THE WBATBnR AVBBAOB daily CIBCULA'tlON ForeoMt of O. B. Waether Bww e. lor Hto toMrtk • ( OetoMr, 1884 Hartford Bain or «M w tonight, poMor 5,442 •< Hto Aailt attrtetpr Wedaoaday.. •t aieotottoM PRICE THREE CENTS Advartlalag oa Pago lA ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) irOL. u y . , N O . 88. eM Enjoying A Tax Deficit NO NEW PARLEY 7 LOST NEARLY A COLD SPELL STRIKES WALLACE TO SPEAK 1. MILUON ON TIP ON WAR DEBTS EASTERN SEABOARD; AT GRANGE PARLEY CONT^LATED FROM M A T E FROST IN FLORIDA Secretary of AgriailtDre To REYNOLDS HEIRS Witness Testifies That He Premier MacDonald Reports Be m Hartford Next Week NEAR AGREEMENT to Commons H e’ Has No Pot His Personal Fortune Heavy Snow in Western New NAYY YARD BLAZE i —Hit Address to Go Over - ) Intention of Calling a Con- in Insnll Stock on InsnU’s York and Western Pemh CAUSES BIG loss! Radio. About 2$ H o n s of Toba^ Advice. ference Now. sylvania^ Snow Flurries CO Fortone Is to Be Divid- Hartford, Nov. 18,—(A P) — A in This S ta te -- In West London, Nov. 18.— (A P )—Prime Chicago, Nov. 13.— (A P) — Fred One Man KiUed and $175,- leading feature o f the annual ees- H. Scheel, manager of the stock ed Very Soon. Minister Ramsay MacDonald told Kon of the National Grange wht.ch selling department of Samuel In- Weather Is Clear. the House of Commons today that 000 Damage Done by Ex- opens Wednesday morning fo r a sull’s public utility system, testified despite the failure of the allied na- Dine days convention will be an ad- Winston-Salem, N. C . Nov. 13.— tions and the United States to reach today he lost his personal fortune In dress o f Secretary of Agriculture plosion in Boston. By .ASSOCIAUCD PRESS (A P )—^The long-awaited division of 1 new debt accord after the virtual Insull stock, on a "tip” from Sam- Winter took over toe eastern sea- Henry A. WaUace next Tuesday the 125,000,000 estate o f the late wiping out of the German war debt uel Insull himself. morning at 10:30. His talk will be Smith Renolds, youthful tobacco ho had no Intention of calling a new But Scheel, a co-defendant with board today from Maine to Florida. Boston. Nov. 18.— (A P )—:One broadcast over a naUon-wide hook- fortune heir and aviation entbusl- conference to deal with the matter. Insull on mall - fraud charges, told Throughout the night and early up. I t wUl be his first agricultural The British government head man was killed and damage aat, appeared today to be imminent. of his loss without rancor and amounting to 8175,000 was' caused morning, freezing tempeiaturea, address In N ew England. made bis statement tffter William For weeks rumors have .gone praised Insull aa a "great business when an acetylene gas tank explod- Mabane, Liberal leader In Parlia- were reported as fa r south as Geor- This evening at Hotel Bond, the around that the litigants were about man and a friend." ed In the Charlestown Navy Yard ment, reminded him that as chair- gia with temperatures of 20 degrees ' OonnecUcut State Grange wUI give to reach a compromise agreement, "The more T came to know him here today. a ^nner for the National officers. man of toe LausanM debt confer- or lower spotting northern New but the setting of a hearing for all the more I admired him," said The . dead man was identified as Past State Master Charles T. Davis the parties concerned In the long ences MacDonald had declared bis England. Scheel. He testified that he worked Daniel Dunlca. 35, of Charlestown, of Middletown wlU be toastmaster. court fight indicated an early settle- Intention to call a new debt con Heavy frost was reported at Pen- for Utility Securities Company for attendant of the building in which sacola, Fla., and Jacksonville, in Delegatee Arriving ment. ference "If no settlement could be obtained on their own debt (with 10 years before he met Insull, mas- the tank was stored. His body was the same state, was within flve de- Grange membera are arriving In The bearing will be held here Fri- ter o f a two billion dollar utilities toe United States) by toe creditor found in the mass of debric by fire- grees of Boston’s reading at 29 de- Hartford In large numbers today, day and Saturday. The state of system. men. North Carolina entered the litigation governments." grees. and It la expected about 1,500 will Scheel said he lost 8900,000— bis A disturber that has Its origin yesterday. Judge P. A. McElroy al- N ot To OsU Parley Captain Rosa P. Schlabach, in be here late today or early Wednes- private fortune plus what he could around the Hudson Bay region lowing It to Intervene for the pro- " I do not consider,” said toe charge of construction at the yard, day morning when the annual ses- prime minister, "that circumstances borrow— in Insull U tility Invest- said the damage to the plant, a two brought winter Into New England tection of its inheritance tax rights. sion wlU be opened at Foot Guard calling for a new conference have ments, Inc., twin company of toe story brick and concrete building, and middle Atlantic atates. It caus- The appearance of an array of HaU at 10 o'clock. arisen and It is not my Intention to Corporation Securities Company would total 8150,000 while the dam- ed a heavy overnight snowstorm at counsel for Sll litigants, who pressed which is center of the mall fraud A t the opening session Wednes- call such a conference.” age to a boat house near by where Buffalo followed by rain during toe day afternoon, at 1:80, National for an early hearing, together wiUi case. early morning which turned to the action of the state, gave rise to He assured the House that any two girders' collapsed and the roof Master Taber wUI read bis annual Meets Insull snow again at noon. the belief the various parties were fear that "Europe may one day find fell In would be 825,000. The boat address. Reports will be made by house was about 150 feet away. ready to end the long court battle. itself back on toe Young plan ” was "In July of 1929, I met Mr. In- Raw, Bitter Weather National otUcers and some of the unwarranted. sull one day, and he said some Navy Yard officials said they be- Darkness enveloped the city and Inheritance Tax. state leaders will read their re- Later Neville Chamberlain, chan- lieved there had been three explo- The amount o f inheritance tax to prominent people. Including Sidney motorists had to drive with lights. ports. sions. be sought by the state depends on cellor of the exchequer, stated that Z. Mitchell and John Hertz, were The snowfall In Western New York he was not at present In a position Three Btasta There wlU be a large Increase on what agreement’ is reached, but It buying I. U. I. stock." and Western Pennsylvania became to make a statement as to whether Thursday with the maximum reach- was pointed out that if the estate Is Mitchell, he Identified as president The first, which occurred at about heavier at midday while southern toe government had decided a sat- ed on Friday when the seventh de- divided three ways, the state would of the Electric Bond and Share 2:15 a. m.. was ftllowed by two New York, Elastern Pennsylvania isfactory settlement with toe Unit- Because the School Board o f Chicopee, Mass., needed more funds than gree will be conferred six times. stand to collect 82,000,000. Company, and Hertz as president of smaller blasts. Ten minutes before and New Jersey had raw, bitter ed States about the war debts could are available to continue operation of schools, the boys shown above play- I t Is expected the convention will A three-way division would be toe Yellow Cab Company. a Marine guard, Thomas Ogllvie, weather with occasional flurries-of not be obtained or whether the ne- ing sandlot football ahe enjoying an enforced vacation from classroom. " I said I ’d like to get In." had passed the plant and every- sleet and snow. be the largest National Grange ever among Anne Cannon Reynolds, sec- gotiations were atlll to be regarded The huge school bulldins pictured below, with facilities for 1,000 students, Mr. Insull said: "A ll right, you thing was quiet. Portland, Me., was toe only New held and that the seventh degree ond, born to Reynolds by his first class will be larger than the record as in process." Is among the structures rendered Idle by the failure of taxes to meet ex- can get some at 90.” Cause of the explosion was unde- England city reporting bright sunny wife, the daughter of the North Chamberlain said that toe whole o f 11,125 at Rochester In 1030. penditure requirements. " I had about 8400,000 In cash, and termined but Captain Schlabach skies. In Vermont and Rhode Is- Carolina towel king; Christopher question of. International debts could Smith Reynolds, a posthumous son, 10,000 shares o f I. U. I. stock," said said It might have originated from land, at Boston and New Haven, be considered, for the present, as and the child’s mother, Libby Hol- Scheel. " I pledged the shares and r leakage or a spprk. Conn., skies were cloudy and there "In abeyance." were light snow flurries.
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