Initial Environment Examination Project Number: 41614-035 July 2017 IND: Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program - Tranche 3 Submitted by Assam Power Distribution Company Limited, Guwahati This report has been submitted to ADB by the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited, Guwahati and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Public Communications Policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This report is an updated version of the IEE report posted in August 2011 available on https://www.adb.org/projects/docu ments/assam-power-sector-enhancement-investment- program-tranche-3-0. This updated initial environment examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Updated Initial Environmental Examination June 2017 India: Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program – Tranche 3 Prepared by Assam State Electricity Board for the Asian Development Bank The initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 15 May 2011) Currency Unit – Indian Rupees $1.00 = INR 43.45 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank ADEF - Assam Department of Environment and Forests APCB - Assam Pollution Control Board APDCL - Assam Power Distribution Company Limited APs - Affected People ASEB - Assam State Electricity Board EA - Executing Agency ESMU - Environment and Social Management Unit EMP - Environmental Management Plan GHG - Greenhouse gas GoA - Government of Assam GWh - Gigawatt-hour GoI - Government of India HVDS - high voltage distribution system IA - Implementing Agency IEE - Initial Environmental Examination PMU - Project Management Unit ROW - Right-of-Way SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement SS - Substation TA - Technical Assistance T/L - Transmission Line WEIGHTS AND MEASURES m - Meter cm - centimeter km - kilometer ha - hectare MVA - megavolt-ampere kV - kilovolt (1,000 volts) MW - megawatt mm - millimeter C - degree Celsius 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.0 POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 4 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 5 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 9 Location of Assam 9 Physical Resources 9 Atmosphere 9 Topography and Soil 9 Surface Water Resources 10 Groundwater Resources 10 Geology and Seismology 10 Ecological Resources 11 Forests 11 Flora and Fauna 12 Socioeconomic and Cultural Environment 12 5.0 SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 13 Environmental Effects due to Project Location and Design 13 Environmental Effects during Construction 14 Environmental Effects during Operation 15 6.0 INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN 15 Institutional Requirements 15 Environmental Management Plan 16 7.0 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 24 8.0 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 26 9.0 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION 27 10.0 CONCLUSIONS 27 List of Annexes Annex 1 Description of Substations 28 Annex 2 List of Participants during Field Consultation 36 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Government of Assam (GoA), through the Government of India (GoI, the Borrower) has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for a loan funding through the Multi- tranche Financing Facility (MFF) which was approved on 18 November 2009. The Government of Assam and the Assam State Electricity Board (ASEB) are the Executing Agencies for the MFF and this is Tranche 3 drawn from the MFF. GoA has unbundled ASEB into three companies: Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGCL), Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Limited (AEGCL) and Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL). The APDCL will be the Implementing Agency (IA) for Tranche 3. The investments to be supported by ADB will (i) facilitate increased power transfers to accommodate increased demand and economic growth; peak demand is projected to increase from the current 848 megawatts (MW) to 1,443 MW, and total energy demand will increase from current 4398 gigawatt-hours (GWh) by 2012; (ii) improve supply-side energy efficiency by removing system bottlenecks and reducing technical losses; (iii) reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) and other emissions through an improved system efficiency; (iv) support expanded private sector participation in distribution system operations and energy services; and (v) facilitate poverty reduction through an improved electricity services and economic growth. An environmental assessment and review framework (EARF) was prepared during Tranche 1 and is applicable for any investment that will be financed through the MFF which includes Tranche 3. The EARF provides for the policy requirements, procedures, and institutional arrangements relevant for all the tranches. As the Executing Agency, ASEB is in-charge of preparing the applicable environmental assessments corresponding to the environment category of the project and in getting the approval of ADB before project implementation. The subprojects identified in Tranche 3 are classified as Environment Category B based on their potential environmental impacts as indicated in ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS 2009). For Category B, an initial environmental examination (IEE) is required. Thus, this IEE was prepared following the SPS 2009, EARF, and the format given in the Environment Assessment Guidelines (2003) of ADB. This report is proposed as “Updated IEE Report” to the ADB - approved original IEE report on account of change in scope of length of new associated 11 KV lines from 299 km (Appox.300 km) to 293.7 km and shifting of two substation sites from Nehru Stadium to Kahilipara and from Dharapur to Bijoy Nagar. Addendum IEE for both the substations has already been prepared and approved by ADB in January 2017. 2.0 POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK The major acts and rules which are relevant to the subproject activities are: The Electricity Act (1910) and its Amendments (2004) and (2007) and the Electricity Rule (1956) and its Amendments (2000); The Indian Telegraphic Act (1885) and its Amendments (2003); The Environment Protection Act (1986); The Forest (Conservation) Act (1980) and Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and its Amendments (1984). Some of the policies of high relevance are: The National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy (2007), and The National Environment Policy (2006). Clearance under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and Environmental Impact Assessment Notification 2006 On 14 September 2006, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) has declared that power transmission projects are exempted from environmental clearance requirements as indicated in the Notification in the Gazette of India, Extra-ordinary part II, and Section 3, sub- section (II) as these interventions are considered as non-polluting. 4 Clearance under the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 The Forest Act provides guidance on the right-of-way (ROW) and tree cutting. Where routing of transmission lines through the forest areas cannot be avoided, these should be aligned in such a way that it involves the least amount of tree cutting. The maximum width of ROW for transmission lines on forest land is given in Table 2.1. Below each conductor, a width clearance of 3 meters (m) would be permitted for the movement of tension stringing equipment. The trees on such strips would have to be felled but after stringing work is completed, the natural vegetation will be allowed to regenerate. Felling/pollarding/pruning of trees will be done with the permission of the local forest officer whenever necessary to maintain the electrical clearance. One outer strip shall be left clear to permit maintenance of the transmission line. Table 2.1 Description of Right-of-Way of Transmission Lines in Forest Areas Transmission Voltage, kV Width of ROW, meter 11 7 33 15 66 18 110 22 132 27 220 35 400 52 800 85 Source: IS 5613 and MoEF Guidelines In line with the national goal, GoA manages their forest resources pursuant to the Forest Act which provides for the mechanism to protect its rich forests, biodiversity and natural heritage and resources. The Act permits only unavoidable use of forest land for various development purposes. It embodies the firm commitment of GoA and the Assam Department of Environment and Forests (ADEF) to balance the conservation of forests with the sustainable developmental need of the society contributing to better environment, health and economy. The Forest Act is regulatory in nature and not prohibitory, and provides a built-in mitigation process for cases where forest access is unavoidable. Project proponents request the use of forest land to MoEF and/or ADEF. ADEF reviews the request, and if granted, the project proponent pays user fees to ADEF. The fees are used for afforestation and reforestation in other areas. 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The subprojects included in Tranche 3 are as follows: Access to Power The distribution component includes: 1) construction of 29 new 33/11 kV substations, 2) augmentation of 14 existing 33/11 kV substations, 3) Construction of new. 289.3 km1 of 33 kV sub transmission lines, 4) upgrade of approx. 331 km2 of 33 kV sub transmission lines, and 5) Construction of 293.7 km3 of new 11 kV distribution lines. A brief description and distribution of the subprojects given above are presented in Table 3.1 While Figure 3.1 shows the location of the proposed substations. 1 As per Original IEE Report (August 2011) the length of new associated 33 KV lines was also 289.3 km and the same has been approximated as 290 km 2 As per original IEE Report (August 2011) the length of 33 KV lines for system strengthening was approximately 340 km.
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