STERN The Los Angeles Chapter of The National Audubon Society Volume 59 Number 7 FAfi)E IN EXTERIOR AMERICA - HIGH JUNGLE - DAY Mountain peaks against sky in dense, lush rain forest... Ragged jutting canyon walls are half hidden by its thick mists... A group of men make their way along a narrow trail across the green face of the canyon... At the head of the party is an American, INDIANA JONES. He wears a short leather jacket, a flapped holster, and a brimmed felt hat; there is a whip swaying at his hip... Behind him come some QUECHUA INDIANS leading a team of donkeys.* We HEAR sounds of the jungle: crickets, parrots, monkeys, a willow ptarmigan. willow ptarmigan? House lights of a small number of bird-literate The authenticity of birds on film please! Isn't this suppose to be cognoscenti who saw the movie. Yet, it falters for many of the same reasons — .the opening scene of "Raiders of wasn't the first time they had ever inexperience, confusion, ignorance — the Lost Ark?" What's a bird of the Arctic spilled their popcorn over a miscast that birders misidentify them in the tundra doing in an Amazon rain forest? feathered extra. That ptarmigan sound- field. On a movie set, these shortcom- If that question never exactly ing off in the first reel of "Raiders" has ings are often compounded by the im plagued director Steven Spielberg or lots of company. Hollywood's record in * Reprinted from the original screenplay the production heads at Paramount accurately filling avian roles has been, "Raiders of the Lost Ark." © 1981 by Studios, it certainly crossed the minds well, for the birds. Lawrence Kasdan. Western Tanager April 1993 practicality of obtaining or working "TV Torman, listen. The loons! a California Quail. Unforgivable. with certain species. The cumulative X \l They're welcoming us back," "Thunderheart," an engrossing result is enough embarrassing footage declares Kathryn Hepburn in the open- drama set in South Dakota badlands, on birds to rival the length of "Gone ing lines from "On Golden Pond." (To contains a climactic night scene in with the Wind." Here are some classic which a curmudgeonly Henry Fonda which we hear the call of a Common examples: retorts, "I don't hear a thing!") Few Poorwill. That's original and it adds In the biographical drama "Bird- birds on film are as memorable as the tension; unfortunately, we're well out man of Alcatraz" (1962), when inmate Common Loons whose calls evoke of the bird's more westerly range. Robert Stroud (played by Burt nostalgia in this tender 1981 story Lancaster) is asked by the warden what about family redemption. Bird vocal- «•*• kind of bird it is he has found in the ization, while seldom this conspicu- prison courtyard, Lancaster replies, "A ous, is nonetheless a key component of ow does the movie industry man- sparrow." But the bird that actually background effects in motion pictures. H age to let so many bungled birds appears on screen isn't a sparrow at all; It's also notoriously flawed. As we go by unchecked? That's like asking in fact, no less than three kinds of exotic have already learned from "Raiders of how the auto industry manages to sell finches were used to perform various the Lost Ark," wildly inappropriate calls so many cars with defects. Part of the functions in place of whatever species can end up on a finished print. Even the answer lies in how sound and picture —presumably a House Sparrow—the redoubtable Francis Ford Coppola, are put together. A brief overview of real Stroud found and reared in his cell. whose scrupulous attention to detail is the process is instructive: Pay particular attention to a scene in legendary, has stumbled. In "The Godfa- Of the three categories of sound re- which Lancaster demonstrates his pet's ther—Part III" (1990), during an alfresco corded for film—dialogue, sound effects ability to pull a miniature cart: in close- meeting of two dons, a Rufous-sided and music—birds fall under the heading up, the bird's tail suddenly lengthens Towhee chortles cheerily offscreen. That of sound effects ("FX" in the lingo of the by about two inches. would hardly seem out of the ordinary industry). Rare exceptions might be a After able-bodied ornithologist but for one important detail... the scene talking parrot or a bird song that must Blair Brown has led gasping newspa- takes place in Sicily. somehow be integrated with a musical score. During the actual shooting of a I 1 I movie, the only type of sound that must be faithfullyrecorded simultaneous with picture is dialogue; specifically, the lines ... wouldn't it be nice to hear, just once, spoken by performers who talk on cam- the evocative calls of Common Nighthawks era. Car horns, telephones, wind, birds —in short, all other sounds, regardless of at twilight instead of the hackneyed hoots of how available they are or critical they may be to a scene — are recorded sepa- Great-horned Owls? rately and added later. All this in the in- terest of eliminating all extraneous sound i i i and capturing the "cleanest" dialogue possible. (Hence the exhortation "Quiet perman John Belushi up the crest of the Last year's crop of movies had its on the set!") Rockies in the 1985 romantic comedy share of errors too: The responsibility for adding sound "Continental Divide," she points out a In "Unforgiven," an otherwise effects to a motion picture soundtrack nest belonging to a pair of Bald Eagles. beautifully textured soundtrack is falls to a sound effects editor, who is usu- The aerie, perched high above treeline marred somewhat by the inclusion of ally hired after the film is finished shoot- on a rocky ledge, not only looks more the wrong bird. In a scene during which ing. If the picture has been done on loca- fitting for a Golden Eagle than a Bald, the sheriff (played by Gene Hackman) tion, he or she must research the birds but its occupants — two stuffed repli- is building his summer cabin on the that would be likely to occur there during cas that we're suppose to believe are sagebrush steppes of eastern Wyo- the time frame of the story. Ideally, an ef- juveniles — have full white heads! ming, we hear the offscreen wailing of fects editor will actually visit the site itself Western Tanager April 1993 and personally record indigenous bird diences eventually get to hear. birds have played supporting roles, of calls with a portable tape recorder. After the sound has been mixed, it is sorts, in an astonishing number of the- It's when sound effects editors then permanently affixed or "married" to atrical films. Aside from lending their don't go to location that the trouble of- the film's final print and released with the songs, quacks, cackles and chirps to ten begins. Since they must then rely rest of the movie in theaters nationwide. countless movie soundtracks, they exclusively on available bird record- During any one of the above stages, have appeared in front of the lens in ings stored in their libraries, there's far a director can intervene and impose his capacities ranging from live adorn- more room for error. Good effects edi- will on the process. That is apparently ments to fully functional plot devices. tors, of course, have everything cata- what happened on "Unforgiven." Su- Between the silent era and modern loged by species and make their selec- pervising sound editor Alan Murray times, we find cockatoos adding visual tion with care. But second-rate editors (who is normally meticulous about cut- counterpoint to the Gothic imageries of will often "sweeten" effects tracks with ting in bird sounds that are correct) films like "Mad Love" (1935) and "Citi- anything that sounds good or feels right smiles upon being reminded about the zen Kane" (1941), flamingos extolling a to them, drawing from libraries that are misapplied quail. "The director [Clint continent's beauty in "Out of Africa" so vague, they'd give even the most lib- Eastwood] asked for it," Murray con- (1985) and Turkey Vultures signaling a eral of lumpers an ulcer. Headings like fesses. "He wanted something character's imminent death in westerns SONGBIRDS, OWLS, JUNGLE BIRDS, HAWKS and quintessentially western, something too numerous to name. SEA GULLS are not uncommon. Conse- audiences would recognize." (And did Alfred Hitchcock's fondness for quently, birds from widely disparate we ever!) Hey Clint, would you settle avian subjects is renown and dates back habitats and locales are more or less for a Sharp-tailed Grouse next time? to films made even before "The Birds" used interchangeably. (1963), his apocalyptic tale of birds gone After the sound editor has finished his **• berserk. In "Sabotage" (1936), a terrorist or her work, if s up to a trio of mixers to who fronts as the proprietor of a bird balance and integrate the multiple units of t would be unfair to carp endlessly shop (and who has a special gift for elic- dialogue, effects and music into a single I about Hollywood's mishandling of iting songs from tight-beaked canaries) element. Because mixers are given the birds without acknowledging the delivers a bomb with a pair of his power to emphasize, suppress or exclude many films (besides "On Golden winged wares. And in "Blackmail" any of the sounds the effects editor has as- Pond") that contain accurate and inter- (1929), Hitchcock's first talkie, we are sembled, they too have a stake in what au- esting renderings of them.
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