14 May 1980 (~ I\ Allan Reed, As ; Pograu Officer/Design Authorization of the Accelerated Impact Program Project Paper for the Expanded Program of Lmunization (EPI)s 625-0937 John Hoekins, Director Through: Sally Sharp, Program Officer 1. Attached is the Project Paper for the Expanded Program of In­ mumLsation (EPI) AlP Project, 625-0937, for your review. There have been some changes from the PrD Incorporated in the PP related to: (1) AID/V recommendations in the PID approval message, (2) shifts in project elements on the part of the CrRM and other donors, and (3) discuesiona held during the Mission review of the first draft of the PP on 28 April 1980. Discusito of these changes follows: A. PID-approval message, STATE 76178 (attached) (I) Procurement waiver questions: (a) Lina Neuhauser, proposed project anager, haa Indicated that tbe difference between the auouat of the approved vaccine waiver and the amount bud­ geted for vaecines in the PP can be used for pro­ curoreat of vaccines in the U.S. However, Linda will have to follow-up in cotmaicating with AID/W that the EZP project will still receive ueslaes vaccines through SEDS, in spite of the AID/V assump­ tion that neaeles vaccines will no longer be needed from SEDS. (That correspondence need not hold up the authorization of this project, however.) (b) PSI) can issue a locally-authorized waiver for spare parts for vehicles and cold chaiu when those parts are more clearly identified during the course of project inplementation. (2) The PP has addressed sad clarified the following points: (a) Relationship to the Rural Medical Assistance Project (682-0202): The links betweem the mobile and fixed­ center teams and the ucomunity health workers (CHrs) trained through the RMA projec toi explained on pages 5 a d 24 of the PP. The vaccination teasa will be able to provide supervision and technical support needed by the CHWs while the RHA project will be able to assist with meongraphic and epidemiology data col­ lection in the Trarze Region. (b) Fellow-up activities: USAID considaration of a limited follow-on project in FY 1983 is identified on page 24. The likely continuation of other donor support to assist the GTh with recurrent costs of the EP is also cited. (a) A discussion of methods for engaging in com.­ nity dECetanis expanded on pages 7 and 8. The special efforts of the team in pointing out to the comamittes such factors as incubation periods and post-vaccination reactions is noted. (3) Project unagement resposibilitiss between CUM, WATDT and WHO are spelled out on pages 22 and 23. (4) Peace Corps/Hauritaida has decided not to provide the MV mschanic/trsiner identi l ted in the PID. Referencae to Peace Corps involv -mut in the project have been deleted. The C=4 will have the responsi­ bility of ideutifting mud traininS a Mauritanian in the maintenance and repair of cold chain equipment. The project budget has beau adjusted to allow for UIZD financing of technical assista-ace for this as. pect of the project. (3) The requirements for 611 (A) are no longer applicable becaase USAID will not finance construction a! a were­ house facility. This decision was reached because of an additional operational program great of $136,000 recently given by the Council of Arab Health Ministers' to the TPI project. These CAF24 funds can be used for specialized warehouse construction because the cold storage elements required in such a varehouse will cost mere than USAID had originally budgeted. USAID will, however, provide an additional year's warehouse rental in order to provide tho time required for GTI RfO/CAHm to plan ad construct the appropriate new warehouse with revised specifications. The remainder of USAID funds identified in the PID for warehouse construction have bees shifted to prvvide for the technical assistance and training cited in section (4) above. (6) The Logical Framework has been adjusted as per the re­ cammudtiona in the PID approval cable. 3. Shifts in project: I. There is increased focm on the use of fixed-seaters as a base for vaceinatis eeverage, although mobile teams ae still as integral part of the implementation of the project its shift bas occurred partially because of thu cIMl DI­ rester of Preventive Medicine's atteudanee at the March, 1960, WO IP cowrse in Brazzaville and the additional foeam on fixed-centes repreeents a clearer integration of ummisatiou into the mtioal health services delivery system. 3. 2. There Is an additions.L grant of $136,000 to the EPI from the CAIN, Idernified above. This to an indica­ tion of the wil1ingness of other donors, particularly from the Arab countries, to support the GlEN in this effort. 3. The timetable fir phasing operations throughout the regions has been changed am reflected in the new schedule on pages 6 and 7. C. Additional modifications as & result of the Mission review of the draft PP: 1. A statement linking the EPI with interest in a possible future population program has been added to page 15.. 2. Stateoents concerning the Trarza Region BI efforts have been modified to reflect the positive and negative lessons learned in that effort. 3. The AID/W cable encouraging USAID to develop the BPX project as anAA1P Is been added as Annex J. 2. R£CCHMIEIATION: Based on the modifications that have been made In the PP for this project, it is recomended that, by your signature on the PP facesheet and the revised PID facesheet, you approve the xpanded Program of Imionization Project 625-0937, for funding of $4O,000 In FY 1980. cc: Linda Weuhauser, isDey' I. TRANSACTION CODE Aa4NCY ORn INTENNATIONAL ggVaaoRpmeNT A ADD PP -I C C1HANGI- PROJECT PAPER FACESHEET o.,TODEU. C 3 3, COUNTRYINTITY 4. DOCUMENT REVISION NUMBER MAURITANIA 1. S. PROJECT NUMNER (7 digit.) G, OUEAUOFICE 7. PROJECT TITLE tMaxomum 40 characters) r' 96 35 - A.SY--UOL U. Cool C625-0937 AR a06]E -I .XPANDED PROGRAM OF IMMUNIZATION I. ESTIMATED FY OF PROJECT COMPLET'ON 9. ESTIMATED ATE OF OBLIGATION A INITIAL Iv 6.U QUARTR J L 2 C. FINAL V S (Enter , 2. J ,f 4) 10. ESTIMATED COSTS I(000 OR EQUIVALENT SI - I FIRST FY LIFE OF PROJECT _ A. FUNDING SOURCE a, Wx C. LC O. TOTAL C wx or L'C 0. TOTAL AID APPROPRIATED TOTAL 263 137 400 263 137 400 GRANTI 1 263 I 137 400 LI 263 3 137 1 400 I LoANI I I I I 'I I I II I OTHER -------- U.S. 2 WOST COUNTRY 100 100 209 209 OTHER DONORISI .. .. 7______ TOTALS 263 35U 712 4Z5 113T 11.PROPOSED BUDGET APooPqlATED FUNDS 40001 H. NO pyY K. 3RD FY....- A. APPRO. U. PRIMARY PRIMARY TECH. CODE S. IST FY,_ PURPOSE _ PRIATION, I-_ J. LOAN L. GRANT M. LOAN CODE C GRANT 0 . A0AN • GRANT G. .. 0AN GR4ANT' (1) SH 513 4U- TOTALS r--. 12. IN-DEPTH EVAL- N. 4T 9Y_ Q,5TH FY. LIFE OF PROJECT UATION SCHEDULED A. APPROPRIATION AI 0. 3ANT P LO.AN R GRANT S. LO AN T GRANT U. LOAN ()I 400 131 _m _ 075j j 18 11y~ TOTALS 13. DATA CHANGE INDICATOR. WERE CHANGES MADE IN THE PlO FACESHEET DATA. BLOCKS 12, 13, 14. OR IS OR IN PRP FACESHEET DATA. BLOCK 12? IF YES, ATTACH CHANGED PIO FACESHEET. y1. OR(GINATI". OFFICE CLEARANCE IS. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN AID W. OR FOR AID/W DOCU- SIGNATURE MENTS. DATE OF DISTRIBUTION TITLE Mi~s o DATE SIGNED TT son Director Di,li,~ i0Tll0 18 L AID 1330.4 13.761 AG"NCY FOR INTURNATIONA. OKV- .OPMKNT 1. TRANSALTION CODE DOCUMENT PROJECT IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT A a Add Revision N. CODE FACESHEET (PID) ID n. Delee 2OOUNTRY/E Y 3. PROJECT NUMBER MAURITANIA C6z5-0937 charcters) 4. BUR.AUJOFFICE A. Symbol B.Code 5. PROJECT TITLE (maximum 40 APR [:6] [EXPANDED pR)GRAM OF IMMUNIZATION EQUIVALENT, $1 w 6. ESTIMATED FY OF AUTHORIZATION/OBL-GATION/COMPLETION 7. ESTIMATED COSTS (8000 OR FUNDING SOURCE LIFE OF PROJECT 400 A.Inlal FY A.AID Other I 13. Final FY PPI________ C. Host Country 209 C. PACD L D.Other Donor(s) 528 TOTAL f 1137 8. PROPOSED BUDGET AID FUNDS (5000) E. LIFE OF PROJECT C. PRIMARY TECIL CODE D. ISTFY 80 PRA.IAPTRO-APPRO B. PURPOSEPRIMARY ____________ PRIATION CODE 1. Grant 2. Loan 1. Grant 2. Loan 1.Grant 2. Loan ) SH 513 55_ 400 ' _.. UO (2) (4)4 TOTALS - 400 0 TECHNICAL CODES (maximum 6 codes o,3 positions each) 10. SECONDARY PURPOSE CODE 9. SECONDARY55 II I I_____________ 11. SPECIAL CONCERNS CODES (maximum 7 codes of 4 positions each) A.I I I B. Amiouni 400 12. PROJECT PURPOSE (maximum 480 chm'acters) To REDUCE THE INCIDENCE OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AMONG MAURITANIAN CH1ILDREN BELW THE AGE OF SIX YEARS 13. RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Staff: Funds 14. Sgaue15. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVEI ORIGINATING AIDIW, OR FOR AID/W DOCU- MENTS. DATE OF DISTRIBUTIC OFFICE Tite D S CLEARANCE Assion DirectorDDYDD Y 16. PROJECT DOCUMENT ACTION TAKEN 17. COMMENTS S Supended CA a Conditionally Approved AmApproved DD 0Decion Deferred D= Di. -oved SlgONre 19. ACTION REFERENCE 20. ACTION DATE 18. ACTION•AT APPROVED Title MM DD AMD 1330.2 (8-79)­ ACTION MEMORANDUM FOR THE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR FOR AFRICA FROM: AFR/SFWA, Jim Kelly SUBJECT: Mauritania Expan d Program of Immunization (625-0937) Waiver Request REFERENCES: (A)Nouakchott 00712 (B)Dakar 05573 (C)State 263664 Problem: Your approval is requested for a procurement source/origin waiver from Geographic Code 000 (U.S.
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