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NOV een Garden C3i t y ``New oYl2 www.americanradiohistory.com SIX 'THOUSAND RADIO TRICIANS Are Now Equipped to Custom ituiid 4 NEW HiQ RECEIVE ) S AUTHORIZED Hi -Q Radio -Tricians in every Extreme selectivity - achieved by the new neighborhood are building the 4 new Hi- ly -tuned radio - frequency transfor- Q 29 receivers to special order and to meet mer , . s ich are in reality tuned "band- pass" fi Local conditions -- in every instance finer, more sensitive, more selective and beautifully toned a h degree of selectivity instruments than is possible to secure through -made possi . i e "flat -top" "band - factory-built sets within $50 to $100 of theirprice. pass" filter- tunin acteristic of the radio -frequency amp The new Master Hi -Q 29 typifies the value of the entire group completely stage- shielded Great sensitivity - affordin, ception over ^a t distances by taking + vantage of screen -grid receiver -steel chassis -only the fin- the . .rmous amplification ossibilities est parts available in Radio. Circuit is the re- of the ield -grid tubes us as radio frequency mplifiers. sult of America's leading parts manufacturers. A Band Pass Filter, the latest development in echanical p ection- manifest tures as t flat, rigid, a radio, effects absolute FLAT TOP square cut - off hed met -1 chassis, sn TUNING with 10 kilocycle selectivity. "Cross- and full oating bearing ganged «. ndensers. talk" is impossible. Only one station can be re- ceived at a time even in crowded high -power station areas. A " coast -to- coast" receiver that has wonderful sensitivity; unequalled DX re- ception; and a quality of tone that is totally new in radio. 4 models for battery or A. C. NEW 80 -PAGE HI -Q 29 CONSTRUCTION MANUAL The biggest and most complete book of its kind ever published! Tells how to build the 4 new Hi- Q Receivers. Photos and diagrams illustrate every detail. Covers power amplifiers, tube and battery combinations, antennae, installation, short -wave adapters, house wiring and a wealth of other data on the Hi -Q custom -built radio. Price 25 cents including postage. All Hi-Q 29 receivers demand your attention for the same reason as the Master Hi -Q 29 shown above -finest parts, modern stage -shielded cir- cuits, excellent selectivity and sensitivity and wonderful tone -quality at prices unequalled in present day radio. Junior Hi -Q 29 complete without HAMMARLUND - ROBERTS, Inc. cabinet, $59.35; Junior A. C. Hi -Q 29, $103.95; Master Hi -0 29, $99.50; Master A. C. Hi -Q 29, $151.80. 1182 -A BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Associate Manufacturers ARCTURUS- u Als ToÁnRSoR IELECTRADI yrCiR7A www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER I \St 'C' QUALITY is what the radio fan wants -QUALITY in every detail is what he must have, if his receiver is to be worth the effort of building it. Every experienced fan knows that good radio reception depends on the success- ful cooperation of many small parts - any one of which can make or mar the results obtained. Be SAFE -use Hammarlund Parts and you will be following the example of experts throughout the world. Eighteen years of manufacturing pre- cision instruments for radio, telegraph and telephone use are back of every Hammarlund Product. That experience is your protection. Ask your dealer. HAMMARLUND MANUFACTURING CO. 424 -438 W. 33rd Street New York, N. Y. awn. Radio' WRITE FOR FOLDERS m iaì rul tui ndl -IN PRODUCTS www.americanradiohistory.com How to be a commercial Radio Operator A practical book that should enable anyone of average intelli- gence to pass the Government's theoretical examination given to applicants for a Commercial Ra- dio Operator's License. INSIDE NEW! 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Y www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO BROADCAST ADVERTISER THE LINCOLN 8-80 ONE-SPOT-SUPER ASTOUNDS THE RADIO WORLD 4SCREEN GRID TUNABLE TUBES I.F. STAGES f ONE NEW SPOT AUDIO COAST TO COAST RECEPTION Clear Loud Volume in Summertime HIS is the report from every Lincoln 8-80 receiver CLOUGH AUDIO SYSTEM in Chicago, the worst City in the U. S. for T built Not only In selectivity and quiet operation is the Lincoln long distant reception. Daily reports. by letter 8-80 supreme. Its new audio transformer, utilizing the revo- and.phone, of logs of stations from MAINE to CALI- lutionary Clough System to the -fullest -extent, gives it infinitely better tone, far more volume and less distortion than any other FORNIA, prove that the new principles involved in type of transformer can possibly provide. The effective trans- the LINCOLN 8-80 make every receiver perform alike. formation ratio per stage- exclusive of tuhe gain -averages 4.4 These reports are from set -builders who have built to 1, 50% greater than that of any other and more expensive transformers, and with all this -true reproduction, fidelity of the Lincoln 8-80 for the first time, and many from uncanny realism. a receiver before. tone, and positively men who have never built radio Even in appearance, the 8 -80 is far ahead of any factory Without exception.
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