WWF aims to conserve nature and ecological processes by FACT OR FICTION Fact • preserving genetic, species, and A Review of the Hydrovia Paraguay-Paraná Official Studies Full Report and Executive Summary ecosystem diversity; or Fiction: • ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable both now and in the longer term, for the benefit of all life on Earth; ReviewA of the Hydrovia Paraguay-Paraná Official Studies • promoting actions to reduce, to a minimum, pollution and the wasteful exploitation and consumption of resources and energy. WWF’s ultimate goal is to stop, and eventually reverse, the accelerating degradation of our planet’s natural environment, and to help build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature – is the world’s largest and most experienced independent conservation organization. It has 4.7 million regular supporters and a global network active in 96 countries. WWF is known as World Wildlife Fund in Canada and the United States of America. Huszar, P., Petermann P., Leite A., Resende E., Schnack E., Schneider E., Francesco F., Rast G., Schnack J., Wasson J., WWF NETWORK Garcia Lozano L., Dantas M., Obrdlik P., Pedroni R. (1999). Fact or Fiction: A Review of the Hydrovia Paraguay‑Paraná Official Studies.Toronto, Canada. World Wildlife Fund/World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). 217 pp. International Secretariat 26 Filellinon Street, Ulriksdals Slott, 170 71 Soma Produced and published by World Wildlife Fund/World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), with co-operation from WWF 10558 Athens Tel.: + 46 8 624 7400 Auen-Institut (Institute for Floodplains Ecology), Rastatt, Germany. WWF INTERNATIONAL Tel.: +30 1 331 4893 Avenue du Mont-Blanc WWF SWITZERLAND Additional copies of this report can be ordered for U.S. $15.00 by writing to WWF in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland WWF HONG KONG Postfach, 8010 Zürich Canada, Germany, or the United States. Copies of the Executive Summary can also be ordered for U.S. $5.00. 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NIGERIAN Phone: + 49 72 22 38 07 Fax: +541 331 3631 245 Eglinton Avenue East, CONSERVATION Fax: + 49 72 22 38 99 E-mail: [email protected] Suite 410 WWF NEW ZEALAND FOUNDATION E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, Ontario M4P 3J1 Tel.: + 1 416 489-8800 PO Box 6237, Wellington PO BOX 74 638, VICTORIA Tel.: + 64 44 99 2930 ISLAND, LAGOS Cover Photos: (top) Wattled jacana (Jacana jacana): André LeiteIWWF Canada; (middle) Paraguay River close to WWF DENMARK TEL.: + 234 1 269 4021 Descalvado, Brazil: André Leite/WWF Canada; (bottom left) Barge north of Corumbá, Brazil: André Leite/WWF Canada; Ryesgade 3 F WWF NORWAY (bottom right) Spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus): André LeiteIWWF Canada. 2200 Copenhagen N Postboks 6784, St Olavs plass PHILIPPINES. KKP Tel.: +45 35 36 36 35 0130 Oslo 9 Malingap St Tel.: + 47 22 20 37 77 Teacher’s Village, Diliman Back Cover Photos: (clockwise from top) Woman selling fish in Corumbá, Brazil: André Leite/WWF Canada; Jabiru stork WWF FINLAND Quezon City 1101 (Jabiru mycteria): André Leite/WWF Canada; Rufescent tiger‑heron (Tigrisoma lineatum): André Leite/WWF Canada; WWF PAKISTAN Lintulahdenkatu 10, 00500 Tel.: +63 2 433 3220 Barge near Puerto Esperanza, Brazil: André Leite/WWF Canada; Fishermen, Aunción, Paraguay: André Leite/WWF PO Box 5180, Ferozepus Road Helsinki 50 Canada; Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus): André Leite/WWF Canada; Fresh and salt water lakes in the Pantanal of Lahore 54600 TURKEY. DHKD Tel.: + 358 9 774 0100 Nhecolândia, Brazil: André Leite/WWF Canada; Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): André LeiteIWWF Canada; Tel.: + 92 42 586 2359 PK 18, Bebek 80810, Istanbul Tel.: + 90 212 279 0139 Dredge operating on the Tamengo Channel, Bolivia: André Leite/WWF Canada. WWF FRANCE WWF SOUTH AFRICA 151, Boulevard de la Reine PO Box 456, Stellenbosch 7599 VENEZUELA. FUDENA 78000 Versailles Cover design by André Leite, WWF Canada Tel.: + 27 21 887 2801 Apartado Postal 70376, Tel.: + 33 1 39 24 24 24 Caracas 1071-A WWF SPAIN Tel.: +58 2 238 2930 WWF GERMANY ADENA, Santa Engracia 6 Hedderichstrasse 110, 60591 28010 Madrid Frankfurt a/M Tel.: + 34 1 308 23 09 Tel.: +49 69 60 50 030 WWF SWEDEN WWF GREECE A REVIEW OF THE HYDROVIA PARAGUAY-PARANÁ OFFICIAL STUDIES WWF Report Co-ordinator: André Leite REVIEW AND CRITIQUE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Scientific Panel Co-ordinator: Peter Petermann Scientific Panel: Dr. Mário Dantas Prof. Fernando O. de Francesco Dr. Luis Carlos Garcia Lozano Dr. Petr Obrdlik Raul M. Pedroni Georg Rast Dr. Emiko Kawakami de Resende Dr. Enrique Schnack Dr. Juan Alberto Schnack Dr. Erika Schneider Dr. Jean-Gabriel Wasson Contributions from: Helmut Friedrich André Leite Dr. Guy Morrison Dr. Arnildo Pott Dr. Edith Wenger REVIEW AND CRITIQUE OF THE ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY: Dr. Paul Huszar Contributions from: Sigrid Andersen André Leite ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people contributed to the writing of this Executive Summary and full report which are products of World Wildlife Fund/World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The authors are thanked for their excellent contributions as well as their co-operation in reviewing this document. Special thanks go to WWF Netherlands, WWF Germany, WWF United Kingdom, WWF Sweden, WWF Austria, and WWF Canada for providing funding over the course of the elaboration of this report. The WWF Bolivia Program Office, WWF-Brazil, and the WWF associate, Fundación Vida Silvestre, Argen- tina, are also thanked for providing technical support. Special recognition and thanks are given to the editors: Steven Price, Carol Miller, Karen Rosborough, and Judi Levita of WWF Canada, Robyn Varey, consultant, Canada, and Elena Anzalone, consultant, Canada. I am truly grateful to many additional people who provided data and support of various kinds: Major Angelo Rabelo, Secretary of Environment and Tourism of Corumbá, Brazil; Cleusa Gomes, Ministry of Environmental, Brazil; Dr. Enrique Bucher, University of Cordoba, Argentina; Dr. Gonzalo Castro, World Bank, U.S.; Mauricio Galinkin, Fundação CEBRAC, Brazil; Deborah Moore, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), U.S.; Ricardo dos Santos, NAVEMAR, Paraguay; Miguel Aguirre, Central Aguirre, Bolivia; Luiz Garcia, Ministry of Transportation, Brazil; Maria Luiza Viotti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil; Dr. Otto Solbrig, Havard University, U.S.; Dr. Tome Smits, Ministry of Transportation, The Netherlands; Mauri Pereira, COINTA, Brazil; Marko Ehrlich, 1DB, U.S.; Orlando San Martin, NORPLAN, Norway; Dr. Stephen Hamilton, Michigan State University, U.S.; Thomas Dune, University of California, U.S.; Dr. Timothy Killeen, Noel Kempf Museum, Bolivia; Ines do Nascimento, CEMAVE-IBAMA, Brazil; Pablo Canevari, UNEP/CMS, Germany; Elias Diaz Pefla, Sobrevivencia, Paraguay; and Lineu Rondon, Aquidauana, Brazil. André Leite, M.A. Director, Hydrovia Paraguay-Paraná Campaign and Report Co-ordinator World Wildlife Fund Canada ii CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART I BACKGROUND 1 PART II THE HYDROVIA PARAGUAY-PARANÁ PROJECT 6 2.1 Goals for the Improvement of the Paraguay-Paraná River System 6 2.2 Description of the Hydrovia Paraguay-Paraná Project 6 PART III REVIEW AND CRITIQUE OF THE HYDROVIA PARAGUAY- PARANÁ ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY 9 3.1 Evaluations of the Scenarios 9 3.2 Measurement and Calculation of Errors 11 3.3 Benefits of Reduced Transportation Costs 14 3.4 Displacement by Increased Soybean Production 14 3.5 Distribution by Country 14 3.6 Distribution of Benefits and Costs 15 PART IV REVIEW AND CRITIQUE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) OF THE HYDROVIA PARAGUAY-PARANÁ
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