A Characterisation of Indonesia’s FAD-based Tuna Fisheries FINAL REPORT ACIAR Project FIS/2009/059 The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) was established in June 1982 by an Act of the Australian Parliament. Its mandate is to help identify agricultural problems in developing countries and to commission collaborative research between Australian and developing country researchers in fields where Australia has special research competence. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research GPO Box 1571, Canberra, Australia 2601 www.aciar.gov.au This publication is an output of ACIAR Project FIS/2009/059: Developing research capacity for management of Indonesia’s pelagic fisheries resources. Suggested citation: Proctor C. H., Natsir M., Mahiswara, Widodo A. A., Utama A. A., Wudianto, Satria F., Hargiyatno I. T., Sedana I. G. B., Cooper S. P., Sadiyah L., Nurdin E., Anggawangsa R. F. and Susanto K. (2019). A characterisation of FAD-based tuna fisheries in Indonesian waters. Final Report as output of ACIAR Project FIS/2009/059. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. 111 pp. ISBN: 978-0-646-80326-5 Cover image: A bamboo and bungalow type FAD and hand-line/troll-line fishing vessels. Photo taken by C. Proctor in 2009 in waters NE of Ayu Islands, Halmahera Sea, Indonesia. Author affiliations Commonwealth and Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia: Craig Proctor, Scott Cooper Centre for Fisheries Research, Indonesia: Mohamad Natsir, Anung Agustinus Widodo, Andria Utama, Wudianto, Ignatius Tri Hargiyatno, Bayu Sedana, Lilis Sadiyah, Regi Anggawangsa, Kusno Susanto Research Institute for Marine Fisheries, MMAF, Indonesia: Mahiswara, Fayakun Satria, Erfind Nurdin Acronyms AMAFRAD Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development (Indonesia) AMAFRHR Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources (Indonesia) BET Bigeye Tuna CFR Centre for Fisheries Research DGCF Directorate General of Capture Fisheries (Indonesia) FAD Fish Aggregation Device FMA Fisheries Management Area IO Indian Ocean IOTC Indian Ocean Tuna Commission NGO Non Government Organisation RFMO Regional Fisheries Management Organisation RIMF Research Institute for Marine Fisheries (Indonesia) RCFMC Research Centre for Fisheries Management and Conservation (Indonesia) RCCF Research Centre for Capture Fisheries (Indonesia) SKJ Skipjack tuna SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community WCPFC Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission WCPO Western and Central Pacific Ocean YFT Yellowfin Tuna FAD FISHERIES STUDY - FINAL REPORT - ACIAR PROJECT FIS/2009/059 Contents Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................... 2 1. Executive summary (English) ........................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary (Bahasa Indonesia) .......................................................................... 5 2. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7 3. Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 8 4. Review of earlier FAD studies in Indonesian waters ......................................................... 9 5. General information on tuna FADs in Indonesian waters ................................................. 9 6. Enumeration program at focus ports ............................................................................. 13 6.1 Vessel trips enumerated and data entry .............................................................. 13 6.2 Catch characteristics – average catch by volume and species compositions ......... 15 6.3 Biological sampling and length frequencies of tuna species ................................. 25 6.4 FAD ‘dynamics’ – numbers, locations, ownership and usage ................................ 34 6.5 Past and current FAD regulations and initiatives for improved management ........... 39 7. Preliminary socio- and bio-economics surveys of FAD-based tuna fisheries at two key ports. ............................................................................................................................ 43 7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 43 7.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................... 43 7.3 Methods.............................................................................................................. 44 7.4 Results ................................................................................................................ 47 7.4.1 Kendari (SE Sulawesi) .......................................................................................... 47 Bio-economic model - Kendari ....................................................................................... 53 Conclusion - Kendari ...................................................................................................... 70 7.4.2 Palabuhanratu (West Java) ................................................................................. 71 Characteristics of Social Society of PPN Palabuhanratu ................................................. 73 Characteristics of fishers ............................................................................................... 73 Bioeconomic analysis of the FAD-based fishery.............................................................. 75 8. Trial acoustics and video research on fish aggregations on FADs. .................................. 81 8.1 Research need and Objectives ............................................................................. 81 8.2 Methodology....................................................................................................... 81 8.3 Results and Discussion ......................................................................................... 85 8.4 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 89 9. Overall conclusions ....................................................................................................... 91 10. Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 91 11. References .................................................................................................................... 93 Appendices............................................................................................................................. 98 Appendix 1 Data recording forms for enumeration program ................................................... 99 Appendix 2. FAD Fisheries Database (Database Perikanan Rumpon) ..................................... 103 Appendix 3. Questionnaire for socio-/bio-economics surveys................................................ 107 1 FAD FISHERIES STUDY - FINAL REPORT - ACIAR PROJECT FIS/2009/059 Acknowledgements Firstly, we wish to thank the many staff of Port Authority Offices and local fisheries offices (Offices of Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan) in Indonesia who assisted in the establishment of enumeration at the four focus ports for the FAD fisheries study. We are also grateful to all in the tuna fishing industry who provided information in the associated surveys of this project, including those for the bio-/socio- economic surveys. This includes representatives of the local fishing associations, fishers’ collectives, fishing companies, vessel owners, and vessel captains. We are indebted to the enumerators who were recruited to this project, for their tireless work in daily data collection on the FAD-based fishing activity in their respective ports and their data entry into the project’s database. In this regard we particularly thank Mr Karma, Mr Asep Nurdin, and other staff of Palabuhanratu Fishing Port Authority, Mr Ahmad Rizal and Mr Ismail Agung Syah of Kendari Fishing Port Authority, Mr Robi Hermawan and Mr Dedi Putra in Padang, and Mr Sonny and Mr Dedi Mabruri in Sorong. Without their dedication to the enumeration tasks the FAD Fisheries Study would not have been possible. We also thank the staff of Centre for Fisheries Research who did data entry in Jakarta for the enumeration program. This includes Ms Okta Ria Yunita, Dr Puji Rahmadi, Ms Amalia Setiasari and Ms Sunny Apriyani. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance for the port sampling protocol developed for the enumerators in this study, provided by the following persons and institutions, through their approval to use various resources: Dr David Itano (fisheries consultant, formerly of University of Hawaii and NOAA); Mr Peter Williams and Ms Deirdre Brogan of Oceanic Fisheries Program, the Pacific Community (SPC); and Mr Miguel Herrera, formerly of Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC). Dr Antony Lewis (fisheries consultant) is also thanked for contributions from his knowledge and first-hand experiences with the FAD-based fisheries. The following current and former Directors and Heads of the Indonesian research institutes are thanked for their roles and contributions to the project (institutions at time of involvement in parentheses): Dr Toni Ruchimat (CFR), Dr Purwanto (RCFMC), Dr Duto Nugroho (RCFMC), Prof. Hari Eko Irianto (CFRD), Dr Ali Suman (RIMF), Dr Fayakun Satria (RIMF),
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