5th CONFERENCE FOR tEAChERS 2013 uNiversity of biRmiNghAm 14 JUne 2013 WELCOmE NEtWORK OF EXCELLENCE Achim Jung Simon Peyton Jones The DfE have supported the application made by CAS/BCS to continue University of Birmingham Computing At School and expand the Network of Teaching Excellence in Computer Science As we are planning for Much has happened since (NoE) that was launched in September 2012. another instalment of the the last CAS Teachers The heart of the programme is to build a high-quality, sustainable CPD CAS Conference for Conference. A year ago we Teachers of Computing, I were making the case that infrastructure at low cost. This will be achieved by nurturing long-term, marvel at the amazing computer science should bottom-up collaboration between employers, universities, professional successes that the be a clearly articulated part bodies, schools and teachers. Computing At School of our school curriculum, alongside the use consortium has already had and at the and application of information technology; a enthusiasm and energy that radiate from this year on, computer science is in the core In the first six months of the scheme: community. Working for a university, I am aims of the proposed new National • 622 schools happy to see that now the time has come for Curriculum Programme of Study. This time close collaboration between schools and HE last year we were writing to Mr Gove to invite • 70 universities institutions, and I am thrilled by the many him to make computer science GCSEs • 120 schools self-designated as lead schools initiatives that are being taken by colleagues count towards the EBacc; in January he • 28 CAS Master Teachers recruited to run local CPD events around the country. Collaboration and the agreed to do so. This time last year CAS had sharing of ideas and experiences are more 1,100 members; now it has over 4,000. During this phase over 700 hours of CPD contact time was delivered by the Master important than ever and this is exactly what Teachers. The DfE have been impressed and their approval has now been matched by the Teachers Conference is trying to Job done then? Far from it: as Adrian Mee says “it’s no good joyfully writing a this further grant. The funding we have received is for two years but we are working facilitate. So welcome to Birmingham, and I on a five year programme to: look forward to being your host during curriculum if no one can teach it”. Equipping, another stimulating and productive meeting. encouraging, supporting and inspiring our • Recruit and train 600 CAS Master Teachers (primary and secondary); excellent existing ICT teachers is what the CAS Network of Excellence is all about; and • Harness university expertise to lead on training and development of the CAS Master the CAS Teachers Conference is its most Teachers; visible embodiment. We need to put flesh on • Maintain comprehensive set of classroom resources for all key stages; the dry bones of the programme of study, • Enhance professional status for all Heads of Computing in schools. and make it come to life. We need to articulate the distinction between Are you interested in using your expertise and experience to: computational thinking and mere programming, so that we don’t slide from • Support colleagues as a Master Teacher; Death by PowerPoint into Death by Scratch. • Shape the training and qualifications needed; We need to convey to every head teacher, • Build our online infrastructure? every governor, every parent and every child our vision of computer science as a vibrant, creative, empowering discipline, not an academic niche for geeks. There is no doubting the scope of the task but our experience in phase 1 has Many others are involved in this partnership, shown us what is possible. We are confident that together, with your help, we including Naace, Raspberry Pi, Young will be able to support teachers to embrace the new challenges. Rewired State, MirandaNet, Code Club, ITTE, Behind the Screen, Make Things Do Will you join our team? Special thanks to Achim Jung and the Stuff, Technocamps, NextGen, cs4fn, Apps University of Birmingham for their kind for Good. Together we can make it happen. For further information contact support and providing this excellent venue Enjoy the conference! [email protected] and to Debbie Smith and Claire Davenport for their help with the conference programme. 2/3 programmE schEdule (STC) TIME ROOm titLE SPEAKER(S) 8:00 Registration Atrium 9:00 Welcome MECH-G31 Welcome Simon Humphreys 9:20 Plenary 1 MECH-G31 Creativity and Motivation through Programming Michael Kölling 10:00 Plenary 2 MECH-G31 The opportunity of Microsoft, creating inspiring curriculum Lee Stott 10:45 Break Atrium 11:20 A. Workshops and Seminars (40 mins) LC-LG15 How to engage students and double uptake in computer science classes Kevin Miller LC-LG13 Introduction to Programming with LOGO Jurac Hromkovic LC-UG06 GCSE Computing: a forum for sharing best practice Darren Travi, Ilia Avroutine and achieving the best for your pupils LC-UG05 #include Laura Dixon LC-UG07 From paper to Scratch to Python Dave Ames LC-UG09 A “compendium” of ideas and tips for teaching Coding, Computing and John Palmer Computational Thinking LC-LG14 Running your own CPD Programme Sue Sentance MECH-G36 Computer Science Unplugged Tim Bell MECH-G28 Fun and effective learning with CodeAvengers.com Mike Walmsley MECH-G42 Using the Raspberry Pi to teach computational thinking and computer science Ajit Jaokar 12:10 B. Workshops and Seminars (40 mins) LC-LG15 How to engage students and double uptake in computer science classes (cont.) Kevin Miller LC-LG13 Introduction to Programming with LOGO (continued) Jurac Hromkovic LC-UG06 A-Level Forum Ian Crosby LC-UG05 The difficulty with the Difficult Mark Jell LC-UG07 You’ve learned a bit of Python. Where do you go next? Adam McNicol LC-UG09 Introducing Computational Thinking Without Computers Paul Curzon LC-LG14 A Computing Science Workshop in Mobile App Development using App Inventor Trevor Bragg MECH-G36 Techniques to radically accelerate the adoption of computer science in schools Ajit Jaokar MECH-G28 Code Club Laura Kirsop LC-UG04 Networking with the RPi Doug Clark 12:50 Lunch and Networking Atrium 13:50 C. Workshops and Seminars (40 mins) LC-LG15 I Love My Smartphone Jeremy Scott LC-LG13 Introduction to BlueJ Neil Brown LC-UG06 Primary Forum: Evolving ICT into Computing Phil Bagge, Jane Waite LC-UG05 Using Programmable Robots (Autism) Karen Guldberg, Ian Lowe LC-UG07 Microsoft TouchDevelop David Renton LC-UG09 Creative Cross-curricular Computing Zoe Ross LC-LG14 Modelling Activities at KS3 Roger Davies MECH-G36 Computational Thinking is Informational Thinking Greg Michaelson MECH-G28 Excite, Inspire and Engage Your Computing Classes Alan O’Donohoe MECH-G42 PiFace Andrew Robinson 14:40 D. Workshops and Seminars (40 mins) LC-LG15 I Love My Smartphone (continued) Jeremy Scott LC-LG13 Introduction to BlueJ (continued) Neil Brown LC-UG06 How to build an outstanding computing curriculum Mark Dorling, Matthew Walker LC-UG05 Open Badges Genevieve Smith-Nunes LC-UG07 Kinaesthetic activities Peter Marshman LC-UG09 Logical thinking as a precursor to computer programming Mark Clarkson LC-LG14 Becoming a CAS Master Teacher Simon Humphreys MECH-G36 A broad view of computational thinking Aaron Sloman MECH-G28 CoderDojo Eugene McDonough MECH-G42 Excite, Inspire and Engage Your Computing Classes Alan O’Donohoe 15:20 Break Atrium 15:55 Plenary 3 MECH-G31 Agile pedagogy Miles Berry 16:20 Keynote MECH-G31 Rapid introduction of a new curriculum – the NZ experience Tim Bell 17:00 MECH-G31 Closing Remarks Simon Peyton Jones 17:15 MECH-G31 Close COMPUTING AT SCHOOL 5TH CONFERENCE FOR TEACHERS 2013 Programme 4/5 KEyNOtE speaker workshops and seminars PLENARy 1 Rapid iNtroduCtion of A new COmPuter SCience UnpluggEd Creativity and mOtivAtion through programmiNg CurriCuLum: thE NZ experience Room mECh-g36 at 11:20 Room mECh-g31 at 09:20 Room mECh-g31 at 16:20 This workshop introduces Computer One of the aims in the recent efforts to michael Kölling Science Unplugged (www.csunplugged. reform computing in UK schools is to Computing Education Researcher, University of Kent New standards for computer science and org), a widely used set of kinaesthetic, fun increase motivation and foster creativity programming were phased in to New activities that can be used to introduce many for a broad range of pupils in the context Michael Kölling is a Zealand high schools starting in January core areas of computer science without of computer science. Yet, doing so is not computing education 2011, and the first cohort of students who using computers at all. We will explore how easy. Some people, on reading the new researcher at the have had access to these standards will to use them in a school context, including computing curriculum, wonder where the University of Kent. arrive at universities in 2014. This talk will look using them as an introduction to a topic, to creativity might be found in it. Others fear He works on the at how the new standards were introduced, encourage computational thinking, to have a that the infamous Death by PowerPoint Greenfoot and BlueJ the support that was available for teachers to break from computers, and, well, to just have might be replaced with Death by Scratch, software projects: adopt them and the reaction from the various some fun.i or that an over emphasis on programming Java programming environments tailored stakeholders, including students, teachers, might turn out just as tedious as an over specifically for education. Michael authored schools, universities and employers. emphasis on word processing. a textbook for each environment, and recently received the SIGCSE Outstanding In reality, the new curriculum presents Contribution to Computer Science countless opportunities for creative Education Award.
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