's Kepler Space Telescope suffered the errors from K2 data (e.g. Vanderburg & Johnson 2014), failure of the second of its four reaction wheels used to K2 delivered on its promise of continuing to detect small orient and stabilize the spacecraft. Before the mechanical transiting exoplanets in fields across the ecliptic plane failure, Kepler was pointed at a single field near Cygnus (e.g. Crossfield et al. 2016; Mayo et al. 2018; Livingston in order to obtain multi-year photometry that would en- et al. 2018a,b). able detection of long-period planets, but the failure ren- The fact that, unlike the original Kepler mission, K2 dered Kepler unable to point stably at its original field of observed fields across the ecliptic plane presents a pow- view. Though Kepler could no longer observe its original erful opportunity. Kepler revolutionized our knowledge field, a clever engineering solution was devised in which of the occurrence rates of small exoplanets (Burke et al. Kepler observed different fields across the ecliptic plane, 2015; Dressing & Charbonneau 2015), but Kepler's dis- with worsened pointing precision, for periods of about coveries come from only one part of the sky. Because 80 days (Howell et al. 2014). This new observing mode, K2 looked at different regions of the sky, it observed called K2, enabled observations capable of detecting ex- stars and planets that formed in different galactic en- oplanets, but the analysis of this data would be more vironments. We know that stars in different parts of difficult than before; K2 data are marred by systematic the sky and different birth environments have different noise from the telescope's now unstable pointing, and properties (West et al. 2008; Boeche et al. 2013), so it is the shorter observational baseline meant less data was reasonable to expect that planets in these different en- collected for each star. However, as data analysis tech- vironments might have different properties as well. By observing fields across the ecliptic, K2 can study stars 1 Department of Astronomy, The University of Texas at both near the galactic plane, where many young stars can Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA be found, and the older stars a few scale heights away. 2 Google Brain, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, K2 also has observed (and discovered planets in) several CA 94043 nearby open clusters and associations (Obermeier et al. 3 Astronomy Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 2016; Mann et al. 2016; Rizzuto et al. 2018; Livingston 4 Harvard{Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden et al. 2018c; Vanderburg et al. 2018). K2's observational St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 5 breadth could enable determining occurrence rates for National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 950 North Cherry planets around different stellar populations and in differ- Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719 6 Space Science and Astrobiology Division, NASA Ames Re- ent galactic environments, a key to understanding how search Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035 and why planets form. 7 Department of Physics and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics So far, however, K2 data have not yet yielded many and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA measurements of planet occurrence rates (with a few no- ? NASA Sagan Fellow table exceptions involving relatively small numbers of un- z NSF Graduate Research Fellow usual host stars, van Sluijs & Van Eylen 2018; Demory y [email protected] et al. 2016). One reason planet occurrence rates have not 2 Dattilo et al. yet been widely measured with K2 data is the lack of an exoplanet occurrence rates in K2 data, and we give av- accurate automated system for identifying which signals enues for future improvement of our method. Finally, we detected by the spacecraft are likely to be genuine exo- conclude in Section 7. planets. During the original Kepler mission, this function was largely performed by the Kepler team's Robovet- 2. TRAINING SET ter system (Thompson et al. 2015; Coughlin et al. 2016; Our neural network utilizes \supervised learning," Thompson et al. 2018), a decision tree designed to mimic which means we provide the neural network with a la- the steps taken by a human to decide whether any given beled set of examples, from which it can learn. We call signal was likely planetary. Systems like the Robovetter this a training set. decouple planet occurrence rates from human judgment, In this paper, we take advantage of work our team biases, and non-uniformity, and make it possible to mea- has done over the past four years as K2 data has been sure quantities like the false positive and false negative released to the public. Over that time, our team has rates of a given catalog. Once these rates are known, as- routinely produced light curves, searched for transits, tronomers can correct the resulting occurrence rates for and identified likely planet candidates in support of a these errors. A rapid, automatic, and characterizable wide variety of scientific objectives (Mayo et al. 2018; method to identify planet candidates in K2 data will Rodriguez et al. 2018). Here, we give a brief overview enable occurrence rate studies, which could reveal the of how we produced these light curves and training set differences in exoplanet populations in different galactic examples, much of which follows the methods outlined environments. by Vanderburg et al. (2016). We also describe some ad- In this work, we address the task of creating an auto- ditional steps we took to refine the dataset for use as a matic system for identifying planet candidates in K2 data neural network training set (Section 2.2.2 and beyond). using deep learning, a modern machine learning tech- nique. Recently, various machine learning algorithms 2.1. Identifying Threshold Crossing Events have started to be used for this and other related pur- poses. A pioneering machine learning algorithm for clas- Our training set consists of possible planet signals that, sifying planet candidates and false positives in Kepler following the naming convention in the literature, we re- data was the Autovetter (McCauliff et al. 2015), a ran- fer to as \Threshold Crossing Events" or TCEs. These dom forest classifier that made decisions based on metrics are potentially periodic signals (decreases in the bright- generated by the Kepler pipeline. More recently, Millhol- ness of a star) that have been detected by an algorithm land & Laughlin (2017) used a logistic regression algo- designed to search for transiting exoplanets in a light rithm to attempt to detect non-transiting hot Jupiters, curve. A TCE is characterized by the star on which it and Armstrong et al. (2017) used self-organizing maps is observed, the period on which the signal appears to and random forests to classify variability, eclipsing bina- repeatedly cause the star to dim, the time at which the ries, and transiting planets in both Kepler/K2 data and first repetition of the dimming signal is observed, and data from ground-based surveys (Armstrong et al. 2018; the duration of the dimming signal. Schanche et al. 2018). Neural networks, a type of deep 2.1.1. Light curve production learning model, have been used successfully for detecting transits in simulated Kepler-like data (Zucker & Giryes The first step to identify TCEs is to produce light 2018; Pearson et al. 2018) and for classifying planet can- curves that can be searched. In this work, we used light didates and false positives in Kepler data (Shallue & Van- curves that one of us (AV) has produced since 2014 us- derburg 2018; Ansdell et al. 2018). ing methods described by Vanderburg & Johnson (2014) In this paper we expand on the work of Shallue & and Vanderburg et al.
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