·.. ' • 1'•• '"!-, 1.-' • WAKE FOREST COLLEGE - - . - ~ ji_ 195~ Beware~ Reader, '• ...... '·1· RY· April Ft1ol's :Pay . lUi ~p 8 Baseball Teams Meet Here Today Com~· Tomorrow n In Dixie Classic PAGE NINE ' PAGE 81~ .VOJ.UMK XLlU *··* Wake FDRBt College. Wins&on-Sale~ North C~ Monday, Mardl31, 1958 * NUMBER 23 ·a de .~eolleg··<et· ; . ·.·: . • . '· _. ,. .·. ~· ~ ·, Uriitedl I ' ....... Political·• Parties Are Born; ~$2.95. - 22.50 Old System Collapses After Seven Years r~!?Oup Z.95up BOth·· NeW ·Vnits 8 Groups Unite, ~.9Sup 1.9SU:p View Cai'IJPdigris ·Others Join Up rk.' 4-0914 I [T. oods g 'Twisted Foot' Case ·' Moot Trials Will Open •Charlie Horne, Shelby -junior, of Medicine student turned will moan to a moot court jury authoress, for a scratch received wihile digging in a flower bed. e.oout his twisted foot here tomor­ . row night, and the juey will decide The doctor supposedly gave the whether Horne can put the blame on Harold 1t~oore, College Director of Buildings and Grounds. Aquatics Club Moore, Horne will charge, im­ . properly repaired a ·car which stalled on a railroad track in front To Pick Queen . '• J of an oncoming train. Horne and Jeri Jolley, driver of the 'car, The Maritimers Aquaties Club has . set the date for its ann1,1al jumped free before the train ar­ Lawyers Plan J swim show as April 11 and 12, rived but twisted his foot in the when ."Calendar Carnival" will be process: presented in the Rey;nolda Gym­ 'Day" April 26 The trial, put. on by third~year nasium swimming pool. studettta in 1ihe College School -of Chief Justice J. Wallace Win­ Two shows will be given Friday, borne of the Superior Court <Jf Law, will begin at 6:30 p. m. in April 11, beginning at 7:30 p. m. the oourtroom i:lf the law building. North Carolina will hf, the featured and 9 p. m. The one performance speaker at the annual Law Day Professors, townspeople and other given Saturday, April 12, will be­ students will take part in the trial ~1ere April ~6. gin at 8 p.m. Plans for the program were an­ and ser-Ve as members of the jury. In co~ection with the event, the •Doctor' To Testify nounced by Law School Dean Car­ club is sponsoring·a.Miss Maritim­ roll W. Weathers and Napoieon B. Assisting Moore in ihis testi­ er contest, the winner to be decided Barefoot of Wilmington, president mony against Horne will be Cecil ·hy a vote of the spectators during of the Student Bar Association. the show. Crayton. Gray Lawson, pretending Invitations will be mailed to to be a. doctor, will testify aoout· Entra~ts so 4'ar are Janette Wal­ Grades Available more than 1,100 law alumni. Also, the extent of Horn's injuries. lace, Delta Sig.na Phi; Linda Kin­ Students can pick up their mid­ lawyers in Winston-Salem and sur­ Attomeys for the plaintiff will , law, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Mrs. Bet­ semester grades Wednesday, the rounding towns are in;ited to the be law students Charlie Casper tye Sue Knott McCurry, Kappa Re,gistrar's Office has announced. seminar which begins at 10:30 a. Alpha; Ann Hedgepeth, Kappa and Ed David. Defending the J uniora and seniors can get their m. The seminar will be conducted mecJh;an.ie will be law students Sigma; Janet Crutchfield, Theta grades from the Registrar's Office by Gilbert T. Stephenson of Pen­ Chi; Carol Jean Stuart, Alpha Sig. Harold_ Wilson and Frank .Wyatt. and freshmen and sophomores dleton, former director of the Gra­ ma Phi, and Leah Lee, Sigma Chi. must see their advisers for theirs, duate School of Banking of the April 11 another damage· suit . Any fraternity or independent will be brought before moot court Registrar .Grady Patteroon said American Bankers . Asesociation group can sponsor an entrant, a last week. and a national authority on trusts officials. A medka.l student posing Maritimers' spokesman has said. A The registrar will distribute and wills; Leon L. Rice, Winston­ ·as a housewife-author will sue loving cup will be. presented to "DOES IT Jerri helps grades during regular office hours Salem attor-ney; and Archie Car­ "Dr." George Kimberly for $60-· HURT, CHARLIE!" asks coed Jolly as she the winner. 769.89. Charlie Horn bandage his foot; Charli~ is suing a ;gVage mechanic from 8:30 to 12:30 a.m. and from roll, Charlotte, attorney and state Patty Faires, coed sp-onsored by 1:30 to 5 p. m. The individual ad­ general agent for the New England K:i~rly . treated Ann Rae in Wake Forest Superior Moot Court tomorrow night for causing. the Lambda Chi Alpha, was last year's injury. ({trigg Photo)· visers will set the hours for dis­ Mutual Life Insurance Company. 'lbomas, the Bowman Gray School Miss Maritimer. tributing grades. I . (Cqntinued on page 5) .·: ./ \ < PAGE TWO Monday, March 31, 1958 OLD GOLD AND BLACK Virginians Religion Prof's Book ....,...JuiCy Steaks~'--- WiD Sing, . ' \ .. DINE AND DANCE AT ' To Be Published ... ln. Chapel MoUntain SpringS tu A book ·written by Dr. G. M.c- The author said W.ednesday A 46-voice a capella choir from . , _ .. .. ,,. Leod Bryan of the CDllege religion that he does not know when his '8.'1; department has been accepted for work will be ready for sale or Shenandoah Co!l.Servatory of Mus- t ~1 ic :tn Dayton, Va., will entertain ,' .. ~'ESlAURANT · ·.. o< ••••• publication by the J olm Knox what the selling price will be. He the chapel. ;audience Tuesday. _ _ .ali Press in Richmond, Va., the. pro- said that plans now call for 5.000 fessor learned recently. copies to be printed. fromThe thechoir Mozart will singand excerptsBraihms "-::::::::::::::::===================~- eli The book, "Christ-Imitators," "Requiems" "Song of · Solomon" fi, ·!has been a lifetime project -of the and a Negj.o :spiritual, '~Who'll Be 'eel author. In it, he said, "I have a Witness." . TJ chosen 40 examples of people who The "Song-of Solomon" arrange­ BEST .IN TAILORING· ·'in !have imitated Christ throughout Firms Set ment was written for the Shenan­ YE the 20 centuries of Christian his­ doah Concert Choir by John Knox, it tory!' an instructor in the Conservatory. ' Job Talks lit He has characterized the 40 It features soprano and bari~ne people and has included excerpts Harry $outlleflall~ CIO soloists and narrated verses from :from their original writings. Both Three diff.erent business organi­ the Bible. · , he zati.gns will send representatives · Made. To Measure Clo.thea BD an intent to imitate Oh.rist, a.s Thursday Dr. Claude Bowen, ~. evidenced by their writings, a.nd to the Col.Jege to recruit new per­ pastor of the First Baptist Churcll · All:er&tic;-· . tic an effort to carry out the intent sonnel during .Ap):'il, the College of Greensboro,• will speak in chapel were required before characters Placement Office bas a.nnounced. be services. A vice president of the 624 w. 4th· S&. P.k 2·2013 could •be included in the book, he T!b.ese will b e the 1 a s t "re­ W4 said. cruiters" to visit the campus this Baptista nominee State for Convention, the o:ffice ofhe pres!.- was ':::::::::::::::::::::::·::::::::::::::::::::::::=::=::_ th To Begin In June year, for April is the last month dent e.t the last convention. pr Printing of the book will begin for employee-seeking here. June 15. Tbe author finished The first two interviews have writing it several-years ago. He been t~et for April 16. '11he YWCA Easley Named BOBBITTS said he ihad entertained the idea will have r-epresenatives here then ~ College Pharmac;y for a long time beforehand but he to se':rch fo_r gradua.ting coe~s ~ 1n • •' did not seriously begin gathering who wlll receive A .. B. de~rees District Veep Cor. Hawthorne & 'Lockland material until around 1945. J~ne. The academic_ tna.JOIIS or 2 000 ·Smgers Dr. J. Allen Easle~, acting dean Phone PA 3-1867 Winston-Salem. ' . N.C. Bryan's doctoral dissertation at mmors Wlth fav_or by '. of tale Wake Forest School of - looke~1 upo~ EASTEB. CANDIES - Yale University in 1948 was done th~ .YWCA ?-terVlewers wlll. be ~ Religion, is the new vice president) Prescriptions ' Cosme·ll.CS on the "Christ-imitators" of the reh~on,. phllosphy, educatio~. Ch oz·• .... 0 Yl•zszt • B en~ of tihe southern section of the English Revolutionary Period, SOCial SCJe?-ces, •health and pby&- • 84 .:::; National Association of Biblical Gifts from 1648 to 1688. cal education. · Instructors. Party Supplies In his research, he used the On the ~me day, the Jefferson Around 2,000 Baptist singers Rehearsals will he held Satur- Dr. Easley was elecled last ·---------------~-------------_. libraries of Union Theological S'?ndard Life Insur~ce Company will converge on the campus April day ~orn~ng: Ap!il . 1~, _an~ the j Monday at the annual meeting of Seminary and the Universities of will send repr~senatives. :to the 12 for the western half of the combmed ch01rs Will JOlll m a· con- the Association. Four other pro- .------------------------....,;;......., Princeton, Yale, Duke and Har- Pla~emen~ Office ~ 0 mter~ew state's Baptist Choir Festival. cert Saturday afternoon, tO be fessors from the religion depart- vard. semors . mterested m becoming The singers_ will be members -of held in Wait Chapel. ment accompanied him to the Includes Milton s~;::a~~~· interviewers will come junior, intermediate and senior The event is ,the second of its meeting, held at Morehouse Col- Why Don"t. You Let So~e _of the mo;e f~mous m~n Ihere April 21 from Montgomery choirs of Baptist churches.
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