WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 TAGORE B.A. Writer ; b. from 1890, and member of the Legislative SVNGE, John Millington, ; near 1871 ; ?/. s. of Council, b. London, 1C August 1852 ; 3rd Ratht'arnham, Dublin, : late Hatch Educ. : private *. of E. S. Synies, M.D. ; unmarried. Educ. John Synge. tuition Dublin. University Coll. London. Entered the Indian chiefly ; Trinity College, Civil Service by competitive examination, Publications : Riders to the Sea, and In in the Shadow of the Glen 1905 ; The Well 1873 ; held various appointments Burma ; The of the was Commissioner of the Central, Eastern, of the Saints, 1905 ; Play Boy T The Aran and Southern Divisions of Upper Burma, Western W orld, 1907 ; Islands, The Tinkers' 1907. Ad- 1888-90 (medal and clasp). Decorated for 1907 ; Wedding, services in connection with the annexation dress : Giendalough House, Kingstown, Dublin. of Upper Burma. Recreations : reading, Dublin. Club : United Arts, riding, cycling. Address : Woodside, Kan- [Died 24 March 1909. Club : East goon ; The Crags, Maymyo. India United Service. [Died 1.0 Jan. 1901. Kt. cr. 1898 \ SYMES, Sir Robert Henry, ; Selina J.P. : b. Bristol, 1837 ; m. 1st, 1862, 1878), d. of Joseph Davey, The Lawn, (d. Bahadur Sir Joteendro e. d. of late TAGORE, Maharaja Taunton ; 2nd, 1880, Fanny, K.C.S.I. cr. 1882 : Zemindar b. s. : Mohun, ; ; John Kempe, Long Ashton ; one Educ. 1831 s. of Babu Haro Coomar six ; Tagore, Taunton. Sheriff of Bristol, 1887 ; of Calcutta ; m. 1840, Sreemuty times Mayor of Bristol, 1893, 1894, 1896, Zemindar, has the Troilucko Kally Devi, d. of Babu Krishna 1897 ; Lord Mayor, 1902-03 ; Mohun Mullick of Jugaddal, 24 Pergunnahs ; Jubilee medal ; Magistrate and Alderman, and the chief representative of the Tagore Bristol. Address : Bui-field, Westbury-on- which is one of the oldest and most Trym, Bristol. [Died 6 Oct. 1908. family, eminent in Calcutta one d. Educ. : Cal- Edmund ; SYMES-THOMPSON, ; M.D., F.R.C.P.; cutta Hindu College, completing his educa- J.P. Co. Oxford Hos- ; consulting physician tion at home, under the private tuition of for Gresham pital Consumption, Brompton ; Captain D. L. Richardson, the Rev. Dr. Prof, of Med. 1867 to the ; Physician Equity Nash, and other European instructors. and Law Insurance Office ; b. London, 16 Fellow of the Calcutta University ; member Nov. 1837 *. of late ; Theophilus Thompson, of the Syndicate and of the Faculty of Arts, F.R.S. m. d. of Rev. M.D., ; Elizabeth, Calcutta University. Was a M.L.C. Bengal, H. G. Watkins, Vicar of Potters Bar. M.B. 1870 ; President of British Indian Asso- London (Scholar and gold medallist), 1859 ; ciation, 1871 and 1891 ; of the Syndicate of M.D. 1860 ; M.R.C.P. 1862 ; F.R.C.P. Calcutta University, 1881 ; of the Faculty 1868. Assist, physician King's College of Asiatic of Arts, 1882 ; and of Council assist, Hospital, 1860 ; physician Hospital Society, 1882 ; appointed member of the for 1863 Consumption, ; consulting phy- Supreme Legislative Council of India, 1877, 1890 of Harveian. Bal- sician, ; president and was 1879 and 1881 was and and reappointed neological Climatological Societies, a J.P. of Calcutta, a Trustee of Imperial of Guild of S. Luke Chairman late Provost ; of Indian Museum ; was a Governor Mayo of for the Deaf Fellow of Ealing College ; Hospital, and a member of Committee, and Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, one of the Trustees of the Central Dufferin Medical and Clinical Societies, Royal Colonial of Fund ; appointed a member the Educa- Institute. Publications : Lectures on Pul- a tion Commission, 1882 ; appointed member monary Phthisis, 1862 ; Influenza, an His- of the Jury Commission, 1893 ; granted torical 1890 On the Climate of Survey, ; title o.' Raja Bahadur, 1871, and Maharaja South Africa, 1889 ; Climate of Egypt, 1895 ; Bahadur 1890 ; title of Maharaja made Winter Health Resorts of the Alps ; Gout hereditary, 1891 ; created C.S.I. 1879. to Life Assurance. Recreations : in Relation Decorated in recognition of great intelligence and Address : mountaineering travelling. and ability, distinguished public spirit, high 33 Cavendish Finmere Square, W ; House, character, stanch loyalty to the British nr. 24 Nov. 1906. Buckingham. [Died Government, extensive charities, botii private services SYMONS, George James, F.R.S. ; Chevalier and public, and personal rendered la : de Ldgion d'Honneur ; Albert Medallist, to the State. Heir s. Moharaj-Kumar of British Rainfall : 1897 ; Director Organis- Prodyot Kumar Tagore. Publications con- ation ; Hon. Secretary Royal Meteorological tributions to the Probhakar and The Cal- b. 6 o. Society ; London, Aug. 1838 ; c. of cutta Literary Gazette ; Flights of Fancy ; Joseph and Georgiana Symons (nee Moon), Vidyasundara (printed for private circula- : St. Peter's farces Pimlico. Educ. Collegiate tion) ; and some in Bengali. Recrea- School, Eaton Square, S.W. ; privately. tions : literary pursuits and musical enter- of Member Meteorological Society from 1856 ; tainments, both vocal and instrumental. one of the Meteorological Reporters to Regis- The Maharaja's library was one of the most from trar-General 1857 ; member General complete private collections in India ; his Brit. from 1859 Com. Assoc. ; established art gallery contained many fine pictures, Brit. Rainfall Organisation, 1860 (in 1900 including some genuine old masters. Ad- it of : consisted more than 3000 observers) ; dress The Prasad, Tagore Castle, Prosunno a few assistant to years Admiral FitzRoy Coomor Tagore's Street, Calcutta ; The la tter when was organising Storm Warnings ; Emerald Bower, 53 Barackpore Trunk Road, received Telford Premium of Inst. or Civil India. [Died 10 Jan. 1908. Engineers ; was Secretary to Lightning TAGORE, Raja Sir Sourindro Mohun, Kt., b. Rod Conference ; Chairman Krakatoa Com- C.I.E. 1880 ; Mus. Doc. (Oxon.) ; 1840 mittee of of Royal Society ; past President (younger son Hara Kumar Tagore) ; m. Royal Meteorological Society. Publications: five s. Educ. : Hindu College, Calcutta. British Rainfall (38 vols.), 1860-98 ; Meteoro- Founded Bengal Music School, 1871 ; Bengal of logical Magazine (33 vols.), 1866-99 ; Alti- Academy of Music, 1881, being president tude Tables (four editions) ; The Floating both institutions ; reduced Hindu music to Island in Derwentwater, 1888 ; editor of a system, and devised a notation scheme of Report Lightning Rod Conference, 1881 ; since generally adopted in India ; translated of set it Report Krakatoa Committee, 1888 ; the National Anthem, and to twelve of for his efforts Cowe's Meteorological Register, 1889 ; Merle's varieties Indian melody ; MSS. Consideraciones Temperiei pro 7 Annis, for the advancement of Hindu music re- 1337-1344, 1891. Recreations ; change of ceived a great number of decorations, work, bibliography. Address : 62 Camden including many foreign knighthoods, and Square, N.W. [Died 10 March 1900 awarded honorary memberships of numerous 695 TAIT WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 learned societies. Owner of extensive landed Member of Royal Commission on Church property in eight districts of Bengal. Pub- Discipline, 1904. Recreations : architec- lications : about sixty works in English, ture, archaeology. Owned about 500 acres Sanskrit, and Bengali. Address : Hara in Kent. Address : 10 Great George Street, Kumar Bhavan Calcutta. Westminster, S.W. ; Falconhurst, Eden 1914. : [Died 28 June Bridge, Kent. Clubs Carlton, Travellers' ; as Kent, Maidstone. [Died 1 Feb. 1910. TAIT, Lawson, M.D., LL.D. ; practising a of Sir Consulting Specialist in Diseases Women ; TALBOT, Hon. Patrick Wellington, K.C.B. ; cr. 1897 Colonel in b. 1 May 1845, at 45 Frederick Street, ; ; Sergeant-at-Arms the House of Lords Vice-President of Edinburgh ; *. of Archibald Campbell Tait, ; Welling- ton Col. of Dryden, and Isabella Stewart Lawson, College ; Hon. 3rd and 4th Batts. b. Leven ; m. Sibyl Anne Stewart, d. of William South Staffordshire Regt. ; 11 Dec. 18.17 ; Heriot's 8th s. of Stewart solicitor, Wakefield. Educ.: Charles Chetwynd, 2nd Earl Talbot ; of LL.D. m. 11 Oct. Emma o. d. of Hospital ; University Edinburgh. 1860, Charlotte, St. 14th Earl of : Albany, New York; M.D. New York, Derby. Educ. Eton ; Sand- Louis, Chicago. House Surgeon to Wake- hurst. Was Senior Under Officer at Sand- field Hospital, 1867-70 ; started as Surgeon hurst ; Capt. Royal Fusiliers, 1836-46 ; to for A.D.C. to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland Birmingham Hospital Women, 1871, ; C9mp- troller of 's and resided in that city to time of death ; Lord-Lieut. household ; Private to devoted himself to abdominal surgery, and Secretary Lord Derby ; British Resident brought into existence numberless new at Cephalonia ; Sergeant-at-Arms in House operations for diseases of the abdomen, and or Lords from 1858. Recreations : shooting, perfected and established many old ones ; fishing. Address : 15 Cromwell Road, S.W.; he was recognised all over the world as the Glenhurst, Esher. Clubs : Carlton, Junior pioneer of abdominal surgery, and his Carlton, Junior Constitutional. practice was co-extensive. Birmingham [Died 24 Sept. 1898. Francisco Town Council, 1875-85 ; actively engaged TAMAGNO, ; b. Turin ; at age of in the gigantic municipal and sanitary im- sixteen, chorus-singer in the Teatro Reggio, provements inaugurated by J. Chamberlain ; Turin. [Died 31 Aug. 1905. contested (G.L.) one of Divisions of Birming- TANCRED, Sir Thomas Selby, 8th Bt. ; cr- ham. Publications : many books and papers 1662 ; mining and railway engineer ; b. 1 on his special subjects, starting with the Oct. 1840 ; e. s. of 7th Bt. and Jane, 3rd essays which received the Hastings Gold d. of P. J. Selby of Twizel House, Northum- Medal of the British Medical Association in berland ; S. father 1880 ; m. Mary Harriett, 1873 Diseases of and Abdominal ; Women, d. of Col. George Willoughby Hemans Surgery, 1898. Recreations : fly-fishing, Queen's Square, Westminster, 1866 ; two . archaeology. Address : 195 Newhall Street, : four d. Educ. Radley ; Bradfield. A Birmingham ; Peterbrook, Warstock-under- for contractor the Forth Bridge, 1883-89 ; S. Llandudno. Birmingham ; Petroks, constructed Delagoa Bay Railway, 1887. Club : National Liberal. Heir : s. Capt. Thomas, b.
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