656 (ASSEMBLY.] 2. SEWERAGE Swan View Mr MOILER, to the Minister for Water Wednesday, the 9th April, 1975 Supplies: (1) Is It Intended to extend the sewer- The SPEAKER (Mr Hutchinson) took age system at present installed the Chair at 4.30 p.m., and read prayers. in Swan View, into the areas of Kingsfield Avenue, Chartwell BILLS (8): MESSAGES Way, Churchill Drive and Bladon Appropriations Way, in the near future? (2) If "Yes" would he outline the Messages from the Governor received proposed works and timetabling and read recommending appropriations for for the work? the Purposes of the following Bills- (3) If "No" to (1) will he study the 1. Wesply (Dardanup) Agreement Auth- need for sewerage installation in orization Bill. the areas mentioned, and indicate 2. Fruit-growing Reconstruction Scheme when such work may be antici- Act Amendment Bill. pated? 3. Registration of Identity of Persons Mr O'NEIL replied: Bill. (1) No. 4. Education Act Amendment Bill. (2) Not applicable. 5. Factories and Shops Act Amendment (3) Yes. No firm date can be given Bill, for construction of this work as 6. Parliamentary Salaries and Allow- It will be controlled by availability ances Act Amendment Bill. of funds and the priorities of Messages from the Lieutenant-Governor other works. and Administrator received and read re- commending appropriations for the pur- 3. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT poses of the following Bills- Export of Hardwood 7. Superannation and Family Benefits Mr FLETCHER, to the Minister for Act Amendment Bill. Industrial Development: 8. Salaries and Allowances Tribunal Bill (1) Is he aware of comment on page (2nd). 109 of the 21st March, 1975, Issue of Overseas Trading journal. QUESTIONS (83): ON NOTICE which makes reference to "Italian Furniture Industry seeks addi- 1. EDUCATION tional Hardwood Supplies"? Transport of School Children: Subsidy (2) Is he further aware that the de- mand for timber will continue? Mr T. D. EVANS. to the Treasurer: (3) Does this State export any indi- (1) Under the Treasury Department genous hardwood to Italy for the scheme for subsidising the bus purpose mentioned? fares of school children utilising MTT services, what is the maxi- (4) If not, will he have his depart- mumn fare payable by a child for ment explore Prospects of export- a single ing any variety of our hardwoods journey from home to to Italy to satisfy the demand school? mentioned? (2) Does the Treasury Department subsidise public transport services Mr ONell (for Mr MENSAROS) re- in any country centres In the plied: case of children travelling be- (1) to (3) No. tween home and school and re- (4) Yes. turn? (3) If "Yes" to (2) above. in what 4. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT centres? Exports to Ecuador and Venezuela (4) If "No" to (2) above, why? Mr FLETCHER, to the Minister for- (5) Again if "Yes" to (2) above, what Industrial Development: is the maximum fare payable by (1) Is he aware of comment on pages a child for a single journey? 105 and 110 of the 21st March, Sir CHARLES COURT replied: 1975, issue of Overseas Trading (1) 5c. journal wherein reference is made to the import needs of (2) Yes. Ecuador and Venezuela? (3) Kalgoorlie, Bunbury, Albany and (2) Is he also aware- Busselton. (a) that tenders are called in (4) Answered by (2). national papers for goods (5) 50. and services; and [Wednesday, 9 Apr11, 1975) (b) that tractors, agricultural explain how, in the absence of machinery, cattle and sheep information on the origin of the are mentioned among Items traffic coming onto the Kwinana required? Freeway, the Main Roads Depart- (3) Is advantage being taken by the ment has been able to predict the Minister's department of this po- reduction in traffic volumes tential export market through through residential streets in any agent in the States men- Melville and Manning, and the tioned? traffic flow on the southern (4) If not, will early action bc taken extension to the Swinana Free- to this end? way? (2) With reference to question 48 Mr 014e11 (for Mr MENBAROS) re- part (3) on the 26th March, 1975, plied:- what is the capacity (I) in ve- (1) and (2) No. hicles per hour. and (11) in ve- (3) Not at this time. hicles per day, bearing In mind the usual distribution of traffic (4) inquiries will be made through between peak and off-peak hours, appropriate Australian Trade and the inequality in north- Commissioners. bound and southbound flows at peak hours of the interchange be- 5. SALINITY PROBLEMS tween the Kwinana 'Freeway and Engagement of Specialist the Mitchell Freeway? (3) What is the capacity in vehicles Mr A. R. TONKIN, to the Premier:. per hour of the proposed Inter- (1) Is the Government currently ad- change between the southern vertising for a specialist in water extension to the lKwinana Free- salinity problems? way and Leach Highway? (2) If so, for which department is (4) What is the expected peak traffic he required, and upon what par- flow in vehicles per hour in 1980 at ticular projects will hie be em- the interchange referred to In ployed? (3), and how was this calculated, Sir CHARLES COURT replied: In the light of the answer to (1) and (2) The Department of En- question 44 part (2) on the 26th vironmental Protection recently March, 1975? advertised for a research officer (5) What is the capacity in vehicles whose duties would fall in this per hour of the Proposed inter- category, although not specifically change between the on and off referred to as such. ramps at Cranford Avenue on The successful applicant will the proposed southern extension work with a ]Forests Department to the Ftwinana Freeway? research team with the prime oh- (6) What is the expected peak traf- jective of ndinimising possible fic flow In vehicles per hour in adverse influences in surface and 1980 at the on ramp referred to ground water hydrology. In (3) and how was this calcu- lated in the light of the answer This would be part of an existing to question 9 on the 27th March, and continuing programme. 1975? In more recent years, a commit- (7) What is the capacity in vehicles tee, under the Chairmanship of per hour of the road which al- Mr H. E. Hunt, Chief Engineer, lows traffic moving south on the Metropolitan Water Board, was Kwinana. Freeway to turn east formed and comprised representa- onto Canning Highway In the tives of the University, C.S.L.R.O.. proposed Interchange between Public Works, Forests, Agriculture, the Kwinana Freeway and the Mines and Industrial. Develop- Canning Highway? ment Departments. This commit- (8) What Is the capacity in vehicles tee has been examining the whole per hour on the road which al- matter in detail and has included lows traffic moving South on the field work in its activities. Swinana Freeway to turn west onto Canning Highway in the 6. KWINAJNA FREEWAY EXTENSION interchange referred to in (7)? Vehicles from Southern Suburbs, and (9) Why is it not possible to use Traffic Flow grade separation for the connect- Mr A. Rl. TONKIN, to the Minister ing roads described in (7) and for Transport: (8) ? (1) With reference to the answers to (10) How has it been predicted that the questions 44 part (2) on the only 900 vehicles per day extra 26th March, 1975, and 9 on the would travel on the major north- 27th March, 1915, would he south spine as a consequence 058 [ASSE!LY.J of the southern extension to the Mr O'Neil (for Mr MENSAROS) re- Kwinana Freeway, given figures plied: 2.2 and 8.1 of the Main Roads (1) Yes. Department booklet on the pro- posed southern extension dated (2) No. May, 1974, which shows that the (3) There is excellent co-operation tote? traffic in 1979 on Manning between the relevant departments Road, Canning Highway just and instrumentalities of the Gov- west of the Swinana Freeway, ernment of Western Australia and and the proposed southern exten- other groups conducting or having sion would only be 900 per day Interests in solar research. Fre- more than on Manning Road and quent contact is maintained. A Canning Highway (west) if the recent report on domestic solar hot southern extension were not con- water heaters prepared by the structed? Fuel and Power Commission has (11) With reference to the figures been made available to the described in the previous ques- CSIP.O. Further work Is continu- tion, the traffic forecast for the ing. Kwlnana Freeway is 6 900 ve- hicles per day less when the 9. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION southern extension is completed, and as the traffic originating COUNCIL from or destined to the south will Filling of Vacancies increase by 900 vehicles per day the 6 900 vehicles per day reduc- Mr A. R. TONKIN, to the Minister tion must arise from elimination for Conservation and Environment: of the ,Bickley Street/Kwinana (1) When is it expected that the two Freeway interchange, why was vacancies on the Environmental the lKwinana Freeway/Canning Protection Council will be filled? Highway Interchange not de- (2) What steps will be taken by him signed to permit the movement to ensure that new members will of this traffic onto the freeway? be acceptable to the environ- (12) Why does the benefit cost analy- mental Interests In Western Aus- sis for the proposed southern tralia? extension not include a debit for Mr STEPHENS replied: the increased travel time and higher accident exposure rate (1) At the earliest possible date, after for the 6 900 vehicles per day re- all factors have been considered ferred to in (11)? In depth, (2) The opinions of the present En- Mr O'CONNOR repied: vironmental Protection Council The information required by the members will be taken into Member will take some time to account at its meeting on 10th collate.
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