嘉嘉道道理理農農場場暨暨植植物物園園 動動物物分分類類單單元元名名錄錄二二零零零零五五 KKaaddoooorriiee FFaarrmm && BBoottaanniicc GGaarrddeenn 22000055 FFaauunnaa CChheecckklliisstt Key to checklist symbols 符號提示 嘉道理農場暨植物園 嘉道理農場暨植物園 KFBG distribution 在農場的分佈 動動物物分分類類單單元元名名錄錄二二零零零零五五 ■ lower KFBG 低部找到 ■ mid KFBG 中部找到 ■ upper KFBG 上部找到 ■ Kadoorie Agricultural Reserch Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Centre 理農業研究所找到 □ not recorded 不在農場 22000055 FFaauunnaa CChheecckklliisstt KFBG Status 在農場的狀況 rare 罕有 uncommon 不常見 甘狄克 編 common 常見 abundant 大量 Edited by Dr. Roger C. KENDRICK HK Distribution 在香港的分佈 except birds 除了鳥類 z widespread 廣泛 } local 局部 restricted 局限 HK status 在香港的狀況 Bird list only 只供鳥類 First Edition: April 2005 第一版 二零零五年四月 E exotic 外來種 R resident 留鳥 Produced by 製作 S summer visitor 夏候鳥 Fauna Conservation Department, 嘉 道 理 農 場 暨 植 物 園, 動物保育部 V vagrant 迷鳥 Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation W winter visitor 冬候鳥 PM passage migrant Printed by 印刷 過境遷后鳥 RIB Int’l Ltd., Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong 助國際有限公司﹐九龍灣﹐香港 OV occasional visitor 后鳥 * breeding proven in HK Front Cover Photo Credits 在港繁殖 上 top row 左 left 波 紋 蛾 Peach Blossom Moth, Thyatira batis. R.C. Kendrick (© KFBG) 右 right 彩 蛺 蝶 The Vagrant Butterfly, Vagrans egista sinha. Tsang Tak Man (© retained) 下 bottom row 左 left 香 港 瘰 螈 Hong Kong Newt, Paramesotriton hongkongensis. G.W.J. Ades (© retained) 左中 centre-left 山 烙 鐵 頭 Mountain Pit Viper, Ovophis monticola makazayazaya. M.W.N. Lau (© retained) 右中 centre-right 栗 胸 磯 鶇 Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush, Monticola rufiventris. M. Kilburn (© retained) 右 right 穿 山 甲 Chinese Pangolin, Manis pentadactyla. G.W.J. Ades (© KFBG) Contents 目錄 Introduction 前言 . 3 Birds 鳥類 . 4 Mammals 哺乳類 . 6 Amphibians & Reptiles 爬蟲及兩棲類 . 7 Freshwater Fish 淡水魚 . 8 Moths 飛蛾 . 8 Butterflies 蝴蝶 . 26 Rove Beetles 隱翅蟲 . 29 Introduction 前言 This checklist is an expansion upon the first published 嘉道理農場暨植物園內發現的本土動物名錄首先 list of native fauna found at Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (KFBG), that appeared in the 1994/5 KFBG annual 在一九九五年的年報發表,本名錄是其延續。名錄中 report. The list updates the faunal groups covered in 1995 除了更新一九九五年的資料,還加插了自一九九九年 and adds moths, which have been the subject of regular recording since 1999, and rove beetles, which were 開始有固定記錄的飛蛾及一九九六至九七年記綠的隱 recorded in 1996 and 1997. Future editions of this list will 翅蟲。將來的版本會收編其他分類單元。例如甲蟲( incorporate other taxa. For example, beetle data (Zhang et 除了隱翅蟲)的資料(Zhang et al., 2004)正在籌備當 al., 2004) (other than rove beetles) is being prepared, but has not yet been made available at species level. Ant data 中,但還未可應用到種的層面。螞蟻的資料亦有相同 is in a similar state. 情況。 Species are listed in taxonomic order, following Ades & Kendrick (2004). The distribution of each species within 物種的排列是按 Ades & Kendrick(2004)的分類 KFBG is indicated by presence or abscence from the lower 次序編排。每一物種在園內的分佈(存在或不存在) (below the Raptor Sanctuary), middle (between the Raptor Sanctuary and Orchid Haven) and upper (above the Orchid 是按高度–由低(猛禽護理中心以下)、中(猛禽護理 Haven) areas of KFBG (see the map on the back cover). 中心和蘭花谷之間)和高(蘭花谷以上)–來顯示(請 For birds, this information is based on systematic surveys done since 1999; bird species not recorded during these 參閱背頁地圖)。鳥類的資料是根據從一九九九年以 surveys are listed with no KFBG distribution data. For 後的系統調查所得;從沒有在這幾次調查當中記錄的 butterflies and rove beetles, species existing at Kadoorie 鳥類品種則沒有園內的分佈資料。蝴蝶和隱翅蟲的分 Agricultural Research Centre (KARC) are also included. In addition, the distribution of each species (except for birds) 佈包括嘉道理農業研究所在內。此外,各物種在香港 in Hong Kong is indicated by the categories widespread (a 的分佈(除了鳥類)會被標明類別,如廣泛(某品種 species that has been recorded in at least four HK districts), local (recorded in one to three districts and four to ten sites) and 致少在香港四個地區有記錄)、局部(在一至三個地 restricted (recorded in three or less sites). 區及四至十個地點有記錄)和限制(在三個或以下的 An indication of how common the species are at KFBG is given. A key to the symbols used to represent these data 地點有記錄)。 is given on the in-fold of the front cover. Species are cross 名錄中的資料亦顯示各品種在園中的普遍程度。 referenced to Ades & Kendrick (2004) by inclusion of the 用來代表資料的符號註釋詳列於封面內頁。參照 Ades page number from that publication on which each species is listed. & Kendrick (2004) 的品種會在右列顯示前版頁數。 This list would not have been possible without the 沒有各職員、義工和訪客提供的記錄,這名錄是 submission of wildlife records made by KFBG staff, volunteers and visitors, to whom our gratitude is extended. 不能完成的。因此,本園對各位的協助深表感激。亦 Thanks are also extended to Drs. Michael Lau, Bosco Chan, 多謝劉惠寧博士、陳輩樂博士、艾加里博士和吳敏先 Gary Ades and Mr. Mike Kilburn for checking the vertebrate records, to Chiu Tuck Sein and Dr. Michael Lau for 生覆查脊椎動物的記錄;趙善德先生和劉惠寧博士對 commenting on format and to Ms. Cecily Law & Carmen Ng 名錄格式提供寶貴的意見及羅芝靈和伍兆欣小姐將原 for translating and typing the text into Chinese. 文翻譯和輸入成中文。 References 參考文獻 Ades, G.W.J. & Kendrick, R.C. (2004). Hong Kong Fauna: A Checklist of Selected Taxa. Fauna Conservation Department, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation, Hong Kong. 86 pp. Zhang, B.L., Zhang, Y., Liao, J., Ades, G.W.J., Lau, C.S.K. & Lu, W.H. (2004). Diversity comparisons of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) between impact flight trap and ultraviolet light trap in the secondary forest at Kadoorie Farm, Hong Kong. Biodiversity Science 12: 301-311. 嘉道理農場暨植物園動物分類單元名錄二零零五 3 KFBG Fauna Checklist 2005 CHECKLIST OF BIRDS 177 SPECIES 鳥類分類單元名錄 KFBG HK HK KFBG distribution Fauna common name 中文名 Genus & species status status lower mid upper page no. Anderson's Bulbul 黃臀鵯 Pycnonotus xanthorrhous E ? ? ? -- Collared Finchbill 綠鸚咀鵯 Spizixos semitorques E ? ? ? -- Mountain Bulbul 綠翅短腳鵯 Hypsipetes mcclellandii V □ ■ □ -- Northern Goshawk 蒼鷹 Accipiter gentilis E ? ? ? -- Little Egret 小白鷺 Egretta garzetta R* ■ □ □ 71 Chinese Pond Heron 池鷺 Ardeola bacchus R* ■ □ □ 71 Striated (Little Green) Heron 綠鷺 Butorides striatus R* □ □ ■ 71 Osprey 鶚(魚鷹) Pandion haliaetus R ? ? ? 72 Black Baza 鳳頭鵑隼 Aviceda leuphotes S* ? ? ? 72 Crested Honey Buzzard 鳳頭蜂鷹 Pernis ptilorhyncus PM ? ? ? 72 Black-winged Kite 黑翅鳶 Elanus caeruleus PM ? ? ? 72 Black Kite 鳶(麻鷹) Milvus migrans R* ■ ■ ■ 72 White-bellied Sea Eagle 白腹海鵰 Haliaeetus leucogaster R* ? ? ? 72 Crested Serpent Eagle 蛇鵰 Spilornis cheela R* □ ■ ■ 72 Grey-faced Buzzard 灰臉鵟鷹 Butastur indicus PM ? ? ? 72 Crested Goshawk 鳳頭鷹 Accipiter trivirgatus R* □ ■ ■ 72 Chinese Goshawk 赤腹鷹 Accipiter soloensis PM ? ? ? 72 Japanese Sparrowhawk 日本松雀鷹 Accipiter gularis PM W □ ■ ■ 72 Besra 松雀鷹 Accipiter virgatus R* □ □ ■ 72 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 雀鷹 Accipiter nisus W ? ? ? 72 Common Buzzard 普通鵟 Buteo buteo W ■ □ ■ 72 Imperial Eagle 白肩鵰 Aquila heliaca W ? ? ? 72 Bonelli's Eagle 白腹山鵰 Hieraaetus fasciatus R* ? ? ? 72 Common Kestrel 紅隼 Falco tinnunculus W* □ □ ■ 72 Amur Falcon 紅腳隼 Falco amurensis PM □ □ ■ 72 Eurasian Hobby 燕隼 Falco subbuteo PM ? ? ? 72 Peregrine Falcon 游隼 Falco peregrinus R* ? ? ? 72 Chinese Francolin 鷓鴣 Francolinus pintadeanus R* □ □ ■ 73 Yellow-legged Button Quail 黃腳三趾鶉 Turnix tanki PM W ? ? ? 73 Eurasian Woodcock 丘鷸 Scolopax rusticola W ? ? ? 74 Oriental Turtle Dove 山斑鳩 Streptopelia orientalis W □ ■ ■ 75 Red Turtle Dove 火斑鳩 Streptopelia tranquebarica PM W ■ ■ ■ 75 Spotted Dove 珠頸斑鳩 Streptopelia chinensis R* ■ ■ □ 75 Emerald Dove 綠背金鳩 Chalcophaps indica R □ ■ □ 75 Thick-billed pigeon 厚咀綠鳩 Treron curvirostra V ? ? ? 75 Chestnut-winged Cuckoo 紅翅鳳頭鵑 Clamator coromandus S ? ? ? 75 Large Hawk Cuckoo 鷹鵑 Hierococcyx sparverioides S* □ □ ■ 75 Hodgson’s Hawk Cuckoo 棕腹杜鵑 Cuculus fugax S □ □ ■ 75 Indian Cuckoo 四聲杜鵑 Cuculus micropterus S ? ? ? 75 Plaintive Cuckoo 八聲杜鵑 Cacomantis merulinus S* ■ □ □ 75 Common Koel 噪鵑 Eudynamys scolopacea R* ■ ■ ■ 75 Greater Coucal 褐翅鴉鵑(毛雞) Centropus sinensis R* ? ? ? 75 Lesser Coucal 小鴉鵑 Centropus bengalensis R* ? ? ? 75 Oriental Scops Owl 紅角鴞 Otus sunia W ? ? ? 75 Collared Scops Owl 領角鴞 Otus bakkamoena R* ■ ■ □ 75 Asian Barred Owlet 斑頭鵂鶹 Glaucidium cuculoides R* ■ □ □ 75 Brown Hawk Owl 鷹鴞 Ninox scutulata PM ? ? ? 75 Savanna Nightjar 林夜鷹 Caprimulgus affinis R □ □ ■ 75 Swiftlet sp. 雨燕 U □ ■ □ 75 White-throated Needletail 白喉針尾雨燕 Hirundapus caudacutus PM ? ? ? 75 Silver-backed Needletail 灰喉針尾雨燕 Hirundapus cochinchinensis PM □ □ ■ 75 Pacific Swift 白腰雨燕 Apus pacificus R PM* □ □ ■ 75 Little (House) Swift 小白腰雨燕 Apus affinis R* PM □ ■ ■ 75 Common Kingfisher 普通翠鳥 Alcedo atthis R* ■ □ □ 76 White-throated Kingfisher 白胸翡翠 Halcyon smyrnensis R* ■ □ □ 76 Black-capped Kingfisher 藍翡翠 Halcyon pileata R* ? ? ? 76 Dollarbird (Broad-billed Roller) 三寶鳥 Eurystomus orientalis PM ? ? ? 76 Great Barbet 大擬啄木鳥 Megalaima virens R* ■ ■ ■ 76 Sand Martin 灰沙燕 Riparia riparia PM ■ ■ ■ 76 Barn Swallow 家燕 Hirundo rustica S PM ■ ■ ■ 76 嘉道理農場暨植物園動物分類單元名錄二零零五 4 KFBG Fauna Checklist 2005 Red-rumped Swallow 金腰燕 Hirundo daurica PM W ■ ■ ■ 76 Asian House Martin 煙腹毛腳燕 Delichon dasypus PM ■ ■ ■ 76 Forest Wagtail 林鶺鴒 Dendronanthus indicus PM ? ? ? 76 Yellow Wagtail 黃鶺鴒 Motacilla flava PM W ■ ■ □ 76 Grey Wagtail 灰鶺鴒 Motacilla cinerea W ■ ■ ■ 76 White Wagtail 白鶺鴒 Motacilla alba W ■ □ □ 76 Richard’s Pipit 田鷚 Anthus richardi W □ □ ■ 76 Olive-backed Pipit 樹鷚 Anthus hodgsoni W □ ■ ■ 76 Upland Pipit 山鷚 Anthus sylvanus R* ? ? ? 76 Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike 暗灰鵑鵙 Coracina melaschistos W* ? ? ? 76 Grey-chinned (Grey-throated) Minivet 灰喉山椒鳥 Pericrocotus solaris R* W ■ ■ □ 76 Scarlet Minivet 赤紅山椒鳥 Pericrocotus flammeus R* ■ ■ ■ 76 Red-whiskered (Crested) Bulbul 紅耳鵯 Pycnonotus jocosus R* ■ ■ ■ 77 Chinese Bulbul 白頭鵯 Pycnonotus sinensis R* □ ■ ■ 77 Sooty-headed (Red-vented) Bulbul 白喉紅臀鵯 Pycnonotus aurigaster R* □ □ ■ 77 Chestnut Bulbul 栗背短腳鵯 Hypsipetes castanonotus R* □ ■ ■ 77 Black Bulbul 黑短腳鵯 Hypsipetes leucocephalus W □ □ ■ 77 Orange-bellied
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