Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1930-1931 Eastern Progress 4-15-1931 Eastern Progress - 15 Apr 1931 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1930-31 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 15 Apr 1931" (1931). Eastern Progress 1930-1931. 17. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1930-31/17 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1930-1931 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ■ THE EASTERN PROGRESS VOLUME IX RICHMOND, KY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1931 NO. 13 ENROLLMENT BREAKS ALL RECORDS STATE SPELLING Home Ec Club Adds MIDTERM ENROLLMENT SETS FACULTY FOLK BEE PRONOUNCER TWENTY-FIVE BE HEARD IN SENIORS FILE New Members TOTAL FIGURE AT 2,636 At a recent meeting of the Home K. E. A. TALKS APPLICATION Economics Club ten new members Training School were added to the fast-growing list APRIL TERM One third of Senior Class of girls desiring to major In the Honor Roll Several Members Picked to field of home economics. Preside at Sectional Apply for Degrees in The newly elected members in- FIGURES SHOW Meetings June Ceremonies clude: Misses Lillian Cox, Mary Francis Belwood. Mae Terrill, Sara The following students have made 22% INCREASE EXPECT 30 IN AUGUST Blngham, Martha Nickolson, Wil- above average on all their subjects COX AND HANSON SPEAK lena Tolbert, Virginia Oannaway, for the first nine weeks of the J: Largest Enrollment— Ever- Essls Oruelle, Ruth Scheaffer and semester: * Over one-third of the present sen- Gladys Snyder. First Grade— Eithel Blanton, Tom Recorded in History Several members of Eastern's ior class at the Eastern Kentucky Baldwin, Amllda Wilson. of Institution faculty are scheduled to appear on State Teachers College have filed Second Grade—Billy Warren. the program of the annual meeting application for degrees of bachelor Fourth Grade—Rollins Burnam, of the Kentucky Educational Asso- of art and bachelor of science to be PRES.DON0VAN Charles Francis, D. T. Ferrell, Har- NEW TEACHERS ADDED ciation held in Louisville April IS. conferred during the June com- old McConnell, Tom Smith, Liston 16. 17, 18, according to the an- mencement exercises. This Is ap- Taylor. Official enrollment figures re- nouncements In the K. E. A. pro- proximately a twenty-five per cent HEADS GROUP Fifth Grade—Edith Kearns, Ima ceived from the registrar's office gram received this week. Some ol Increase over the number conferred Louise McKinney, Simpson Taylor, this week show an Increase of ap- the Instructors have been picked to at the June ceremonies last year. Eastern President Selected Beatrice Todd, Mable Walker, Mary proximately 22% over the enroll- preside at sectional meetings, and Students making application for to Lead Rhodonendron- Bates Walker, Anna Lee White. ment of the corresponding term last others have been selectd to addrss the degree of bachelor of art are: Laurel Festival Sixth Grade—Dorothy Brock. year. The mid-term enrollment departmental meetings. Mrs. Mary Cox Long, Mrs. Effle Seventh Grade—Billy Elder, Flora Professor Meredith J. Cox, head beginning Monday, April 6, resulted , Miss Mabel H. Pollitt, above, head Newby White. Ida Mae Hood. Allle- Kennamer, Jane Coy Wiggins. in the raising of the official figure' of the department of chemistry at Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, presi- Ninth Grade — Jane Hendren, Eastern, will address the sectional of the department of foreign Ian? gordon Park. Roseal Morris, Edward for total enrollment in all depart- guages at Eastern, will be the offi- Tevis, Willie Mae Taylor, Sue Mae dent of the Eastern 8tate Teachers Louise Hughes, James Neale, Emllye ments to 2,636—an increase of 241 meeting of the Association of Ken- College, was selected as president of Wiggins. tucky Chemistry Teachers on the cial pronouncer at the Courier- Chrisman, Robert Edward Davis, in the college department alone. Journal State Spelling Bee, the Eleanor Leslie Chambers, Jennie the newly organized state-wide Rho- Tenth Grade—Wilma Bond, Mary The closing of registration week, subject of "A Study of Science dodendron and Mountain Laurel DeJarnette, Mary E. Denny, Thomas Teaching In Kentucky," at 9:00 a opening number on the program of Elizabeth Kelley, Mrs. Jack Rogers, Saturday, April '11, found more the sixtieth annual meelng of the and Louise Ballard Broaddus. Festival at the recent meeting held Farrls, Norma Garrett, Margaret students enrolled at the Eastern m., Saturday, April 18, at Nazareth Neale, Amy Louise Parrlsh, College, 851 S. Fourth street. W. P. Kentucky Education Association at Those making application for the In Pineville. Ky.. Saturday, April 4. Kentucky State Teachers College Louisville April 15. degree of bachelor of science are: Plans for a mountain laurel lestival Eleventh Grade—Nettie Lusk. than at any time In the history of Payne, of Transylvania, will pre- Twelfth Grade—Minnie Hagen. side at the meeting. Thelma Clay, Olive Terrill. Fannie to be held In the Cumberland moun- the institution. Enrollment in the Miss Eliza Hanson, sixth »rade Mae Castel, Kenneth T. Marshall. tains Friday and Saturday. June 5- past has always been greater dur- critic teacher at Eastern, will ad- Elmer Clay Whltehouse. Nell Pel- 6, were completed at the meeting The twenty-six girl scouts, under ing the first summer term than at dress the meeting of the depart- NEW BUILDING phrey, Euphemla Cable. Lucille Der- attended by representatives from the direction of Miss Lee, are look- any time, but the great influx of ment of rural and elementary rick, Haldon C. Durr, and Orland various parts of the state. ing ahead to the good tunes they students at the beginning of the sohools on the subject of "The Unit IS FINISHED Dale Lear A local committee Is charged with are going to have this summer on second term, In February, and the Plan of Teaching Social Studies,' Students making application for the development of the plan. Walter the over-night hikes which they are recent mid-term, April 6, raised at 2:00 p. m. Thursday, April 16, certificates for the completion of Smith, Pineville, is chairman of the planning. In order to raise money the total far beyond the enrollment in the Crystal Room of the Brown Eastern Is Now Using two years work have not been an- committee, and Miss Jane Ramsey, for these trips the girls are selling at any other term in the twenty- Hotel. Patty Richmond, of the $250,000 Health Building nounced. secretary. Members of the commit- home-made candy every Thursday five years of Eastern'ss existence. Pikevllle city schools, will preside. Just Completed tee include Mrs. Temple Bodley. at the recess hour. For next Tues- Figures from the registrar's of- Dr. L. Q. Kennamer, head of the Louisville: Mrs. Burns. Miss Ram- day at noon they are planning a fice as tabulated to date give the department of geography, will pre- sey, H. H. Fuson. Harlan; Howard picnic hike. college enrollment at 1,519 as com- side at the meeting of the Ken- SWIM POOL FEATURE PLAN WEEK'S Douglas. Mlddlesboro; and Earl pared with 1,274 for the correspon- tucky Council of Geography at the Mayhew. Barbourvllle. Oov. Flem ding term last year, an increase of Louisville Free Public Library, at D. Sampson Is ex-offlcio member of Eighteen members of the Excur- approximately 22 per cent. The 1:30 p. m., Thursday, April 16. Prof. The new $250,000 Weaver health CELEBRATION all committees. sion Club visited the local Jail Fri- extension department has 756 en- P. M. arise, of the department of building on the Eastern Kentucky Plans call for a two-day celebra- day and studied the conditions sur- rolled. Model High School has 160, English In the Eastern Training State Teachers College campus has To Commemorate the Birth tion. The first day's program will rounding that institution. For next and the Training Schhool shows School, will preside at the confer- been completed and was opened for of Eastern Twenty-Five be held at Clear Creek mountain Friday they have a trip planned to 214—a total of 2,636. ence of English teachers to be held regular classes and gymnastics on springs and on the second day visi- the farm. The figures represent an Increase In the Gold Ball Room of the Ken- Monday. Years Ago tors will be entertained by various In every one of the college classes. tucky Hotel, Friday, at 2:00 p. m. The feature of the new health Troop 52 of the Blue Grass Coun- The senior class with a total of 71 building Is a large swimming pool. cities In the Cumberland mountain Mrs. Russell I. Todd, member ol SPRING OF 1932 district. It was also proposed in the cil Area, Boy Scouts of America, is represents the largest graduating the department of music at East- It is completely tiled thruout in resolutions that the state highway honored this month by having four class in the history of the Institu- ern, will direct the Madrigal Club white with colored trimmings and commission and the state park com- members of the troop qualify for tion. In their vocal renditions, Friday, has a depth varying from three feet "At a recent meeting of the board Star Scout. These are Capterton Complete classification and tabu- April 17, 7:46 p. m. Prof. James E. mission build a road to the top of at one end to nine at the other. of regents it was decided to give one Pine mountain to be known as the Burnam, George Evans, John B.
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