Worcestershire Councillors Divisional Fund 2014/15 Updated 21 April 2015 Councillor Organisation Detail Pending Actual Date Amount Paid Cllr Adams A Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust Repair of footpath and improved drainage. £500.00 03.07.14 Cllr Adams A Bretforton Silver Band New shed £500.00 12.11.14 Cllr Adams A Offenham PCC Tables for various local groups £500.00 11.07.14 Cllr Adams A Pebworth Village Choir New piano £900.00 18.09.14 Cllr Adams A Bretforton Community Shop Ltd 50 aprons for the volunteers £502.50 26.11.14 Cllr Adams A Cleeve Prior Parish Council Purchase of a wheeled bushcutter mower £500.00 18.11.14 Cllr Adams A Evesham Sea Cadets Tools needed to repair the boats used by the £700.00 21.11.14 Cadets. Cllr Adams A PCC of Pebworth Payment towards the repair/replacement of £1,000.00 26.01.15 retaining wall Cllr Adams A South Littleton Parish Council Contribution to benching materials and sporting £362.52 26.01.15 equipment for the utilisation of the abandoned Long Lartin Prison staff facilities by the South Meadows Working Group Cllr Adams A Blackminster Middle School Promotion of Middle School and Pebworth First £1,199.00 17.02.15 School Cllr Adams A Roundabout Contribution to pre-used fork lift truck £1,000.00 19.02.15 Cllr Adams A Pebworth in Bloom Repainting of village railings £350.00 09.03.15 Cllr Adams A Honeybourne Parish Council Contribution to H-Bug Bicycle Users Group £500.00 09.03.15 Cllr Adams A Offenham Village Hall Contribution to improved stoarge shelving for £1,000.00 26.03.15 many organisations using the facility Cllr Adams A Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust Urgent repairs to roof of Field Barn community £534.00 26.03.15 building Cllr Adams R Worcester City Council Hire of Guildhall for Armed Forces concert £350.00 03.07.14 Cllr Adams R Norton Community Games Contribution towards annual event to promote £1,000.00 03.07.14 Olympic legacy. Cllr Adams R Flyford Flavell War Memorial Restoration Renovation of war memorial £500.00 18.07.14 Cllr Adams R Upton Snodsbury Parish Recreation Association To contribute towards funding activities provided £300.00 31.07.14 at the free workshops at Snodfest 2014 which is a community event. Cllr Adams R Soullton Parish Council A contribution towards new play equipment for £500.00 26.11.14 the playground in Stoulton Cllr Adams R Pershore Volunteer Centre Help towards a weekly Wednesday bus service £320.00 17.10.14 to Pershore for Upton Snodsbury, Peopleton residents for a period of six months Cllr Adams R Worcestershire County Council Post Office signs for Drakes Broughton £350.00 25.11.14 Cllr Adams R Upton Snodsbury Football Club Fencing for perimeter of pitch £450.00 30.12.14 Cllr Adams R Worcestershire County Council Highways Contribution towards road markings and marker £500.00 02.02.15 posts at Stoulton, Peopleton and Kington to enhance road safety. Cllr Adams R Three Parishes Hall Refurbishment of kitchen at village hall and £1,000.00 04.02.15 replacement of cooker Cllr Adams R Pershore Volunteer Centre Continuation of the bus service until the end of £100.00 04.02.15 March 2015 Cllr Adams R Drakes Broughton and Wadborough with Pirton Parish Council Contribution towards the cost of repair to the £500.00 04.02.15 main hall flooring Cllr Adams R Norton Youth Club Contribution towards refurbishment of its £1,500.00 26.03.15 accommodation Cllr Adams R St Barnabas CE First and Middle School PTA Donation towards new staging £600.00 07.04.15 Cllr Adams R Pershore Riverside Youth Centre Donation towards expenditure incurred at Centre £1,500.00 26.03.15 Cllr Agar Worcestershire Foresters Regimental Association Cost of coach hire for band for commemorative £500.00 03.07.14 event of the Centenary of the Battle of Gheluvelt Cllr Agar Rascals 2000 Cost of 2 laptops for Rascals 2000 after school £852.00 28.08.14 club Cllr Agar Worcester Community Trust Roller skate sessions to improve social £594.00 04.07.14 interaction and fitness Cllr Agar Worcester Community Trust Residential camping experience £1,600.00 04.07.14 Cllr Agar Worcester Community Trust Chelmsford weekly lunch afternoon costs £654.00 04.07.14 towards staff and kitchen equipment Cllr Agar Worcester Community Trust Community 20 week drama group cost of hall £940.00 04.07.14 £440 and coach £500 Cllr Agar Worcester Malayalee Cultural Association Contribution to cultural activities, eg classical £1,000.00 28.08.14 Indian dance; football and sports. Cllr Agar Parminder Bola Contribution to set up of a domestic and sexual £2,000.00 28.08.14 violence drop in service for speak out be heard Cllr Agar Worcester Young Voices Implementation of strategy to the extension of £800.00 programme. Cllr Amos Worcestershire County Council Second tranche of money to provide a zebra £9,500.00 15.05.14 crossing on Windermere Drive opposite Sainsbury's to assist with pedestrian safety for all which is a priority for the community Cllr Askin Perdiswell Young People's Leisure Club Contribution to the Summer holiday play £1,250.00 05.06.14 schemes Cllr Askin Worcestershire Foresters Regimental Association Contribution to the funding of a one day event in £800.00 13.06.14 Gheluvelt Park Cllr Askin Worcester Action for Youth Two lots of £300 to support delivery of youth £600.00 18.07.14 activity sessions by WAY at Ombersley Road Methodist Church Youth Club and Claines Guides. Cllr Askin Tudor Grange Academy Worcester Contribution towards inclusive disabled sports £750.00 17.10.14 project Cllr Askin Little Friends Baby and Toddler Group Claiines Contribution to 12 postura plus children's chairs; £500.00 02.12.14 6 go-pack folding tables and 26 children's chairs Cllr Askin 5th Worcester Sea Scouts Contribution to week trip to Iceland in 2015 to be £800.00 18.11.14 shared by 4 scouts whose families face financial hardship Cllr Askin Worcestershire Early Music Provision of live music concerts in St Stephen's £500.00 18.11.14 Care Home and Eastbank Court. Cllr Askin Friends of Gheluvelt Park Funding for an additional marquee at the annual £1,500.00 26.01.15 Flower Show Cllr Askin Worcester Rowing Club Development of juniors' aspirations and support £500.00 26.01.15 for blind rowing. New single sculling boat and oars plus radio link for blind scullers Cllr Askin Mental Health Action Group Funding to enable group to continue meetings £500.00 09.03.15 and maintain website to attract new members Cllr Askin Worcestershire Association of Carers Contribution to production of video footage to £700.00 26.03.15 capture a day in the life of a carer to help understand the role of an adult unpaid carer Cllr Askin New Hope Support for Charity Music Festival which will £300.00 07.04.15 celebrate 5th birthday and raise funds for the children's activities and associated travel costs Cllr Askin Perdiswell Young People's Leisure Club Provision of transport for young people to attend £500.00 27.03.15 a Sunday evening inclusion project for young people with special needs Cllr Baker J Redditch Community Amateur Boxing Club Extra activities to improve level of service offered £1,000.00 16.05.14 to the community Cllr Baker J Ricknield Community Panel To enhance social inclusion for residents of £760.00 16.05.14 Arrow Valley East through the With It Group which meets fortnightly to discuss problems and resolutions. Cllr Baker J Noah's Ark Nursery To provide a trip for children of the local area to £750.00 16.05.14 Twycross Zoo. Cllr Baker J Ricknield Community Panel To help fund a trip for those who are house £250.00 03.07.14 bound to promote social inclusion Cllr Baker J Hapi Futures CIC Contribution to the running costs of the Hapi £700.00 24.10.14 Kids Hometime Club Cllr Baker J Matchborough Youth Forum Community Christmas tree; lights and removal £700.00 03.07.14 Cllr Baker J YMCA Worcestershire Contribution towards delivery of daily breakfast £1,000.00 04.07.14 club Cllr Baker J Redditch Borough Council Early help project 24 July - 8 August at the £500.00 08.08.14 Forge Cllr Baker J Church Hill Middle School, Redditch Key stage 2 visit to theatre £2,000.00 15.10.14 Cllr Baker J Matchborough Youth Forum Community Christmas party for over 55's and £889.00 12.11.14 vulnerable people Cllr Baker J Redditch One World Link Contribution towards cost of community event £200.00 30.01.15 Cllr Baker J Redditch Borough Council Contribution towards cost of accommodation to £227.00 18.11.14 hold a community event Cllr Baker J Worcestershire County Council Highways Street lighting to be placed behind Mendip £700.00 14.11.14 House to improve quality of life and safety of residents and community Cllr Baker J Boomerang To distribute unwanted furniture to families with £500.00 19.12.14 low to no income which will promote a cleaner environment by sending less to land fill Cllr Banks Evesham Rambling Club Contribution to costs of building a website for the £150.00 20.06.14 Club to encourage healthy lifestyle and an appreciation of the local environment Cllr Banks DPPT Summer programme for young people via £150.00 18.09.14 Ourside Youth Club in Evesham Cllr Banks Ourside Youth Association Contribution towards the Internet Café Project £500.00 27.11.14 Cllr Banks Edward Higson Contribution to training costs £2,000.00 09.01.15 Cllr Banks Friends of Jubilee Gardens Contribution towards new children's playground £1,250.00 15.01.15 Cllr Banks Worcestershire Early Music Interactive music workshops in care homes £400.00 17.02.15 Cllr Banks The Battle of Evesham 2015 Company Funding towards events in 2015 to celebrate £1,000.00 24.02.15 750th anniversary of the Battle Cllr Banks 4Children Worcestershire
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