S1186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 12, 2019 the inclusion of the Frank and Jeanne RECESS and Water Conservation Fund and the Moore Salmon Sanctuary. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under protection of Paradise Valley. In fact, As anybody who works on public the previous order, the Senate stands Paradise Valley is the doorstep to Yel- lands legislation knows, sometimes it in recess until 2:15. lowstone National Park, our Nation’s is hard to find a balance in order to get Thereupon, the Senate, at 12 noon, first national park. That would be found in the Yellowstone Gateway Pro- public lands legislation passed. Nobody recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- bled when called to order by the Pre- tection Act. gets everything they want. Nobody Growing up, I spent a lot of time in siding Officer (Mrs. CAPITO). gets everything they believe they that part of our State. I still do. I love ought to have. The question is, can you f fly fishing on the Yellowstone River. In bring people together. NATURAL RESOURCES fact, when I was in high school, I load- I am going to close by way of saying MANAGEMENT ACT—Continued ed up the station wagon—in fact, I I have highlighted a number of provi- think probably the Griswolds’ station The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sions that I am glad we got in here. It wagon by today’s standards—and, with ator from Montana. was 10 years earlier when then-Presi- a couple of my classmates from Boze- dent Obama signed seven pieces of pub- S. 47 man High—we had our homecoming lic lands legislation that I was the lead Mr. DAINES. Madam President, dinner before we went to the home- author of. So these opportunities don’t there is a lot that I love about my coming dance there in Chico, MT. come along all the time. State, Montana. It is where I grew up. This package also increases sports- In fact, it is where—my great-great- men’s access to public lands, which is There are additional protections that grandmother came from Minnesota and something that is so important to the I wish were in this bill we will vote on homesteaded just north of Great Falls. sports men and women of Montana. in a few hours. I particularly wanted It is where my dad and my grandpa This is a historic win for Montana. In further protections for the Rogue and taught me how to fly fish and to hunt. fact, it is one of the biggest conserva- the Molalla Rivers. I want to say to the It is where I got to attend college, in tion wins we have seen in arguably a people I am so honored to represent at fact, at Montana State University. It is decade. It is what is going to help pre- home that as soon as we get this done, where I went to kindergarten through serve our access to our public lands. we are going to go back and start high school—in Bozeman. In fact, it is These are the treasures of our great building support to get those protec- where I proposed to my sweet wife State. tions through Congress in the future, Cindy on Hyalite Peak. It was about I very much look forward to casting and I am optimistic that if we can have 71⁄2 miles up and 71⁄2 miles back. It was my vote this afternoon when we pass it the same kind of cooperation I have about a 15-mile day that day we got en- here in the Senate. This public lands been talking about this morning, we gaged, July 31, 1986. It is where Cindy package is a product of years of effort. can get them across the finish line. and I raised our four children. In fact, Over 100 different pieces of legislation This public lands bill may not be per- speaking of children, it is more re- have been put together from the local fect, but it is a major accomplishment. cently where I walked my daughter level, grassroots moving its way up, to If you had told me, in a polarized polit- Annie down the aisle in Churchill, MT, our now having a chance to vote on ical climate like the one we have last October. Montana is a part of me. that right here for final passage in the today, that we could get a permanent It is home. U.S. Senate. I urge my colleagues on authorization for the Land and Water But what I am here to talk about both sides of the aisle to do the same. Conservation Fund, I would have said, today is something that Montanans We are blessed to be home to so many ‘‘No way. Can’t happen,’’ but now we like me love most about our State, and public lands in Montana, and we must have real protection for, as it is called, that is our public lands, because in a do all we can to protect them and en- LWCF. place like Montana, our public lands sure Montanans have access to these are a way of life. Our public lands are public lands. I am just going to close by men- Madam President, I yield the floor. tioning, finally, my friend, our late Re- where Montanans make memories with The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- publican Governor, Tom McCall. He their families, their loved ones, and ator from Iowa. their friends. Montana’s public lands embodied—and you see it in this book, RECOGNIZING IOWA ‘‘Fire at Eden’s Gate: The Oregon are where we take our kids on the Ms. ERNST. Madam President, dur- Story.’’ Tom McCall, a Republican, em- weekends. In fact, they are where we ing this Valentines Day week, folks bodied Oregon’s long and proud history spend at least a week every August off around the country are taking a mo- of conservation. the beaten path in the Beartooth Wil- ment to express their love to one an- derness. They are where Cindy and I I want to close by saying the reason other. I have the great fortune to be will take a couple of dogs and take the junior Senator from the great I focused on Tom McCall this morning along our kids now, as they have got- is that he is part of a historical legacy. State of Iowa, so I wanted to take a ten older, if they have time. If not, moment to share just how much I love Sometimes, over the last few years, I Cindy and I go off with our two dogs have gotten the sense that that histor- my home State of Iowa. and spend time in the high country. We Iowa truly is where my heart is, from ical principle that protecting public do that every summer. lands was not a partisan issue—some- its beautiful farmland to its streams Our public lands are where we grow and rolling hills, Boyden to Brandon, times I felt it was just slipping away. up learning to love the outdoors, and Today, it seems to me, we are pushing Fairview, Farragut, and Fort Madison, they are where we still continue to and Keokuk to Rock Rapids and all the back. We are headed in the right direc- pass on that outdoor heritage to our places in between. Iowa has been so tion, and protecting the special places children and our grandchildren. Mon- very good to me, and it has so much to my home State is known for is some- tana’s public lands play a major role in offer. Nothing is better to me than thing that gives me great pride. It is what makes our State so great. grabbing a slice of our hometown also something you bring some humil- For anyone who has time and has Casey’s pizza and catching a sunset on ity to because Tom McCall was in a been fortunate enough to enjoy the Big a beautiful Iowa day or on a snowy cold league of his own with respect to pro- Sky Country’s public lands, I am sure one if you happen to be there right tecting our treasures, and I am very you would agree that we must continue now. I could spend hours mentioning glad today, with the Oregon provisions to cherish and protect those very lands the things I love about Iowa, but I in this bill, we can build on Tom we love in every way possible. That is wanted to take the time to mention McCall’s legacy. I am proud to have why I am thrilled that this afternoon just a few. been able to play a role in making sure the Senate is going to vote on a very I love how Iowans are politically en- those provisions that help Oregon and important, bipartisan public lands gaged. There is a reason why the Iowa our country have been included in this package that includes some important caucuses are the heartbeat of Amer- bill. provisions for Montana, such as the ica’s political scene and why politi- I yield the floor. permanent reauthorization of the Land cians line up to eat corn dogs, fried VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:56 Feb 13, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G12FE6.014 S12FEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE February 12, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1187 Oreos, and hot beef sundaes at our im- be to navigate the bureaucracy and enjoy a wonderful meal than the great pressive Iowa State Fair.
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