Chronology: 16 August-15 November 1999 Author(s): Michele L. Kjorlien Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Winter, 2000), pp. 170-189 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2676554 Accessed: 03-03-2015 19:09 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 19:09:23 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 16 AuGusT-15 NOVEMBER1999 Thissection is part sixty-fourof a chronologybegun in JPS23, no. 3 (Spring1984). Chro- nologydates reflectEastern Standard Time. For moredetail on eventsrelated to thepeace process,see thePeace Monitorin thisissue. 16 AUGUST been closed sinceJewish settler Baruch Aftera 5-hr.mtg., Israel, thePalestinian Goldsteingunned down 29 Muslimworship- Authority(PA) agreeto drawup a listof ers at al-IbrahimiMosque in 1994.(MM 8/19; prisonersfor negotiation in thenext stage of NYT 8/20;JP 8/27) prisonerreleases required under the Wye agmt.(al-Jumhuriyya 8/17 in WNC 8/19;WT 20 AUGUST 8/18, (see Peace Monitor) 8/24) The Paris-based al-Watan al-Arabi reports In Sidon,Lebanon, 2 roadsidebombs ex- 2 sourcesas sayingthat neither Syrian pres. plode, killingHizballah cmdr. Ali Hassan Hafiz al-Asad norhis son and heir-apparent, Deeb. Hizballahblames Israel, whichprevi- Bashar, attendedthe funeral of KingHassan ouslytried to assassinateDeeb in a helicop- of Moroccoon 7/25because theU.S. terattack on 3/30/96.(VOL 8/16in WNC thatit had evidencea coup mightbe 8/17;NYT, WP 8/17;CSM, WT 8/18;MEI warned 8/20) stagedwhile they were abroad.(al-Watan al- Arabi 8/20in WNC 8/23) 17 AUGUST 21 AUGUST Massiveearthquake strikes northwestern Turkey,leaving at least 14,000and as many In Damascus,Iran, Syria hold talkson as 40,000dead, over 33,000injured. Greece, expandingeconomic relations. (IRNA 8/21 in Israel, theU.S. are amongthe countries WNC 8/23) who send teamsto aid in therescue effort. (ATL8/17 in WNC 8/18;MM 8/18;NYT, WP, 22 AUGUST WT 8/18-23;Athens News Agency8/18 in WNC 8/19;MEI 8/20;NYT 8/28;MEI 9/3, Followinga mtg.on the peace process 9/17) with Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak in Al- In retaliationfor the assassination of a exandria, PA head Yasir Arafat calls on the Hizballahcmdr. on 8/16,Hizballah clashes U.S. to stepin and help breakthe PA's im- withthe IIDF in s. Lebanon, killing2 IDF passe withIsrael over theWye implementa- soldiers,wounding 7. (MM 8/17;RL, VOL tiontimetable. The PA is now askingIsrael 8/17in WNC 8/18;CSM, MM, NYT, WP 8/18; to completeWye implementation by 11/30, MEl 8/20) butIsrael says it cannotbe completeduntil 2/00.(MENA 8/22 in WNC 8/23;NYT, WT 18 AUGUST 8/23;AYM 9/23 in WNC 8/26)(see Peace Israeli-PAtalks on prisonerrelease col- Monitor) lapse after2 days of talkson how to decide In Cairo,PA head Arafatopens talkswith whichprisoners would go free.(MM 8/18; Democratic Front for the Liberation of MM,NYT, WT 8/19;WT 8/24;JP 8/27) Palestine (DFLP) leader Nayif Hawa- Israeli PM Ehud Barak's chief of staff timah on unitingPalestinian factions ahead Danny Yatom heads a delegationto Am- of Israeli-PAfinal status talks. This is the 1st man to discussways to promotepeace with timethe pair has metsince Oslo was signed Jordan;delivers letter to King Abdallah, in 9/93.(MENA 8/22 in WNC 8/23;MM, apologizingfor the Mishal affair. (MA 8/19in NYT,WP 8/23;MM 8/24;al-Ahram 8/25 in WNC 8/20) WNC 8/30;Jerusalem Times 8/27 in WNC 8/31)(see Peace Monitor) 19 AUGUST Hizbaflah,the IDF clash in s. Lebanon, IDF reopenspart of Shuhada Street,the leaving2 IDF soldierswounded. (RL, VOL mainthoroughfare in Hebron, whichhas 8/22in WNC 8/23;NYT, WP 8/23) Journalof PalestineStudies XXIX, no. 2 (Winter2000), pp. 170-189. This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 19:09:23 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 171 23 AUGUST In s. Lebanon, 5 South Lebanon Army (SLA) mbrs.are woundedin a clash with PA chief negotiator, Local Govern- Hizballah (VOL 8/24in WNC 8/25) ment M Saeb Erakat, says thatIsrael, the PA have agreedto beginconstruction on 25 AUGUST Gaza porton 10/1,open a 2d safe-passage routeon 1/1/00.(MM, WT 8/24;JP 9/3) PA chiefnegotiator Fxakat delayshis trip Jordan,Israel inauguratethe new Japa- to Washingtonto meetwith U.S. Secy. of nese-financedShaykh Husayn Bridge cross- State Madeleine Albright,originally set for ing in n.Jordan. (RJ 8/23 in WNC 8/24) 8/26,until 8/27, saying that the PA, Israel In Cairo, Arafat, Hawatlmah agree to appearclose to a compromiseon theWye set aside theirdifferences over the Oslo pro- implementationtimetable. (MM, NYT 8/26) cess, workfor a unitedPalestinian position In Amman,Jordan, Israel hold technical in talks with Israel (MENA 8/23 in WNC comm.mtg. to discussways of providingJor- 8/24;NYT, WP, WT 8/24;MEI 9/3;al-Quds dan withwater directly fr. the Yarmuk River 10/14in WNC 10/18)(see 8/22) to ease droughteffects. (JT 8/25 in WNC 8/27) Israeli militarydelegation leaves forAn- karato discussTurkey's aid needs in lightof Settingaside objectionsof religiouspar- the recentearthquake, its ability to pay for ties,Israeli High Court ordersgiant turbine to be on the to defensedeals withIsrael, which are valued components moved Sabbath avoid trafficproblems. United Torah Juda- at 100sof millionsof dollars.(MA 8/23in ism threatensto withdrawfr. Barak's ruling WNC 8/24) coalitionin protest.(MM, NYT, WP 8/26; NYT 8/27)(see 8/15) 24 AUGUST A groupof 13 American scholars work- Afteranother round of Israeli-PAtalks ing in Iran is orderedto pull out of Tehran on theWye timetable, PA chiefnegotiator 10 days ahead of schedule.Under orders fr. Erakat saysthat an agmt.on implementation "thehighest authorities in Washington,"they is near,that there is "suddenlyan atmos- are orderedto leave on the 1stplane avail- phereof trustbetween the two sides."(WP able and are instructednot to discusstheir 8/25;YA 8/27in WNC 9/1) travelplans with Iranian friends, contact any- The PA suspendstalks with Israel on the one to cancel appointments,send e-mail,or Wyeprisoner release, citing lack of progress. call home.U.S. officialsrefuse to comment, Hisham 'Abd al-Raziq, head of thePA sayingthe situation is "verysensitive." (WP team,calls themtgs. "a wasteof time."(NYT 9/3,9/4) 8/25;AYM 8/25 in WNC 8/27) AmericanArab organizations issue a reportdocumenting a patternof cases in Israel saysthat PM Barak has phoned whichthe State Dept. did thebare mini- Europeanleaders to urgethem to aid Tur- mumfor Arab Americans detained by Israel, key's earthquakevictims out of concernthat butrushed to the aid of non-ArabAmericans militantIslamists mightseek to gain polit- detainedby otherforeign governments. (WP ical advantagefr. the Turkish govern- 8/26;MM 8/27;al-Riyad 8/28 in WNC 9/1) ment's ineptresponse to thecrisis. Islamic groupshave workedintensively to help vic- The Kurdish WorkersParty (PKK) to out of timsfr. the 1stday of thedisaster, whereas separatistgroup begins pull Tur- wk. of schedule.Over the theTurkish military did notjoin rescueef- key a ahead past thePKK has suffered fortsuntil several days afterthe quake, and yr., majormilitary thegovernment has also preventedIslamic defeatsat thehands of theTurkish military, humanitariangroups fromproviding re- lostSyria as itspatron, suffered the arrestof On lief.Israel also announcesplans to assemble itsleader, Abdallah Ocalan. 8/5,the 1,000prefabricated housing units for Turkish partyagreed to heed thecall of Ocalan,who to quake victims.(ATL 8/24 in WNC 8/25;WT has been sentencedto deathby Turkey, 8/25;NYT, WP, WT 8/27;WP 8/29;ATL 8/31 end its 14-yr.insurgency for self-rule, take its in WNC 9/1) cause to thepolitical arena. (WP 8/26) JordanianArtists Association expels 26 AUGUST one of itssenior mbrs., Nadir Omran, for "normalizing"relations with Israel by invit- Hamas, PA officialssay thatPA police ing Israeliartists to participatein a theater have detained40 Hamas activistsin Gaza, 50 festivalearlier this yr. (JT 8/26 in WNC 8/27) in theWest Bank in the lastfew days on This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 19:09:23 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 172 JOURNAL OF PALESIE STUDIES chargesof plottingattacks on Israelis.(HJ, SA In Amman,Jordan, PA discusstranspor- 8/26in WNC 8/30;NYT, WP 8/27) tationof goods btwn.Jordan, the West Bank. PA militarycourt sentencesto death (RJ8/29 in WNC 8/30) PalestinianAyman Abu Saada forfatally in- 2 bombsexplode nr.Fatah officesin juringPA police It. Hai Abu Zayna dur- 'Ayn al-Hilwa refugeecamp in s. Leba- ing a confrontationbtwn. 2 familieson 8/23; non, wounding3 Palestinians.A 3d bomb is Abu Zaynadied on 8/25.Human rights discovered,disarmed.
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