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Shanmugaratnam at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences for valuable insights and guidance throughout this project and for being flexible about my changes in topic. Your comments and criticisms have helped me immensely in shaping the thesis. I thank Issac Arul Selva, editor of Slum Jagathu and President of Karnataka Slum Janandolana, for making me see and understand the importance of caste not only in urban land access but many aspects of the Indian society. And, of course, for allowing me to interview him for the thesis. !" #$%&'" (%)*" +$%&" ,-$./0" 1.2$#3" %&0" 45*67" 1%89&0:%" ;:%)$%'%:" ,-5&<9&9:7" ;95=/93>" Campaign for Right to Water ? Karnataka) and Narasimha Murthy (Director, Janasahayog) for all the time they spent with me talking about the Caste System and also for agreeing to be interviewed for my thesis. I thank Venkatesh (Dalit Bahujan Movement), Geeta Menon ,@5A93#.B" C5:'9:3>" D&.5&6" %&0" 1%<." ,+%:&%#%'%" @%/.#%" E%&2$%:3$%" E%A.#$.6" F5:" 2.<.&2" interviews and helping me understand my topic better. I thank all my respondents from Mankalamma Thota slum and Nayandanahalli slum for selflessly sharing their perspectives with me knowing very well they stand nothing to gain from talking to me. I thank the activists of Karnataka Slum Janandolana and staff of Janasahayog for sharing about their work, helping me get access to the slums to do interviews and allowing me to use their office space and their wonderful library. I thank Nandini.C for reading my first draft and providing detailed comments and Arundathi.S for helping me in editing the thesis. I thank Stine Torgersen for patiently listening to my ideas, insecurities, excitement, frustrations and other assorted ramblings about this study for more than a year and for being more relieved than me when it was finally over. I th%&'"AG"HF:.9&03"F5:"/.F9>"+5A%/%7"I%$93$7" Geeta and Sajid for their buzzing high-spirited support during this entire time and before and after. I thank my family for supporting me during this project and bearing my outbursts about caste inequality. The ti#/9"5F"#$.3"#$93.3"B5A93"F:5A"IJ("I%&58>3"KLLM"B5//9B#.5&"5F"I%/%G%/%A"=59A3"B%//90" Kaanunnilloraksharavum, which roughly translates to No Alphabet In Sight. I express my sincere gratitude to all of you for supporting me in this research and thesis writing process. iii Abstract !"#$% $&'()% *+,-#.*$% &"*% #-/,0&% 12% 0,$&*% 1.% $3'-% 01--'.#&#*$4% ,00*$$% &1% '56,.% 3,.(% #.% Bangalore, India. Historically, pattern of land ownership in India was inextricably melded together with caste wherein the dominant castes owned land and excluded Dalits from land access. Slums can be seen as primarily an urban land access issue. A majority of slum residents in Bangalore are Dalits though they form a minority in the overall population. The study adopts a Social Exclusion paradigm to understand the process through which the social, economic and political institutions of caste exclude Dalits from urban land access. I have followed a qualitative case study design and adopted Dalit standpoint epistemology. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with Dalit activists and slum residents. I also collected data from various government departments using the Right to Information (RTI) channel. This study argues that slums are the urban manifestation of the caste system and a continued chapter in the historical landlessness of Dalits resulting from the exclusion of Dalits from property ownership, socio-economic capital, city planning and political power. Caste system manifests itself in urban India in terms of caste segregation, institutional inequalities in access to resources, inherent caste-bias in city administration and Dalit labour exploitation. The socio-economic capital of the dominant castes, gained through their control on land, instruments of production and education, helps them in their access to urban land. The exclusion of Dalits from gaining this socio-economic capital severely restricts their access to '56,.% 3,.(7% !"*% -1(*5.% 8&,&*% #.$&#&'&#1.$% 12% 9*-105,0):% ;'(#0#,5)% ,.(% <*=#$3,&'5*% ",>*.4&% been able to correct the caste-based structural inequality in access to resources, including urban land, as they are controlled by the dominant castes. Neo-liberal urban governance is diluting the social justice provisions of the Constitution and further weakening the urban land access of Dalits. 9,3#&%01--'.#&#*$4%'56,.%3,.(%,00*$$%#$%5*$&5#0&*(%&1%&"*%-,5=#.,3%31?%@',3#&)%3,.(%#.%$3'-$7% Here too there is no security of tenure as undeclared slums can be demolished anytime and declared slums can be uprooted to the outskirts of the city. This uprooting destroys the organic relationship the slum residents build with their land and adversely impacts their livelihood, education, health and life itself. The low-cost housing through the Public Private Partnership model further reduces the already miniscule land share of Dalits in cities. The landlessness of slum communities correlates with their Dalit identity. Therefore, the $&5,&*=)% 12% *-/31)#.=% 9,3#&% #(*.&#&)% #.% $3'-% 01--'.#&#*$4% 3,.(% $&5'==3*% #$% *-*5=#.=% #.% Bangalore. Dalit identity has a semblance of political and mobilisation powers that should be '$*(% #.% &"*% 01--'.#&#*$4% 2#="&% ,=,#.$&% 3,.(3*$$.*$$7% Demand for implementation of the Constitution, building knowledge and Dalit consciousness and forming alliances of various Dalit movements would strengthen the urban land access movement of Dalits. iv Table of Contents !"#$%&%'()*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,(( -#.*)/$"01"2"*'3++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,((( -43'&%#'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,(5 Tab$"6)768)*'"*'3+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,5 List of Tables. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,5(( 89%:'"&6;<6=*'&)0>#'()*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,; ;,;6=*'&)0>#'()*6%*06?&)4$"26@'%'"2"*'+++++++++++++++++++++; 1.2 Objectives and Research Questions+++++++++++++++++++++,A 1.3 Caste Terminology in the Thesis++++++++++++++++++++++,,A ;,B6C&1%*(3%'()*6)76'9"6D9"3(3+++++++++++++++++++++++++E ;,F6@$>23<6G%*06)76'9"6H&4%*6G%*0$"33+++++++++++++++++++++,F ;,I6D9"68%3'"6J>"3'()*6)76H&4%*6G%*06-##"336++++++++++++++++++K ;,K6@$>236%36!%$('68)$)*("3+++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,K 89%:'"&6A<6L"3"%&#96M"'9)0)$)1N6%*06@'>0N6-&"%++++++++++++++++,;O A,;6L"3"%&#96M"'9)0)$)1N+++++++++++++++++++++++,,,+,,,;O A,A6P("$0/)&.+++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.......11 A,E6!%'%68)$$"#'()*6%*06-*%$N3(3+++++++++++++++++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;; 2.3.1 Semi-structured Interviews++++++++++++++++++++;A 2.3.2 Right to Information Data++++++++++++++++++++,;E 2.3.3 Data Analysis+++++++++++++++++++++++++;B 2.4 Study Area++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,;B 2.4.1 Q%*1%$)&"<6R@9%0)/6-&"%3S6%*06!&"%236)76@(*1%:)&"+++++++++,;F 2.4.2 Mankalamma Thota Slum++++++++++++++++++++,;T 2.4.3 Nayandanahalli Slum++++++++++++++++++++++;U 2.5 Epistemological and Ethical Considera'()*+++++++++++++++++,,,;U 89%:'"&6E<6L"5("/6)76V(*0>6?9($)3):9NW6X%&*%6=0")$)1N6%*06!%$('6G%*0$"33*"33+++,+AA E,;6Y%'(6%*06X%&*%+++++++++++++++++++++++,++++++AA E,A68%3'"6@N3'"2<6P$%/6)76'9"6V(*0>6?9($)3):9N+++++++++++,+++++,,,AE E,A,;6G(4"&'N+++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,AB E,A,A6Z[>%$('N+++++++++++++++++++++++++++,AB E,A,E6P&%'"&*('N++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,,AB E,E6D9"6X%&*%6=0")$)1N++++++++++++++++++++,,,++++++AF 3.4 Caste: A Current Form of Power+++++++++++++++,,,++++++AI 3.5 An Overview )76!%$('3S6G%*06-##"33++++++++++++++++++++AK E,F,;6V(3')&N6)76G%*06%*068%3'"68)**"#'()*+++++++++++++++,AK E,F,A6G%*06L"7)&236(*6=*0":"*0"*'6=*0(%++++++++++++++++,,AT
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