Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 85813 fHigh td-9:2lpm Partly cloudy. Low tide--l1:5Bpm Thunderstorms. SunkLe--- 6:31am Winds SE 10-15 7 SUPLst ---- :25pm kts. Bay con- Hi~gh-- 66 ditions 1-3 ft. Low---70 The Navy' only Thote-baed daity Vol. 32, No. 86 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Tuesday, May 3, 1977 Vienna Mondale to meet with Vorster South Africa's Prime Minister John SCHOLARS Vorster. Vorster has said South Africa would not succumb to external pres- sures to push Rhodesia into accept- ing an Anglo-American plan for black majority rule. But since then British Foreign Secy. David Owen has toured Southern Africa. Togeth- er with U.S. officials, Owen is trying to arrange a Rhodesia confer- ence. The Vienna talks will also deal with Namibia, the predominantly black territory controlled by South -m mi wMa m Africa. The Carter administration WASHINGTON (AP)--Pres. Carter is is encouraging South Africa to re- stepping up his effort in support linquish control of Namibia, which of black rule in Rhodesia. is held in defiance of the United The administration is sending Nations. The Vorster government Vice Pres. Walter Mondale to Vienna already has taken some steps toward SCHLARS BOWL: Frank Andrews, principal of W.T. Sampson High Schcol, later this month for talks with eventual independence. reads a question for members of the junior and senior classes partici- pating in the Scholars Bowl last night. The juniors won 180-155. They are, in the front row from left, Barton Branscum, Darrell Wentworth, Nixon attorneys ask for retraction Shawna Murphy, and captain Michael Fox. Senior members, from left, are Ken Wiseman, Bobby Wood, Ann Hanon, and captain Alberto Alexander. (Photo WASHINGTON (AP)--Former Press. interviews, Nixon was "alternately by FLTAVCENCARIB) Richard Nixon' s attorneys have asked haughty, patronizing, incisive, the Washington Post to retract the rambling, peevish, and finally, sub- lead in Sunday's edition. dued." Smith speaks on British-U.S. initiative A Nixon aide says the story is un- true and the tape transcript on which Base schedules power called for the armed forces to stay it is based made no reference to in white hands during a pre-majority hush money. The story claims Nixon outage Thursday rule interim period, something on was aware in January 1973 of hush which Smith insisted but which the money being sought to buy the silence There will be a power outage nationalists rejected. of the Watergate burglars. Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The new British-American initia- The newspaper quoted from a trans- which will affect all quarters and tive is aimed at staging a confer- cript of a conversation Nixon had other facilities in the following ence at which a constitution for with aide Charles Colson Jan. 8, areas: Caravela Point and Circle, Rhodesia under majority rule would 1973. Nixon has maintained he first East, West and Center Bargo, be drafted before a transfer of learned of the requests for the hush Granadillo Point and Circle, power. money from White House counsel John Villam: r housing, swimming pool Smith said the hardline Patriotic Dean at a meeting in the Oval Office and snack shack, Water Plant No. 3, Front, led jointly by Joshua Nkomo March 21, 1973. The story says the Nob Hill, ITT transmitter site, and Robert Mugabe, "went to Geneva March date became Nixon's principal rock crusher and shaker areas, (in October) determined to wreck line of defense in rebutting charges Northeast Gate, Veterinary Clinic SALISBURY (UPI)--Prime Minister that conference. that he was aware of the Watergate and Family Corral. Ian Smith said yesterday the cur- cover-up earlier than March 21. Purpose of the outage is for the rent British-American initiative to Leaders lectured on Meanwhile, details of Nixon's up- contractor to complete maintenance bring majority rule to Rhodesia coming broadcast with interviewer work on the main station transmit- has even less chance of success David Frost continued to leak out. ter. than its ill-fated predecessor. balancing budget Newsweek reports that Nixon "seems Everyone is reminded to pack per- "As in the past, I find that an on the verge of tears, a tragic fig- ishable food items during the power atmosphere of euphoria is prevalent WASHINGTON (UPI)--Congressional ure" when confronted by Frost with outage in coolers and keep refrig- in certain quarters over the new leaders got a lecture on balancing self-incriminating remarks from White erators and freezers closed, as initiative," he told a news confer- the budget yesterday from Pres. House tapes. this will greatly reduce the risk ence. Carter. Time Magazine says, during the of food spoilage. "Let me warn Rhodesians not to Carter opened a meeting of about jump to conclusions. We have less 70 members of Congress, his cabinet on which to pin our faith now than and other top administration aides, we had after the Kissinger agree- telling them he intends to have a ment." balanced budget by 1981. Carter Stores fire-bombed in Northern Ireland The agreement reached between spoke of the need for greater com- Smith and former Secy. of State munication between the executive BELFAST (AP)--Several stores were per cent of Northern Ireland's work- Henry A. Kissinger provided for an and legislative branches, especial- fire-bombed in Northern Ireland be- ers are against the strike. And 53 interim government to be set up ly when it comes to spending money fore dawn today as militant Protest- per cent expected there will be ef- during a conference with black for welfare. ants launched a nationwide general forts to keep them away from their nationalists. A few hours later, Carter called strike. jobs. The plan foundered because it for a complete scrapping of the A powerful bomb on the outskirts current welfare system. The Presi- of Belfast ripped out railroad dent wants to implement a 12-point tracks on the Belfast to Bangor GITMO IS FOR program for welfare reform, keying line. It's not known if the bomb- it on a formula to put two-million ings were the work of Protestant THE LITTLE THINGS unemployed people to work, mostly strikers trying to scare other in public service jobs. workers from going to their jobs or Carter said he wants to rebuild Irish Republican Army guerrillas. the welfare system so that persons Otherwise, the early hours of who are able to work are provided the strike were quiet. Belfast jobs, and those who are disabled streets were deserted and there were still receive an adequate income. no roadblocks, which the strikers Carter hopes to provide legisla- had vowed to set up to bar others tion for Congress to consider by from going to work. August. Officials say the full impact of the strike would not be felt until U.S. to open talks this morning when workers normally report to their jobs. A Protestant initiated walkout in 1974 paralyzed with Vietnam today Northern Ireland. PARIS (UPI)--The United States The British government has rein- and Vietnam open talks today on forced its security units and warned establishing diplomatic relations it will block any strongarm tactics with the United States holding an by the strikers. apparent edge in the bargaining. A Protestant spokesman citing the At issue are U.S. demands for recent influx of British troops in Hanoi's help in tracing 800 Ameri- Ulster says Britain appears to be cans missing in the Indochina war, preparing for a bloodbath. all of whom are believed dead, and A poll commissioned by the British Vietnamese demands for substantial Broadcasting Corporation says 73 . American aid. Guantanamo Gazette PaIge 2 Tuesday, May 3, 1977 Today's meeting L- Tomorrow's meetings Tr- CITMO BAY BRIDGE CLUB meets at CATHOLIC CHOIR PRACTICE will be 7 p.m. at the COMO Club. Call Jim held in the base chapel at 8:00 p.m. Cossey at 85149 AWH. The club is Anyone interested is encouraged to open to all base residents. * community attend. GITMO COIN CLUB meets in quonset hut 1817 behind the old elementary school Bulletin at 7:30 p.m. For more information call Lou Prosser at 90172 or Carl WATER STATUS Harvey at 952243. YESTERDAY'S FIGURES Board ALATEEN MEETS at 7 p.m. For more TARGET CONSUMPTION: 1,350,0001 information call 90269 AT. ACTUAL CONSUMPTION: 1,378,000 ' TOTAL IN STORAGE: 15,210,000 Takestockin America. Buy US. Savings Bonds. Clubs and Organizations CARIBBEAN ARTS AND CRAFTS ASSN. Special notices W.T. SAMPSON H. S. CLOSED RACQUET CLUB The Caribbean Arts and Crafts The W.T. Sampson High School, Association will sponsor a beginning FUMIGATION CHAMBER grades, 7-12 will be closed Friday The Guantanamo Bay Racquet Club water class Tuesday mornings starting for an in-service day meeting. The nominating committee has been selec- June 2 from 9:30 til 11:30 a.m. Articles that were left at the elementary and nursery school will ted and is currently constructing The classes will last for eight weeks fumigation chamber last Friday may not be affected. a slate of nominees for the upcoming and the cost is $20 plus $20 for not be picked up until this Friday, election of officers. Any club supplies. A deposit of $20 is due to problems with the fumigation NURSERY SCHOOL member who wishes to make suggestions required by today. Call Margaret chamber. to the committee is asked to contact Huddy at 85632 for information and Nursery School tuition payments Diane Gottlieb at 952250 or Charlotte registration. LIVE FIRING for the month of May will be accept- Godsey at 85728 before 6 p.m.
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