VOLUME 5, ISSUE 10 University of California, San Diego DECEMBER 6, 1968 CPI •• lllale. ~:!~:~:.::: Faculty Fights For Relevancy Coarse I. Rece • • The UCSD Academic Senate, as space permitted. beameg to the grassy knoll be­ Inqairles The Muir College student meeting a week ago Tuesday un­ Such action required a tw<>­ hind the library. Rights Convention has recessed der rather unusual circum­ thirds vote, and after some dis­ There was some displeasure A Center for Participatory Ed­ indefinitely with plans to recon­ stances, passed several resolu­ cussion, the needed margin was with this set-up; several faculty ucation on the UCSD Campus vene early in the winter quarter. tions which are quite important attained by a vote of 112 to 56. members felt that live TV cover­ has been formed and is now try­ The decision was reached by in the effect they will have upon Some forty students were sub­ age changed the character of the ing to gain approval for student Convention Chairman Harvey the students, and in the possible sequently admitted. meetings from a reasoned dis­ initiated courses to be held in Daniels after the convention had repercussions there may be for other students watched the cussion to a theatrical perfor­ the spring quarte r_ already sat in two sessions. In the Unive r sity of California as a proceedings by means of a closed mance. The senate voted over­ The UCSD CPE began when its second session on Tuesday, whole. circuit TV network which was whelmingly to discontinue such Jim Minor, former AS Senator November 19 , the convention body The most strongly worded re­ practices in the future. spurred by the Regents' Meeting solution stated that the Board of Diego The first order of business and resulting Convocation, gat­ voted to recess until the follow­ mic Senate str ongly Regents had "gravely violated was Chancellor McGill' s report hered some friends to form a ing Tuesday. nds that Point 4 of academic freedom by retroac­ to the Senate on the Regents' Committee modeled after Berke­ At that time it was felt that resolution of Novem- tively cancelling a course ap­ meeting. He thanked the stu­ ley's CPE. attendence and interest in the 22 be regarded as an in­ proved by a duly authorized body dents and faculty for "main­ Berkeley's CPE, started about convention would increase by regulation signifying its of the UCB Academic Senate." taining an atmosphere that was two years ago as an outgrowth waiting until that busy week of ment with the point of view This referred, of course, to Soc­ one in which the integrity of the of the 1964 Free Speech Move­ the Regents' meeting was over. by a number of Regents ial Analysis 139X that the Re­ campus was established." He ment, today sponsors about 60 It was also hoped that the week announcing their support of would be spent in discussions gents summarily refused ac­ reported that Governor Reagan courses containing 5 ,000 students, creditation at their November measure. had stated that he was complete­ with a $100,000 grant from the among individuals of the issues further recommend that meeting in the UCSD gym. ly satisfied with the sub-com­ Ford Foundation. facing the convention. 4 be replaced at or be­ The resolution requested the mittee report which had been The UCSD CPE, fundless, is At the time scheduled for re­ the March meeting by a convening the convention, how­ General Secretary of the AAUP adopted. using many of Berkeley's tech­ (American Association of Uni­ statement of policy on McGill continued, "A rather niques in building toward the ever, there was so much other issues of responsibility for student activity in the wake of versity Professors) to conduct tense situation developed in the same success. an investigation of the UnIversity conduct and content of cours- Revelle Plaza yesterday. I don't the Regents' resolutions, in addi­ Such a statement of policy First, it should be clear that tion to concern for the heavy of California. know how that matter has been the CPE does not start new cour­ The other major action taken take the form: resolved, but I hope that the dis­ schedule of students around fi­ is the policy of the Re ­ ses, but only sponsors their in­ nals week, that Daniels decided by the UCSD faculty was the ruption of classes has now ceas­ troduction to the Academic Se­ formation of a special committee that: (1) Responsibility ed. I think we are past serious it would be better to indefinitely for each qlUrse of instruction nate. postpone the next session until of five members speeifically to problems, although I wish I was The courses it sponsors are assist students in proposing and the University shall be assigned more completely certain of this." the next quarter. to regularly appointed officers of those initiated by any student The convention was convened structuring courses dealing with The senate then considered fu­ or group of students who walks issues of "contemporary social instruction holding appropriate ture student participation in their by Muir Provisional Government instructional titles. (2)Nothing into the CPE Office (in 250 President Ken Patrick in res­ concern." meetings. It was suggested that MC) with an idea. The same resolution directed in, this 'policy precludes the two undergraduates and two gra­ ponse to a petition calling upon of guest participants in This student(s) is asked to this committee as its first order duates be designated as official complete, with the assistance him to hold such an assembly course of instruction nrn,v1f1lllm as a first step towards the for­ of business, to establish a course representatives, and be given the of the C PE, an outline of the dealing with racism in America, such use does not same status as visiting faculty mation of a Muir College Go­ transfer of responsibility for proposed course, containing; 1. vernment. to be presented no later than members, i.e., the right to speak, Its exact title, 2. A description Spring Quarter, 1969. I"VI',."",. or conduct ofthe course." but not to be able to introduce 1 ne Ad Hoc Committee which of the course (content, format, After the Re gents meeting of We would then recomment motions, second motions, orvote. circulated this petition, which etc), 3. Students (number, pre­ each division adopt such re The Senate is also considering included Lenny Bourin, Peter the previous week and the sub­ requisites, sections) 4. Cre­ sequent student protest on cam­ tions as it deems incorporating the AS president Waasdorp, Harvey Daniels, Rick to assure accordance with dit, 5. Course leader, 6. Facul­ pus, a tense and dramatic at­ into the senate with full mem­ ty sponsor, and 7. Meeting time Doyle, and Pat Turnbul, secured policy. some 350 names in support of mospher prevailed at the Senate bership privileges . and place. The matter releasing infor­ a student Rirhts Convention. meeting. This body, whose mem­ WHEREAS, the September 20 ot This outline, expanded and for­ mation to the public also The petition called for specific bership consists of all ofUCSD's solution of the Board of Re­ was mallzed at present would be sub­ 332 facuIty members, has only discussed. It was decided that bertnninr and endinr times for gravely violated academic mitted to the Academic Senate's from that time on all approved the convention, namely November recently allowed two student ob­ m by retroactively can­ Committee on Educational Policy 18-25. However it was felt that, servers to attend its meetings. a course approved by a resolutions would be released (CEP) that determines cur­ However, on Tuesday many in­ pflbl1cly, except under special with Patrick's approval, the re­ authorized body of the UCB riculum and credit. cess would not harm or alter terested and concerned students Academic Senate; and circumstances, such as in per­ The faculty is now forming the othe r intents of the _petition jammed into HL Aud to view the WHEREAS, the November 22 sonal cases. a special committee to be res­ proceedings. A report on the parking situa­ The first session was held on Resolution confirmed this viola­ ponsive to student inittated cour­ Monday, November 18, at 6:00 The meeting got off to a peri- of academic freedom and tion was tabled so that the senate ses and to work with the CEP p.m. in USB 2722. About 40 lous start with some faculty compounded this violation by re­ could move on to more pressing but whose exact role is unclear. members asking for immediate persons attended this openinr quiring faculty members to gain matters. The CPE is an open sub­ Gabriel Jackson, a member of session at which the reneral topic adjournment unless the students approval for the use of resource committee of the AS and anyone were cleared from the hall. Fi­ the Statewide Committee on Aca of dicussion was the purpose and as they see fit; who w01l1d like to serve on it nally, those students present left demic Freedom, reported on the dI rection of the convention. THEREFORE BE IT RESOL V­ or has any ideas for new cour­ effects of the Regents' actions. Patrick explained what had tak­ so that the Senate could consider ED THAT: ses is urged to drop in. a suspension of the rules to al­ He stated that their resolution en place the year before at Muir (Coot'd on p.4, col. 1) MIIIAI'VlAI'S: col. intryini to set up a student (Ov­ low 10 as IDII!l stUC!eDt S Aua lJiotatiol£ ernment. Danie Is then led the discus­ 99uflated, sion in which pertinent questions *'ReG such as the students' function in The Subcommittee on Revelle the academic community and the Plaza, which is temporarily act­ areas into which they should ex­ ing as the Free Speech Board, pand were raised.
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