RESEARCH/RESEARCHERS News of MRS Members/Materials Researchers Suhas Bhandarkar has joined the fac- science. He will be part of the university’s development for Redfern Integrated ulty of the School of Ceramic Engineering Advanced Research Center in photonics. Optics for the past year. and Materials Science at Alfred Univer- He comes to Alfred from Sydney, Marcela Bilek, professor of physics at sity as an associate professor of materials Australia, where he directed research and the University of Sydney, was awarded the 2002 Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year from the GarethGareth ThomasThomas ReceivesReceives 20032003 ActaActa MaterialiaMaterialia GoldGold MedalMedal Prime Minister of Australia for making The 2003 Acta Materialia GoldGold MedalMedal hashas beenbeen awardaward toto substantial contributions to materials sci- Gareth Thomas, professor at the UniversityUniversity ofof California,California, ence. Bilek is internationally recognized Berkeley, and vice president of researchresearch andand developmentdevelopment atat for her skills in the fabrication of super- MMFX Technologies Corp. in Irvine,Irvine, Calif.Calif. Thomas’Thomas’ lifetimelifetime tough thin films and materials. The prize in researchresearch has has been been devoted devoted to tounderstanding understanding the thefundamen- funda- is awarded annually to an outstanding sci- mentalstals of structure-property of structure-property relations relations in materials, in materials, for forwhich which he entist in the physical sciences who is 35 hehas has also also pioneered pioneered the thedevelopment development and andapplications applications of elec- of years of age or younger . electrontron microscopy microscopy and andmicroanalysis. microanalysis. He establishedHe established the firstthe C. Jeffrey Brinker (Sandia National firstlaboratory laboratory for forhigh-voltage high-voltage electron electron microscopy microscopy at UC—UC— Laboratories and the University of New Berkeley. Thomas’ research has contributedcontributed toto thethe develop-develop- Mexico, Albuquerque) has been selected Gareth Thomas ment and microstructural tailoring ofof materialsmaterials fromfrom steelssteels to receive the Department of Energy’s and aluminum alloys to high-temperature andand functionalfunctional E.O. Lawrence Award in the materials ceramicsceramics andand magneticmagnetic materials,materials, resultingresulting inin aa dozendozen patents.patents. research category for his innovations in InIn recognitionrecognition ofof thesethese achievements,achievements, ThomasThomas waswas electedelected toto bothboth thethe NationalNational sol-gel chemistry to create nanostructured AcademyAcademy ofof SciencesSciences (1983)(1983) andand thethe NationalNational AcademyAcademy ofof EngineeringEngineering (1982).(1982). WithWith materials that have applications in energy, hishis studentsstudents andand colleagues,colleagues, ThomasThomas hashas overover 500500 publicationspublications andand severalseveral books,books, manufacturing, defense, and medicine. includingincluding thethe firstfirst texttext onon TransmissionTransmission ElectronElectron MicroscopyMicroscopy ofof MetalsMetals(Wiley-(Wiley- Anne Meyer of the State University of Interscience,Interscience, NewNew York,York, 1962)1962) and,and, inin 1979—with1979—with M.J.M.J. Goringe—aGoringe—a widelywidely usedused refer-refer- New York at Buffalo received the 2002 C. enceence text,text, TransmissionTransmission ElectronElectron MicroscopyMicroscopy ofof MaterialsMaterials (TechBooks,(TechBooks, Fairfax,Fairfax, secondsecond William Hall Award from the Society for editionedition in in 1981), 1981), which which was was translated translated into into Russian Russian and and Chinese. Chinese. Biomaterials. TheThe medalmedal willwill bebe presentedpresented toto himhim atat thethe Minerals,Minerals, Metals,Metals, andand MaterialsMaterials Society’sSociety’s annualannual meetingmeeting inin SanSan Diego,Diego, Calif.,Calif., inin MarchMarch 2003.2003. For information on recent MRS awards, see MRS News on page 909. The following recipients of the U.S. 2001 high school students, and a “nano-chip John Stace (University of Sussex) as Presidential Early Career Awards for kit” for middle school students to intro- the leading U.K. expert on gas-phase Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) duce them to nanotechnology concepts. microclusters, key intermediates between have been selected: Christine Ortiz, assistant professor at the gaseous and condensed states, with C. Allan Guymon, assistant professor the Massachusetts Institute of Techno- important implications ranging from at the University of Southern Mississippi, logy, is cited for conducting creative atmospheric chemistry through liquid/ is cited for contributing outstanding materials research studies on nanoscale solid-phase dynamics to factors govern- research in photopolymer kinetics to properties of polymers inspired by ing quantum size effects in aggregated predict and control the nanostructure of nature that are bridging the physical systems; liquid-crystalline systems, creating new and biological sciences, thus meeting Mark Edward Welland (University of possibilities for the polymer industry. the needs of new research priority areas Cambridge) as a world leader in nanotech- Also, he is bringing polymer science in nanotechnology and biomaterials. nology and scanning probe microscopy; concepts to rural public high schools, Her innovative outreach activities Hubert Simon Markl, president of the especially to areas where there are large include reaching high school teachers Max Planck Society, Germany, as the numbers of underrepresented students, with a special course on nano- and bio- most influential figure in European sci- incorporating a modified teaching mod- materials and creating interdisciplinary ence policy and a key person influencing ule for introductory chemistry courses at undergraduate courses in biomaterials. the relationship between science and community colleges and universities. society; he has been an outstanding and Veena Misra, assistant professor at Among the 2002 Fellows and Foreign bold advocate for scientific research in North Carolina State University, is cited Members of the U.K. Royal Society are for conducting noteworthy research to the following: Germany and throughout Europe; and advance the development of nanoscale Thomas Maurice Rice (Eidgenössische Alexander Pines (University of Cali- electronic devices in an innovative verti- Technische Höchschule, Zurich) for impor- fornia, Berkeley) for making profound cal format, decreasing the size and tant theoretical contributions to the under- theoretical and experimental contribu- increasing the power and efficiency of standing of electronic properties of materials; tions to nuclear magnetic resonance the next generation of silicon-based John Roy Sambles (University of (NMR) spectroscopy, through which components. She is developing an elec- Exeter) for his experimental studies of NMR has become an analytical tool for trical engineering course on vertical the optical properties of thin films and solid materials. devices, an instructional videotape for interfaces; 846 www.mrs.org/publications/bulletin MRS BULLETIN/NOVEMBER 2002.
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