EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Peter H. Byers, M.D. Roberta Wilkes University of Washington University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle, WA Seattle, WA ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ranajit Chakraborty, Ph.D. Roderick R. McInnes, M.D., Stephen T. Warren, Ph.D. University of Texas Health Ph.D. Emory University School of Sciences Center The Hospital for Sick Children Medicine Houston, TX Toronto, Ontario Atlanta, GA Terry J. Hassold, Ph.D. Jeffrey C. Murray, M.D. Bruce S. Weir, Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University University of Iowa Hospitals North Carolina State University Cleveland, OH Iowa City, IA Raleigh, NC Lynn Jorde, Ph.D. Richard M. Pauli, M.D., Ph.D. Barry Wolf, M.D., Ph.D. University of Utah University of Wisconsin Medical College of Virginia School of Medicine Madison, WI Richmond, VA Salt Lake City, UT Barbara J. Trask, Ph.D. Ronald G. Worton, Ph.D. Mary-Claire King, Ph.D. University of Washington The Hospital for Sick Children University of California Seattle, WA Toronto, Ontario Berkeley, CA Business communications in connection with nonmember subscriptions and advertising should be addressed to the publisher: The University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, 5720 South Woodlawn, Chicago, IL 60637. FAX: (312)753-0811. E-mail: subscriptions~journals.uchicago.edu Remittance for nonmember subscription is payable to the publisher on a calendar-year basis. For domestic nonmember individuals and institutions, the single-copy rate is $23.00 and the calendar-year rate is $275.00; for foreign nonmember individuals and institutions, the single-copy rate is $23.00 (U.S. currency) and the calendar-year rate is $275.00 (U.S. currency); the calendar-year rate for Canadian citizens, which includes GST, is $294.25 (U.S. currency). Subscription agent for Japan: Kinokuniya Company, Ltd. 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The department has special interest in indi- apy.-The Department of Genetics and Molecular Medi- viduals with experience in human population genetics, the cine, Emory University School of Medicine, is seeking quantitative relationships between genetic and environ- M.D. or Ph.D. faculty interested in the molecular basis and mental factors in human disease, and/or the development treatment of human disease. Areas of special interests in- and application of statistical tools in human genetics. The clude novel genetic mechanisms of disease, such as multi- current department faculty interests in related areas in- factorial inheritance, imprinting, genomic instability, and clude gene mapping through linkage analysis; delineation new approaches to treatment, including gene therapy. Cur- of genetic mechanisms of complex disorders, including rent department faculty interests include inborn errors of non-Mendelian inheritance; studies of inborn errors of metabolism, quantitative and population genetics, origins metabolism; mechanisms of chromosomal abnormalities; and mechanisms for chromosomal abnormalities, mito- the population genetics and evolution of the mitochon- chondrial genetics, mammalian germ-cell development, drial genome; and studies of developmental genetics, using development of mouse models of disease, and gene ther- mouse models. In addition to developing an active and apy. Most appointments will be at the assistant-professor competitive research program, the successful candidate level, although more-senior individuals will also be consid- will be expected to participate in the teaching of medical ered at their appropriate rank. In addition to developing and graduate students. Newly renovated office and labora- an active and competitive research program, the successful tory space within the department is available as part of candidate will be expected to participate in teaching of the expanding biomedical research programs on campus. medical and graduate students. Newly renovated office Interactions with the School of Public Health at Emory and laboratory space within the department is available as and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pro- part of the expanding biomedical research programs on vide exciting research opportunities. Candidates should campus. Candidates should send their curriculum vitae, send their curriculum vitae, their research goals, and names their research goals, and the names of three references to of three references to Stephanie L. Sherman, Ph.D.; and Dean J. Danner, Ph.D.; and Douglas C. Wallace, Ph.D., Douglas C. Wallace, Ph.D., Department of Genetics and Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, 1462 Molecular Medicine, 1462 Clifton Road, N.E., Emory Clifton Road, N.E. Room 429C, Emory University School School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322. Emory University of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322. Emory University is an is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Opportunity Employer. Faculty Members in Quantitative Genetics and Genetic Ep- Director of Molecular Hematology.-The Department of idemiology.-The Department of Genetics and Molecular Human Genetics of the Allegheny-Singer Research Insti- tute (ASRI) in Pittsburgh is establishing a major research focus in the molecular biology of human hematologic dis- 1. Announcements are published free of charge for members of The Amer- orders. The director will be an accomplished investigator ican Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). Please mail announcements to The who will build a new program capable of addressing etiol- American Journal of Human Genetics, Department of Pathology, SM-30, Uni- versity of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, or fax them to (206) 685-9684. ogy, pathogenesis, epidemiology, and treatment. Substan- Submission must be received 3 full months before the month of issue in which tial internal funding, including an endowment, is identi- publication is requested. They must be double spaced with a 1/2-inch margin fied. Newly built and equipped laboratory space within the on all sides. The maximum length
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