D a Ta B a S E O N C O Ffe E

D a Ta B a S E O N C O Ffe E

May 2018 Market Research & Intelligence UnitU Coffee Board No.1, Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru - 5600 001,0 INDIA Phone:080-22261584, Fax: 080-22255557 Email : [email protected] Website : www.indiacoffee.org Database oncoffee 1. AREA, PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY 1.1. Planted Area of Coffee in India since 195 -51 (In hectares) Year Arabica % Robusta % Total 1950-51 67613 73 24910 27 92523 1960-61 70650 59 49670 41 120320 1970-71 80433 59 55030 41 135463 1980-81 109454 53 98815 47 208269 1990-91 127934 47 142887 53 270821 1991-92 126889 46 151742 54 278631 1992-93 141546 49 149465 51 291011 1993-94 143491 49 148976 51 292467 1994-95 142644 49 150465 51 293109 1995-96 145901 48 159252 52 305153 1996-97 143239 47 160582 53 303821 1997-98 143928 47 161974 53 305902 1998-99 160671 49 168567 51 329238 1999-00 168453 50 171853 50 340306 2000-01 167679 48 179037 52 346716 2001-02 165892 48 181103 52 346995 200203 171180 48 182872 52 354052 2003-04 170294 48 184546 52 354840 2004-05 174315 48 188769 52 363084 2005-06 177728 47 201981 53 379709 2006-07 179096 47 201989 53 381085 2007-08 184418 48 203777 52 388195 2008-09 189511 48 204841 52 394352 2009-10 193995 49 205688 51 399683 2010-11 197930 49 206715 51 404645 2011-12 201070 49 208620 51 409690 2012-13 205775 50 209566 50 415341 2013-14 209385 50 209590 50 418975 2014-15 213462 50 209808 50 423270 2015-16 221379 51 213057 49 434436 2016-17 223816 50 225541 50 449357 2017-18* 228910 50 225812 50 454722 % Provisional 1.2. Planted Area by States - 2 17-2 18% (In hectares) State Arabica % Robusta % Total % Karnataka 108795 23.9 135990 29.9 244785 53.8 Kerala 4231 0.9 81649 18.0 85880 18.9 Tam lnadu 29513 6.5 6094 1.3 35607 7.8 Total for Traditional Areas 1,2539 31.3 223733 ,9.2 3..272 8 .5 Non Trad t onal Areas 80174 17.6 264 0.1 80438 17.7 North Eastern Reg on 6198 1.4 1815 0.4 8013 1.8 Total /India0 22891 5 .3 225812 ,9.7 ,5,722 1 . * Prov s onal 1 1.3. Planted Area of Coffee in 1a2or States3Districts /4ones0 of India ( n hectares) Sl. State/District 2 17-18% 2 1.-17 No. Arabica Robusta Total Arabica Robusta Total I 5arnata6a 1 Ch kmagalur 55225 42192 97417 55225 42192 97417 2 Kodagu 28140 78949 107089 28140 78949 107089 3 ,assan 25430 14849 40279 25480 14799 40279 Sub total 1 8795 13599 2,,785 1 88,5 1359, 2,,785 II 5erala 1 -.anad 0 67705 67705 0 67705 67705 2 Travancore 2146 11094 13240 2143 11087 13230 3 Nell ampath es 2085 2850 4935 2085 2850 4935 Sub total ,231 81.,9 8588 ,228 81.,2 8587 III Tamilnadu 1 Pulne.s 12597 839 13436 12597 839 13436 2 N lg r s 3780 4772 8552 3780 4772 8552 3 0hevro.s (Incl.Koll h lls 1 2od ) 10666 145 10811 10666 145 10811 4 Anamala s (Co mbatore) 2470 338 2808 2470 338 2808 Sub Total 29513 . 9, 35. 7 29513 . 9, 35. 7 Total for Traditional Areas 1,2539 223733 3..272 1,258. 223.7. 3..2.2 IV Non Traditional Areas 1 Andhra Pradesh 75892 264 76156 71088 267 71355 2 Od sha 4282 4282 4239 4239 Sub Total 8 17, 2., 8 ,38 75327 2.7 7559, 1 North Eastern Reg on 6198 1815 8013 5903 1598 7501 8rand Total 22891 225812 ,5,722 22381. 2255,1 ,,9357 * Prov s onal 2 1.,. 9earing Area of Coffee in 1a2or States3Districts /4ones0 of India ( n hectares) Sl. State/District 2 17-18% 2 1.-17 No. Arabica Robusta Total Arabica Robusta Total I 5arnata6a 1 Ch kmagalur 49251 38212 87463 49251 38212 87463 2 Kodagu 26889 75174 102063 26881 75199 102080 3 ,assan 23557 13161 36718 23587 13161 36748 Sub total 99.97 12.5,7 22.2,, 99719 12.572 22.291 II 5erala 1 -.anad 0 67426 67426 0 67426 67426 2 Travancore 1972 10745 12717 1972 10745 12717 3 Nell ampath es 1983 2850 4833 1983 2850 4833 Sub total 3955 81 21 8,97. 3955 81 21 8,97. III Tamilnadu 1 Pulne.s 11594 822 12416 11548 822 12370 2 N lg r s 3665 4511 8176 3665 4511 8176 3 0hevro.s (Incl.Koll h lls 1 2od ) 10071 142 10213 10071 142 10213 4 Anamala s (Co mbatore) 2470 338 2808 2470 338 2808 Sub Total 278 5813 33.13 2775, 5813 335.7 Total for Traditional Areas 131,52 213381 3,,833 131,28 213, . 3,,83, IV Non Traditional Areas 1 Andhra Pradesh 61063 264 61327 57857 267 58124 2 Od sha 3935 0 3935 3935 0 3935 Sub Total .,998 2., .52.2 .1792 2.7 .2 59 1 North Eastern Reg on 2221 704 2925 2192 839 3031 8rand Total 198.71 21,3,9 ,13 2 195,12 21,512 , 992, * Prov s onal 3 1.5. Production of Coffee in India Since 195 -51 (In 5T) Year Arabica % Robusta % Total 1950-1951 15511 82 3382 18 18893 1960-1961 39526 58 28643 42 68169 1970-1971 58348 53 51883 47 110231 1980-1981 61262 52 57384 48 118646 1990-1991 78311 46 91415 54 169726 1991-1992 88320 49 91680 51 180000 1992-1993 73120 43 96275 57 169395 1993-1994 98300 46 113700 54 212000 1994-1995 79000 44 101100 56 180100 1995-1996 103250 46 119750 54 223000 1996-1997 90450 44 114550 56 205000 1997-1998 99300 43 129000 57 228300 1998-1999 97000 37 168000 63 265000 1999-2000 119000 41 173000 59 292000 2000-2001 104400 35 196800 65 301200 2001-2002 121050 40 179550 60 300600 2002-2003 102125 37 173150 63 275275 2003-2004 101950 38 168550 62 270500 2004-2005 103400 38 172100 62 275500 2005-2006 94000 34 180000 66 274000 2006-2007 99700 35 188300 65 288000 2007-2008 92500 35 169500 65 262000 2008-2009 79500 30 182800 70 262300 2009-2010 94600 33 195000 67 289600 2010-2011 94140 31 207860 69 302000 2011-2012 101500 32 212500 68 314000 2012-2013 98600 31 219600 69 318200 2013-2014 102200 34 202300 66 304500 2014-2015 98000 30 229000 70 327000 2015-2016 103500 30 244500 70 348000 2016-2017 95000 30 217000 70 312000 2017-2018 95000 30 221000 70 316000 1... Coffee Production by States ; 2 17 3 2 18 /In 1T0 Sl. No State Arabica 6 Robusta % Total % to India /1T0 /1T0 /1T0 I. Karnataka 69025 21.8 153275 48.5 222300 70.3 II. Kerala 2160 0.7 63575 20.1 65735 20.8 III. Tam lnadu 13400 4.2 4040 1.3 17440 5.5 Total for Traditional Areas 8,585 2..8 22 89 .9.9 3 5,75 9..7 I7. Non Trad t onal Areas 10320 3.3 20 0.0 10340 3.3 7. North Eastern Reg on 95 0.0 90 0.0 185 0.1 Total /India0 95 3 .1 221 .9.9 31. 1 . 4 1.7. Production of Coffee in 1a2or States3Districts /4ones0 of India (In 5T) Sl. State3District 2 17-18 2 1.-17 No. Arabica Robusta Total Arabica Robusta Total I. 5arnata6a 1 Ch kmagalur 31,600 43,275 7,,875 36,150 34,860 71, 1 2 Kodagu * 19,550 97,000 11.,55 17,035 102,825 119,8. 3 ,assan 17,875 13,000 3 ,875 17,325 13,550 3 ,875 Sub total .9, 25 153,275 222,3 7 ,51 151,235 221,7,5 II. 5erala 1 -.anad 0 55,525 55,525 0 52,475 52,,75 2 Travancore 960 6,275 7,235 990 7,050 8, , 3 Nell ampath es 1,200 1,775 2,975 1,150 1,600 2,75 Sub total 2,1. .3,575 .5,735 2,1, .1,125 .3,2.5 III. Tamilnadu 1 Pulne.s 7,170 340 7,51 5,925 365 .,29 2 N lg r s 1,400 3,150 ,,55 1,200 3,550 ,,75 3 0hevro.s (0alem) 3,530 50 3,58 3,425 70 3,,95 4 Anamala s (Co mbatore) 1,300 500 1,8 1,300 500 1,8 Sub total 13,, ,, , 17,,, 11,85 ,,,85 1.,335 Total for Traditional Areas 8,,585 22 ,89 3 5,,75 8,,5 21.,8,5 3 1,3,5 IV. Non Traditional Areas 1. Andhra Pradesh 9,580 20 9,. 9,750 50 9,8 2. Od sha 740 0 7, 650 0 .5 Sub Total 1 ,32 2 1 ,3, 1 ,, 5 1 ,,5 North Eastern Reg on 95 90 185 100 105 2 5 8rand Total /India0 95, 221, 31. 95, 217, 312, * - Includ ng Chamara9anagar D st.. 5 1.8. Coffee Area, Production and Productivity - India Season 9earing Area /ha.0 Production /1T0 Productivity /6g3ha0 Arabica Robusta Total Arabica Robusta Total Arabica Robusta Overall 1950-51 67613 24910 92523 15511 3382 18893 229 136 204 1960-61 70649 49672 120321 39526 28643 68169 559 577 567 1970-71 80433 55030 135463 58348 51883 110231 725 943 814 1980-81 98005 92071 190076 61262 57384 118646 625 623 624 1985-86 108476 106000 214476 72311 50139 122450 667 473 571 1986-87 108500 107000 215500 88975 103119 192094 820 964 891 1987-88 108500 109500 218000 64556 58157 122713 595 531 563 1988-89 108500 112500 221000 94781 119934 214715 874 1066 972 1989-90 108500 112500 221000 62572 55481 118053 577 493 534 1990-91 108500 115000 223500 78311 91415 169726 722 795 759 1991-92 108500 115000 223500 88320 91680 180000 814 797 805 1992-93 108500 115000 223500 73120 96275 169395 674 837 758 1993-94 108500 118000 226500 98300 113700 212000 906 964 936 1994-95 108500 120000 228500 79000 101100 180100 728 843 788 1995-96 120100 121900 242000 103250 119750 223000 860 982 921 1996-97 125017 126267 251284 90450 114550 205000 724 907 816 1997-98 130664 154988 285652 99300 129000 228300 760 832 799 1998-99 143007 159227 302234 97000 168000 265000 678 1055 877 1999-00 146052 162381 308433 119000 173000 292000 815 1065 947 2000-01 146502 167432 313934 104400 196800 301200 713 1175 959 2001-02 149056 171681 320737 121050 179550 300600 812 1046 937 2002-03 146780 173835 320615 102125 173150 275275 696 996 859 2003-04 148389 176735 325124 101950 168550 270500 687 954 832 2004-05 153280 180058 333338 103400 172100 275500 675 956 826 2005-06 151547 189804 341351 94000 180000 274000 620 948 803 2006-07 151861 191179 343040 99700 188300 288000 657 985 840 2007-08 151013 193495 344508 92500 169500 262000 613 876 761 2008-09 156421 194079 350500 79500 182800 262300 508 942 748 2009-10 159828 195674 355502 94600 195000 289600 592 997 815 2010-11 163737 196748 360485 94140 207860 302000 575 1056 838 2011-12 169906 198781 368687 101500 212500 314000 597 1069 852 2012-13 176131 200174 376305 98600 219600 318200 560 1097 846 2013-14 181129 200175 381304 102200 202300 304500 564 1011 799 2014-15 185978 200217 386195 98000 229000 327000 527 1144 847 2015-16 192734 204413 397147 103500 244500 348000 537 1196 876 2016-17 195412 214512 409924 95000 217000 312000 486 1,012 761 2017-18 198671 214349 413020 95000 221000 316000 478 1,031 765 1.9 9earing Area, Production & Productivity of Coffee in Traditional 3 Non Traditional Areas ; 2 17-18 Sl.

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