Snow storms - page 3 VOL XX, NO. 51 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1985 an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s HPC to students: Student Senate’s fate in your hands now By SCOTT BEARBY responded by saying research was Assistant News Editor done throughout the summer by Student Body Vice President Duane The "new beginning" of disband­ Lawrence and others. Healy called ing the Student Senate proposed by the proposal “well thought out" and five student leaders is one step added he "didn’t see what more closer to implementation after the work could be done without spin­ Hall Presidents’ Council voted to ning o u r w h e els.” send the proposed amendment to Both Lewis Hall President Mimi the student body. Soule and Pasquerilla East President By a narrow vote of 18 for, six Carie Hand agreed HPC needed to against, and one abstention, HPC ap­ vote for the amendment in order to proved the amendment, which calls make student government effective. for senate disbandment. A two- Soule said some members of her hall thirds approval vote was needed for said they didn’t feel student goven- the measure to go to a student vote. ment is serving who they arc According to Ombudsman supposed to and felt the restructur­ representative Maher Mouasher, ing w as a g o o d idea. Ombudsman will begin prepara­ Student Senator K.C. Culum said tions for the vote, which will take that although Lawrence may have place sometime next week, possibly spent the summer doing research, a Tuesday. proposal was not actually drawn up Before the vote, hall presidents until one and a half weeks ago. Phil­ and concerned students debated lip Coghlan, a concerned student, Nothing is safe around the laFortune Student renovation by September of 1986. According to whether disbanding senate is the added that changes made last week Center these days as workers continue digging, Don Dedrick, director o f the physical plant, winter way to make student government at a special HPC meeting on the building and banging in the hopes o f finishing the will not affect the completion date. Story below. most effective or whether other op­ amendment show not enough time tions needed to be considered. has been spent in detailing neces­ Mouasher, who spoke as a con­ sary information. LaFortune renovations continue cerned student, called the decision During the meeting Healy dis­ to restructure student government a tributed a proposal he will be "big step” and asked HPC to con­ making to the Campus Life Council, to be completed by September ’86; sider whether enough time was which along with the HPC will gain spent on developing the plan for additional responsibilities, that calls By JACQUELINE RIZNER to work on it," Dedrick said, "and are now beginning to remodel the long term use. “Is this the best it can for a stu d e n t affairs c o m m itte e o f th e Staff Reporter there will be quite a lot of dust and center stairway and put up columns be?" he asked. CLC to be formed. noise as there has been." for the exterior addition. “Simply juggling factors around Cavanaugh President Bill Lytle The renovation of LaFortune Stu­ They are trying to minimize the The excavation for the new will lead to another restructuring” said the CLC committee “is what I dent Center continues to make disruption of the upper offices, he center stairway will then be done as in the future, something Mouasher am looking for” in establishing an progress and is scheduled to be added, by doing the renovations well as the installment of the new said has been done “every two or o u tle t fo r stu d e n t voice. completed by September of 1986, there in the summer when students toilet facilities, he said. three years.” see H PC, page 5 according to Don Dedrick, director won’t be here. Finally, Dedrick said, the new ex­ Student Body President Bill Healy of the physical plant. Dedrick explained the progress of panded Huddle will be opened up. The project is on schedule, said the renovation in a step- by-step Joni Neal, director of student ac­ Dedrick, and the coming of winter manner. First the walls in the base­ tivities, attends progress meetings should not affect the completion ment had to be removed and rebuilt with the contracters every two Lawrence explains date. for the new business area which will weeks and said she is very happy In the next several months, include the flower shop, travel with the progress so far. Dedrick said workers will continue bureau, and hairstylists. There have been no major proposed change to construct the addition on the east changes in the original renovation side of the building as well as con­ Next, the workers had to remove the plan, according to Neal, although By GERRY GOLDNER two faculty members, according tinuing the renovation of the exist­ game room to begin construction on workers have encountered some Staff Reporter to Lawrence. ing building. the new addition on the east side of construction difficulties. “What many students do not This means some inconveniences the building. “They have found some construe- The Student Senate presently realize is that many of the rectors for the students, he said. "We'll have These first two steps are well un­ acts as a forum for student discus­ do not always agree with the ad­ ministration’s policies,” said to close off portions of the building derway, Dedrick said, and workers see LaFORTUNE, page 6 sion. It initiates discussion of ad­ ministration policies which Law rence. concern the students, it allocates Student Body President Bill the student activities budget and Healy intends to form a student Convicted spy receives life sentence it approves appointments to committee of the eight student cabinet positions, according to members of the CLC in order to A ssociated P ress *250,000, will be eligible for parole far greater responsibility than either Duane Lawrence, student body consolidate student opinion, said in 10 years. John Walker or Michael Walker,” the vice president. L aw rence. NORFOLK, Va. - A rthur W alker, a Walker’s wife Rita, the only wit­ judge said. “I can ’t trea t this as a slap- But it might not be doing this The HPC will assume the retired Navy officer convicted of ness at the sentencing hearing, tes­ o n-the-w rist case. T he e v id en ce is all much longer. power to modify the constitu­ supplying secrets to a Soviet spy ring tified that he became suicidal while to the contrary." An amendment to the student tion. A two-thirds vote of the run hy his brother, was sentenced to he was spying and had an affair with Defense attorneys, who had tried government constitution was HPC would be necessary to life in prison yesterday by a judge his brother’s wife in the late 1960s unsuccessfully to get a plea bargain passed last night by the Hall propose an amendment to the who refused to “treat this as a slap- and early 1970s. for Arthur Walker, said they were Presidents’ Council which would student government constitu­ on-the-wrist case.” His brother, John Walker Jr., 48, a stunned by the sentence and would eliminate the senate. The amend­ tion. A unanimous vote in the retired Navy chief warrant officer, appeal to the 4th U.S. circuit Court ment, written by Lawrence and HPC or a two thirds majority of Walker, a 51-year-old retired and John Walker’s son. Navy seaman of Appeals in Richmond. HPC chairman Kevin Howard, the student body will be needed Navy lieutenant commander, told Michael Walker, 22, pleaded guilty will be brought to a student to ratify an amendment. U.S. District Judge Calvitt Clarke Jr. to espionage Oct. 28. In exchange “The message that’s gone out referendum vote next week, T he a m e n d m en t also w ill g rant that he wished to "apologize to all for his cooperation with authorities, from this is... if you’re going to do it, probably Tuesday. the HPC the power to call a the citizens o f this c o u n try for w hat I John Walker is to receive a life sen­ do it big and don’t try to help be­ According to the amendment, meeting of the student body did." tence and his son is to serve 25 cause you can make them deal with the student body president will president and the CLC within 10 “I dishonored myself. 1 devastated years. you,” said Samuel Meekins, one of assume the role of initiating stu­ days. Under the amendment, the my family. Nobody could be any sor­ two defense attorneys. d e n t discussion. T he C am pus Life HPC also will be given the power rier," he said. Arthur Walker’s attorneys argued Arthur Walker described his role Council will act as a forum for to approve appointments to Clarke then sentenced Walker, of that his role in the spy ring was less to FBI agents shortly after his brot­ discussion on administration cabinet positions. Virginia Beach, to the maximum of significant than his brother’s or nep­ h e r’s arrest May 20, b u t A ssistant U.S. policies concerning the students. The dissolution of the senate three life terms and four 10-year hew’s, but Clarke disagreed. Attorney Tommy Miller said the The student influence in the will not result in any true in- terms on seven counts of espionage, “Arthur Walker was an older brot­ government believed he has con­ CLC will not be weakened by the see CHANGE, page 5 with the sentences to run concur­ her and an officer and had been cealed the extent of his involve­ presence of the six rectors and rently.
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