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Academic Year 1984-1985 Wellesley College Bulletin Vol. 74, No. 1 September 1984 Wellesley College Bulletin (USPS 078-360) is published September, December, January, and March, by Wellesley College, Green Hall, Wellesley, MA 02181. Second-class postage paid at Boston, MA. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Wellesley College Post Office, Green Hall, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181. The information contained in this Bulletin is accurate as of August 1984. However, Wellesley College reserves the right to make changes at its discretion affecting policies, fees, curricula or other matters announced in this Bulletin. Catalog for 1984-85 Wellesley College Bulletin Volume 74, No. 1 Contents Academic Calendar, 1984-85 Academic Calendar 1984-85 First Semester Second Semester AUGUST JANUARY New students arrive 30, Thurs. Classes begin 28, Mon. SEPTEMBER FEBRUARY Orientation weekend Inquiries, Visits & Correspondence Wellesley welcomes inquiries and visits to the President College from prospective students, their par- General interests of the College ents, and other interested individuals. For those Dean of the College who would like more detailed information on Academic policies and programs many of the programs and opportunities described in this catalog, the College publishes Dean of Students a number of brochures and booklets. These Student life publications, as well as answers to any specific Advising, counseling questions, may be obtained by writing to the Residence appropriate office as listed. MIT cross registration For those who would like to visit the College, Exchange programs the administrative offices in Green Hall are International students open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 Study abroad p.m., and by appointment on Saturday morn- Class Deans ings during term time. Special arrangements Individual students for greeting prospective students can also be made during vacation periods. Rooms for Dean of Continuing Education alumnae and for parents of students or pros- Continuing education students pective students are available on the campus Director of Admission in the Wellesley College Club and may be re- Admission of students served by writing to the club manager A prospective student who wishes to arrange Director of Financial Aid an interview with a member of the profession- Financial aid; student employment; al staff of the Board of Admission should make fellowships; student loans an appointment well in advance. Bursar Student guides provide tours for visitors with- College fees out previous appointment. Visitors to the Col- lege may call the Board of Admission prior to Registrar their visit to arrange a mutually convenient time Transcripts of records for the tour. Director, Center for Women's Careers Graduate school; employment; general career counseling of undergraduates and alumnae Vice President for Financial and Business Affairs Business matters Vice President for Resources Gifts and bequests Executive Director, Alumnae Association Alumnae interests Address Wellesley College Wellesley Massachusetts 02181 (617) 235-0320 The College The College A student's years at Wellesley are the and, at the same time, a distinguished leader in beginning — not the end— of an education. A the education of women. Wellesley College degree signifies not that the Wellesley has remained a women's college graduate has memorized certain blocks of ma- because there are priceless advantages for the terial, but that she has acquired the curiosity, student. These advantages have increased in im- the desire, and the ability to seek and assimi- portance over the last twenty years, especially late new information. Four years at a women's since women began entering the paid labor force college can provide the foundation for the in large numbers. At a college for women, the widest possible range of ambitions, and the student is free to reflect upon herself as an in- necessary self-confidence as an individual and dividual and as a scholar, without the encum- as a woman to fulfill them. At Wellesley, a wom- brance of stereotypes. As a result, students at an has every educational opportunity. Above Wellesley find themselves taking courses and all, it is Wellesley's purpose to teach students pursuing interests that elsewhere might be seen to apply knowledge wisely, and to use the ad- as more appropriate for men. They also take vantages of talent and education to seek new courses and pursue interests with an emphasis ways to serve the wider community. These are on the lives and achievements of women, that the elements of an education that can never elsewhere might not be available at all. The Col- grow old and can never become obsolete. lege has always encouraged women to make responsible choices, without regard for prevail- ing convention. In the early part of this century, Wellesley is a college for the serious student, one a woman choosing to become a physician would who has high expectations for her intellectual life have been viewed as atypical. Today it might be and for her career Beyond this common ground, equally unconventional for a Wellesley graduate there is no Wellesley stereotype. Students at the to devote herself to a family and to volunteer ac- College come from all over the world, from differ- tivities. Either way the women's college ex- ent cultures and backgrounds. They have pre- perience helps each student understand that she pared for Wellesley at hundreds of different has many choices, that she may set her own secondary schools; two-thirds of them attended goals and strive to fulfill them in a way that is satis- public secondary schools. Wellesley students are fying to her American Indian, Asian-American, Black, His- In recognition of the importance of studying the panic, and white. Through the Continuing Edu- contribution of women to their world, the College cation Program, a number of older women, many inaugurated a major in Women's Studies in 1982. of whom are married and have children, are part While the major concentration is new and presents of the student body working toward a Wellesley many exciting opportunities, the investigation of degree Men and women from other colleges women's work and women's lives has been a and universities study at Wellesley through vari- respected part of academic life here for many ous exchange programs. years. The Wellesley College Center for Research This diversity of people and personalities is on Women, a policy-oriented research institution made possible, in large part, by the College's on campus, was founded in 1974 and has pro- continuing ability to maintain an "aid-blind" ad- duced much work of national importance about mission policy Students are accepted without the role of women in contemporary society reference to their ability to pay Once admitted, Wellesley is not, however, a community com- those with demonstrated need receive financial posed only of women. Many members of the aid through a variety of services. Approximately faculty and administration are men, and through 65% of the student body currently has financial the various exchange programs there are always help; about 42% of those receive aid directly male students on campus. With Boston and Cam- from the College. bridge, and their many educational institutions, Wellesley's founder, Henry Fowie Durant, was only 35 minutes away there is a wealth of oppor- an impassioned believer in educational oppor- tunity for each student to enjoy the kind of social tunity for women, Throughout its 109 year his- life she desires. For example, Wellesley-Harvard tory Wellesley has been one of a handful of and Wellesley-MIT gatherings are held regularly preeminent liberal arts colleges in the country in Cambridge and on campus. 6 The College In some respects, the liberal arts curriculum at and "Field Geology". Weliesley students construct Weliesley, like the traditional commitment to individual majors in such subjects as Urban Plan- women, has changed little since the College was ning, Engineering and Linguistics which draw on founded. The constant features are the grouping the resources of departments at both MIT and of disciplines into several broad areas and the re- Weliesley. A bus runs hourly between the two quirement that each student sample widely from campuses. courses m each area. Consistent also is the con- The Twelve College Exchange Program brings cept of the major- the opportunity for each stu- men and women from other member New En- dent, through concentrated study during her gland colleges to Weliesley for a semester or a junior and senior years, to establish mastery in a year, and enables Weliesley students to live and single area. The College has adhered to this study on another campus. The College also offers framework because it emphasizes the building exchanges between Weliesley and Brandeis blocks of a continuing education: the ability to University, Spelman College, a distinguished speak and write clearly, the knowledge to manage Black liberal arts college for women in Atlanta, quantitative data with ease, the confidence to ap- Georgia, and Mills College, a women's college in proach new material, the capacity to make criti- Oakland, California. cal judgments. Whatever the student chooses to Weliesley students are encouraged to spend a do with her life, these skills will be essential. semester or a year abroad in programs at many Within this traditional liberal arts framework, the institutions throughout the world. Financial aid for Weliesley curriculum is dynamic, responsive to so- study abroad is available through several Welles- cial change and quick to incorporate new fields ley funds. The Slater program underwrites the cost of study. The dramatic expansion of information of attending European institutions for a summer of the last 20 years has led to an increasingly in- or academic year and it brings Slater Fellows from terdisciplinary course of study. Single majors in abroad to the Weliesley campus. The Waddell pro- traditional disciplines have been joined by double gram provides funds for study in Caribbean coun- majors, and especially designed interdisciplinary tries or in Africa.
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